Читать книгу Mutilated. Crypt of the Seven Angels - Natalie Yacobson - Страница 11



Brad brought her flowers and candy. Normally! He visited her even when she did not want it. Usually he left gifts under the door and came himself, without calling, because he knew that if he would call, she could immediately refuse him to accept him. So today he brought orchids, perfume in beautiful gift wrapping and a box of coconut candies. According to the form they promised to be delicious.

Claire sighed, but picked up the gifts. Brad has always been surprisingly persistent. And annoying. Painted blond with radiant blue eyes in a leather jacket. He dwined around the city on a rather steep motorcycle. He looked cool himself. Got a strong impression on the girls. And it seems that his muscles were developed much more than brains.

He prudently left gifts under the door, and he left. Claire thought that today it would be nice to see him. After all, he did not differ from those guys whose type caused her pain. Will she be able to feel something similar and when looking at him. Or such pain is able to cause her exclusively strangers?

Claire wondered and revealed a box of candy. They really turned out to be delicious. Coconut filling was her beloved delicacy. That’s just Brad… Recently, he stopped seemingly attractive enough to go through the street or ride on his motorcycle. He was the most ordinary guy. And she wanted to see something completely unusual. Something capable of giving a reason for fantasy and creativity on her drawings. Something similar to the image from yesterday’s sleep. Was it only a dream?

Claire looked at the orchids lined on the balcony. Their white petals became golden in the sun. Her eyes also slid down on someone’s blond head at the bottom of the street. No, it was not Brad. She just seemed so at the beginning. Some kind of neighboring guy with the same hairstyle. For some reason, at the sight of it, her covered a light wave of pain.

Already familiar sensation similar to the sunshine was so unpleasant and shocking. Claire hastily turned away. It seems, before at the sight of the same guy, she did not feel anything like that. She knew him, even though she had never told him personally. He lived in a neighboring house and often helped the father to carry some kind of materials for the building of the garage. Occasionally he met with a girlfriend. In general, the most ordinary guy. So why at the sight of him suddenly it became so painful. What if it’s a bad sign again?

It would be better for her no longer see this guy at all. Again! When will these outbreaks of pain end? In a strange way, they arose at her form of completely unfamiliar people. And then these people died.

Claire suddenly has a panic attack. She had no longer been particularly believer for a long time, but today she wanted to find the Bible called somewhere on the shelves. She wanted to know what kind of fellow dreams and predictions above. What if above it and those whom she noticed, a certain biblical network spread. Some of the highest strength reported to her in advance about the death of people. These people were noted, doomed. Therefore, at the sight of them it became so painful. She felt what had to happen to them. But why are they doomed then? And why exactly should she suffer because of them? After all, she does not know them at all. And she is not at all the Heavenly Angel and not the Christian Holy so that all the skin feel sins and torture of other people. If, noticed by her, people are so cruelly dying, then what they are to blame. What was so bad they could do for their short life? What kind of heaven laid the guilt and retribution?

Is it from Heaven? Or is it from devil? Although if you count on the Bible, it was God who created a devil to punish sinners. And it became anyone who he tempts or pushes into the abyss, they are guilty and deserve punishment. The devil is not able to do anything without the permission of God. So is written in the Bible. God orders, and the devil performs. So conceived in religion. Whatever it is contradictory, and all conclusions can be reduced to one. And yet Claire pursued a vague feeling that the Devil, whom she saw in a dream was created regardless of God. He is created by people.

The Bible says that it was the devil that was the most beautiful angel of heaven. And he became the most ugly.

The phrases surfaced immediately:

«You can’t even imagine what value means beauty while you have it. If it had happened, you would understand me.»

Claire clearly introduced himself, as a disheveled creature brings the knife to her face, and shuddered. She pressed her forehead to the door, as if trying in advance to hide her clean skin from a merciless blade. In the mirror on the wall, it was now reflected only by the corner of her cheekbones in the frame of the curly strands.

From the streets came the voices. It seems that his girlfriend came to that guy and brought with her a radio with loud musical records. Claire was unpleasant when, under the windows of her quiet house at night, the music thundered and a drunk company of adolescents had fun, but today she did not come out to specify them. She simply did not want to see these doomed and experience the pain. They are doomed. She knew almost for sure. They are guilty or innocent, but they are doomed. Her pain at the sight of them is their sentence. It is experiencing a burning pain only at the sight of those who will die soon.

She knew it. She came to this by calculations and observations. It was not necessary to have a lot of mind to bring all parallels. Of course, no one would believe her if she began to tell about it. There are such things in which it is impossible to believe until you experienced them on yourself. Claire was bad.

She did not even know this guy, but he knew that he was already convicted of a rapid death. Creepy and strangely mounted paintings of the impending catastrophe for a moment climbed the mind. What happens to him? Same as a pair in the subway? She presented to herself, as this cute blonde knocks on a car, for example, a truck that was done by the highway, and she became bad. Is it really happening? When she paid such close attention to the perfectly unfamiliar people, accidents have certainly happened to them. But she could not stop looking around or not to get out of the house at all. Her attention still can attract someone. For example, someone who has shown on TV. And what happens then? She was not fond of these people herself, some force that accumulated from the outside moved her.



How loud it turns out to be able to scream concerned teenagers. Or Claire is so adgitated that she hears all the sounds from the street. Even recognition.

«I love you, Morissa, love, love, love!»

He shouts loudly, as if trying to prove to himself, he says the truth. And that this Morissa is the only girl in his life. But Claire remembered perfectly that a blonde guy, hugging this very dark-haired girl named Morissa, carnatively looked around at the beauty passing by. Including Claire. She did not approve it. She did not like when already busy guys look at her, as the most tidy in the whole universe. That’s what she stopped to love guys! Probably nothing can be done about it. Do not wait for loyalty from them. Some girlfriend explained to her that all these are hormones and a call of nature. Leon and Morissa were still very fragile, slender teenagers, in something slightly and sometimes such passionate ones that it even caused a slight disgust. Claire has always been unpleasant to look at the joung couple kissing, and now it suddenly has become hard and hurt. As on the eve of execution. What are these two guilty? Can there have such young as they, to be so heavy sins to erase them into powder? Probably the degree of sin is not determined by age.

Claire was firmly confident in one thing that neither God nor the devil could harm innocent. Although they say that everyone is guilty of something. There are no absolutely sinless people.

When Claire noted Brad under her windows, already was evening. At such time it is pleasant to walk. She suddenly wanted to walk with him. Brad did not expect anything at all that he gets such a gift as a whole evening alone with the subject of his adorations.

Claire, who succeeded, to drive away most of the fans, still struck Brad’s perseverance. He had long and hardly made everything to please, although he knew that she would still move him away. He brought flowers and gifts, looking for art galleries and publishers who may be interested in her works, used all his capabilities and connections to please herit. Even with the purchase of a house he helped her. And now he only did not sing the serenade under her windows. So why she did not love him.

«Let’s go to the cinema?»

Claire nodded, although she did not want to, but the proposal seemed to her tempting. Before leaving, she just pointed out Brad on a couple before a neighboring house.

«What do you feel at the sight of them?» she asked him right.

Brad stopped and carefully looked at themhim. He performed all the orders like a dog, so now reacted to her question with an excessive seriousness. Claire has shovel breathing.

But Brad only shrugged.

«I feel that we would be nice to do the same,» he decided that it was rightfully understood the hint and even grinned. «You do not think that, unlike them, we are already too old for this.»

Now Claire grinned. How could he compare their two with such youngsters? Brad knew how to raise her mood.

In the comfortable hall of the cinema, she immediately became better. Especially when Brad bought her Coca-Cola and Pop Corn. The film, which she would like to see, has already begun. They had to take tickets to the first session turned up at the box office. There were only eight people in the hall. Not surprisingly, everyone who turned out to be rash, managed to buy a ticket for a more interesting film. And here were only people who obviously had no place to go. Two fun guys put their feet on the backs of the front chairs, because no one was sitting on a lot of rows ahead. So, their shoes could also be considered for the audience. And the controller disappeared behind the curtain was in no hurry to intervene. In the rear row, some couple kissed, which events on the screen were not completely worried. The film looked gray and faded. It seemed that it was removed long ago and was very cheaply mounted. But Claire was delighted that this was not a horror movie. Something really terrible her nerves would now simply not stand out. After twenty minutes of viewing, some viewer began to fall asleep. A completely empty dark hall really acted on nerves soothing. Claire did not remember when the last time in the cinema was so empty as now. In the middle of the film she closed the eyes and saw a beautiful face. A dazzling beautiful face. It lay on darkness and faded frames. And the boring session suddenly turned into magic. The feeling of dreams dissected only some vague pain, as if on the wrists of Clair was the blade of the knife cutting veins. The pain was so distant as pictures on the screen, but still tangible.

Claire opened her eyes and realized that the session was already, thank God, ended. What can you do? She liked more adventure films. As, however, the majority of the public did. Nevertheless, leaving the cinema, Claire felt some kind of happyness. The face she saw in a dream left the feeling of something indescribable pleasant.

And now she saw his face again in the crowd. A handsome young man in a strange coat was in the crowd, he almost touched people’s shoulders. But they did not see him. People, a couple of minutes ago, came out of the neighboring cinema, formed a whole crowd at the exit. However, the wonderful stranger was well noticeable among them, as if one gold coin among the copper. He suddenly looked at Claire. Right into her eyes. At the same time, he, without stopping, went ahead past the stream of people, elusive, as the current time forward. Claire suddenly realized that he was coming opposite to human movement, but nobody was pushing him.

«Look!» She pulled Brad for a sleeve and pointed her hand forward. «You see him?»


«That blond guy in vintage clothes. He is goth, probably,» Claire was not in this completely sure. Goth would dressed in black. Even antique goths will not fall into a blue brocade and white lace and will not paint the hair in a platinum hue.

«Do you see a guy not like others?»

Brad only shortly shook his head. He did not see. Claire only now understood. No one except for her saw him. But she saw him. And her eyes suddenly expanded from horror, because the beautiful face began to be instantly covered with burns and scars. Total instant and from him there was only a disheveled mask. Claire even screamed from indescribable horror. Only no one paid attention to this. Her cry was killed in the total hum of frightened votes and panic. At the beginning she did not even understand what was the matter. Only then she realized how she was lucky that she was not in the crowd, but a little bit alone. Some overlaps and huge signs at the cinema were collapsed. The number of victims was accurately calculated in the morning newspapers. A day passed, and they still could not count. Claire with horror recalled a thick crowd at dusk, but he knew that this accident would not be limited. The victims will be countless. They should not even think about them. It is worth thinking about the face she noticed in the crowd. That night, Clare saw a lot of terrible scenes and blood, but for some reason, instead of the crippled and dead people, it was stood before her eyes. As if the stranger was the center and the cause of the entire catastrophe.

Mutilated. Crypt of the Seven Angels

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