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I love to smell flowers in the dark... You get hold of their soul then.

Lucy Maud Montgomery

BESS ALMOST TRIPPED on the uneven sidewalk.

It had been four days since Daniel, the villain, had said he was kicking her out of her home. Okay—not fair. They were selling her apartment. An hour ago he’d called and said he had the asking price. They were meeting at Becca’s Coffee Shop.

Didn’t Daniel remember what had happened here? Ten years ago, this had been Dora’s Café. Bess had run into Daniel here and he’d looked so sad, she’d been determined to cheer him up. Even though he’d been in college, she’d invited him to a party on Tybee.

He’d been hers for exactly six hours. Six wonderful hours until midnight. Then, after losing her virginity, the magic had disappeared. Daniel had been appalled that they’d had sex. He’d left her broken and rejected.

His words echoed in her head. I can’t believe I lost control. This should never have happened. It won’t happen again.

Even after his rejection, the next weekend she’d driven to Georgia Tech, hoping to convince him that they could be together.

Daniel had humiliated her. He’d accused her of getting him drunk. She was the reason he’d been out of control. Because of her pushing, they’d slept together. When he was around her, he lost sight of right from wrong.

That four-hour drive back to Savannah had been the worst time of her life.

Bess shook her head, shook away the past. Was Daniel really so cruel that he wouldn’t recognize where the worst night of her life had started?

The door jangled as she entered. After buying a cup of tea, she found an open table.

Daniel walked in wearing a Braves ball cap, and T-shirt and jeans that outlined the muscles he’d developed since the last time she’d touched him. It wasn’t fair that he was the hottest man in the coffee shop.

He nodded and headed to the counter.

Anger bubbled up inside her like a boiling kettle. She shoved it away. All she wanted was the price of her apartment. Then she’d leave.

After getting a glass of something cold, he headed to her table. “Hey, Bess.”

“How much are you asking for my apartment?” Her mouth almost puckered from the bitter words.

“I’m fine.” Daniel glared. “Thanks for asking.”

“Neither of us can stand to be in the same room for more than five minutes.” She flipped her braid down her back. “Especially not here.”

“What are you talking about?” He truly looked puzzled.

“You’ve forgotten?” Typical.

“Forgotten what?”

“This used to be Dora’s.” She pressed her lips together. “The night I invited you to the party.”

His mouth dropped open. “I forgot. I would never...”

She let out a shaky sigh. A least Daniel hadn’t picked the spot on purpose.

She waved a hand. “What’s the asking price?”

He pulled out a flyer and slid it across the table.

She skipped through the pictures and legalese, searching for the third-floor unit price. Her heart nearly stopped. “Two hundred and fifty thousand?”

He nodded. “We kept it low based on the comps in the area.”

Low? Her hand shook. The amount sounded insurmountable. “Can I keep this?”

“Sure. It’s the mock-up.” He reached for her fist but jerked his hand away as if she were poison oak.

Her teeth ground together. “You think I can’t qualify for a mortgage.”

“I guess...” He blinked. “You and your sisters have so much cash tied up in Fitzgerald House.”

“I make a good living.” But she didn’t. Acid burned in her gut. Her job was finished in a week and a half.

“I can ask around for available apartments,” he offered.

“No, thanks.” Now that she knew the asking price, she’d contact mortgage companies.

“You could move in with Abby,” Daniel suggested, taking a sip of his tea.

Bess wanted her own space. “I’ll figure it out.”

Daniel flashed his endearing crooked smile.

Her heart beat faster. Didn’t her darn body understand that one smile from Daniel could never erase the scars from his rejections?

“Can I keep renting after September thirtieth?” Until she figured out a way to buy her apartment.

Daniel set his glass down and drew circles in the condensation. He nodded before he answered. “Sure. But you need to move your plants so we can show the place.”

“Move my plants?” An ache grew in her chest. “But I babysit a lot of those orchids.”

“What?” Daniel’s brow furrowed.

“People hire me to care for their orchids.” She leaned forward. “When they flower, I send them back.”

“I...” He pushed back his ball cap. “I’ve never heard of anything like that.”

“It’s better than throwing away a valuable plant.” She straightened her shoulders. She hated people tossing perfectly good orchids. “It’s easy money.”

He grinned again. This one probably had panties dropping throughout the café.

Not hers. Never again.


“Thanks.” Warmth from his compliment swelled in her chest. She was pitiful. He was taking away her home and a stupid compliment made her insides wiggle like jelly.

“They’re beautiful, but it looks like a jungle.” He wagged his finger. “They have to go.”

“Okay.” She rubbed between her eyes. “Maybe they’ll fit in the B and B’s sunroom.”

“You’d have to keep the apartment picked up,” he warned.


“I’ll help you move your stuff.”

Wasn’t that the story of her messed-up relationship with Daniel—first he broke her heart. Then he offered to help.

“Can I wait until after Mamma’s wedding?”

She didn’t want anyone to know about her troubles.

“I can help you move stuff on Sunday.”

Rush me, much? “In the afternoon. Late afternoon. There’s a family brunch on Sunday.”

“That works.”

She sighed. Now she needed to meet with her sisters and confess she’d lost her job and her home.

* * *

“THE ARBOR LOOKS SPECTACULAR.” Dolley stood under Bess’s ladder. “You, not so much. Get dressed. Now.” Her sister already wore her yellow chiffon halter dress.

Bess tugged the tulle until it draped down the side of the arbor. Climbing down, she took a few steps back. Then glanced over at her sister. “You look fantastic.”

Dolley twirled and the skirt flared out. “You will, too, once you’re dressed.”

“Is Mamma ready?” Bess looked at her watch. Lord, she needed to check the ballroom.

“She’s getting her hair done.” Dolley waved her off. “Go.”

Bess took the Fitzgerald carriage-house steps two at a time. She tore off her shorts and T-shirt and hopped in the shower. After scrubbing, she washed her hair and shaved, slowing down so she didn’t nick her ankles.

With a towel wrapped around her hair, she slapped Abby’s lemon verbena lotion on her legs and arms. Then she blew her hair dry. She grabbed a handful of her strawberry-blonde curls. What do I do with this mop?

Instead of making a decision, she dashed on makeup. Then she pulled on a strapless bra and underwear, wishing she’d picked a dress with straps.

“Are you ready?” Dolley called out from the living room.

“Everything but my hair.”

Her sister leaned against the bathroom doorway. “You might want to put on clothes, too.”

“My shorts?” Bess joked.

“No.” Her sister moved behind her. “Let’s put your hair up.”

“Or I could leave it down.”

Dolley grabbed a brush and binder, and tugged it through Bess’s hair. “No, up. You have a nice neck and you’re almost tan.”

“You mean my freckles are blending together.” It was the best they could hope for in a family of redheads.

Dolley pinned and hummed, spraying Bess’s hair with more hair spray than she’d used in a year. Then she pulled out sections of hair and curled them.

“Is Abby ready?” Bess craned her neck to see what Dolley was doing.

“Stop moving, and yes. She’s in the kitchen, but she’s dressed.”

“I have to check how Molly’s doing in the ballroom.” Bess tapped the counter. “Are you done?”

“Almost. Jeez.” Dolley wrapped another strand of hair around the curling iron.

“I don’t have to look great. It’s Mamma’s day.”

“It won’t hurt you to dress up. There might be good-looking men at the wedding.”

Daniel would be attending. Bess swallowed. Maybe the dress would make him see what he’d tossed aside. It would be nice to have him regret what had happened between them.

Dolley stepped away and handed her a mirror. “I’m awesome.”

Bess blinked. Her hair was all gentle swirls and soft curls around her face. “It’s...amazing.”

“I’m a genius. Hang on.” Dolley pushed her back onto the vanity chair. She rummaged in Bess’s makeup bag. “Don’t you own eyeliner?”


Dolley pulled open Abby’s perfectly organized makeup drawer. “Close your eyes.”

“Eyeliner makes me look like a raccoon.” But Bess closed her eyes.

“Sit still.” Dolley worked on her eyes, adding more eye shadow along with the liner. “There.”

Bess blinked, worried she would cry and muss Dolley’s work. “I look...” Like someone else. Her eyes were bigger, greener. “I bow to your superior hair and makeup skills.”

“You should.” Dolley hit her hair with another spritz of hair spray. “Get dressed.”

Bess pulled on a chiffon dress similar to the ones her sisters wore. Abby and Dolley had convinced her to wear the strapless design. Slipping on sparkly heels, she tugged on the short skirt. “Well?”

Dolley whistled. “You’re hot. Let’s go help Mamma.”

They headed to the Mamie Eisenhower room in the main house. Bess knocked.

Abby, wearing the same yellow dress but with straps, opened the door. “Finally. Come see how pretty Mamma looks.”

Mamma’s golden-red hair gleamed and her blue eyes sparkled. The worry from years of struggling with Fitzgerald House no longer marred her beautiful face. Her tea-length ivory dress with a full skirt made her look so young.

Bess pinned a spray of white dendrobium orchids on the side of Mamma’s hair. “You’re gorgeous.”

“I feel foolish.” Mamma twisted her hands until Bess caught one and held it. “We should have gone to the courthouse and skipped the folderol.”

“Absolutely not,” Dolley protested. “Martin better be good to you, or he’ll answer to us.”

“He’s very good to me.” Her mother blushed. “But at my age, I shouldn’t be planning such a wingding.”

“Nonsense, you have daughters in the business.” Bess kissed her cheek. “I need to check the ballroom.”

“Wait.” Abby popped the cork on a champagne bottle. “We’re celebrating before everything gets crazy.”

Bess held glasses while Abby poured. Dolley moved around the room, taking pictures of the bride.

“Is that a new camera?” Abby tried to hand Dolley a glass.

“I bought it on eBay for a steal.” She flashed the hefty camera at them.

Bess waved a hand around the group. “Set it up so we can all be in the picture.”

Dolley did, then joined the family.

“To you, Mamma.” Bess raised her glass. “Be happy.”

Mamma’s eyes filled with tears. She held up her glass. “To my girls. May you all find the happiness I’ve found.”

They touched their glasses and chimes rang out. “The Fitzgeralds.” The flash went off as they laughed.

The champagne fizzed on Bess’s tongue. “Ooh, this is nice.”

“It should be.” Abby grinned. “Gray bought a couple of special bottles.”

Bess tipped the bottle to read the label. “Dom Pérignon?” She took another sip and let it slide down. She could drink this all day. “I love it.”

“First Gray sends his family’s plane to pick us up and now this.” Mamma held up her champagne. “Private jets and drinking stars. This is the life.”

They laughed and drank until there was a knock. Marion, the B and B’s head of housekeeping, stepped in. Her dress was a shimmery copper and set off her beautiful brown skin.

“You look stunning.” Mamma hurried over and gave Marion a hug.

“There’s a glass for you, too.” Abby filled a final glass.

“We’ll have to hurry, Judge Geneva’s here.” But Marion tipped her glass to Mamma. “I’m happy for you.”

Mamma beamed. “Thank you.”

“Now we need your daughters to get married.” Marion sipped. “There should be babies here.”

Marion and Mamma linked arms and looked over at them.

Abby raised her hand. The diamond on her finger twinkled. “I’m getting there.”

Bess and Dolley looked at each other and shook their heads.

“I’m too busy to date.” Bess shrugged.

Dolley laughed. “I’m having too much fun.”

“You should never be too busy for love.” Mamma’s eyes filled. “It’s worth the risk.”

Bess wasn’t interested in taking risks, at least not for love.

“No tearing up.” Abby took Mamma’s hands. “We’ll all cry.”

They finished their champagne and hustled Mamma to the library. Bess handed small spider-mum-and-orchid bouquets to her sisters and a larger one to Mamma.

“I should check the ballroom.” Bess headed to the door.

Another knock. Gray stuck his head in and whistled. “You all look beautiful.” He came over and took Mamma’s hands. “You are a stunning bride.”

Mamma blushed.

“Are you ready?” he asked.

Mamma straightened her shoulders. “Yes.”

Gray opened the library doors to the courtyard.

White chairs fanned out from the arbor where Bess had intertwined bright yellow spider mums with more dendrobium orchids. The gardens edging the patio danced with late-summer color. White daisies nodded to black-eyed Susans. Bright zinnias and marigolds added sparks of color against lush green foliage and her small palm trees. The trio of August Beauty gardenias lived up to their name. Petunias in yellows, reds and pinks, along with vines of sweet peas and kidney weed, cascaded from tall bronze pots.

The judge, Martin and his sons took their places. The guests quieted. The fountain splashed in the background while a harpist played “Ode to Joy” accompanied by twittering birds.

Dolley glided down the white satin aisle first.

Bess kissed her mother’s cheek. “I love you, Mamma.”

“I love you, too.”

Bess moved down the aisle next, smiling. Daniel’s parents, Samuel and Debbie Forester, sat next to each other. Nathan, Daniel’s twin brother, waved. Daniel nodded. No smile. What a surprise.

Resentment surged through her like a pulsing sprinkler. Not today. Today was Mamma’s day. She took her place next to Dolley and waited for Abby to come down the aisle.

Finally, Mamma stepped out of the library. Everyone stood. Bess’s eyes filled.

Mamma glowed as she walked toward Martin. He held out his hands for her, love lighting his face. Underneath the arbor, Mamma and Martin vowed to love one another. A butterfly landed on top of the trellis as they kissed.

Bess’s tears broke free.

Abby handed her a tissue.

To the intimate group of witnesses, the judge said, “I’m pleased to introduce Mr. and Mrs. Martin and Mamie Robbins.”

The guests surged to their feet, applauding.

“Mamma’s no longer a Fitzgerald.” Bess caught Abby’s and Dolley’s hands. Having her mother change her name seemed so final.

She and her sisters moved down the aisle behind the couple and hugged and kissed them.

Photos were taken. Congratulations called out. Bess headed to the stairs.

Mamma called, “Bess?”

“Do you need something, Mamma?”

“My daughters.”

“I was—” Bess pointed to the ballroom “—checking on Molly.”

“I’m sure everything is beautiful.” Mamma handed her a glass of champagne. “You’re done working for the day.”

Bess grimaced but took the glass. Mamma didn’t know how prophetic her words were.

More friends arrived, filling the courtyard with happy conversation. Servers passed through the expanding crowd, circulating Abby’s appetizers and glasses of champagne.

“Everything is beautiful.” Deb Forester gave Bess a warm hug. “Your gardens are stunning.”

“Thank you.”

Daniel raised his glass. “Nice dress.”

“Thanks.” Bess wanted to yank up the top after Daniel’s comment. In a crowd this large, she should have been able to avoid him.

“Let’s see what Bess has done with the ballroom.” Martin and Mamma led the guests up the exterior terrace stairs.

“Wait.” Bess used this as an excuse to escape Daniel. She had to check the room before she let Mamma walk in.

Bess sneaked in the door. Her hand pressed against her chest. She and Molly had created magic.

The fragrance of flowering citrus trees saturated the air. Twinkling fairy lights covered the branches and sheer toile bows draped from each corner of the room. Pale yellow linens with matching napkins covered the tables. Marion’s crew had made the chandeliers sparkle, and they threw off rainbows as the sunlight faded. On the tables, candles surrounded tall vases of yellow spider mums, yellow roses and glowing white orchids.

Molly was packing up a box. “Have fun tonight!”

“Thank you.” Bess took a deep breath and threw open the French doors.

Her mother walked into the room and turned in a circle, her mouth open.

Oh, shoot. Her mother hated it. “I’m sorry. I should have asked you what you wanted.”

“It’s...it’s...” Mamma hugged her tight. “Oh, Bess, it’s incredible.”

Bess hugged her back, relaxing into the embrace. It was amazing how good it felt to get a compliment from her mother.

A server came by with a tray of filled flutes. “Congratulations.”

Her mother and Martin greeted guests as they came through the receiving line.

Everything was going well until she sat down for dinner. The place card said she was sitting next to Daniel. She started to rearrange the cards, but she wasn’t quick enough.

A woodsy scent warned her Daniel stood next to her. He plucked the card from her fingers. “Are you moving me?”

Daniel’s broad shoulders filled out his dark gray suit perfectly. His golden hair curled at the collar of his crisp white shirt. Shouldn’t he look like a devil? Maybe have a big twirling mustache?

“Wouldn’t you rather sit by your brother?” Her face heated up. “You don’t see him very often.”

“No.” The word was curt.

“But he’s your twin.” She looked around to see where Nathan was sitting.

Daniel placed a hand on her shoulder. “I’d rather sit here.”

She blinked. “What if I make you do something—” she wiggled her hands “—crazy?”

“We can survive sitting together for an hour.” His tone was as dry as a houseplant no one had watered for a month. “I might even manage being around you for an entire evening.”

“Fine.” The only people who needed to be happy tonight were Mamma and Martin.

Daniel took his seat and a swig from his tumbler. “Right.”

She finished her champagne. It might be the only way to get through the night.

Daniel mumbled.

She couldn’t hear over the clinking of silverware and hum of the crowd. “What?”

He leaned closer. “The room looks...pretty.”

Hours of work and he called it pretty. “Thanks.”

“So do you.” This time his gaze dropped to her cleavage but jerked back up to her face. “You look—different.”

“Dolley did a makeover.”

He leaned over and sniffed her neck. “You smell different, too.”

Bess swallowed. He knew her scent? “Abby’s lotion.”

Daniel eyebrows slid together. “Ah.”

A server handed her another glass of champagne and she took a big gulp, not taking her eyes off Daniel. What was his game now? He stared at her as if he’d never seen her before.

“Your mom looks happy.” Daniel nodded toward the couple’s table.

“She is.” Bess grinned. She should slow down on the champagne, but it was Mamma’s wedding.

They talked through dinner. Daniel had the whole table laughing. As they worked their way through salads and entrées, she relaxed. It was as if she and Daniel were kids again, free to talk and laugh together. She stared at Daniel’s lips. His mouth was so damn sexy.

She grabbed another glass of champagne. Maybe he wasn’t such a jerk after all.

* * *

DANIEL WATCHED BESS whirl around the dance floor. Her cheeks were flushed a gorgeous peach color. She was knock-me-over beautiful. Always had been. And she’d always been too young for him. She made him do and feel things he shouldn’t. He needed to stay away from her.

But her smile—even when alcohol induced—was mesmerizing. It made him want to trace her lips and count the freckles dusting her nose.

Thoughts like that didn’t lead to good things. Around her, he forgot what was important. Even when she’d just been a kid and he was helping Pop at Fitzgerald House, he’d gotten in trouble for spending too much time with Bess. She’d had a crush on him, and it had been...nice. They’d get talking—and he’d forget his work.

Bess had once talked him into climbing the live oak over at Carleton House. They’d been high enough in the tree to see into the square. When Pop had found them up in the top branches, he’d nearly burst a gasket. Pop had lectured him all the way home for letting Bess climb so high. And then he hadn’t been allowed to watch TV for a month. Nathan had loved that.

She’d stared at his mouth earlier, and the temperature in the ballroom had jumped ten degrees. She was a distraction he didn’t need. Ever.

He stopped at the bar. Joints popped as he twisted his neck. “Jameson, please.”

Gray, Abby’s fiancé, joined him. “I got through the Carleton House bid. Looks great.”

“Good.” He and Pop had gone through it one more time before sending it off. “The carriage-house work is picking up.”

“I walked through the place before the girls corralled me into setting up for the wedding.” Gray tipped his tumbler at Daniel. “I can’t wait for the walls to go up.”

“Next week.”

The three sisters rushed over, laughing. Their reddish-gold hair lit the room better than the chandeliers.

“No talking business.” Abby tugged Gray toward the dance floor. “Bess, grab Daniel and make him dance.”

Daniel shook his head. Dancing with Bess would be like grabbing hold of a live wire. Stupid.

“Go on.” Dolley gave him a push. “You haven’t danced. There aren’t many eligible guys around.”

“You can’t keep up with me.” Bess wiggled her hips. “You’re too old.”

“Old?” He knocked back the rest of his whiskey and shook his head as the liquor burned a path to his stomach. He caught her hand. “Let’s see your moves, kid.”

Bess shimmied to the music as they joined other couples on the dance floor. She was willowy and gorgeous. And when she moved, her dress tightened against her breasts. Breasts that reminded him of one insane night.

The music shifted to a jazzy slow wail. He wasn’t about to hold Bess in his arms. He turned to leave the floor.

“Come on.” She caught his hand. Her hazel eyes sparkled with gold in the ballroom’s dim light. “You boasted you could be around me for an entire evening.”

He should run. Instead he stepped close and her hands slid around his neck. Like a jigsaw puzzle, her curves fit his angles.

He sucked in the heady scents of lemon, flowers and earth. This was a mistake, but he couldn’t pull away.

They were too close for a friendly dance. Close enough for him to feel her nipples, hard and firm under her dress. His leg slipped between hers.

She looked at him through half-closed eyes. “I hate you, you know.”

He exhaled. “I know.”

He didn’t want her to hate him. They’d just—made a mess of things ten years ago. Hell, he’d been in college. She’d only been seventeen.

The memory had his arousal easing off.

Ten years ago, he’d been grieving. Bess had caught him at Dora’s and invited him to a party, and they’d both gotten drunk.

After their disastrous night, he’d limited himself to two drinks in an evening.

The music ended and he cupped an arm under her elbow and led her off the floor.

“Dancing with me didn’t kill you, did it?” she teased.

Almost. “No.”

She reached for another full flute.

“Maybe you should slow down,” he suggested.

Her eyes shot green fire at him and she drained half the glass. “It’s my mother’s wedding.”


She waved wildly and smacked his shoulder. “There’s Nathan.”

“He’s been here all night.” Daniel had kept his distance from his twin. Life was easier with Nathan in Atlanta.

“Hey, baby brother.” Nathan slung his arm over Bess’s shoulder.

Bess laughed. “You’re twins.”

“But I—” Nathan sketched a drunken bow “—am five minutes older. And a better dancer.”

Nathan shoved his drink at Daniel and pulled Bess onto the dance floor.

Bess and Nathan bumped, wiggled and twirled. Daniel hated watching them together.

He sipped the whiskey Nathan had handed him. Maybe drinking would make the night end.

* * *

BESS WAS PRETTY close to drunk. Yup. Her lips were tingly and she couldn’t stop smiling. Maybe Daniel was right. Maybe she should stop. She carefully set the champagne flute down. For once, she didn’t have to clean the ballroom. She spun, her hands in the air.

“Whoa there, little girl.” Samuel Forester caught her arm. “You’re making me dizzy.”

“My mamma got married.”

“I know.” Samuel chuckled. “I saw them.”

She let him lead her near the door.

“Daniel,” Samuel called.

Bess pouted. After dancing, Daniel had ignored her. Whenever Nathan danced with her, Daniel glared at them. She swore he’d looked hurt when she’d told him she hated him.

Naw. That would imply he had a heart.

“What do you need, Pop?” Daniel said.

“Are you heading back to your apartment?” Samuel said.

Daniel didn’t live in an apartment. His dad knew that. Bess stared at Daniel’s deep blue-and-purple tie. She liked the colors. And it looked perfect with his gray suit.

“Bess?” Daniel said loudly. “Are you staying here?”

“We’re all full up. Wedding guests are tucked in every room.”

The Forester men whispered.

“Can you drive?” Samuel asked her.

“Oh, no. I’m walking home.” She shook her head. “Nope, nope. Not safe to drive.”

“We know,” Daniel said. “And no, I’m not driving, either. I’ll walk her back and catch a cab home.”

Samuel gave her a hug. “Take aspirin before you head to bed tonight.”

As Samuel walked away, she saluted. “Aye, aye, sir.”

“Where are your shoes?” Daniel asked.

She looked at her feet and wiggled her glittery toes. “I don’t know.”

Daniel propped her against the wall. Other than the servers and cleaners, they were the last two people in the room.

“These yours?” Daniel held her pretty high heels.

She grinned. He was so darn handsome. Why did she hate him? “Those are mine. They sparkle.”

“Just like you.” He handed them to her.

She hooked her fingers into the straps. “I sparkle?”

“Yes.” He pointed to her shoes. “You need to wear them.”

She wrinkled her nose. “My feet hurt.”

He tugged her to the elevator. “Before we head out to the street, you need to put them on.”

She scowled. “Okay.”

He stopped at the kitchen door and knelt at her feet. “Shoes.”

“My prince,” she giggled. She put her hand on top of Daniel’s head and slipped her feet into her shoes. “Ouch.”

“Toughen up, Fitzgerald.” He guided her outside into her gardens.

She inhaled deeply. “I love the smell.”

“It smells like you,” he said.

Twirling again, she tipped her head back. “I love my gardens.”

She was dizzy by the time he took her arm. “Time to get you to bed.”

“Oh, promises, promises.”

The arm he’d slipped around her waist tightened. “Come on.”

Why couldn’t he be nice like this all the time?

Her heels clacked on the sidewalk. “It’s quiet.”

“It’s almost one thirty.”

She leaned into his chest and inhaled. She’d know his woody scent in the dark. “I didn’t think Savannah slept.”

His laugh rumbled under her cheek. “I think that’s New York.”

She hummed “New York, New York” as they walked another block. They cut through Columbia Square. She stumbled on the uneven pavement, pain zinging through her toes.

His fingers tightened around her waist.

She had to get these shoes off—now. She bent down.

He pulled her up. “You can’t walk barefoot.”

She stamped her foot. “Ow, ow, ow.”

She kicked the heels off and hopped to the fountain, stepping over the edge.

“What are you doing?” He glared, pointing at her shoes.

“Cooling my feet.” She kicked in the water and pointed at him. “Mamma said if we frowned, our faces would freeze like that.”

“Right.” He reached for her. “Out of there.”

She grabbed his hand with both of hers, but slipped backward.

Daniel stumbled forward under her weight. His shin smacked the fountain’s brick edge.

She let go of him and grabbed the ledge.

His body kept moving. He did a shuffle step a dancer would be proud to have in their repertoire, boogying too close to the fountain wall.

He was going to face-plant into the fountain.

She reached for him.

He rolled, his feet splashing into the water. Slumping on the fountain’s edge, he stared at his shoes.

“Oh, gracious.” Her hand covered her mouth.

Daniel cursed.

“I...I didn’t mean to pull you in with your shoes on.” She giggled.

“Damn it, Bess.” He stood, his lips set in a solid grim line.

“Daniel.” She backed up but didn’t move fast enough.

The world spun, and he threw her over his shoulder.

Her breath whooshed out. “Hey!”

“You’re going home.” He crouched and swept up her shoes.

“Put me down.” She wiggled and squirmed. When he didn’t stop walking, she pounded his back.

“Cut it out.”

Her stomach gurgled. “I don’t want to be sick.”

He swore again, but stopped. Sliding her body over his shoulder, he cradled her against his chest. “When will you think before you act?”

“When you learn to lighten up.” There wasn’t any heat behind her words.

He stared down at her. “I’m an adult.”

She smiled. “The water felt wonderful.”

He sighed. His shoes made squishing sounds as he carried her.

“I’m sorry you got wet.”

He grunted.

She looked at his chin. It was such a nice chin. And his lips were full and firm. He probably kissed even better than he had ten years ago. She touched his dimple. “I’m sorry.”

“What are you doing, Fitzgerald?” His voice was deeper than normal.

“Apologizing.” She sighed.

He lifted her higher and his hand pressed against her breast. “Sorry.”

“S’okay.” She kicked her feet. Had a guy ever carried her anywhere? She burrowed in closer. “Am I too heavy?”

He grunted again.

She leaned her head back to look at the Spanish moss in the trees. “I think Savannah wouldn’t be Savannah without the moss. And the flowers.”

“Savannah wouldn’t be Savannah without the architecture.”

“Spoken like a man who builds things.”

He juggled her body and opened the door. As he climbed the stairs, his breath came out in pants. He set her down in front of her door. “You had to pick the third floor.”

She waited for him to open the door. And waited.

“Key?” he asked.

She blinked. “My keys are at Abby’s.”

Daniel banged his head against the door.

“Don’t.” She grabbed his shoulders. She’d touched him more tonight than she had in the last ten years.

“Wait.” He dug his keys out of his pocket.

“You label your keys.” She stared at his key ring. Who did that? “With a label maker.”

“Be glad. This way I don’t have to search.”

He unlocked her door and pushed it open.

“My hero.” She fluttered her eyelashes. Since he’d carried her like Rhett Butler, she could give him a little Scarlett.

“Yeah, yeah. Get in there.” He pulled her inside and the door clicked behind her.

“No, really.” She took his hands, serious now. “Thank you for seeing me home.”

There was something hypnotic about his brown eyes. It was the gold flecks she only saw when she stood so close they shared the same air.

He slid his hands up to her shoulders. “Not a problem.”

She couldn’t rip her gaze away. When he stared at her mouth, her tongue touched her upper lip. A shiver raced through her body.


He stepped closer—or she did. The gold in his eyes darkened and disappeared.

She stood on her aching toes and kissed him.

A Savannah Christmas Wish

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