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“Your grandmother needs you,” Joe said.


“I’m not sure that’s true.”

“How can you deny it?” Joe asked, incredulous. “She’s over eighty years old. She’s not going to live forever.”

“Of course not,” Susannah snapped. ”But I can’t step in and take over her life. I have no right to march in here and boss her around!”

“To save her life, you have the right to do a lot of things.”

“I don’t feel that way,” Susannah said staunchly, wondering how she could have imagined Joe Santori was an attractive man. “My grandmother’s life is hers to live, not mine.”

“I suppose we should be grateful for small favors,” Joe muttered. “Your grandmother is obviously living a full and happy life, while you’re only worried about catching your flight to the Caribbean. It beats me how you ended up in the same family!”

“It beats me how you ended up in the human race. You’re obviously a superior being—in your own mind at least!” She stormed up the stairs.

Monkey Wrench

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