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Chapter 5


A shower and a change of clothes. Easy to say, harder to execute with the way pain was pulsing up from his fingertips. He glanced at Mel Parrish, who was gazing out the window of his hotel room toward the pool area ten floors below. What would she say if he were to ask if she’d mind helping him undress, suds up and towel dry? If she minded following up on that tease of a kiss that had sucked the oxygen from his lungs as effectively as the fire? Would she give him that cool, assessing stare and say no problem?

Maybe she would.

“I’ll be just a minute.”

He had started for the bathroom when she said his name. She called him Alex. No one had called him that for longer than he could remember. Except his parents, who would always see him as the awkward Alex rather than the coldly confident Xander he’d worked so hard to cultivate. He didn’t correct her. He liked the way she pronounced it, all soft instead of the crisp-cut syllables of his new persona.

“Here. I brought these for you to use.”

He stared at the plastic bags and rubber bands, not understanding.

“Put them over your hands to keep the dressings dry. Unless you want me to reapply the salve.”

The threat made him grimace. “No, thanks. And thanks.”

She released a shaky breath after the bathroom door closed and she heard the shower turn on full blast. She’d been about to say, Let me know if you need any help. Help to do what, exactly? She glanced restlessly at the closed door, angrily denying that what she wanted was to help herself to her quixotic client. She paced, thoughts prowling aggressively, until the water shut off and a long silence followed. Finally, he emerged, dressed in dark slacks with his crisp white shirt unbuttoned, his black hair slicked back and gleaming wetly. He struggled for a moment with a bottle then extended it to her in frustration.

“I can’t get this.”

She took the bottle, popped the plastic childproof top and shook out four of the pain relievers. He reached for them, hand unsteady, and was quick to swallow them. Observing the pinch of pain about his mouth and eyes, she asked, “Are you sure you don’t need a prescription, something with a little more kick?”

“No, this is fine.”

But he was far from fine and not happy that she knew it. Intuiting that he wouldn’t ask for further assistance short of dialing 9-1-1, she relieved him of the embarrassment of asking by stepping up closer and efficiently buttoned his shirt over the temptation of a truly amazing chest while he stood still and silent. Before he could object, she unbuckled his pants and tucked the shirttails in with a brisk efficiency. As he stared down at her, not breathing, she zipped him back up and impersonally patted his taut middle.

“There. The rest shouldn’t be difficult for you.”

What was difficult was expelling his breath in a steady stream.

Their second attempt at a flight to California went smoothly. Xander sat in the back, staring moodily out the window on the way there and slept with what appeared to be a fierce concentration on the way back. She waited in the lobby while he had the contents of his case placed in a hotel safe-deposit box and it was there he said a clipped good-night to her. As he turned away, she snagged him with that quiet call of his name.

“Business casual.”


“Dress for tomorrow night. Unless you’d prefer escort service.”

At his slight smile when he caught the reference, she added, “Drive or fly?”

“I’ll meet you there. I’m looking up a friend for drinks afterward.”

Her features remained carefully neutral. “Fine. Seven.” She told him the address. He didn’t write it down. Then, with a nod and the small curve of his smile, he disappeared into the mob on the casino floor.

A collection of Tahoe’s elite gathered in the multilevel gallery in the silent shadow of the off-season ski runs to nibble on canapés, sip fairly decent champagne and stroll amongst Karen Parrish’s paintings, admiring and making small talk. Mel could spend hours gazing at her cousin’s ethereal landscapes, but after the first five minutes, her tolerance for chitchat was expended. The only things that made it bearable were the sounds of her cousin’s laughter and the man she pretended not to be watching for.

“You just missed Quinn. He could only stay for a minute.”

Mel smiled tightly, forgiving her cousin for the softening of her voice and heart. And head. Karen was usually so much smarter. But she’d always had an unrequited yearning where the Texas playboy was concerned. “Probably just as well considering civil conversation is out of the question between us.”

“Then what is between you?”

Mel was busy sifting through the new arrivals and missed the edge to the question. “A good right hook, if I had my way. Naylor’s a pain in the behind. Always was. Always will be.”

Warrior For One Night

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