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Prospects for the Rat in 2016


Whether introducing changes to his lifestyle, making alterations to his work or pursuing his interests, the Rat will have made the Year of the Goat (19 February 2015–7 February 2016) an active one. In its closing stages he will continue to be involved in a great many activities and will need to remain well-organized and decide on priorities, otherwise some weeks may seem a whirl and he may not always use his time in the most effective way.

This is particularly the case in his work. New demands, busy schedules and interruptions could frequently occur and the Rat will need to focus and beware of distractions or wasting time on unimportant matters. However, amid the activity, there will still be the chance to contribute and make an impact. For Rats seeking work or hoping for promotion, August and October could be significant.

The Rat will also have many outgoings at the end of the Goat year and should watch his spending levels and plan out his more substantial purchases.

Domestically and socially, he will be in demand, with many chances to enjoy parties and other occasions and spend time with family and friends. In his home life, if there are certain tasks he would like to get done, he will find that by talking these over with those around him, he may not only be able to get them started but also finished by the year’s end.

Goat years favour new friendships and romance, and over the course of this one, unattached Rats could meet someone who could become important over the next 12 months. August, September and early 2016 could be significant and lively times.

Overall, the Goat year will have been a busy one for the Rat, but while it will have brought its pressures, there will also have been many achievements that the Rat can now build on. His prospects are on the up!

One of the strengths of the Rat is his resourceful nature. When he spots an opportunity (which he does often), he invariably makes the most of it. And the Monkey year will contain opportunities aplenty. This is a favourable year for the Rat and will offer him the chance to make more of his potential and enjoy some deserved success.

The Year of the Monkey starts on 8 February and almost at once the Rat could be blessed with some surprising good fortune. Whether acquiring something he has been wanting for some time, receiving an encouraging response to an enquiry or application, or being enthused by an idea, he can find the Monkey year getting off to a promising start. And in true Rat style, he should aim to make the most of it. Events can happen quickly in the Monkey year and chances need to be seized before the moment is lost.

This will particularly be the case in the Rat’s work. Many organizations will be implementing changes as well as adapting to new markets and conditions, and by being involved and aware, the Rat will often be well-placed to benefit. When openings occur in his place of work, or his industry as a whole, his experience can stand him in good stead. There will be excellent chances to take on greater and more remunerative responsibilities this year. Especially for Rats who have been in the same position for some time, this is a year to move forward, and as soon as the Rat learns of an opening, he should be quick to follow it up. Speed and initiative count for a lot this year.

Late February, March, June, October and November could see encouraging developments and such is the nature of the year that new responsibilities taken on in the early months (even if initially offered on a temporary basis) could pave the way to something more substantial later on.

For Rats who are unfulfilled in their present position and those seeking work, the prospects are also encouraging. However, to benefit, these Rats should not be too restrictive in the type of work they consider. By widening their options they may discover a position which not only suits them but also offers potential for the future.

In addition, there could be increased opportunities for the Rat to travel in connection with his work this year, or possibly relocate. Also, with this being a year favouring self-development, if there are chances for him to go on training courses or set time aside for study, his efforts could reward him handsomely. For Rats currently on educational courses, this is a time when commitment and hard work can lead to good results which can be built upon in the future.

Although the Rat will be involved in a great many activities this year, it is also important he makes time to enjoy recreational pursuits. If there are interests he is keen to develop, he should allow himself chance to do so. Regular ‘me time’ can enrich his lifestyle.

Travel is also favourably aspected, and if he is able, the Rat should aim to take a holiday this year. To enjoy his time away even more, he will find it helpful to read about his destination prior to leaving. Travel, including short breaks and weekends away, can give rise to some particular delights, notably in the summer.

The Rat’s progress at work may help financially and many Rats will now have the opportunity to proceed with some plans and acquisitions for the home. However, the Rat would do well to consider his purchases carefully rather than rush. Also, any provision he can make for the future could be something he is grateful for at a later date. This generally favourable year rewards good management and control.

On a personal level, the Rat will be kept busy. For the unattached Rat, the Monkey year will contain many social opportunities, with good chances to meet others, make friends and, for quite a few, find romance. Rats already enjoying romance could find this becoming more significant, and some will marry or settle down together. Monkey years favour relationships and the sociable Rat will enjoy the good times this one offers. March, May, August and November could be busy months for meeting others.

The Rat’s home life will also be active. His home is important to him and he is always looking for ways to improve it. However, while he may be a driving force in making changes, he does need to discuss his ideas and be mindful of the suggestions of others, especially where choices and potentially disruptive projects are concerned.

Similarly, with the changes in working patterns that the Rat and other family members may experience this year, there needs to be some flexibility from all concerned. The Monkey year is a time for dialogue as well as for enjoying quality time with others. But the Rat’s thoughtfulness will make a difference in many a home this year.

In general, the Monkey year holds encouraging prospects for the Rat. In his work, this is a year favouring growth, while his social life can bring him considerable pleasure and his home life can be gratifying, especially when he joins with others to see through projects and enjoy personal and family successes. To make things happen, however, he does need to set his ideas in motion. To drift or hold back could lead to him missing some fine opportunities. By being active and involved, however, the Rat can reap some good rewards this year.

Your Chinese Horoscope 2016: What the Year of the Monkey holds in store for you

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