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Handy stuff: mirror on a stick


Use this extended mirror to bounce light into the shadows. I find it one of the best ways to find egg cases of dog whelks and other creatures that want to keep out of harm’s way.


> thick, but bendable wire

> travel mirror

> gaffer tape

> scissors

1 Take 6ocm of thick but bendable wire, fold it in half and twist.

2 Bend one end at right angles and attach to a travel shaver’s mirror with reinforced gaffer tape (from a DIY shop). Make a more solid handle by binding the other end with the gaffer tape.

3 Use the mirror to shed light on those otherwise dark and sinister cracks and crevices.

4 Bend the wire into a right angle so you can look in all those rock pools. You can even get an idea of what the world is like looking up from a crab’s point of view.


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