Читать книгу Amaranta-2. Captive of Elf’s King - Natalie Yacobson - Страница 4

How not to lose your head


Stream shouted that she did not go, but he could not fly away from the well and rush behind her. Water elves are tied to water. Where there are no sources, there are no of them. And there was no water in the tunnel: neither underground sources, nor even puddles.

– It is impossible to lose your head because of the fiery elves and expose yourself danger!» came to Amaranta of the moraling of Stream left to float over the well.

Probably, she really lost her head from the secrets, once decided on a dangerous journey under the ground. Once, undoubtedly, it was a secret move from the fortress outside the case of siege. Now the fiery elves are travelling here. The radiance from their orange wings was enough to see the tiles in the walls, similar to the tombstone. Spark did not lie. He himself and his friends now played for her the role of living and moving torches. Lay from them and stay in the pitch darkness was scary. Fortunately, it was not necessary to wander around the tunnel. Soon they really went to the hills.

«Well, good bye, a beauty!» Spark with his fiery flock flew to the nearest hill.

Amaranta even rubbed her eyes to make sure that she does not dream that inside the hill opened the shining door. The flocks of the elves in a moment did not become, and on the site of a door was only a green surface. It comes out, the legends about the houses and palaces inside the hills are true! It is said that in the hills sometimes the whole magic states fit. Such hills seem to be called sits. If the mortal was part of them, he was no longer returned.

Amaranta even frightened. That if the elves were pulled her inside the hill.

Okay, the case is done. Now she knows the secret path from the castle. If you decide to take advantage of them without the help of Spark, it is better to take a torch or at least a candle. In addition, Spark is unreliable accompanying. You never know what makes him mind. Now he is next to you and illuminates the way to you, and in the moment he will be afraid and will fly on his affairs inside the closest hill. Yes, he also has a relationship with water elves such that a fight between water and fire can break out.

It is better to make friends with someone more reliable than fiery or water elves. Although she did not make friends with Dagha. If only such relationships can be called friendship, and not romantic hobbies. It sometimes seemed that Dagda could be simultaneously everyone: both, and the beloved, and the interlocutor, who knows all the secrets of the universe. It is a pity that he left her for a long time.

Amaranta walked around the meadow of the distance from suspicious hills, where firing fighters are found. Thoughts about the rival from the fairies again climbed into the head and overshadowed the coming morning. What if he is with her now?

In order not to break up, it is worth thinking about something pleasant. For example, about flower thickets behind the meadow. As the oppressive thoughts came to mind. What if the meadow flowers are about to cover with the invasion of ice armies. Can the King of Ilior cope with them? Unless with whose magic.

The king of Ilior dreams of a fairy. What would happen if it would bring him to that black fairy, which occupied Rhodolite and creates some kind of witchcraft with the mechanisms? Suddenly, two of them would have a great couple! From the king and fairies? Something doubtful, but the thought is tempting.

«Do you want to play?» Called her someone. «Catch!»

She caught the ball abandoned by someone. On time, otherwise he would have applied to her lips. It was not heavy, but still it’s unpleasant that rural children so loosely started the game. By the way, where are they themselves? Amaranta looked around a meadow. Nobody. So who threw her ball? On the ball, a face drawn by a cinnaber, like on hinged dolls from Rodolite. Only these features suddenly became movable. The face was widely revealed, giving it a risen smile. One eye winked.

«And now bring me to place!» asked the lips.

«Where to? «Amaranth almost dropped the ball, that is, someone’s head. It looks like a nightmare! She holds in the hands of someone’s severe head!

«Here!» Suddenly someone’s hands took away the head.

A static young man took it on the neck, as if a fashionable hat. At first, crooked, but the head immediately turned on the neck, like on the axis, and here the face of the naughty red elf looked at Amaranta no longer from her own hands, but with a wide shoulder in blue-red coat.

«I have long wanted to approach you, but there was no possibility.»

«Where are you from?»

«Sometimes it seems that right from the place of execution, where I was broken.»

Amaranta was afraid and backed up.

«I’m kidding! I am not a ghost. Just unsuccessful and rebellious servant of her gloomy majesty Queen of fairies.

«This fucking?

«Are you already familiar with her? So accurately described it. By the way, you will not shiver the word for me before Dagda so that he take me to his service. I have long wanted to run, but there is no convenient possibility. You are my chance.»

The red elf raised her bouquet lilies of the valley, which were bleeding.

«Sorry, the head smears,» he apologized, «but they say, the bleeding will pass, barely the Queen of Fairies will be defeated and someone will win. I hope you will be the winner.

How sincere he said it! And the smile is so sly. Is it not a trap, all this.

«I am Quentin,» an elf introduced himself, on a moment, removing his head as others remove the headdress as a sign of respect. It can be seen, he entered the habit of doing so. It thus shalls or shows his superiority over mortals, which are not capable of such a focus.

«You see, an immortal being to execute to death is very difficult,» he justified, noticing the fright in the eyes of Amararanta. «One can only cause pain than the queen of fairies did.»

«You’re an elf? How did you get to the service for the queen of fairies?»

«Furious. All because of the silly boyish love. Even the monster can love if it is beautiful outside. While you will figure it out that inside the darkness and rot, sometimes there are centuries. I figured out, sobbed, understood my mistake, but could not return back to Dagda. The oath of loyalty keeps me on the old place of service. Obligations are associated with even elves by hand and legs stronger as chains. While the queen of the fairies herself will not drive me away, I have no right to leave her.

«Would Dagda forgive you and take you back?

«He is generous. Recently! A couple of thousand few years ago he was also cruel. But one war was happened, in which he killed his creature expensive. Since then, the conscience has sharply appealed to his nobility.»

«What kind of war?»

«Ordinary distribution due to power.»

«And the way a woman was expensive to his heart? Isn’t it Goddess Danu?»

«No, not a woman. Do not be jealous.»

«What makes you think that I am jealous?» She was embarrassed.

«By ladies, it is always visible.»

«Only elves or people too?»

«Elfs always, people only when your cheeks fled the blush, as now,» he joked.

«So the king of elves is sad?»

«Other, who was almost like a brother, but then betrayed.»

«Can you betray again if he takes you back? Wise people would say that the defector is unreliable.»

«Wise elves will say the same way. But I’m not wise, otherwise the head would not be lost: not in direct, nor in the figurative sense. At first, the queen of fairies made fool of me, then beheaded. Suddenly, next time I will lose my head because of you and betray again my king.»

«A joke again?»

«I’m not kidding! What a normal guy or an elf will not go crazy because of a beautiful girl? Therefore, Medea Shai is trying to destroy all the beatiful rivals. Although sometimes looking at her, you think that it is more beautiful to be impossible.»

«So, the prediction of the rival still came true,» Amaranta thought.

«What are you about?»

«Nothing!» Amaranta felt a chilling cold, as if frost with jets, plenty of body and fell the skin like fingers. The ice elf told something about a lady with dragons. The queen of fairies can be so called that, because she tamed dragons traveled on them. Now she crushed over the fact that it is so simple to tame the king of elves. And Amaranta could get under the hot hand. Who, like a rival, you can blame for the fact that the desired object has not yet gotten.

Was it necessary to be the rivals to the Queen of fairies! Even the usual earth queen in this role is very dangerous. What can we talk about the magic?

Judging by the removed Quentin’s head, even communication with Medea Shai is very dangerous. He flew on the fact that he is her fan. And how does she come with enemies?

«I let go addicted jokes addressed to her gloomy majesty, hoping that she would drive me away. And she is still in any way!» said Quentin. «Remove the head – it is easy. But shet does not want to expel! She can also give me to someone. You would make friends with her and asking me as a gift.»

She has not resolutely agree. To be friends with the queen of fairies is pure suicide! Yes, and with the rival, only the tricky and immoral girl is capable of making friends, which is used to shifting others. Amaranta preferred to be honest.

«I’m afraid to be friends with the monster,» she admitted.

«So you are wiser than me,» Quentin recognized sadly. «I would be like you, I would not get my head for an ax.»

«I would be smart, would not get confused with elves,» thought Amaranta. And immediately she silenced. It is impossible to think with Quentin too much, otherwise he will read all her thoughts as in an open book. Never stand in dealing with magical creatures to forget that they have the ability to read thoughts.

«My name is Amaranta,» she presented herself.

«I know! In our kingdom only about you and interpret. You are more popular than the queen herself because of her jealousy towards you. She was aiming for centuries to the king of elves, and then sailed behind the sea some mortal and confused all her plans. Beware of Mega Shai!»

The last words Quentin said very seriously. His emerald eyes on a moment flashed with a red tint.

«And otherwise she will demolish me head like you? Only I am no longer coming,» said Amaranta. At least once she is joking on him, not he over her, but Quentin and to this reacted with all seriousness.

«With mortals in such a simple way, it does not frame. After all, they cannot ride after death, which means to torture before death they need to long. Medea Shai does not like to miss their capabilities. On you, she will try to indiscriminate all anger. And her dragons will help her.»

«Do not scare me prematurely!»

«I did not want to scare. Just warned,» Quentin intercepted her hand and kissed, copying the gallantry of mortal knights.

«I wish I would see you in the role of the queen and lose my head because of you every day in the figurative, and not in the literal sense, but, alas, I did not work out!»

He took off his head off his shoulders, threw it like a ball. And in the next moment he was no longer there. If it is not a bouquet of bloody lilies of the valley, then no evidence that Quentin was real would have left. Amaranta did not even immediately realize that at this time of the year and in this area lilies of the valley do not bloom. And the headless elf will usually not meet here. Today, everything is not like usual.

Amaranta-2. Captive of Elf’s King

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