Читать книгу Prince Of The City - Nikki Benjamin - Страница 2

As Bill settled close to her on the richly upholstered leather seat, her heartbeat quickened.


The warning bells that should have been ringing all along finally went off in her head, but it was too late—much, much too late. They were alone together, shut off from the world, if only momentarily. And Mayor Harper—Bill—her former friend and lover, was taking her small hand and folding it into his much larger, warmer one.

“I haven’t told you yet how good it is to see you again, have I, Eloise? Not just good, great,” he said in the same soft, low utterly sexy voice that still sometimes haunted her dreams.

She knew she should offer him a snappy comeback, curt words cut with just the right amount of irony. Instead she clung to his hand, unable to stop herself from allowing her truest, deepest feelings to be revealed.

“It’s good to see you again, too, Bill,” she said at last. “Really, really good…”

Prince Of The City

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