Читать книгу Modern Romance September 2016 Books 5-8 - Natalie Anderson, Carol Marinelli - Страница 15



SIX FOOT THREE of sulking Sheikh boarded the plane.

Kedah did not need the complication of Felicia.

But he had tasted her now.

And she did not need the arrogance of him.

She wanted him, though.

They sat on his private jet and her skin was prickling—so much so that she almost went through her bag for antihistamines, till she realised this was no allergic reaction. She was on fire for him.

The take-off was smooth and he glanced up as a flight attendant came over.

‘Can I get you anything, Your Highness?’

‘Shaii.’ Kedah asked for tea, and it was served in a long crystal glass and cold, as he liked it. It was refreshing and sweet but not soothing.

He took out the diamond that he carried and tapped it on the gleaming table. He saw Felicia glance over.

‘That’s a pretty elaborate worry bead.’

‘I told you,’ a surly Kedah replied. ‘I never worry.’

The tapping resumed as he pulled up a file.

Not any old file.

He had been working on this for years, for it was Zazinia as he envisaged it.

Every plan he had submitted had been rejected, every vision he’d had for his home discounted, and they were all compiled in this one stunning display. He sat there watching as buildings rose before his eyes and bridges connected them. He had designed all the infrastructure—the roads and railways were splendidly linked—and yet none of it had been implemented. At every turn he had been thwarted. This was the reason Kedah was rarely home.

He closed the file and worked instead on a skyline that he could change. He started on some preliminary designs for his latest Dubai project.

He was considering linking the hotels—either with a monorail or possibly a tunnel. It would be a huge venture. Yet Felicia was right. Why link two hotels that were basically the same? Now, thanks to her, the gender was no longer clear, for he was thinking of a more recreational facility. One families or couples might choose to visit.

His plane was usually a second office, but she was invading his headspace. She was even influencing his hotel’s design. So he closed the file. Hussain could work on it further, or tell him outright if he was dreaming too big, Kedah decided.

He opened his email and flicked over to Felicia the files he wanted her to tidy up. He added a message telling her that he wanted her to write a cover note for Hussain, but then, distracted, realised he’d sent the wrong file.

For the first time since leaving the hotel he spoke to her.

‘Delete the last email I sent,’ Kedah said. ‘The information I want you to forward to Hussain is in the one I am sending now.’

Always he could separate work and pleasure.

Not today.

He looked over to her and saw that the dress she was wearing was modest, but it would not be suitable for his home.



‘Did I tell you about the dress code in Zazinia?’

‘You did.’ She nodded. ‘I’ll change closer to when we land.’ She turned and rather pointedly looked out of the window rather than prolonging their conversation.

‘I’m going for a rest,’ he told her. Normally Kedah just stalked off and it was left to Felicia to guess where he’d gone.

She turned and their eyes met as he stood and headed to the bedroom. He halted when he got to the door.

‘There are three more hours’ flying time,’ he said. ‘Is that sufficient for you?’

He walked into the bedroom and Felicia went into her bag and took out a book. But the words all ran into each other and after a few minutes of pretending she put the book down.

There were moments in life from which you knew there would be no coming back.

If she entered his suite it would be one of those moments, she knew, for his kiss had offered her more than a glimpse of what it would be like to be with him.

He assumed she had slept with previous clients because she had let him assume that.

And she was lying to herself now, Felicia knew, by telling herself she could handle this.

Yet she had to.

He came with a warning, and he had stated the same.

This would end—and no doubt at a time of his choosing.

She sat for a moment and accepted that fact.

Desire won.

And yet she did have rules.

She wanted to be behind that door, wanted her time with him, and so she stood and headed to the bedroom.

She didn’t knock. Instead she walked in. And there on the bed lay Kedah as she had never seen him before.

He had a sheet covering his lower half, but she knew that he was naked beneath the sheet. For now she just stood and stared at him and took in his beauty.

His chest was toned and there was a smattering of dark hair across it. His nipples were a deep shade of red and he was utterly exquisite. She followed the dark trail down, and through the sheet she could see the thick length of him against his thigh. The thought of him inside her was intensely thrilling.

‘Undress,’ he told her, and his voice had a rasp of impatience for she had kept him waiting again.

‘Not yet,’ she said, and then she stated her case. ‘Kedah, as long as we last, there’s only me...’

He just stared.

‘If you see someone else, don’t expect me back in your bed.’

‘I shan’t.’

His response was surprising. She had expected debate, or for him to state that he would do as he pleased.

‘I have no interest in others...’ He didn’t. He hadn’t in a while. ‘I do have to marry, though.’

‘I know you do.’

‘So how about a long fling before that...?’

It was what she wanted—more than she had expected—and yet a warning sounded in her head, because it was already more than sex for her, and a prolonged affair with Kedah could only hurt more in the end.

‘A fidelity trial?’ he said.

She wanted his kiss. She wanted him to stand and kiss her to oblivion as he undressed her with skilled ease. Yet he did not.

‘Take off your shoes,’ he told her, and she stood there for a few seconds before doing so. ‘Now undo your buttons...’

‘I do know how to undress myself,’ she snapped. Her voice was tense, and her head felt as if she had stepped off a merry-go-round.

He was nothing like any lover she had known, and that secretly thrilled her.

‘Undo the buttons,’ he said, but with less patience this time.

Her hands were shaking as she undid the row of buttons at the side of her dress, and the tension in the air made her almost dizzy.

She recalled that tone now. It was the same one he had used on the day they had first met, when he had told her to sit back down and that he hadn’t finished with her yet. The effect was the same, and yet multiplied a thousandfold.

‘Take it off over your head.’

‘It doesn’t come off that way.’

And instead she peeled it down the arms and her dress slid to the floor. She stood there, cross with herself for doing as she was told, yet angrily awaiting further instruction.

‘Nice bra,’ Kedah said. ‘Now, take it off.’


He flashed her a look as he moved to stand and she took in a long breath. It was the kind of breath she might take in private, before making a difficult phone call. The kind of breath she might take before opening the door to a stranger.

Yet it was the right kind of breath to take before a lean, toned body rose from the bed and the sheet fell away, to reveal him aroused and hard and walking towards hers.

‘Turn around,’ he said.

She resisted, but only in the hope that he would touch her, for her skin was screaming for contact, yet contact he refused to give.

‘Turn around,’ he said again, and this time she did as she was told. ‘Now, undo your bra...’

‘You can do it.’

‘Don’t annoy me any more than you already have.’


His mouth came close to the back of her head and his low voice in her ear made her want to arch her neck, to turn to kiss him, but she stood staring ahead.

‘For insinuating, back at the hotel, that I would have left you unsatisfied.’

She turned her head then, and found him smiling. And he smiled as only Kedah could. He smiled as he had when he’d walked into that restaurant and seen her sitting there waiting for him. He smiled as he did when he greeted her each morning.

Yet it was different today, for there was no mistaking the deep intimacy levelled at her. There was absolute seduction in his eyes, and Felicia knew that if all that was left was this—if the plane fell from the sky right now—she was glad for this moment.

Game over. For it was Felicia who turned and smiled and wrapped her arms around his neck. They were back to deep kissing as he removed her bra—easily. His fingers stroked her breasts with feather-light strokes alternated with pinches that made her gasp in shocked pleasure.

Now, the solid nudge of his body was guiding her to the bed, and though she wanted to be there so badly still she wanted to stand for just a moment and fully savour the feel of him naked against her. He felt like silk beneath her fingers, and there was a wall of muscle that warned of pleasures to come. His mouth was firm and his tongue expert as his hands roamed her, strumming her rib cage or toying with her hip as he enjoyed the body he had been resisting for what felt like far too long.

She could feel the mattress pressing into the back of her thigh and fought to stay standing against him. Yet like a domino he toppled her onto the bed.

It was Kedah who remained standing, and she felt the scorch of his eyes as they roamed her flushed skin.

‘Let’s get rid of these,’ he said.

He placed her feet on his thigh and she lifted her bottom to allow him to peel off her knickers as if he was opening the most delicate gift. Down her thighs he slid them, with such a lack of haste that she let out a moan—an absolute whimper.

His shaft jerked in response to it as Kedah discovered that the sound of Felicia moaning was a sound he craved.

She was always so brittle, so contained, it was a pleasure to hear her unravel.

Past her knees came the knickers, and then he ripped them down the final stage. Now she was naked, and soon she’d be his.

He knelt between her legs and Felicia had never known such absolute scrutiny. It felt as if he were kissing her all over, yet only his eyes caressed her for now.

‘Turn over,’ he told her, and she rolled to her front.

She rested her head on her forearm and waited—for whatever he so chose. Anticipation thrummed as she heard his ragged breathing, and then he placed a wet kiss right at the base of her spine.


His tongue was hot and slow and it moved in long circles. Her free hand moved to touch herself at such bliss but he caught her wrist.

It was an attack of the senses. Because now he parted her thighs and slipped his long fingers into her as his mouth worked the length of her spine.

She lifted her hair, just so that he might have access to her skin, and did not know if it was the bruising kiss to her neck or the stretch of his fingers inside her that caused her to make a low choking noise.

‘Please...’ she said, not knowing how to say that she wanted—no, needed more and more of this.

But he removed the pleasure and rolled her onto her back. He opened her legs and moved so that he knelt between her knees. He wanted to take her there and then, and reached over the bedside for a condom, but the sight of her pink and glistening beckoned him for just a brief taste.

Felicia swore as he parted her lips and, instead of devouring her, licked her with just with the tip of his tongue. ‘Don’t...’ she said, and her hands knotted into his hair as he teased her, scratched at her thighs with his jaw.

Kedah knew he was good, but he’d never enjoyed himself to this level. Hearing the panting in her voice and feeling the pressure of her thighs trapping him made him search deeper. Her sweet, musky taste was like nectar. Hot, she writhed, and his tongue devoured.

He was too slow, she decided, for she was suddenly frantic.

The sounds he made were low, and his possessive growl reverberated through her.

Her hands left his head and went to her own, tense fingers tightening in her hair as he raised her bottom.

He was relentless.

He should stop now, she thought as she started to come.

Please stop, she thought. Because she had never come so fully to a man’s mouth—in fact she couldn’t remember feeling like this ever.

She wanted to push him away, and yet she wanted for this never to end.

He felt the pulsing and the tension rise within her. And for Kedah there was a giddy triumph at hearing Felicia in the throes of the pleasure that he had procured for her. She made no logical sense as she pleaded for less while her body urged for more. And then it faded, and he felt her relax and grow calm, but this wasn’t even close to being over.

He wanted his own release, and so he took her slowly, just kneeling up and pulling her in.

He toyed at her entrance and Felicia pushed herself up onto her elbows. She watched as he glanced over to the condoms scattered on the bed beside them, but they might as well have been in his office drawer back in London, for nothing must break the contact they made.

She told him that she was covered in ragged, breathless words. ‘I’m on the pill...’

Both of them would usually have needed far more than that to continue. Felicia even let out a half-sob and a laugh at her own abandon. But both felt now that it was imperative not to lose the beauty of this moment.

They were on the edge of discovery, entering into uncharted water—and not just because of the lack of protection. It was the eye contact, the unbridled pleasure, and the care taken as he positioned her calves.

Kedah let out a moan as he slid into her oiled, tight warmth. His eyes came up to meet hers, but she was looking down at the blending of them.


He snapped her into eye contact with him, and she found there was nothing sexier than full-on looking into Kedah’s eyes as he took her.

For a couple of moments that was exactly what he did. He moved to his whim along his thick length.

With anyone else she would have resisted, and yet he guided her so expertly and filled her so completely that all Felicia had to do was give in to the arm that held her up and lie back to receive the pleasure.

She felt the bliss of his weight and the reward of his kiss. His skin was immaculate as her hands slid down his loins and she knew that if she’d made a decision to do something rash then this was the right one.

He took her with force and passion and she returned the same—and almost a tussle ensued as they rolled so Felicia was on top.

‘I want...’ she said, but did not continue. She just wanted to come again, and there was such energy between them...such a mutual goal to give the other pleasure.

He had thought about what they might be like together and he had expected restraint, a tinge of regret too, and yet there was only fire and buried passion from Felicia.

‘Slow down,’ he said, and took her hips and jerked her down on his thick length over and over.

His hands moved up to her breasts and toyed with them, stretching her nipples as Felicia bit down on her lip. Then she leant forward to taste his salty skin as his hands roamed her buttocks.

He started thrusting upwards, and with that she had the pleasure of watching him release, and the sensation of the power of him within her.

She toppled forward, and as he came he slid her over and over down onto him, over the edge with him.

Their faces were next to each other and she could feel her hair was damp. Every part of her was more than warm, her skin was on fire, and she had never known anything like this feeling of silence and peace—this space they had walked into together.

He slipped her off him and she fell beside him, breathless, and looked him in the eye.

Then they smiled, because it had been better than they had hoped or dared to expect.

She wanted to touch and explore him, but they lay for just a moment, both thrumming in private bliss as they kissed each other down.

Modern Romance September 2016 Books 5-8

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