Читать книгу Invite the success to your life - Nekruzjon Zuhurov - Страница 5

Look for the positive in everything


From now through all the negative things out of your mind. To suffer, to knit, to be nervous. These things will not bring you a beautiful life. Imagine your life as a beautiful aquarium. Clear water, colorful fish, green grass. Fish fun floating inside. It is very admirable. Thinking negatively, You with your hands bring the dirt and through them into the aquarium. If to compare negative with positive they as the devil and an angel. The negative always brings negative things. You say that your life is full of failures, but in fact you attract all that surrounds yourself. Thinking you create your atmosphere, you create your circle. How will be circle an unlucky or fortunate, joyful or stressful, colorful or black and white this all in your hands and in the center of the circle you are standing.

One day a king saw a dream. He saw in a dream that all his teeth fell and he had not any tooth. In the morning he woke up and thought that was very strange and called the wise men of the country who knew the meaning of dreams. To him came two men. The king told all that he saw in dream and asked what meaning it had. The first man said: “My king, your dream means that all your relatives will die but you will be alive”

The king ordered execute him for these words.

The other man replied, “My king! Your dream means That your life will be the longest among your relatives”

For these words the king ordered reward him. The answer means the same thing, but one of them was executed and the other was rewarded. Because one said the negative side and the other responded through the positive side.

In each work, try to look for a plus and positive side. Try to say everything from positive way. If You have two friends Olga and Sasha. If you want to communicate with Olga you think that she id very nice and funny but with Sasha on the contrary. He’s rude and you don’t want to talk to him. In that case do not tell others that Sasha is rude and you do not like to communicate with him. Just tell others that Olga is very cheerful, energetic and you love to communicate with her. Not tell negative character Sasha.

You say that You have a lot of problems and they stand on your way. Believe me, life consists of problems. Imagine that you have no problems at all. It means you don’t have a job, friends, you stay home all day and don’t know what to do. As albert Einstein said, defining a problem is a bigger problem than finding a solution. If appears a problem, many people say to themselves,“If I wouldn’t do this, I wouldn’t have this problem.” Do you think that is the way of solution? We can’t return passed time, but we can use it to improve something in our live. Our live can’t be standard. If there is a problem tell yourself:" How to solve this problem?“And at that moment the answer always comes.

Start with the little things. Do something better every day. Try to quit your negative habits. Because they determine your life. People communicate with you by looking at your habits and words.

Invite the success to your life

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