Уважаемые читатели! В этой книге мы будем обсуждать с вами, как достичь того, чего мы хотим в жизни. Что для этого делать? Как быть успешным? И что нас приведёт к счастливой жизни?Если Вы хотите изменить свою жизнь в лучшую сторону, то эта книга именно для Вас.Читайте! И напишите нужные места в Ваш дневник. Используйте все, что написано в этой книге и создайте жизнь, которую Вы хотите!
Nekruzjon Zuhurov. Invite the success to your life
Reflection of human thoughts
Look for the positive in everything
Right thinking
Be strong
Be thankful!
Support the people around you
The place of family in a successful life
Believe with your heart that you will achieve everything you want
Successful communication with people
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Invite the success to your life
Nekruzjon Zuhurov
Everyone says that childhood is a great period and life in childhood is the best than ever. Why? Because in childhood we thought only positive things. We believed in fairy tales, believed in magic and created our own beautiful world. Growing up, we ourselves have left that world and now we miss it. What prevents us to create that world? For this, we should not think about negative things.
In each work, try to look for a plus and positive side. Try to say everything from positive way. If You have two friends Olga and Sasha. If you want to communicate with Olga you think that she id very nice and funny but with Sasha on the contrary. He’s rude and you don’t want to talk to him. In that case do not tell others that Sasha is rude and you do not like to communicate with him. Just tell others that Olga is very cheerful, energetic and you love to communicate with her. Not tell negative character Sasha.