Читать книгу Summer Temptation: Waking Up In The Wrong Bed / Once a Rebel... / The Devil and the Deep - Nikki Logan - Страница 16



HE DIDN’T call for a couple of days, which was frankly a record. And the next time he did, she knew there was something they needed to get in the open if this was ever going to work out. She darted to the nearest bathroom for some privacy to talk to him, staring at her pale, sleep-lacking skin in the mirror.

‘You know that if...if you meet up with someone else, you don’t have to keep it secret from me. You can tell me. Okay?’ She held her breath.

His answer was so long coming she’d nearly turned blue.

‘Okay,’ he said slowly. ‘Same for you.’

‘Of course.’ She breathed out painfully. As if she could meet anyone as gorgeous as him.

‘Have you met up with anyone else?’ he asked.

‘No. No.’

‘Nor have I.’

She licked very dry lips. ‘I know you have needs, Ruben. I’m not going to be...bothered. We’re friends now.’ As much as she’d hate it, maybe it would be better if he did hook up elsewhere. Then the agony of waiting for that nightmare would be over.

Again he took his time replying. ‘And you’ll tell me if you do?’

She laughed. ‘I’m off the market for now. This job is taking up all my time. It’s what I want to focus on for the next while.’

‘What about your needs?’

She hesitated, hadn’t meant for this conversation to be about her at all. ‘I haven’t got time to think about them.’

‘Maybe you should think about them or they might sneak up on you again.’

She bit her lip, glad he couldn’t see how she’d now gone red in the face—how her blood was zinging all round her damn willing body. ‘That night in the chateau was a once only.’

‘Yeah, and I don’t think I’m ever going to forget it.’

* * *

It had been over three weeks since he’d last seen her and he’d thought he had it all under control. He’d been wrong on that.

‘Hey,’ he said as he got to her table—supposedly they were to have lunch. But it was crazy the way his pulse was pounding.

Her smile couldn’t have been more rewarding. Her eyes glittering—deeper in colour than he remembered. She sparkled. And he had nothing under control. The less he saw of her, the more he thought of her. It wasn’t supposed to be that way at all. Wasn’t the maxim ‘out of sight, out of mind’? But she was more than in his mind, she was in his body and in what little soul he had.

She was wearing jeans—heaven help him—with a white blouse and as she looked up at him he could see the lace edge of her bra. He’d become that much of a randy schoolboy he was reduced to sneaking glimpses down her shirt. It took only a second to decide to put the full plan into action. He’d suffered enough. And so too had she. He noted the flare in her eyes, the colour in her cheeks deepen, and, yes, he noticed the way her breasts responded to his less than subtle appreciation of them.

So he didn’t sit down. Instead he extended his hand to pull her out of her seat. ‘I’ve got a surprise for you.’

‘What is it?’ A flutter of caution cooled Ellie’s pleasure at seeing him again because he didn’t look that excited, if anything he looked more serious than she’d ever seen him. The edges of his beautiful mouth were held firm, not forming their natural curve up.

‘There was a vital part of the station that you didn’t get to see.’

‘The station?’ He was half dragging her out of the café and into his convertible. ‘We’re not going to the station.’

‘Plane leaves in thirty, we’ve got just enough time to make it.’

‘Ruben, we’re only having lunch. I can’t just go from work—’

‘It’s all arranged with Bridie. She’s taking the tour this afternoon.’


‘You’ve worked too many days in a row anyway. You have to have a break some time.’

Ellie gazed at him. She was sure there was more to this, but he wasn’t offering any deeper explanation this second.

It was less than an hour’s flight from Wellington to Queenstown and he spent most of it typing into his phone. Not to be outdone Ellie read the inflight mag cover to cover. Once on the ground they didn’t get into a car; instead he led her across the airfield to a helicopter.

‘Ruben, I don’t have any spare clothes with me.’ She finally broke the silence.

He turned and looked at her—the old, utterly outrageous Ruben with that wicked smile and knowing expression. ‘Sweetheart, you’re not going to need any.’

With a stumble Ellie all but slithered into the helicopter. What had happened? There was no mistaking his intention now. Where on earth was he taking her?

The tragic thing was, she didn’t much care. She was too excited to be back in his company and to know the spark was still as strong for him as it was for her. Hell, if anything it was worse. And this was him fighting for what he wanted.

Neither spoke while he flipped switches and made the rotor blades whirl. They still weren’t loud enough to drown the din of her pulse in her ears.

She’d been in a helicopter before but not one as light as this or as plush inside. They zoomed, over the plains, heading further south, the mountains to their right. Then he pointed out the lodge so she got her bearings. He flew super low to follow the river in the valley, then up high, so close to the mountains, a breath away from the splash of a towering waterfall...

But she sat completely still in her seat. Her pulse slammed, her thoughts disordered—anticipation screwing with her head. They flew over one mountain, deeper into the range and there, hidden from possible view from anywhere other than the air, was an alpine lake. One of those that belonged in ancient myth and legend. Steely blue and still. He brought the helicopter down, landing on a small smooth edge.

‘Come on,’ he invited her.

He’d been here many times before, she could tell, and she totally got why. It was the most amazing colour, reflecting the cold clarity of the sky. It really was the scene from some ancient mystical, alternate world story—just like the movies. Only real. Fantastically real.

‘It’s beautiful.’ It was so awe-inspiring she couldn’t think of any words to fully describe the reaction within her. The reality of pure, unadulterated fantasy.

‘It’s also icy cold so don’t dive in, because I don’t want to have to jump in and rescue you.’

She laughed, glad he’d lightened the intensity. And yes, she did have the urge to dive in. It looked so inviting and, hey, maybe it would cool her burning senses.

She found a small flat stone and tried skimming it across the lake. He foraged in the short tussock for more and they had a contest for a while. And all that while—longer really—her ability to resist him curled into a smaller and smaller ball.

‘We haven’t talked about it,’ he said, aiming another flat pebble across the lake.

‘About what?’

‘That phone call.’

She felt the flush ripple like a wave from her toes to the tip of her scalp. ‘Oh.’

Oh was right—the guy had turned her on to nuclear with nothing but a few suggestions. Phone sex—a total first.

‘It’s not going to happen.’

‘What?’ she asked, confused.

‘You being with anyone else.’

Oh, he meant that conversation?

‘No one else, Ellie.’ He turned to face her—all arrogance. ‘You know you can’t. Not until you’ve had enough of me.’

Oh, that wasn’t fair—what if she’d never had enough of him? Because he’d have enough of her all too soon, she just knew it.

‘So you have a choice to make.’

‘I do?’

‘Uh-huh.’ He turned and skimmed another stone across the water. It bounced seven times. ‘We could stay up here the night.’


‘Just beyond that ridge there’s a hut.’

This was why he’d brought her to an utterly isolated spot. Because he wanted...what she wanted.

‘We could spend the night up here or we could go back to the station in the helicopter. I should warn you there’s only one bed in the hut and it’s not very big.’

Ellie’s brain whirled—and then she stared up at the completely blue sky. ‘It looks to me like there’s a storm coming. It might be safer to stay up here.’

He walked towards her, holding her gaze imprisoned in his despite shaking his head. ‘No storm, Ellie. No games. Just be honest. Do you want another night with me or not?’

Oh, his whole approach was outrageous. Excitement scudded in her belly, her innermost muscles stretching and flexing already. ‘What kind of a question is that?’

‘Just answer it.’

What did he want, her acquiescence written in blood? Or perhaps sweat? ‘Okay, take me there.’

The chocolate-brown eyes were scorched. ‘You’re sure.’

‘Yes.’ She knew what she was doing. They were hardly lost in a snowstorm and forced to cling close to preserve life. This was a decision. Her decision. And she was tired of fighting the need.

He turned abruptly, climbed back into the helicopter. Ellie walked back towards the lake. It wasn’t too late to change her mind but her mind and body were in sync already—she knew what she wanted.

Ruben got what he needed from the chopper and walked back to where she waited. It felt good to have her in place, ready to meet him. He drank in the signs—yeah, her blue eyes were deepening, just like the sky above them. She kept that intense eye contact, as if she was trying to see through him. His heart pounded—he briefly wondered if she could hear it, because he didn’t like to be looked at that closely.

‘Promise me something,’ she said with that husky voice that gripped his attention completely. ‘This one night. That’s all. Nothing more afterwards. When we get back to civilisation, we’re back to where we were. Just friends again. That’s the only way this can happen. The fantasy, right?’

‘Why do you keep trying to control this?’

‘I’m not—’

‘This isn’t going to go away unless we deal with it. Your way isn’t working.’

‘One night.’

‘The whole night.’ He pressed his end of the bargain home. ‘Not just once and then sleep. I want literally the whole, damn night.’ Though he feared even that wasn’t going to be enough.

‘All night?’ She paused, her tongue slipping over her lips.

She honestly thought they’d have just the once? Oh, she hadn’t a clue. But she was on the edge. He stepped closer to her, acutely aware of the shifting signals—her shortened breathing, her flush, her almost invisible shiver. Oh, yes, it was going to be more than once. He’d get her over that line again and again. But he needed all night to do it. So they could leave tomorrow as ex-lovers, over this intensity, leaving no burning anxiety left. No more of this desire that had twisted him inside out the last few weeks.

Ellie was embarrassingly close to orgasm just from the suggestion of sex. And only a few steps into the walk to the hut she stumbled.

‘Something’s hurting?’

She shook her head. Nope, it was the unchecked wanton, wicked, desperate thoughts that had caused her loss of co-ordination. ‘I’m fine.’ She just wanted to be at the damn shack already.

He’d stopped and now stared stonily at her. Once more that uptilt of his mouth had flattened out to a thin line. Suddenly he lunged.

‘What are you doing?’ she shrieked.

In a blur and a thud he’d gone in low and hard and she was upside down. His grip was firm but apparently effortless given the pace he was striding up the mountain.

‘What. Are. You. Doing?’ She added some outrage to the question.

‘Stopping you from doing yourself an injury.’

‘Oh, please, this is just you unable to keep your hands off me.’ Oh, yeah, and her excitement had just quadrupled.

‘That too,’ he confirmed, unapologetically running his hand up the back of her thigh and grabbing a handful of her butt.

‘Well, put me down. You’ll do yourself an injury.’ She was no lightweight.

‘We’re nearly there anyway.’

‘Ruben, seriously. I’m getting giddy.’

He squeezed her butt, then shifted, wrapping both arms around her as he slid her down his body to set her on her feet. For a moment she leaned against him, needing that closeness. All her personal space was his and, oh, it was good.

‘Turn around.’ He laughed.

‘How do you expect me to when you’re holding me so tight?’ She was more breathless than he, which was embarrassing given he’d been the load bearer.

He turned her, holding her firm, pulling her body back close against his as soon as he could.

She drew an even deeper breath. ‘That’s the hut?’

‘Uh-huh.’ As he laughed again she felt his chest rumbling against her back.

She smiled too, gazing at the small building, not hiding her amazement. ‘So what are we doing here, glamping?’ Glamour-camping. In by helicopter to a pristine lake and then a little trek to some deluxe boudoir?

‘Hey, it’s hardly five stars—look at the place. It’s tiny and made out of tin,’ he said in mock-defence. ‘But we can get it really warm.’

Oh, she bet they could.

It was tiny, no more than a couple of metres squared. Two-storeyed and on stilts. A beautiful copper coloured tower. He strode ahead, pulling a set of keys from his pocket. He unlocked the padlocks on each side and pulled up the shades so they became awnings, revealing the massive windows beneath providing a view as far as the eye could see in each direction.

‘Oh, my.’ Ellie peered in the first window.

There was a log burner on the ground floor, with a pot on the top, a rug, a cupboard with a small amount of supplies—survival food, coffee. No sofa, just a wooden floor and a mountain of cushions. But that was what made it so damn glamorous. The wooden floor was polished, the rug hand woven, the cushions covered with the most expensive fabrics.

‘You bring people here often?’ Oh, she suspected him.

He shook his head. ‘No. Honestly no.’ His smile twisted. ‘Let me get the fire going.’

It already was—a roaring inferno in her belly. ‘You’re not going to rub two sticks together?’

‘Well, you only need one when it’s a match.’

She kicked off her boots, as he did, and followed him inside.

‘I’m guessing trampers and members of the public don’t use this.’ Every single item in the place was carefully selected, chosen for both use and quality, neat and tidy and perfect.

‘No, it’s not on any maps. It’s my little getaway.’

‘It’s pretty amazing.’ She turned around, taking it all in.

He waved a hand, encompassing that tiny space. ‘You really like it?’

‘Absolutely.’ How could anyone not?

He looked boyishly, endearingly pleased. ‘I designed it.’ He coughed. ‘And built it.’


‘Is that so hard to believe?’ He actually looked self-conscious.

Of course it wasn’t. She suspected he was capable of many things, given all he’d achieved in the last ten or so years. ‘You’ve designed other things?’

‘Just this. It was all I wanted just for me.’

He owned several luxury lodges—massive ones—and he’d built himself a tiny annexe up in the wild heights.

‘Have you brought any other women here?’ She shouldn’t want to know this. Knowing this was irrelevant. But somehow it mattered.

He shook his head and too much satisfaction burned through Ellie’s veins.

‘Truth is I’ve never brought anyone here. I like being alone, appreciating the view. It’s peaceful.’

Yes, this place offered serene simplicity. ‘I’m not breaking that peace for you?’

‘You’re part of the fantasy.’ He smiled. ‘I think everybody needs an escape.’ He bent to get the fire going.

‘Especially those rich people who have it so hard,’ she teased.

‘Well, them no less than any other people. And they may want privacy and luxury furnishings. This is my escape.’

It was two square metres of heaven. An earthbound spot for angels to come down and enjoy the majesty of the Alps.

‘But it really isn’t glamping,’ he muttered apologetically. ‘The facilities are...uh...there.’ He jerked his head to a spot out of the window where she could see a shovel. Beyond that, the privacy of tussock land.

‘Great.’ She grinned.

‘There’s a tap, the tank collects the rain water from the roof. There’s some soap and stuff in the cupboard.’ He stood. ‘Come up and see the view before the light goes altogether.’

The flue of the log burner ran up the wall—radiating heat already—and further along from that was the ladder.

On that second floor there was a bed—not a giant bed, only slightly larger than a single and currently stripped of coverings. The walls were wooden, warm and cosy. There was only one window up here—a large rectangle cut out, facing the best view right up the spine of the Alps. While some might have wanted glass all round, like the lower level, the one window was like a painting. A frame for nature’s greatest effort. It gave the eye a focal point, but the rest of the room offered a sense of safety, of security against that awesome, but ultimately uncaring environment. It really was a nest.

‘It must be amazing here in the rain.’ She’d love to lie in that bed and listen to a storm lash the tin.

‘Yeah.’ He pulled out an underbed storage box, opening it swiftly.

‘There are sheets?’ She laughed. She didn’t know whether to be insulted that he hadn’t jumped on her already, or touched that he was concerned for their comfort.

He looked a little sheepish. ‘I get too hot in sleeping bags.’

She watched him flare the sheet out over the mattress.

‘Told you it wasn’t the world’s biggest bed.’ He grimaced.

She ran her hands down her thighs to stop the sudden damp nerves. ‘Can I help?’ She couldn’t believe he was being so matter of fact and restrained about this, especially after the cave-man toss-her-over-his-shoulder approach of earlier.

‘Pillows.’ He nodded to the box in the corner.

She opened it and smiled. ‘How many pillows do you need?’

He pulled a handful of pillowslips from the linen box and threw them at her. ‘I like pillows.’

‘So it’s not just for the luxury look at the lodge?’ She quickly covered a few and tossed them onto the now sheet-covered bed. ‘How many do you have on your bed?’

He shrugged. ‘Enough.’

‘You cuddle a pillow,’ she teased.

‘At least it’s not a soft toy,’ he said, defensively snappy.

She giggled.

‘I’m going to show you just how useful a couple of extra pillows can be,’ he threatened.

Ellie swallowed, her toes curling in her socks.

‘Except we should probably eat something first.’

Oh, he just had to be kidding. Was he deliberately torturing her? She shook her head and pushed her hands into her jeans pockets. ‘I’m not very hungry.’

She wanted action. She wanted to be done with the ache that had haunted her so long. She wanted to burn the memory of that night. So she undid the first button of her blouse, then the second.

For a moment, he watched her. Then—to her relief—he moved. She smiled, hoping he was going to take over; she wasn’t entirely comfortable with her attempted striptease. But to her surprise he moved only to switch on the battery-powered lantern that hung in one corner.

She paused. Completely self-conscious now.

‘Oh, no,’ he murmured. ‘Don’t stop. I didn’t have the pleasure of seeing you last time.’

She couldn’t.

He smiled. And that was when she saw the sheen of sweat on him—the film of heat that hadn’t been there even after he’d lugged her up the mountain for five minutes. No, this sign of tension in him was new. And empowering. ‘Only if you do the same for me.’

His wickedness flashed. ‘You want me to strip for you?’

‘Oh, yes.’ She undid the last buttons and let her shirt fall. ‘I go no further until you’ve matched me.’

She hadn’t even blinked before that ‘Lucky’ tee shirt was whisked over his head and on the floor already. He unfastened his jeans. To her delight, he didn’t take his briefs down with the denim. They were the close-fitting knit boxer type. They fitted him well.

‘This is all for you, Ellie.’ He knew exactly where she was looking.

‘You and your size thing,’ she mumbled.

‘I’m not the one with body-conscious issues,’ he taunted softly. ‘But trust me,’ he said. ‘Look at me. Look at what you do to me. I want you so much it hurts.’

And she wanted it all.

‘So now it’s your turn,’ he said.

She slipped out of her jeans, taking her socks off—but, like him, leaving that last layer.

‘Lace.’ He nodded. ‘Like your slip that night.’ His gaze roved over her. ‘You like the feel of it?’

‘I like the feel of you.’ She stepped towards him.

‘Uh-uh.’ He shook his head and backed a pace. ‘It’s not going to be quick this time.’

She needed it to be. She wanted that orgasm so badly. She licked her lower lip, so hot, so ready. So wanting. And given the pressure the front of his briefs was under, he was too. And so she went to the bed, removing her bra in the two paces it took to get there. She slipped off her knickers and stretched out on the mattress. Daring him to deny her now.

His grin disappeared for a moment as he watched her recline. Good, it was about time he felt as bothered as she was. Only then, to her surprise, his smile came back—more wicked than ever. He leaned over and took her hand, pulling her to sit up.

‘Are you sure you don’t want to star in a movie, Ellie?’ he asked quietly.

‘What?’ Why wouldn’t he just hurry up and lie down with her?

‘Look at the window.’ His voice a wicked tease, an invitation to decadence.

The night sky was now black—the moon had waned to the thinnest of crescents that threw little light. The stars not bright enough to fight back against the glow of the lantern in their room. So the window reflected the scene within—it had become a mirror.

‘No one can see us. There isn’t anyone for miles,’ he said between teasing kisses everywhere on her face but her mouth. ‘But we can see us. You can see us. You can watch.’ He stepped in front of her, turned his back to the window and dropped to his knees.

She put her hand to her mouth when she saw what he meant. The clarity of their images. She was transfixed.

‘Life-size screen,’ he muttered, pressing a kiss to her throat.

He had to feel how her heart was racing. ‘Ruben...’

‘The lantern stays on,’ he said firmly. ‘The lantern stays on all night.’ It was a decree. ‘I want you to know it’s me.’

That stabbed. ‘I know that already.’

‘All night,’ he reiterated firmly. And then he kissed lower—down her neck, across her collarbones.

And she watched. Excitement liquefied her bones. Her body went as lax as a doll—his to toy with. Oh, yeah, she was starring in her own blue movie.

She licked her dried lips. ‘I’ve never watched this kind of movie before.’

‘Time you did.’ He reached her breasts. ‘But only with me.’

‘Ellie Summers, porn star.’

‘Ellie Summers, ultimate temptation.’ He thumbed her taut nipple and looked up at her sceptical expression. ‘You don’t believe me?’

‘I think you’re quite good at saying nice things.’

‘I’m quite good at doing nice things too. Things that feel nice.’ He returned to task.

‘Oh, my,’ she breathed.

‘You’ve never watched a woman be pleasured?’

‘You’re wicked.’ Heat flushed through her.

‘Watch while I do that for you,’ he muttered.


She’d never been very visual when it came to sex. She liked it in the dark, under the covers, the wobbly bits mostly out of the way. But the temperature in here was scorching—there was no way she wanted a sheet on her. And seeing a guy this built, on his knees in front of her. Yeah, that played to her hitherto unknown inner exhibitionist. She liked it. She liked what he was doing even more.

He cradled her breasts in his hands as if they were treasures he’d spent centuries searching for. His hands stroked down her sides, his palms flat, his reach broad and sure. He held her hips still as he bent forward to kiss her—from breast to breast, down her sternum. She lifted her hands, ran her fingers through his hair—so simple, but it was what she desired most. His kisses made her tummy tauten. His grip on her hips firmed as she unconsciously began to rock nearer him.

His smile was pleased. ‘Getting warmer?’

She shook her head. ‘Need more.’

She watched him tending to her, drank in the play of muscles across his broad back. His body was beautiful—big in the right places, but lean so that definition could be seen. His butt taut, muscles clenching as he thrust his hips slightly in time to his nips and kisses on her breasts. Oh he was gorgeous. He reached to cup her other breast as his tongue lashed her nipple. She felt like a prized lover, in the care of masculine perfection. She lifted her gaze and looked at her own face. The flush in her cheeks, the heavy-lidded darkness of her eyes. The full-lipped smile, her skin grazed by his stubbled jaw. She looked the picture of hedonism. And he was her expert, demanding slave.

‘You know I’ll do anything you want.’ He paused to look up at her.

Oh, yeah, captive lover. Her lungs were drawing in pure fire. ‘Everything.’ And now, because she was almost there already.

She put her hands on the top of her thighs, rubbing hard—applying pressure herself to try to ease the ache there. The desperate need for the pleasure of his weight, his invasion. His eyes glowed, tracking the slow, strong slide of her fingers. He put his hands over hers, spread her legs further, wider for him.

‘Impatient, aren’t you?’ he murmured, his breath teasing her as he moved closer.

But to her infinite relief and exquisite torture, he bent his head and licked her there. A slow, lush taste.

She cried out, tightening her fingers on herself, hovering. ‘Ruben.’

He lifted his head the merest fraction. ‘Say—’ a slide of his finger ‘—my name again.’

‘Ruben,’ she whispered.

He blew a shot of warm tormenting air above, while working his fingers inside. ‘Say it again.’

‘Ruben,’ she pleaded, her body constricting.

His expression darkened. ‘Scream it.’ He bent forward and feasted.

She shrieked his name to the sky.

His hands remained hard on her thighs, mercilessly keeping her still for him, so he could continue applying his own brand of ecstatic torment. His tongue thrust deep, just as she wanted his erection to, or his fingers again, any part of him—just more. All of him. She threw her head back, her shriek not abating. Her hands clutched, trying to draw him closer. Wanting him to mount her, wanting him to ride her. Wanting it all harder than she ever had. Because she wanted as she never had. Oh, it was utter hedonism. She was spent, yet starving. She shook with the force of release, the savage orgasmic contractions going on and on. Until she begged over and over, ‘I want you.’

He looked up, his fingers tracing back and forth softly across her slick, sensitive entrance. ‘You want me to what?’

Panting, she swore at the amusement in his eyes. ‘You know already.’

‘How bad do you want it?’

She rocked harder into his hand. ‘You know that already too.’

‘I want you to tell me.’

He wanted it all? She reached, clenching his shoulders. ‘Take me so hard I won’t be able to walk.’

His cheeks flushed, his face went stern as determination gripped him. ‘That hard?’

‘Harder.’ She wanted the furthest spectrum of pleasure. From him she’d settle for nothing less. This one night? This was all hers.

But he didn’t rise and lie against her as she expected. No, nothing was as she expected tonight. He stood and finally removed his boxers, got the protection.

She sat up, mouth watering. ‘You want me to—’

‘No.’ A pained refusal. ‘I won’t last,’ he growled.

He got onto the bed behind her, angling her slightly so they faced that reflection on the diagonal. He drew her to her knees, spreading them so his fitted between. His thighs were rock solid beneath hers. His erection strained against her soft flesh.

‘Oh,’ she gasped.


She turned, gasped again at the erotic image in the window. She could see him behind her. His gaze met hers in that mirror. He held her waist firm in his hands and then encouraged her to rise up a little.

She did.

‘Watch.’ He leaned back, positioned her above him.

The instruction wasn’t necessary—she couldn’t tear her gaze from the sight of him thrusting upwards, from the sight of her swallowing him whole as he impaled her on him in one swift bite.

She screamed her joy. The excitement of watching their bodies fuse was too much. As was watching the play of his hand, now slipping down over her stomach to strum between her legs, the rippling of his thigh muscles as he flexed his hips, bumping her over and over, the sway of her own breasts—until he clutched them in his other palm. And then she watched the slide of his thumb over her nipples. She gasped for air, gasped to retain her sanity. And failed. Meeting his eyes in the reflection—she saw the glazed heat of lust that she felt mirrored within him too. The uncontrolled, animal lust. Until she couldn’t watch any more. It was so overwhelming, she had to close her eyes to combat the intensity of the sensations. Because all this while, he was inside her, stroking deep, deep, deep inside her.

‘Ellie,’ he warned.

But she couldn’t bear it any more. It was too hot, too intense—she just wanted another release now.

He moved. Lifting her, leaving her.

‘Ruben.’ She was furious, spun to face him, to pull him back.

But he pushed her down and, seeing the look on his face, she went, ecstatic. Lying back, panting, grateful for the cool cotton sheet beneath her. He loomed above, looking right into her eyes. There was no mistaking she was getting it all now.

All inhibition gone, all sense of reality gone, she smiled.

He held her apart, bent his head and kissed her. Then let her feel the immense power of him. She shook. This was what she’d wanted—his weight. All his weight pressing on her. Filling her. Almost smothering her with his strength. Her fingers spread, clutching his biceps, sliding round to his back to simply try to hang on. She arched her hips, trying to widen her legs more to cope with him. He owned her then. Thrusting again and again, filling her until her pleasure overflowed, releasing in harsh flashes, her nails digging, her screams raw as she revelled in his assault. She still couldn’t get enough.

‘Hell, you’re demanding,’ he choked. He gripped her hair and tilted her head back so he could see into her eyes. ‘How much more do you want?’

‘Every last damn bit,’ she answered, throaty, unashamed, ravenous.

He threw back his head and thrust harder than ever. Slow and violent and so deep her groan was ripped from the core of her. It wasn’t about fantasy any more; there was no game, no tease in his action. He was as unleashed, as uninhibited and as out of control as she. And she adored it.

Sweat slicked between their hot bodies. Skin sizzled where it touched, the burn such a pleasure she pushed closer still. Their movements deepened again, relentless, the pace now insane. She didn’t want it to stop, never ever to stop. Yet she couldn’t bear it a second longer.

He swore. ‘I feel you, I can feel you—’

He broke off as her scream rose high, echoing round the unforgiving peaks of the mountains.

A long time later all she heard was his rough, rapid panting. His groan as he tried to control the frantic beat of his heart. Their sweat mingled. He was too heavy for her to push against. She didn’t care. It was a heavenly way to suffocate.

With a pained moan he shifted slightly to the side. ‘Can you breathe?’

‘Just about.’ Her throat was sore, she’d screamed so loud. Heat flooded her cheeks—not the lust kind. She’d been so abandoned.

He turned his head sharply. ‘Don’t regret a thing about it,’ he said. ‘Most awesome experience of my life.’

She nodded.

‘It was even better than before,’ he whispered. He shook his head hopelessly. ‘All I want now is to do it all again. Again. Again.’ He rolled right onto his back and growled up at the ceiling. ‘But I have to catch my breath.’

And scratchy-voiced she reminded them both. ‘Only tonight.’

Summer Temptation: Waking Up In The Wrong Bed / Once a Rebel... / The Devil and the Deep

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