Читать книгу The Way of Nowhere: Eight Questions to Release Our Creative Potential - Nick Udall - Страница 67
Empty yet direct
ОглавлениеWe can only attain this optimum level of performance through mastery of presence and mastery of intent.
To truly appreciate the power and beauty of the present moment we have to be able to empty and still ourselves. The breath is a great example of this. Even two or three conscious breaths open the space required to disconnect us from the yoke of over-reaction. This space enables us to discern whether our thoughts and feelings are a relevant response to the environment or a fear- based pattern that needs to release its hold. This is the gift of the South-East.
The South-West reminds us of why we are here and reconnects us with where we are going. To venture into uncertainty is not about wandering aimlessly, but exploring with intent. This is guided not by an end destination or preconception, but by our purpose and our passions. This requires the power of intent – an important skill. With practice and focus we can hone our power of intentionality and consciously co-create with the universe, so that life opens up before us.
When we can see vividly the future that we want to create, we can bring it into the present by using it to inform each step into the unknown. And as we do so, we harness the power of synchronicity and see new opportunities emerge. It can seem that the universe is bending to our will.