Читать книгу Greenfeast - Nigel Slater - Страница 37

Serves 2


soft tofu 340g

ponzu sauce 4 tablespoons

sesame oil 3 teaspoons

rice vinegar 3 tablespoons

spring onion 1

radishes 4

coriander leaves a handful

cornflour or potato flour 6 tablespoons

ginger a thumb-sized lump

oil, for deep frying

Drain the tofu on kitchen paper. Mix together the ponzu, sesame oil and rice vinegar. Trim and finely chop the spring onion, then thinly slice the radish and add both to the dressing together with the coriander leaves.

Put the cornflour or potato flour into a shallow bowl or deep plate. Cut the tofu into six large cubes. Finely grate the ginger to a purée.

Warm the oil to 180°C in a deep pan. Gently toss the cubes of tofu in the flour, then lower into the oil and fry for three or four minutes till light gold in colour. Divide the dressing between two deep bowls, lift the tofu from the oil with a draining spoon, then lower three pieces into each bowl, top with the puréed ginger and eat while the tofu is still hot and crisp.


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