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Whom God would sorely vex, He endows with abundant good sense.

-Yiddish Proverb

We all know someone who is unlucky. One of those pour souls who can never seem to outrun the dark cloud that follows them around no matter how hard they try; the proverbial “Schlep rock”. There was a time in my life when I wouldn’t believe such people actually existed, choosing rather to believe that these types were simply victims of their own impatience, inexperience, or incompetence. Over the last 17 years I have learned otherwise. I am pretty much convinced that certain people have an innate propensity for mishap. No, I am not one of these people, but I am married to one. My wife is not an airhead, dingbat or anything of the sort. We all make mistakes, have lapses in judgment and make poor decisions once in a while. This constitutes the lions’ share of what we commonly refer to as “the human condition.”, but some peoples’ uncanny “ability” to become entangled in undesirable circumstances goes far beyond what bad luck or coincidence can explain away.

After living with Nancy and being caught up in her boundless mishaps for the better part of two decades I have learned a few things. Most importantly, the desire to overcome adversity is paramount for survival. Secondly, understanding and embracing your place in the universe and who you really are will bring clarity and sanity to your life. Finally, don’t ever take yourself too seriously. Cling tightly to your sense of humor, as it will prop you up when nothing else can. Life is too short to sweat the small stuff, even when trouble comes calling.

Here Comes Trouble

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