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People in the Book


Roman Citizens and their Families

The Emperor Nero; his wife, the Empress Poppaea

Ofonius Tigellinus, Praefect of the Praetorian Guards

Junius Gallio, ex-Proconsul of Achaea

Flavious Crispus, a Senator; his daughter, Flavia; his mother, Domina Aelia; his cousin,

Flavi Flavius Scaevinus, a Senator

Aelius Balbus, a Senator; his son, Marcus Aelius Candidus, an Officer in the Praetorian Guards

Annaeus Lucan, a poet, Gallio’s nephew

Tertius Satellius, a tanner; his wife, Megalis

Casperius, a prison official

Eprius, a City Guard

Marulla, a poor citizen’s wife

Sextus Papinius Calvinus, an Italian citizen

Antonius Paulus, or Paul, a Provincial citizen

Non-Citizens and Freedmen or Freedwomen

Beric, son of Caradoc or Caratacus, King of East Britain; his brother Clinog

Erasixenos, an Alexandrian

Luke, a Provincial doctor

Claudia Acté, Nero’s freedwoman

Asteropé, daughter of one of Nero’s nurses

Lalage, a professional dancer, Claudia Acté’s freedwoman; her accompanist, Sophrosyne

Phineas-bar-Gedaliah, owner of a fish-shop; his wife, Sapphira; his father, Gedaliah-bar-Jorim, a carpet weaver; his brothers, Amariah and Jorim, and his sister-in-law, Joanna; his mother, Tabitha, and his sister, Noumi, all carpet weavers

Hadassa, a widow

Blephano, Toxilus, Cario and Harpax, prison officials

Montanus, the overseer at Aelius Balbus’s house

Nausiphanes, a tutor; Eunice, a baker; freedman and freedwoman of Flavius Crispus

Euphemia, a shopkeeper

Rhodon, a metal-worker

Sotion, a rent-collector

Carpus, a potter


Hermeias, a secretary; Manasses; Argas; Phaon, son of Eunice; Lamprion; Sannio; Mikkos; Pistos; Persis, a ladies’ maid; Josias and Dapyx, kitchen slaves; and others: all slaves belonging to Flavius Crispus

Felicio, a secretary; Niger, Zyrax and others, litter slaves: all slaves belonging to Aelius Balbus

Abgar, a runaway; and many others

The Blood Of The Martyrs

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