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Roberta Grey

Lord Charles Lamprey

Lady Charles Lamprey

Henry Lamprey. Their eldest son

Friede Lamprey (Frid). Their elder daughter

Colin and Stephen Lamprey. Twins. Their second and third sons

Patricia Lamprey (Patch). Their second daughter

Michael Lamprey (Mike). Their youngest son

Mrs Burnaby (Nanny). Their nurse

Baskett. Their butler

Cora Blackburn. Their parlour-maid

A Ship’s Passenger

Stamford. A commissionaire

The Lady Katherine Lobe. Aunt to Lord Charles

Gabriel, Marquis of Wutherwood and Rune (Uncle G.). Elder brother to Lord Charles

Violet, Marchioness of Wutherwood and Rune (Aunt V.). His wife

Giggle. Their chauffeur

Tinkerton. Lady Wutherwood’s maid

Dr Kantripp. The Lampreys’ doctor

Sir Matthew Cairnstock. A brain specialist

Dr Curtis. Police surgeon

Detective-Inspector Fox. Of the Central Branch, Criminal Investigation Department

Chief Detective-Inspector Alleyn. Of the Central Branch, Criminal Investigation Department

Detective-Sergeant Bailey. A finger-print expert

Detective-Sergeant Thompson. A photographic expert

Police-Constable Martin

Police-Constable Gibson

A Police Constable who has read Macbeth

Detective-Sergeant Campbell. On duty at 24 Brummell St

Nigel Bathgate. Watson to Mr Alleyn

Mrs Moffatt. Housekeeper at 24 Brummell Street

Moffatt. Her husband

Mr Rattisbon. Solicitor

A Nurse

Inspector Alleyn 3-Book Collection 4

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