Читать книгу Your Chinese Horoscope 2010 - Neil Somerville, Neil Somerville - Страница 59
The Wood Tiger
ОглавлениеThis is a year of considerable opportunity for the Wood Tiger, although just how much he achieves is partly dependent on him. As a Wood Tiger, he has a keen nature and is interested in many things, but without care, he can spread his energies too widely. To reap the rewards of this favourable time, he does need to remain focused and disciplined.
As the Tiger year starts, it would help him to have some idea of what he wants to accomplish during it. This could be related to almost any area of his life, but with some thoughts in mind he will not only make better use of his time and energy but also be alert to the right actions to take. By planning ahead, he will be able to get far more out of the year.
The Wood Tiger’s work prospects are especially promising, with important opportunities opening up. Sometimes, as a result of work he has recently been engaged on, his employer could look to him to take on a greater role. Many Wood Tigers will find themselves being trained for and offered promotion this year. Such are the aspects that one step up could be the prelude to others and, particularly for the ambitious, this can be a year of substantial headway and some great personal and well-deserved success.
For Wood Tigers who feel there are limited openings in their current place of work and want to further their experience elsewhere, again some very good opportunities will be available. By making enquiries and, if appropriate, talking to contacts, they could be alerted to some ideal positions. By having a clear idea of what they want to do and taking that all-important first step, they will find possibilities soon opening up for them.
This also applies to those Wood Tigers seeking work. Although some may have become dispirited about their prospects in recent times, by maintaining belief in themselves, they will find their drive, initiative and commitment will often prevail and give them the chance they have been wanting. For some this will be in a totally different area than before but will nevertheless set their career off on a potentially rewarding track. This is a year of scope and possibility. Opportunities can arise quickly, with March, May, July and September seeing some interesting developments.
The progress the Wood Tiger makes at work will lead to a rise in income and some Wood Tigers could receive funds from another source or find a personal interest supplementing their means. However, to reap the benefits of any upturn, the Wood Tiger will need to manage his money carefully. It would be helpful for him to look ahead and make provision for more expensive plans and outlays. Also, if entering into an agreement, he does need to check the terms and implications. The aspects may be on his side, but this is still not a year for risks or proceeding on a hurried or ad hoc basis. With clear ideas and good management, the Wood Tiger will fare much better financially.
For many Wood Tigers, accommodation matters will figure prominently over the year, including a possible move. Here again, costs need to be considered and early provision made for new obligations. However, while moving or carrying through plans will bring pressure, what is achieved can underline the progressive nature of the year.
Such are the aspects that many Wood Tigers can also look forward to a personal celebration during the year. For some this could be a personal or family success, a decision to marry or, if currently alone, the start of a serious relationship. This can indeed be a special and personally exciting time. Also, throughout the year the Wood Tiger will be well supported by those close to him. At times of pressure he will find it helpful to share his concerns and will benefit from the advice and assistance given.
In return the Wood Tiger will do a lot for others during the year and for those Wood Tigers with more senior relations, the time and help they are able to give will be more appreciated than they may realize. For those who are parents, the encouragement and care given to their children will not only be important in terms of their physical development but will also strengthen rapport and understanding.
With the Wood Tiger’s relations with others being favourably aspected this year, he can also look forward to some pleasurable social occasions and opportunities to meet others. For the unattached, romance or an important new friendship could transform their year. April, June, August and December could see the most social activity, but whenever the Wood Tiger has invitations or sees events that appeal to him, he should try to go. Not only can these often be highly enjoyable, but they can also bring balance to his lifestyle. There will also be opportunities to travel during the year, although, as with so much in 2010, planning ahead will enable the Wood Tiger to do more.
On a cautionary note, when taking part in physical activities, whether sport, recreation, lifting or undertaking strenuous tasks, the Wood Tiger will need to take care and follow the correct procedures. Similarly, if he experiences a spate of hectic days and late nights, he should make sure he allows himself the chance to rest and catch up, as well as pay attention to his well-being and diet. Taking good care of himself will enable him to enjoy this positive year.
Generally, this is a year of considerable promise for the Wood Tiger, with successes and sometimes celebrations in his personal life to enjoy, while in his work there will be good opportunities to progress. To benefit fully he will need to keep focused and act on his ideas and the very good opportunities that will come his way. But with his own keen nature, backed by the support of those around him, this can be a positive and rewarding year.