Читать книгу Your Chinese Horoscope 2013: What the year of the snake holds in store for you - Neil Somerville, Neil Somerville - Страница 12
the zest,
the enthusiasm,
the giving the little bit more,
that makes the difference.
And opens up so much.
The Tiger is born under the sign of courage. He is a charismatic figure and usually holds very firm views. He is strong-willed and determined and sets about most of his activities with tremendous energy and enthusiasm. He is very alert and quick-witted and his mind is forever active. He is a highly original thinker and is nearly always brimming with new ideas or full of enthusiasm for some new project or scheme.
The Tiger adores challenges and loves to get involved in anything that he thinks has an exciting future or that catches his imagination. He is prepared to take risks and does not like to be bound either by convention or the dictates of others. He likes to be free to act as he chooses and at least once during his life he will throw caution to the wind and go off and do the things he wants to do.
The Tiger does, however, have a somewhat restless nature. Even though he is often prepared to throw himself wholeheartedly into a project, his initial enthusiasm can soon wane if he sees something more appealing. He can also be rather impulsive and there will be occasions in his life when he acts in a manner he later regrets. If he were to think things through or be prepared to persevere in his various activities, he would almost certainly enjoy a greater degree of success.
Fortunately the Tiger is lucky in most of his enterprises, but should things not work out as he hoped, he is liable to suffer from severe bouts of depression and it will often take him a long time to recover. His life often consists of a series of ups and downs.
He is, however, very adaptable. He has an adventurous spirit and rarely stays in the same place for long. In the early stages of his life he is likely to try his hand at several different jobs and he will also change his residence fairly frequently.
The Tiger is very honest and open in his dealings with others. He hates any sort of hypocrisy or falsehood. He is also well known for being blunt and forthright and has no hesitation in speaking his mind. He can be rebellious at times, particularly against any form of petty authority, and while this can lead him into conflict with others, he is never one to shrink from an argument or avoid standing up for what he believes is right.
The Tiger is a natural leader and can rise to the top of his chosen profession. He does not, however, care for anything too bureaucratic or detailed, and he does not like to obey orders. He can be stubborn and obstinate and throughout his life he likes to retain a certain amount of independence in his actions and be responsible to no one but himself. He likes to consider that all his achievements are due to his own efforts and he will not ask for support from others if he can avoid it.
Ironically, despite his self-confidence and leadership qualities, he can be indecisive and will often delay making a major decision until the very last moment. He can also be sensitive to criticism.
Although the Tiger is capable of earning large sums of money, he is rather a spendthrift and does not always put his money to best use. He can also be most generous and will often shower lavish gifts on friends and relations.
The Tiger cares very much for his reputation and the image that he tries to project. He carries himself with an air of dignity and authority and enjoys being the centre of attention. He is very adept at attracting publicity, both for himself and the causes he supports.
The Tiger often marries young and he will find himself best suited to those born under the signs of the Pig, Dog, Horse and Goat. He can also get on well with the Rat, Rabbit and Rooster, but will find the Ox and Snake a bit too quiet and serious for his liking, and he will be highly irritated by the Monkey’s rather mischievous and inquisitive ways. He will also find it difficult to get on with another Tiger or a Dragon – both partners will want to dominate the relationship and could find it difficult to compromise on even the smallest of matters.
The Tigress is lively, witty and a marvellous hostess at parties. She takes great care over her appearance and is usually most attractive. She can be a very doting mother and while she believes in letting her children have their freedom, she makes an excellent teacher and will ensure that her children are well brought up and want for nothing. Like her male counterpart, she has numerous interests and likes to have sufficient independence and freedom to go off and do the things she wants to do. She has a most caring and generous nature.
The Tiger has many commendable qualities. He is honest, courageous and often a source of inspiration to others. Providing he can curb the wilder excesses of his restless nature, he is almost certain to lead a fulfilling and satisfying life.
In addition to the 12 signs of the Chinese zodiac there are five elements and these have a strengthening or moderating influence on the signs. The effects of the five elements on the Tiger are described below, together with the years in which they were exercising their influence. Therefore Tigers born in 1950 and 2010 are Metal Tigers, Tigers born in 1962 are Water Tigers, and so on.
Metal Tiger: 1950, 2010
The Metal Tiger has an assertive and outgoing personality. He is very ambitious, and while his aims may change from time to time, he will work relentlessly until he has obtained what he wants. He can, however, be impatient for results and become highly strung if things do not work out as he would like. He is distinctive in his appearance and is admired and respected by many.
Water Tiger: 1962
This Tiger has a wide variety of interests and is always eager to experiment with new ideas or satisfy his adventurous nature by going off to explore distant lands. He is versatile, shrewd and has a kindly nature. He tends to remain calm in a crisis, although he can be annoyingly indecisive at times. He communicates well with others and through his many capabilities and persuasive nature usually achieves what he wants in life. He is also highly imaginative and is often a gifted orator or writer.
Wood Tiger: 1914, 1974
The Wood Tiger has a friendly and pleasant personality. He is less independent than some of the other types of Tiger and more prepared to work with others to secure a desired objective. However, he does have a tendency to jump from one thing to another and can easily become distracted. He is usually very popular, has a large circle of friends and invariably leads a busy and enjoyable social life. He also has a good sense of humour.
Fire Tiger: 1926, 1986
The Fire Tiger sets about everything he does with great verve and enthusiasm. He loves action and is always ready to throw himself wholeheartedly into anything that catches his imagination. He has many leadership qualities and is capable of communicating his ideas and enthusiasm to others. He is very much an optimist and can be most generous. He has a likeable nature and can be a witty and persuasive speaker.
Earth Tiger: 1938, 1998
This Tiger is responsible and level-headed. He studies everything objectively and tries to be scrupulously fair in all his dealings. Unlike other Tigers, he is prepared to specialize in certain areas rather than get distracted by other matters, but he can become so involved in what he is doing that he does not always take into account the opinions of those around him. He has good business sense and is usually very successful in later life. He has a large circle of friends and pays great attention to both his appearance and his reputation.
The Tiger can get a lot from the Dragon year (23 January 2012–9 February 2013), but as it draws to a close he will need to be careful. Situations can be volatile, and rushing, taking risks or being overconfident can lead to problems. The Tiger will need to be on his mettle.
One of the Tiger’s particular strengths is his innovative nature. He is capable of coming up with many fine ideas and in the closing months of the Dragon year his talents will be much appreciated. In his place of work, he may be able to suggest solutions to particular problems or take a lead in certain initiatives. It is worth him making the extra effort at this time, and if looking to progress or seeking a position, he could find September and November offering interesting possibilities.
The Tiger will also be in increasing demand as the Dragon year draws to a close and may have chances to meet family and friends he has not seen for some considerable time. Such occasions can not only mean a great deal, but some who have known the Tiger for a great many years may take the opportunity to pass on news or special advice which the Tiger would do well to heed.
With a lot to fit in at this time, it would be helpful for the Tiger to remain well organized and make arrangements in advance. This way he will have the chance to enjoy himself rather than proceed at a heady pace. He would also do well to watch his spending. Without care, his outgoings could be greater than anticipated.
Overall, the Dragon year will give the Tiger a chance to use his ideas and wide-ranging talents. However, in the remaining months he does need to be alert to all that is going on around him and, amid all the activity and demands, keep his lifestyle in balance.
The Tiger sets about his activities with considerable energy, and while he can look forward to many encouraging developments in the Snake year, which starts on 10 February, he may find it best to moderate his approach. The Snake year is one which favours a steadier pace.
However, while the Snake year can have a slightly restraining influence on the Tiger, it can still have its benefits. In particular it will give the Tiger the opportunity to plan ahead as well as appreciate certain activities more. This may not be the most progressive of years for him, but it can be highly satisfying.
In his work, the Tiger should view the Snake year as a time for consolidation, building up skills and being content with more modest headway. Tigers who are relatively new in their position should aim to become more established and learn about the different aspects of their work. By immersing themselves in what they do, they will not only find their work more fulfilling but also be building skills they will often be able to take further later on. Snake years encourage learning and personal development, and the effort the Tiger puts into developing his skills will be an investment in himself and his future.
Many Tigers will remain in their present position during the year and will have the chance to take on greater responsibility as the year progresses. However, for those who desire change or are looking for a position, the Snake year can bring important developments. By widening the scope of positions they are prepared to consider, many Tigers could take on a different form of work. Although this could involve considerable readjustment, it may give them a chance to add to their working knowledge and be something they can build on in the future. Some Tigers who are currently unemployed may also be able to take advantage of employment initiatives or retraining schemes, and it would be worth these Tigers keeping informed about what is available. April, May, September and October could see particularly important developments, but throughout the year the Tiger needs to keep alert and act when he sees openings that appeal to him.
In money matters, he will need to remain disciplined, keep careful control over his budget and make advance provision for more major expenses. With good management, he will be able to proceed with a lot of what he wants to do, and could also benefit from a gift or favourable terms on a major purchase, but the Snake year is very much one for planning ahead.
Many Tigers will take the opportunity to travel this year and, again, would do well to save up for this in advance and plan their time away. With their adventurous nature, Tigers often enjoy travelling, and for quite a few, this could be one of the highlights of their year.
With the Snake year favouring learning and personal development, the Tiger can also derive considerable pleasure from his interests over the year and may be attracted to a new recreational activity. The important factor this year is to allow time for himself and to enjoy relaxing rather than feel continually driven. The Tiger should step off the treadmill of activity every so often, especially if he leads a hectic lifestyle.
With his active and outgoing nature, the Tiger knows a great many people and will enjoy a lot of his socializing this year. However, while a lot will go well, the year can bring its problems. A disagreement or clash of personality may occur or a jealousy or rivalry surface. A new romance may founder. Should any Tiger place himself in an awkward or embarrassing position, problems could ensue. While usually so expert in his relations with others, the Tiger will find the Snake year does require care, tact and discretion. Tigers, take note. This can be a pleasing year, but it is not one for lapses or risks. March, July, August and December could see the most social opportunities.
As always, the Tiger will play a very full part in his home life and will be pleased with how many domestic activities proceed. However, this is no year for rush and although the Tiger may be keen for certain ideas to go ahead, he will need to allow time for these to take shape. To hurry could lead to less satisfactory outcomes and some pressured situations. Again, this is a year for planning and proceeding at a more measured pace.
During the year the Tiger will also give important support to his loved ones, and when others may be facing decisions or have personal pressures, his advice and encouraging manner will be greatly appreciated. Also, with travel favourably aspected, time away with loved ones can do everyone a lot of good.
Overall, the Year of the Snake may lack the activity and buzz the Tiger favours, but it can still be personally satisfying. It will give the Tiger an excellent opportunity to add to his skills and often find greater fulfilment in what he does. Many of his personal activities can also develop well, but he does need to allow himself time to pursue these. In his relations with others, he will need to be aware and attentive, but with care, he will be generally pleased with how the year develops and how its more moderate pace allows him to appreciate that much more.
The Metal Tiger
The Metal Tiger keeps himself active and has widespread interests. He is never one to be idle and in the Snake year he will take satisfaction from the possibilities that open up for him. However, during the year he will need to show patience and accept that not all his activities and hopes can be hurried along or achieved as quickly as he might like.
At work, most Metal Tigers will be content to remain in their present position this year and put their skills and experience to good use. As new situations arise and pressures need to be dealt with, the Metal Tiger’s judgement will be particularly valued, with colleagues often seeking his advice. Over the year many Metal Tigers will be an integral part of a team and enjoy the respect of many.
Some, however, could be offered the chance of early retirement or consider changing their role. These Metal Tigers do need to consider the implications of such a choice and seek the advice of loved ones and those able to offer expert advice. Important decisions should not be rushed and the Metal Tiger should be guided by what feels right for him.
Metal Tigers who do decide to seek a position elsewhere or are looking for work should also make the most of the assistance available to them. By being active, following up enquiries and showing resourcefulness, they can find new possibilities opening up. Admittedly, these could represent considerable change and involve readjustment, but at the same time they will offer an interesting personal challenge. Late March to early June, September and October could see important developments.
Financial prospects are encouraging and many Metal Tigers will receive a bonus, gift or funds from a maturing policy over the year. However, ‘more thought, less speed’ is very much the guiding principle of this year and to make the most of his position, the Metal Tiger will need to manage his finances carefully and rather than spend too readily, think over his plans and more major purchases.
With travel favourably indicated, he should, however, make provision for a holiday. Not only will he enjoy seeing places that are new to him, but time away can do him a lot of good. Also, if he receives invitations to stay with friends or relations, he should follow them up. Some of the shorter breaks of the year can give rise to a great deal of pleasure and a surprising amount can be fitted into just a few days.
With Snake years encouraging learning and personal development, the Metal Tiger should also consider taking certain personal interests further or starting something new. With his enquiring mind, he will often derive much satisfaction from what he sets out to do. Allied to this, if he considers he does not get sufficient exercise, he should take advice on the most appropriate activities he could start. By taking action, he not only stands to benefit physically but could also develop a new interest.
In his relations with others, the Metal Tiger is a direct and no-nonsense sort. He speaks honestly and, while many respect him for this, his candour can sometimes lead to problems. In the Snake year he does need to be mindful of this and choose his words carefully in any potentially difficult situation. Words spoken in haste could be regretted later.
However, while there is a need for increased mindfulness, the Metal Tiger will enjoy much of his socializing over the year. His interests can also have a pleasing social element, and for the unattached, a new friendship can add extra meaning to the year. March, July, August and December will be the busiest months socially.
In his domestic life, the Metal Tiger will take a great deal of pleasure in some home projects he decides to tackle, possibly adding new comforts, tidying certain areas or redesigning certain rooms. The Snake year will see much practical activity in many a Metal Tiger household. However, plans should not be rushed and only carried out when time allows.
The Metal Tiger will give valuable support to loved ones over the year and his assistance will be valued. However, while a lot in his home life will go well, there is a risk that certain issues will cause tension. Here good discussion and willingness to reach understanding will be of considerable help and handled well, these issues will not overshadow what can otherwise be a positive and rewarding home life.
One of the main benefits of the Snake year will be the opportunity it gives the Metal Tiger to make more of his interests and ideas. By setting himself satisfying pursuits and seizing his opportunities to add to his knowledge or take up a new interest, he can gain much pleasure from what he does. In his relations with others, the Snake year calls for care, but by being aware of this need for increased mindfulness, many Metal Tigers will be able to minimize the more awkward aspects and can look forward to a full and pleasing year.
Consult others and listen to their views. Being too independent could lead to problems. Be mindful. Also, set aside time to enjoy your personal interests. These can bring you considerable pleasure and benefit.
The Water Tiger
This will be an interesting year for the Water Tiger. Progress may not be swift and the year will have its challenges, but the Water Tiger can still draw a lot of satisfaction from his activities.
As with all Tigers, in 2013 the Water Tiger will need to proceed carefully and steadily. Snake years do not favour rush and the Water Tiger should allow time to think over plans and activities and talk these through with others. The more preparation, the better.
One important feature of the year will be the chance the Water Tiger will have to develop his skills and interests. Whether in his work or his own interests, by going on training courses, undertaking private study, joining an organization or setting himself a new personal objective, he will be able to benefit from his actions. Where recreational pursuits are concerned, quite a few Water Tigers could be tempted by something new. The Water Tiger is blessed with an enquiring nature.
He would also do well to give some consideration to his well-being over the year. If sedentary for much of the day or tending to rely on convenience foods, he will benefit from seeking advice and making some modifications to his lifestyle.
At work, many Water Tigers will be content to remain where they are, especially in view of some of the more recent changes they may have experienced. These Water Tigers will often be glad to concentrate on their duties and use their skills to good effect. Though they may now have considerable experience behind them, when new procedures or objectives are introduced, they should take the time to familiarize themselves with what is involved, including taking up any training that may be offered. This may not be a necessarily progressive year, but it is not one for standing still.
While the Water Tiger enjoys positive relations with many of his colleagues, it may be that a disagreement, clash of personality or rivalry surfaces this year. If such a situation occurs, the Water Tiger should be careful it does not escalate or cast a shadow over what he does. Fortunately this will only apply to a few Water Tigers, but relations with colleagues can sometimes be problematic in the Snake year and the Water Tiger needs to be careful and aware.
For Water Tigers who would welcome change or are seeking work, the Snake year can bring some interesting possibilities. However, Snake years do move slowly and the job-seeking process can be long and protracted. In their quest, these Water Tigers should not be too restrictive in what they are prepared to consider. By thinking over different ways in which they could use their skills, they could identify new types of work to put in for. By seeking advice, taking care over their applications and preparing well for interview, they will see their discipline bringing results in the end. Late March to early June, September and October could see encouraging developments.
In money matters, the Water Tiger’s astute nature can serve him well this year. If wanting to make a major purchase, by planning ahead, making comparisons and keeping alert, he could benefit from an attractive offer. It could also help his situation to carry out a review of his financial position. This could alert him to expenses which may no longer be necessary as well as allow him to manage his budget more effectively.
Where possible, he should try to take a holiday over the year. A visit to an area new to him could be of particular interest and he may be able to combine this with an attraction or event he is keen to see. Again, early planning can help.
The Water Tiger’s various activities can also introduce him to many new people this year. However, while there will be good times to be had, Snake years can bring their problems and an indiscretion, misunderstanding or clash of personalities could cause an upset. Water Tigers, do bear this in mind and be careful. Similarly, those who find love this year will need to remain attentive and let any romance build gradually rather than rush into things.
In his home life, the Water Tiger will find his talents in demand. With busy lifestyles going on around him, work pressures to consider and family members facing important decisions, he will be called on to support and advise others. Here his ability to view matters from different perspectives and to come up with solutions will be particularly valued. And while the year will be busy, there will also be domestic plans, shared interests and joint family activities to enjoy.
Overall, the Snake year can be a satisfying one for the Water Tiger, particularly in the way that it allows him to further his interests and skills. This is an excellent time for personal development and what the Water Tiger starts now will often be something he can build on in future years. He will need to take care in his relations with others, but generally the Snake year will be a pleasant and constructive one for him.
Rather than rush and hurry, take things at a more moderate pace. Seize opportunities to add to your skills and knowledge. This can not only be satisfying now but also to your future advantage.
The Wood Tiger
The Wood Tiger is ambitious and likes to be active. However, he is also realistic and knows that some of his hopes and aspirations are for the future. The Year of the Snake will give him an excellent chance to work towards some of these, however, and can have far-reaching significance.
At work, many Wood Tigers will be affected by change. Although they may be settled where they are, they could find new methods being introduced and different objectives being set. Some of this will be challenging, but it can also give the Wood Tiger a chance to show his initiative, add to his skills and demonstrate his potential. As a result, he can do his prospects considerable good.
Many Wood Tigers will remain with their present employer this year, but for those who decide to move on or are seeking work, the Snake year can be significant. Obtaining a new position will not be easy, but by considering different possibilities, many Wood Tigers will secure an interesting new position. Not only can this represent change, but it can give the Wood Tiger experience in a new working environment, which can be an important factor in his subsequent progress. April, May, September and October could see encouraging developments.
With the increased pressures he may face over the year, it is also important the Wood Tiger keeps his lifestyle in balance. This includes allowing time for activities that let him rest and unwind. Some Wood Tigers will also enjoy going to sporting or other interest-related events, including those held in their local area. Should the Wood Tiger be sedentary for much of the day it would be worth him considering activities that would allow him to exercise more. Attention to his well-being can be of considerable benefit.
In financial matters he will fare reasonably well and may receive an additional sum or bonus during the year. However, with all his plans and commitments, he will need to be disciplined and keep careful control of his outgoings. There will, however, be opportunities to travel this year and where possible the Wood Tiger should allow for this in his budgeting.
With his outgoing manner, the Wood Tiger gets on well with most people and can look forward to some interesting social occasions and to widening his circle of acquaintances. However, the Snake year does require him to tread carefully. A difference of opinion or petty annoyance could arise and cast a shadow over this otherwise fine time. Relations with others, especially on a social basis, do need careful attention, and in any potentially awkward situation, the Wood Tiger needs to be guarded and discreet. He should also be very wary of placing himself in any situation which could cause embarrassment or rebound on him. Where new romances are concerned, it is better to proceed slowly than in haste. March, late June to the end of August and December could see the most social activity.
The Wood Tiger can, however, look forward to a busy and rewarding home life. There will be plans and ideas to pursue, and the Wood Tiger will take pleasure in the way certain projects develop. When carrying out these plans, the more co-operation there is, the better the outcome will be. Co-operation will also be needed when those in the Wood Tiger household, including the Wood Tiger himself, face pressures, decisions and unfamiliar situations. At such times, discussion and openness will help everyone. There may be moments of concern, but also some successes to mark. For Wood Tigers who are parents, the encouragement they can give to their children can do much to help their progress and during the year many will have good reason to be proud of the achievements of those around them.
Overall, the Year of the Snake can be a satisfying one for the Wood Tiger and he will often benefit from the knowledge and experience he can now gain. Particularly in his work situation, what he achieves now can be built on in the future. In his relations with others, time and care are needed, but with awareness (and the Wood Tiger is very good at gauging the feelings of others), he can do much to minimize the year’s more negative aspects and can look forward to a full and rewarding domestic and social life. The Wood Tiger is both keen and determined and what he does this year will be instrumental in some of the successes he is soon to enjoy, especially in the auspicious Horse year which follows.
Set time aside to develop your knowledge and skills. Your efforts can open up new possibilities and prepare you for future opportunities. Also, keep your lifestyle in balance and preserve time for your loved ones.
The Fire Tiger
The Fire Tiger is enthusiastic, bold and enterprising. He busies himself in a great many things and is good at spotting opportunities. But sometimes he does spread his energies a little too widely and does not always get the full benefit of his actions. In the Snake year, if he remains disciplined and focused, his results can be both good and far-reaching.
At work, many Fire Tigers will now have more chance to establish themselves and their enthusiasm and in-depth knowledge will do a lot to help their standing and prospects. Some of the responsibilities they take on and situations they deal with can also underline their strengths and increase their skills and working knowledge. By showing commitment, raising their profile and working closely with others, they can make themselves very strong candidates for future promotion or employment elsewhere.
For Fire Tigers who are already keen to move elsewhere or are seeking work, the Snake year can again be significant. Obtaining a position will not be easy, but the Fire Tiger could be alerted to openings in a new type of work which not only offers interesting opportunities but also has the potential for future development. What some take on this year could be an introduction to an industry they will be involved with for many years. Late March to the end of May, September and October could see encouraging developments.
The Snake year is also excellent for personal development and if the Fire Tiger feels it would be useful to gain another qualification or a certain skill, he should follow this up. Positive action now can do much to prepare him for the opportunities that lie ahead.
He can look forward to an improvement in his financial situation over the year, but to benefit fully he will need to remain disciplined and keep a close watch on outgoings. With good control over his spending and budget, he will find he is in a better position to proceed with certain plans as well as put down any deposits required. If possible, he should also budget for a holiday or break over the year. A change of scene can do him good.
Another beneficial aspect of the year concerns the Fire Tiger’s personal interests and he should make the most of any free time he has to develop his ideas, add to his knowledge and enjoy his recreational pursuits. This can help keep his lifestyle in balance and some activities may also give him the benefit of additional exercise.
The Fire Tiger will also enjoy the social opportunities of the year, especially the chances to talk to friends and share news as well as any concerns. Fire Tigers who would welcome new friends, perhaps having moved to a new area or seen a recent change in their personal circumstances, will often find their work situation or interests introducing them to others. For the unattached, there are interesting romantic possibilities, but time and patience are needed. This is not a year favouring haste.
Also, when in company, the Fire Tiger needs to be attentive and mindful. A slip, faux pas or disagreement could cause problems. If possible, he should avoid placing himself in a situation that could embarrass or cause difficulty. Without care, Snake years can have their difficult moments.
Most of the Fire Tiger’s relations with others will go well, however, and he can also look forward to a full and active home life. Over the year some important decisions will be made and sometimes serendipity can assist in the process. If the Fire Tiger is considering a move or major purchase, something suitable could be found in a way that seems as if it was meant to be. The Fire Tiger does need to pay heed to what senior relations and professionals may advise, however. The input of others, together with his own efforts, can set things in motion. Domestically, this can be a pleasing year, but it does require good co-operation and support.
Overall, the Year of the Snake can be a significant one for the Fire Tiger. The experience and skills he can gain work-wise can give him a solid base on which to build, especially in the encouraging Horse year that follows. On a more personal level, the Fire Tiger will need to take careful note of the views and feelings of those around him. With support and co-operation, however, plans can proceed and many rewarding times be enjoyed. This is a useful year that will leave a powerful legacy.
Gain experience and seize opportunities. Your efforts can not only help your present situation but also lead to future possibilities. Do not underestimate the importance of what you do now. Also, be mindful of others and enjoy quality time with your loved ones.
The Earth Tiger
This will be a quietly satisfying year for the Earth Tiger and by setting about his activities in his usual diligent way, he can look forward to some pleasing results.
Earth Tigers born in 1998 will now be moving on to an important stage in their education. Not only will there be much to learn but also the chance to study some subjects in greater depth. For the young Earth Tiger, there will be a lot to do, but by putting in the effort and using his time and resources well, he can make significant progress.
In his studying the Earth Tiger will be helped by his inquisitive mind. He could become particularly inspired by certain subjects and in the process demonstrate an aptitude that can be built on in the future. Snake years do have far-reaching effects.
With the more detailed study required this year, it is also important that the Earth Tiger seeks help if he feels he is struggling with any aspect of his education. If he is forthcoming, others will be better able to assist. Earth Tigers, when in doubt, do remember to ask.
Over the year the young Earth Tiger will delight in his interests and recreational pursuits. Those who are sportingly inclined will very much enjoy the games and activities they take part in and should take full advantage of the facilities and instruction available. Whatever the Earth Tiger’s interests, the Snake year is an excellent one to explore ideas and discover new strengths. A key feature of the year is that it rewards personal development.
Throughout the year the Earth Tiger will also enjoy sharing many activities with his friends. As he gets to do more, he will also have the chance to meet new people and some important new friendships can be made. However, Snake years can bring their problems and jealousy, rivalry or a falling out could occur. This could cause much anguish for the Earth Tigers affected, but they should try to not let this overshadow the positive aspects of this generally encouraging year. Unfortunately the paths of friendship (and love) are not always smooth and this will be a lesson some Earth Tigers discover this year. In difficult situations, it will be best to tread carefully and keep things in perspective. Fortunately these words only apply to a minority and advice and support will be available.
More positively, there could be some exciting travel possibilities this year, with chances to visit new areas and some lively attractions. The Earth Tiger has an adventurous spirit and can enjoy some memorable moments.
Although he will often be kept occupied by studying and pursuing his interests, he should also participate in home life. Whether helping with certain tasks or being more forthcoming about his current activities, he will find his involvement is appreciated and can lead to better understanding and support.
For Earth Tigers born in 1938, the Snake year can be highly satisfying. The Earth Tiger is blessed with a curious and innovative mind and the more senior Earth Tiger will often have ideas and projects he is keen to tackle. For the most part, these will be related to his interests, and by spending time on these and drawing on his extensive knowledge, he will enjoy a lot of what he does. However, while the Snake year can be encouraging, it is not one for rush. In all his activities, the Tiger should proceed slowly and carefully and think his plans through. The greater his care, the more satisfying his results.
This also applies to any home or garden projects he may have in mind. These do need to be discussed and costed carefully. However, as many Earth Tigers will find, once plans are embarked upon, they could be helped along by sudden opportunities or advantageous offers.