AES | Advanced encryption standard |
AT | Amplitude-truncated |
BE | Beam expander |
BR | Bacteriorhodopsin film |
BS | Beam splitter |
CC | Cross-correlation |
CCA | Chosen-ciphertext attack |
CCD | Charge-coupled device camera |
CGH | Computer generated hologram |
CMOS | Complementary metal-oxide semiconductor |
COA | Ciphertext-only attack |
CPA | Chosen-plaintext attack |
CS | Compressive sensing |
CT | Computed tomography |
1D | One-dimensional |
2D | Two-dimensional |
3D | Three-dimensional |
DCT | Discrete cosine transform |
DES | Data encryption standard |
DH | Digital holography |
DOE | Diffractive optical element |
DRPE | Double random phase encoding |
DWT | Discrete wavelet transform |
EFJPS | Encrypted fractional joint power spectrum |
EMD | Equal modulus decomposition |
ERA | Error reduction algorithm |
FT | Fourier transform |
FFT | Fast Fourier transform |
FRT | Fractional Fourier transform |
FrT | Fresnel transform |
FWT | Fractional wavelet transform |
GSA | Gerchberg–Saxton algorithm |
GT | Gyrator transform |
GWT | Gyrator wavelet transform |
HIOA | Hybrid input–output algorithm |
HM | Holographic mask |
HOE | Holographic optical element |
HT | Hartley transform |
HWP | Half wave plate |
IDEA | International data encryption algorithm |
IFT | Inverse Fourier transform |
JPS | Joint power spectrum |
JTC | Joint transform correlator |
KPA | Known-plaintext attack |
LC | Liquid crystal |
LCT | Linear canonical transform |
LCTV | Liquid crystal television |
LED | Light-emitting diode |
MATLAB | Matrix laboratory |
MEMS | Micro-electro-mechanical systems |
MO | Microscope objective |
MGSA | Modified Gerchberg–Saxton algorithm |
MRI | Magnetic resonance imaging |
MSE | Mean square error |
MZI | Mach–Zehnder interferometer |
NIST | National Institute of Standards and Technology |
NPCR | Number of pixel change rate |
OAC | Optical asymmetric cryptosystem |
OD | Optical device |
PCE | Peak-to-correlation energy |
PCF | Phase contrast filter |
PCI | Photon counting imaging |
PD | Plastic diffuser |
PI | Peak intensity |
PK | Private key |
POCSA | Projection-onto constraints sets algorithm |
POF | Phase-only function |
POM | Phase-only mask |
PPM | Plasmonic phase mask |
PRA | Phase retrieval algorithm |
PRX | Photorefractive crystal |
PSDOE | Polarization selective diffractive optical element |
PSI | Phase-shifting interferometry |
PSNR | Peak signal-to-noise ratio |
PSR | Peak-to-sidelobe ratio |
PT | Phase-truncated |
PTFT | Phase-truncated Fourier transform |
QPS | Quadratic phase system |
QR | Quick response code |
QWP | Quarter wave plate |
RAM | Random amplitude mask |
RE | Relative error |
RGB | Red, green, blue |
RP | Retardation plate |
RPM | Random phase mask |
RSAA | Rivest, Shamir, Adleman algorithm |
SAA | Simulated annealing algorithm |
SC | Symmetric cryptosystems |
SHA | Secure hash algorithm |
SLM | Spatial light modulator |
SNR | Signal-to-noise ratio |
SPM | Structured phase mask |
SSE | Sum squared error |
SWG | Subwavelength grating |
UACI | Unified average change in intensity |
VAR | Variance |
VLC | VanderLugt correlator |
WT | Wavelet transform |
XOR | Exclusive OR |