Читать книгу Properties for Design of Composite Structures - Neil McCartney - Страница 4




Title page



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1 Introduction

2 Fundamental Relations for Continuum Models

3 Maxwell’s Far-field Methodology Applied to the Prediction of Effective Properties of Multiphase Isotropic Particulate Composites

4 Maxwell’s Methodology for the Prediction of Effective Properties of Unidirectional Multiphase Fibre-reinforced Composites

10  5 Reinforcement with Ellipsoidal Inclusions

11  6 Properties of an Undamaged Single Lamina

12  7 Effective Thermoelastic Properties of Undamaged Laminates

13  8 Energy Balance Approach to Fracture in Anisotropic Elastic Material

14  9 Ply Crack Formation in Symmetric Cross-ply Laminates

15  10 Theoretical Basis for a Model of Ply Cracking in General Symmetric Laminates

16  11 Ply Cracking in Cross-ply Laminates Subject to Biaxial Bending

17  12 Energy-based Delamination Theory for Biaxial Loading in the Presence of Thermal Stresses

18  13 Energy Methods for Fatigue Damage Modelling of Laminates

19  14 Model of Composite Degradation Due to Environmental Damage

20  15 Maxwell’s Far-field Methodology Predicting Elastic Properties of Multiphase Composites Reinforced with Aligned Transversely Isotropic Spheroids

21  16 Debonding Models and Application to Fibre Fractures and Matrix Cracks

22  17 Interacting Bridged Ply Cracks in a Cross-ply Laminate

23  18 Theoretical Basis for a Model of Ply Cracking in General Symmetric Laminates

24  19 Stress-transfer Mechanics for Biaxial Bending

25  Appendix A: Solution for Shear of Isolated Spherical Particle in an Infinite Matrix

26  Appendix B: Elasticity Analysis of Two Concentric Cylinders

27  Appendix C: Gibbs Energy per Unit Volume for a Cracked Laminate

28  Appendix D: Crack Closure Conditions for Laminates

29  Appendix E: Derivation of the Solution of Nonlinear Equations

30  Appendix F: Analysis for Transversely Isotropic Cylindrical Inclusions

31  Appendix G: Recurrence Relations, Differential Equations and Boundary Conditions

32  Appendix H: Solution of Differential Equations

33  Appendix I: Energy Balance Equation for Delamination Growth

34  Appendix J: Derivation of Energy-based Fracture Criterion for Bridged Cracks

35  Appendix K: Numerical Solution of Integral Equations for Bridged Cracks

36  Index

37  End User License Agreement

Properties for Design of Composite Structures

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