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Chapter 7

Drew’s kiss and sudden exit left Alana confused.

“I’m coming back for you?” she said aloud, repeating Drew’s words and wondering what they were supposed to mean. Instinctively, she touched her lips and realized she was still breathing heavily. Drew’s kiss made her feel weightless.

Alana shook her head, attempting to shake off the hold that Drew’s kiss had on her. If Drew thought he was going to end up in her bed, he was mistaken. She was going to put a stop to him showing up at her house unannounced, as well. She didn’t want to be rude, but she needed to get that message across to him.

She tried to convince herself that his advances weren’t welcome and that his touch had no effect. Yet, he was stirring up a hunger in her that felt potentially explosive. His presence was a threat to her resolve.

Alana headed back to the kitchen to clean up the plates from her and Drew’s impromptu breakfast. She also thought about Cadence keeping Drew’s invitation a secret and grabbed her cell phone.

“Pick up the phone, lady.” Alana tapped her nails against the countertop as she counted the rings. Just when she thought the call would go to voicemail, Cadence picked up.


“You have some ’splainin’ to do, Lucy!” she said in her best Ricky Ricardo impression. Alana had picked that up from watching I Love Lucy reruns with her mother. She had always loved Ricky’s heavy accent. “I was just thinking about the other night. I don’t like being ambushed!”

“Ambushed, Alana? Really? I told you Drew asked me not to say anything.”

“What’s with him?”

“He was afraid you wouldn’t go.”

“Since when is he afraid of anything?” Alana sucked her teeth and waved her hand, dismissing the notion.

“Never mind that, missy. How about you explain that tongue duel that the two of you seemed to have gotten lost in at the after-party! Your entire mood changed after that. You even avoided me at the office yesterday and then you left early so I never had a chance to interrogate you. What’s going on?”

“I wasn’t avoiding you.” Alana smiled sheepishly, even though Cadence couldn’t see her.

“Hello!” Cadence said after a considerable pause.

“James was there.”

“What? Where?”

“At the party. I didn’t realize it until just before I pulled Drew onto the dance floor. Do you know that fool looked at me, turned to his date, kissed her and looked back at me again? That’s when I—” Alana lowered her voice “—kissed Drew.”

“Come again?”

“Ugh! That’s when I kissed Drew.” Alana’s voice reached its full volume.


“Don’t scold me, Cay, please! I didn’t know what to do. It was stupid. I know. We can be so intelligent in life, but relationships will reduce us to a pile of senselessness.” Alana grabbed a handful of her own hair and grunted. “You’re not the only one who wanted answers. Drew showed up at my door this morning. He just left a few minutes ago.”

“No way!” Cadence sounded shocked.

“Yep. Get this. Drew spotted James staring at me all night. I didn’t even know he was there until the party was almost over. Drew sensed that something was up so I admitted that James was my ex. That was so embarrassing!”


“Yeah. I know.”

“I have a question and I want you to be completely honest with me, Alana. Do you still have feelings for James?”

“No. I’m over him. The kiss was a bad idea. I wanted to show him that I had moved on also, but now I have to deal with Drew.”

“What do you mean?”

Alana started pacing. “Before he left, he kissed me again, told me he was coming back for me and then walked right out. I stood there dumbfounded for a few moments before I even locked the door.”

“Whoa! Maybe that was payback for the other night.”

“Here’s the problem. When his lips connect with mine, my brain stops working. I can’t pull away. I can’t believe I just said that aloud, but it’s true. It’s like...I can feel every nerve in my body.”

“Are you falling for him again?”

“No! Drew Barrington is the last man that I would allow myself to fall for. I told you, I’m done with his kind—with him, period. Besides, he spends most of his time in Europe. A relationship would never work. I wouldn’t even waste my time.”

“Sometimes we can’t control who we fall for.”

“Humph. Until I’m ready to get back in the game, I’ll stick to my rules. I want someone accessible. Not someone who just wants to flirt, have sex and then walk away for months at a time. I deserve more.”

“You’re a great woman and your prince is out there somewhere.”

“Please! No more frogs!” Alana whined and both of them laughed.

“Hey, I can’t promise that!” After a few more moments of laughter, Cadence said goodbye.

Alana finished cleaning up the kitchen and got ready to run her Saturday-afternoon errands. As she headed to her bedroom, her cell phone rang again. Assuming it was Cadence calling back, she ran to the kitchen to grab the phone. Perhaps she had left something unsaid. When Alana saw James’s number, she stopped walking and stared at her display.

What does he want? “Hello?” She was going to let the call go to voicemail, but her curiosity got the best of her.


“Fancy hearing from you. What’s up?” She was collected and proud about it.

“It was nice seeing you the other night. You looked great.”

“Thanks. What can I do for you, James?” Alana shifted her stance and placed a hand on her hip.

“Listen... I’m sorry about the way things went.”

Alana continued to her room and flopped onto the bed. “I just wish you would have picked up the phone or told me face-to-face. I think I deserved more than a text.”

James was silent for a few moments and then said, “I guess that wasn’t the best way to do it.”

“Well. It’s done now.” Alana wanted to tell him not to do the same thing with his current girlfriend. She also wanted him to know that she was over the whole thing and the best way to do that was to remain unaffected. “Take care, James. I wish you the best.” She thought that telling him to have a good life would make her seem bitter.

“Alana!” She heard James yell just as she was about to end the call.


“Maybe we should meet so we can talk.”

“Thanks, but that won’t be necessary.” It’s too late. Alana ended the call.

This interaction was confirmation for Alana. James had been a walking red flag that she had blatantly ignored, but she was no longer upset with him. In fact, she was grateful for the lesson. She would only give her all to the man who proved he deserved it.

Despite her proclamation, Drew’s words still taunted her throughout the rest of that day.

I’m coming back for you. She recalled his husky voice when he’d said those words and a slight shiver squiggled down her spine.

Riding Into Love

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