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Since I was a girl in school I have been putting together some verses, even submitting some to the church magazines but only receiving the usual rejection slips. However, one was printed, unknown to me for many years as I have already written, but I have continued to put words to rhyme ever since and have given them or read them at specific occasions. A few years ago when Zelda Newby lost her little baby I wrote these lines and gave them to her. Since then I have used these words of consolation to help other sorrowing mothers. Today I wrote it out for Gwendolyn La Rocke—May 6, 1940.
Like a ray of sunshine, sent from the realms above,
Came your sweet little baby breathing a message of love.
Like a sunbeam earthward bound she came to cheer your souls
And a place in your hearts found.
She has gone to Heaven again you cannot see her now;
But still a ray of Heavenly light is lingering on your brow.
Your beautiful little Darling came not here to stay,
But like the golden sunbeams, to drive your cares away.
Though the darkness is about you, cry not in wild dismay
For the One who stilled the billows, will roll the clouds away;
All about is dark and dreary, but Dear Friends, hope on! hope on!
Remember the night is darkest, just before the Dawn.
As the Shepherd carries the little lamb over the desert wide,
The mother will ever be found hovering eagerly at His side
Up where the grass is green and sweet with the morning dew,
Your little lamb has gone and is waiting there for you.
(This poem was written in the year 1910 for Zelda Brown [Newby] when her baby died. I have copied it for a few others. )