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Program 2.2 WIP Response calculated recursively using difference equation


T=1; % discrete period (days) kT=[-2,-1,0,1,2,3,4,5,6]; % times kT (days) rd=[0,0,-10,-10,-10,0,0,0,0]; % capacity disturbance at times kT (hours/day) ww(1)=30; % initial WIP at time kT=-2 days (hours) for k=-2:5 % instants in time kT between kT=-2 and kT=5 days ww(k+4)=ww(k+3)-T*rd(k+3); % next WIP end stairs(kT,rd); hold on % disturbance and WIP vs kT - Figure 2.7 stairs(kT,ww); hold off xlabel('time kT [days]') legend ('capacity disturbance r_d(t) (hours/day)','WIP w_w(t) (hours)')

Control Theory Applications for Dynamic Production Systems

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