Читать книгу The Horse in 2013: Your Chinese Horoscope - Neil Somerville, Neil Somerville - Страница 6



Silent and still,

The snake may lie coiled and motionless for a very long time.

But when it is ready, it strikes.

Patient, dangerous and ever alert, the snake has power that it would be folly to underestimate. And the same is true for the Year of the Snake. This is a time of powerful undercurrents and far-reaching effects.

Snake years are times of dramatic events which can alter the course of history. The Russian Revolution which swept away the Tsarist tradition in 1917, the dismantling of the Berlin Wall and collapse of many regimes in Eastern Europe in 1989 and, in the last Snake year, the attack on the New York Trade Center and Pentagon all had profound consequences. In 2013 it is again likely that powerful forces will emerge and some who are repressed will rise up against authority. These changes can be dramatic as well as affect the stability of certain regions.

World leaders and international organizations will need to be vigilant this year. However, amid the tensions, there will also be landmark agreements which can usher in positive change. It was a Snake year when Presidents Bush and Gorbachev held their first summit and announced the ending of the Cold War and also when Nelson Mandela met President Botha, a meeting which led to the ending of white rule in South Africa. This Snake year will again witness historic developments.

A further feature of Snake years is that they are times of intrigue, when rumours are rife. Prominent figures could find themselves under scrutiny and with damaging allegations to face up to. Shady dealings, corruption and espionage may discredit certain countries, industries and organizations, and the year is likely to be marked by several scandals.

However, while the Snake year will see powerful forces at work, it will also be a time of major progress. Although financial markets will remain volatile and be swift to react to rumour and speculation, the year will see a slow but definite economic upturn in many regions. Many governments will also take active measures to stimulate growth and reduce unemployment levels.

Snake years favour innovation and 2013 is likely to see some defining moments with the release of major products. It was in the last Snake year that Apple launched their iconic iPod and other Snake years have seen the invention of the CD and high-definition television. There has also been notable progress in the world of medicine in Snake years, including the discovery of DNA and, in the last Snake year, the first surgical implantation of an AbioCor artificial heart into a patient and Dr Kenneth Matsumura’s invention of the artificial liver. Further breakthroughs will occur this year and impact on the treatment of certain conditions. International agencies will also be active this year in providing relief and medicine to undeveloped and troubled regions. There will be considerable emphasis on humanitarian and environmental issues.

The arts and culture thrive in Snake years, and in this one, major events and exhibitions will make various art forms more accessible. On stage and screen, audiences will be delighted by a variety of productions, some of them thought-provoking and profound. There is a reflective quality to the Snake year. The world of fashion is also likely to see notable styles emerge, with the emphasis on the sophisticated and discreet rather than the garish or flamboyant. For the fashion conscious, this can be an exciting year, with new trends (including hairstyles) attracting widespread comment.

The British royal family will also be very much in the news this year, with events that will bring both joy and concern.

More ominously, the extreme weather patterns seen in recent years are set to continue. The previous Snake year witnessed Tropical Storm Allison, which caused $5.5 billion in damage, making it the costliest tropical storm in American history. While it is hoped that the ravages of nature will not be as severe or damaging this year, the omens are, sadly, not good.

This Snake year will, though, see some great human achievements, and whether on land or sea, in the air, in space or indeed in sporting arenas, many records will be broken and feats be inspiring. Interestingly, it was in a Snake year that Sir Edmund Hillary conquered Mount Everest.

For the individual, the Snake year offers considerable potential. It favours learning and personal growth, and whether by reading or studying more, taking up a new skill or setting themselves a personal objective, many people will be persuaded to improve themselves in some way. This is a year for action, and many people will be satisfied by the actions they take.

As is always the way, some signs will fare better in the Snake year than others, but for all there will be opportunities to do something personally constructive. As the Chinese proverb reminds us, ‘If you have foresight, you are blessed, but if you have insight, you are a thousand times blessed.’ This is an excellent year to gain new insights, reconnect with the real you and give yourself time to add to your knowledge and capabilities. Use your time well so you may do well.

I wish you good fortune for the year ahead.

The Horse in 2013: Your Chinese Horoscope

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