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ROMAN TOOK THE woman’s hand as they left the candlelit restaurant and made their way to the golf cart he’d driven there. He’d considered walking, but he was so goddamn glad now that he hadn’t.

She looked even better up close than she’d been on the beach. Her white floral dress displayed her large breasts to perfection, hugging her ribs and then flaring out to swish around her thighs as she walked next to him. Her long blond hair was a mass of waves tumbling just past her shoulders, and he could picture it all too easily tangling between his fingers as he thrust into her.

Slow down.

He took a careful breath, and then another, focusing on keeping his stride unhurried and his hand loose on hers. Roman was hardly a saint, but he’d never had a reaction to a woman on such an intrinsic level like he was having now. He wanted to kiss her pouty lips and run his hands over her body and...

Slow. Down.

Not happening.

Not when she looked at him from under thick lashes, her blue eyes devouring the sight of him. She wanted this.

But he had to be sure.

He pulled her into his arms when they stopped next to the golf cart. She stepped against him easily—eagerly—and he let himself off the leash enough to run his hands down her back and to cup her ass, bringing her flush against him. Her breasts pressed against his chest, and he had to bite back a groan at how good she felt. “I’m going to kiss you now.”

She didn’t give him the chance to follow through. She tilted her face up and captured his mouth. It was chaste as such things went, her lips soft against his, but it didn’t stay that way. Roman slid one hand up to cup the back of her head and deepened the kiss, tracing the seam of her lips with his tongue and delving inside when she opened for him. Her hands fisted the front of his shirt, pulling him closer even as her hips rolled against his.

Roman tore his mouth from hers. “Golf cart. Now.” Or he was in danger of forgetting where they were and fucking her right here. Even ignoring the glaring lack of a condom, he wasn’t a beast incapable of anything resembling control, and this beautiful wanting woman deserved better than to be bent over a goddamn golf cart.

At least for the first time.

First time? You’re out of your damn mind.

He picked her up and set her on the golf cart, enjoying the way her lips parted in a surprised O. He was showing off and he didn’t give two fucks about it, especially not when he slid behind the wheel, fired up the cart and started down the path leading toward his villa. He almost asked about hers, but just because she was alone didn’t mean she was alone.

The thought brought him up short. He glanced at her. “Are you here with someone?”

“Just my friend.” She correctly interpreted his expression. “I’m single. No boyfriend. No husband.”

Thank fuck. “Same.” He pressed the accelerator again. There were little eco-friendly lights scattered along the edge of the path to keep them from driving into a tree, and he made it back to his villa in record time.

Roman shut off the engine and turned to face her. “I—”

“Wait.” She pressed a finger to his lips, and he instinctively nipped her lightly. Her eyes went wide. “Let’s just...enjoy this. It’s not like it’s real life. It’s the fantasy of this place.” She motioned with her free hand.

He couldn’t argue that, not with the low sound of some bird in the distance and the sky and sea fading from magnificent colors to true dark even as they sat there. He’d left on a scattering of lights in the villa, and he took her hand and led her inside. “Hot tub?”

“Maybe later.”

There was no mistaking the intent in the way she watched him, so he didn’t waste time. This was, after all, the fantasy. Roman embraced that and ignored the part of him that was curious about who this woman was and why she’d come to this place. About what her life was like wherever she spent her normal time. About a lot of things. He set it aside, because he craved another taste of her, and if he started talking about shit that didn’t matter, he would ruin this perfect feeling of breathless need between them.

He led her into the main bedroom. It played up the island fantasy just as much as the rest of this place did: big windows overlooking the water, a massive mattress framed by a driftwood headboard. The white comforter was ridiculously fluffy, but he wanted to see her stretched out on top of it while he drove into her.

Slow, damn it.

Roman turned and framed her face with his hands. He kissed her, exploring her mouth as he took them deeper. She made a little helpless noise in the back of her throat that had his cock hardening even further. He licked along her neck and nudged off the strap of her dress before working his way across her upper chest to do the same to the other side.

As much as he wanted to rip the goddamn thing off her, he dragged his mouth over the swell of one breast and then the other, shifting the fabric lower with each pass. Her fingers tangled in his hair, and she arched to meet his mouth, her breath coming as quickly as his.

He captured one nipple, sucking hard until her back bowed and she let loose a little cry. “I’m taking this off.”

“Good.” She shimmied out of the dress in a move that made his mouth water, her breasts bouncing a little.

And then she stood before him in only a pair of pink lace panties.

“Fucking perfection,” he breathed.

It was hard to tell in the low light, but a flush might have appeared on her cheeks and chest. “Don’t make a girl stand here while you stare.”

He shook his head, trying to clear it. “Give a man a few seconds to enjoy the view. I didn’t get a chance to on the beach earlier today.” He kneeled before her and ran his hands up her legs, enjoying the feel of her muscles flexing beneath his touch. He stopped at the generous curve of her hips and hooked his fingers into the edges of the panties. “It drove me fucking crazy that I didn’t know the color of your nipples.” The answer was a dusky rose, the contrast between her nipples and her tanned skin drawing him farther up onto his knees so he could see her better, could lick her there again.

She shook, just a little. “You could have come to find out.”

“Mmm.” He kissed her soft stomach as he drew her panties down her legs. “If I had, you would have run screaming up the beach and barricaded the door.”

“Maybe.” Her breath hitched as he ran his tongue around her belly button. “Or maybe I would have waded out into the water to meet you.”

The image hit him with the force of a train. Of the waves cresting up to tease her breasts as she stood there waiting for him. Of him pulling her into his arms the same way he had here in the villa. Of her wrapping her legs around his waist and him tugging her bikini bottom to the side and—“Fuck, maybe I’ll make another circuit around the island tomorrow and we can do it right.”

She laughed softly. “Or maybe you can put that wicked mouth to good use and we can focus on the here and now.”

That sounded even better. Roman moved, hitching one of her legs over his shoulder, and buried his face in her pussy.

* * *

Allie had half convinced herself that she was dreaming, but the feeling of his mouth latching on to the most secret part of her was all too real. She closed her eyes and gave herself over to his licks, long and slow as if relishing her taste and feel. It was the single hottest thing she’d ever experienced.

Right up until he turned them and toppled her onto the massive bed. She gasped, the sound morphing into a moan when he pushed a single finger into her, as slow and exploring as his mouth had been.

His eyes drank in the sight of her in a move she swore she could feel. He lingered on her thighs and pussy, hips and stomach, taking extra care over her breasts, before finally settling on her face. “Perfection,” he said again.

“You’re not too shabby yourself.” She reached over her head to grip the comforter, knowing full well that it offered her breasts up for him.

He made a sound perilously close to a growl. “Thanks.” A second finger joined the first, and he barely gave her time to adjust to that before he pushed a third into her. Stretching her. Readying her. “Fuck, woman, you feel good.”

“You...too.” She fought to keep her eyes open, to not miss a single second of the experience. This golden god looked at her as if he wanted to imprint himself over every inch of her, and she was more than happy to play sacrifice for the night. If he could bring such pleasure with his hands and mouth, there was no telling what he’d do with the rest of his body.

He twisted his wrist so that his thumb slid over her clit with each stroke of his fingers, the combined sensation leaving her feeling warm and melty. She let go of the comforter to reach up and cup his chiseled jaw. “I’m going to call you Adonis.”

He barked out a laugh. “I’m hardly that pretty.”

“You’re even prettier.” She never would have said it in real life, without the island and pleasure making her drunk on him. Allie traced her thumb over his bottom lip, slightly fuller than the top. “You call me perfect, but you’re flawless.”

Another laugh, this one strained. “Trust me, I have more than my fair share of flaws.” He turned his head and kissed her palm. “But we’ll pretend that’s not the truth tonight.”

“Works for me.” She didn’t ask about his flaws. That wasn’t what this was. She didn’t even know his name, which somehow made the whole situation hotter—because Allie never did this. Ever.

Tonight she was going to.

With that thought buoying her, she reached for his pants. “I need you.”

“You have me.” He pushed his fingers deeper as if to demonstrate.

“No, I need you.” She managed to get his belt off and shoved his shorts down his narrow hips. His cock was just as perfect as the rest of him, long and thick, and she swallowed hard. “I’m tired of waiting.”

“That’s too damn bad, because I’m just getting started.” He slid his fingers out of her and looped an arm beneath her waist, sliding her farther onto the bed until he could place her hands on the bottom of the headboard. “I’m not going to tie you down.”

Her heart tried to beat itself out of her chest at the thought. “I don’t know how I’d feel about that.” Liar. She wanted it. Allie didn’t think she was particularly kinky before tonight, but the thought of being at the mercy of this man...

Slow your roll. He’s a stranger. Getting tied up by a stranger is a bad idea, even in paradise.

He stopped, kneeling above her on all fours, his cock dipping down until it almost touched her stomach. Those hazel eyes were completely serious for the first time since she’d met him. An hour ago. You met him an hour ago.

He didn’t touch her, though he was close enough that she could feel the warmth coming off his body. “If you’ve changed your mind, we can stop. I’ll give you a ride back to your villa or, if you aren’t comfortable with that, you can take the cart and the staff will return it to me tomorrow.” No judgment in his tone. No trying to guilt her or pull some shady business. Just ensuring that this was exactly where she wanted to be.

She gripped the headboard. “I want to stay. I want you.”

His grin had her breath fluttering in her chest like a trapped thing. “You won’t regret it.”

Before she could think too hard about what tomorrow would bring, he kissed her, long and slow. Reacquainting himself with her as if it had been days since they’d last touched instead of moments. Her Adonis worked his way down her body one torturous inch at a time, turning parts of her erogenous that she never would have considered before that night. The inside of her elbow. The bottom of her ribs. Her knees.

He stroked and kissed her body as if memorizing every inch, until she was a quivering mess. Her world narrowed down to where he would touch her next, to the only parts of her he hadn’t touched—her breasts and the spot between her thighs where she ached for him. “Please. Adonis, please.”

He chuckled against her inner thigh, and she felt it like a bolt to her pussy. “I like it when you call me that.”

“I’ll call you anything you want if you just touch me.”

“I have been touching you.” He shifted to lay next to her, his big palm coasting over her body, an inch off her skin. She shook with the need to arch up and feel him, but the slant of his brows told her that if she tried, he’d just move his hand farther from her. “Unless you mean something specific. Like here.” His fingers drifted just above her nipples and then down until she could feel the air displacement above her clit. “Or here.”


The touch was so light, she thought she might have imagined it. But she didn’t imagine the look in his hazel eyes. He leaned down until his lips brushed hers with each word. “I want to feel you coming on my cock.”

The Dare Collection: July 2018

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