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Chapter 2


On the bus I dozed off and the conductor woke me up.

– Girl, your stop, gets out.

– Thank.

“Do not forget that the bus leaves from here only at seven. If you do not have time, you will have to call a taxi.

– Thank. I’ll memorise.

Following the instructions, I approached a large but rather old mansion. There was not a soul around and it was very creepy right now. But the need for a stable job overcame my fear and I went to the door.

I moved the handle and the door opened. The house was empty. An eerie enveloping emptiness that creeps into the soul.

– Uh, is there anyone here?

I heard the sound of steps and a pretty tall brunette of about thirty with long hair and beautiful pale skin approached me.

– Good day. Are you Anna?

– Yes. I’m on the hell.

– Good. Thank you for responding. As you can see, we have such a place; it is difficult to get there.

– I really need a job.

– Understand. Let’s go to the library, inspect your workplace.

– With pleasure.

– My name is Kristina Yurievna. I am the director of this institution

– Nice to meet you.

– Mutually, Anna.

We arrived at the spacious library building.

– Your task, Anna, is simply to write down who and what books are taking and giving away. And, of course, cleaning, cleanliness and order.

– I love books.

– It is wonderful. We have a lot of old novels, poetry and so much more.

– Great.

– We also offer lunch in our canteen for free and accommodation, if you suddenly miss the bus, we have rooms for students. Some are empty. By the way, you can study and work with us at the same time. Finish the evening department and receive a diploma with which you can work at exhibitions, auctions, theaters or museums. Or you can study during the day with everyone else, and in your free time work in the library but your working day should be at least five hours.

– I beg your pardon, but I have no money for training. Honestly, I would love to.

– We have a couple of budget places. The state obliges to have such places, but no one took them this year.

– . What does it take to enter the budget?

– You will work for us. You will work for two weeks. If everything goes well, we will enroll you in our school.

– Well. I agree.

– Then let’s go to my office to draw up an employment contract.

After about an hour, I left this school already arranged as a librarian.

In addition, one more education will not hurt me, especially since the first is a complete failure.

I came to the bus stop. It was ten to seven. The bus arrived on time and I went home happy. Popping in on the way to the store, I bought some groceries and called Ira.

My friend was very happy for me and wished me luck. We chatted a bit, but she had business and we said goodbye until tomorrow.

I came home, turned on the TV and cooked myself for Ash. Now I had to get up for work at eight to be in the library at ten. I was allowed to come by ten, because I live far away and so far there is not much work. But in the future, my working day will start at nine. Which didn’t really upset me. To get a loan, you need to hold out for at least six months. In addition, you also need to live on something.

The next morning I got up, did my exercises, had breakfast, threw a snack in my purse and hurried to the bus. Arriving at my workplace, I boldly opened the door and went into the library. The academic year here will begin in two weeks and I will have to clean up the libraries, look through all the books. If any need repairs, postpone and inform the school principal. That’s all for now. Of course, there is a lot of work. But it’s a pleasant job. And I plunged into the process. The school was quiet and I quietly turn on the music that was not so terrible. Soon I heard footsteps. A young man of about thirty came up to me. He was wearing a blue work uniform, and he was holding a bottle of water and a notebook with a pen. He looked quite handsome.. And even the hands were very well-groomed. Short dark hair and expressive bright green eyes, a tall and stately figure and a tart scent of male perfume… All this gave the stranger a certain charm.

– Good morning, girl. Are you a new librarian? – The stranger smiled at me, which made him look even more attractive.

– Yes, and also a student, but I will most likely study in the evenings.

– And I am a teacher and part-time locksmith and electrician. Preparing school for the school year.

– Me too. My name is Anna, you can just Anya.

– Vicheslav. Or just Glory.

– Nice to meet you.

– Mutually, Anya. Do you like it here?

– For now, yes, although it’s strange to be all alone in such a large room… Scary, to be honest.

– . I already got it. You turned on the music.

– Yes. Sorry if I interfered. I’ll put on my headphones if anything.

– No, it’s all right. Shall we have lunch today?

– Does the canteen work?

– Not. Not yet. But I can buy you something. I brought food with me.

– Thank. So do me.

– Can I help you with something?

– Maybe. The director gave me a list of references, according to which I should first select and check the books. But I’m still a little confused.

– And I have already finished all the tasks for today and will be glad to help a new person.

– I will not refuse your help.

– Come on “you”, Ok? And then I feel like an old man. Just Glory, okay?

– Oh well.

Slava began to explain to me the location of the books…

– I personally helped to make it all, so if something is loose camping, pay Xia. Write down my number just in case.

It was an unexpected offer, but I wrote down the number. It really doesn’t hurt to have a reliable person in my new job. I told Slava that I would study here and he immediately changed his face.

– It’s great! You will get a good education from us! In two years you will change a lot!

– Have you been studying here for two years?

– Two and a half. Then another year and a half of continuous practice. So, in general, it turns out five years.

– Clear.

– Only if you study here, you will have to live here. It is absolutely free and there are enough rooms for everyone. This year there were only two groups. But you can go home this weekend.

“It might even be better that way. I’ll ask a neighbor to look after my parents’ apartment.

To be honest, it’s a long way to go.

– And we will have excursions here. You will see and learn a lot.

– I like excursions.

– Very well.

…Two weeks later, the school year began. The principal invited all students and staff to the meeting.

There were only two groups of thirty students. And ten teachers. As well as a security guard, two cleaners and a manager. The rest of the staff was much older than me and even Slava.

I was introduced as a new librarian and told that I would study with everyone, only on a special schedule. I will have to work in my free time, but at least six hours a day. As it turned out, this was the first year of the school opening.

After the meeting, everyone went to sort things out from room to room. But I had my own room next to the library. There was a small wardrobe with a mirror, a desk, an ironing board and iron, and a bed. Each room was adjoined by a bathroom with a small shower, washing machine, sink and toilet. Everything was very clean and comfortable. There was only one socket in the bathroom and bedroom. Televisions were banned. There was only one in the general meeting room. Many were not happy with the modesty of the institution, but everything was fine with me.

By this time, I was already in close contact with Slava. Yes, and with other teachers, too, a little. Except one. Fine arts teacher. His name was Lev Viktorovich. He looked at me sternly and said that I didn’t belong here. It was explained to me that he simply considers me too young and frivolous to work as a librarian.

– Do not pay attention, – said the teacher in a subject that I have not memorized yet. – A girl a little over thirty years old. With short hair of bright black hair and blue eyes. – He doesn’t like me very much either. I’m Mila.

– Very nice, I’m Anya.

– Yes I know.

– Do you like it with us?

– Yes. Very interesting.

– We are glad that you were added to the list of students.

– I also. My basic education was overwhelmed when my parents died. I have nothing to pay for an expensive university. Had to take there academ. And then I’ll probably have to take a vacation here to finish my studies there.

– You will also receive a good education and useful life skills here.

– I have no doubt.

– Okay. It’s time for me to get ready for tomorrow. Classes start tomorrow.

– Good. I also need to prepare a number of books. Till tomorrow.

– See you tomorrow, Anya. Classes start at nine tomorrow. And don’t forget to take extra things with you.

“Lessons start at nine, but you can come by eight to go home at seven.

– I understood.

– Good. Until.

– Until.

Slava came up.

– How are you? Let’s have lunch together?

– Thank you, I already had a snack and I need to work to get home today. We still need to collect things. Apparently, I will often have to stay here overnight. This will be more convenient.

– We will go together today; I also have to stay until evening.

– Good. I’m not against.

– Well. Then I’ll come for you.

– I will wait.

I for loved Glory. Cheerful, gallant, dresses well and knows how to keep the conversation going. In general, everyone was friendly except this Leo, who did not like me and Mila. He even greeted us, gritting his teeth. To which the other teachers just shook their heads.

“He is a man of old rules,” Slava told me on the way home. And he is angry that the school did not get the right to be called a university. But he and Christina are striving for us to become an academy by the end of the year. So the funding will be much higher.

– I understand. Are they relatives with Kristina Yuryevna?

– He’s her uncle.

– She was very lucky with her uncle.

– Why do you think so?

– Well, because my uncle really likes to drink and spends too much money on it. Apart from the bottle, he is of little interest. Although he helped me a lot after the death of my parents at first, but then he began to ask me to sponsor his soul treatment. We had a fight and he went home. Since then, he has not called me or answered the phone.

– I feel for you.

– Nothing. I got used already. In addition, now I have work and study and no time to think about sad things.

– And then there is me and Mila. We will be happy to help you in case of need. My sister is lovely. Our parents live very far from here, but fate brought us to this city and to this school. Probably to introduce us to you. After all, now you are not alone.

– Who knows…? Maybe. Thank you very much, Slav. You are a great friend.

Then a bus came up and we sat down. On the way, we chatted about nothing…

– Where do you live with Mila?

– We lived in a hotel, and then moved to school. Just before it opens this spring. There was a lot of work there and it is easier for us to live there than in a hotel.

– This is clear. Were you going to buy something in the city?

– Yes. Gift for Mila. It’s her birthday tomorrow.

– Great! Will you be celebrating?

– Not. This is not accepted in our family.

– Sorry. I did not know.

– Nothing wrong.

– What do you want to give? I can help you with choosing a gift if you want.

– I wanted to give a piece of jewelry. Something special, but discreet.

– Then when we arrive, let’s go to the jewelry store. I know one very good one.

“Are you sure you want to come with me?”

“If I don’t disturb you, then yes.

– Thank. I just thought you had your plans for tonight.

– Not. Just take a shower and pack your things. Honestly, it’s still hard for me to be there alone. And it’s easier for me to be somewhere outside the house.

“In that case, I’ll be glad if you put me company.

– With pleasure.

We arrived in town and headed to the mall. The jewelry department greeted us with the radiance of jewelry and smiles of employees at the sight of a young couple.

– Anything to offer you? – Asked a pretty tall blonde in a white blouse and red tie. – Maybe you are looking for wedding rings?

“No, you’re wrong,” I answered with a smile to the girl who was a little upset. She probably counted on a good return.

“But you can help us,” Slava said. – We are looking for a piece of jewelry as a gift to our mutual friend.

– I suppose you are looking for a present for a young girl?

– Right, – we answered with one voice. “But we’ll see for ourselves, if you don’t mind.

– Sure. If you have any questions, please contact.

– Thank. A little bit later.

– Does Mila like bracelets?

– Why do you ask?

– It’s just that the bracelet is always in sight of the person, as a reminder of who gave it.

Do you see mine? – I showed Slava my left hand with a thin gold bracelet and a pendant in the form of two hearts. – This is a gift from my parents for my last birthday. They were unable to come and sent him by courier. Besides, there was no point in coming. I had a month left until the end of the school year. We agreed that they would come a week in advance and persuade the teachers to let me go home early. Unfortunately, there was no need to persuade. Forgive me for sad things. But I mean that this gift always reminds me of those who loved me or loves me, if there is life after death.

School of Rebirth. Mystical Story

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