Читать книгу Стихи и лирика 2.0 - Николай Шабуневич, Николай Александрович Шабуневич - Страница 28

Part 1
From «A» to «Z»
«Tired with all these what will you cry for?..»


Tired with all these what will you cry for?

For the restful death or something more?

Would you keep being if there’s nothing to be for?

Would you keep living, having no one to adore?

Tired with all these what will you try?

The monkey finger or the LSD ride?

You have to pick up, And the choice is tough

The love of your life or life of your love

Tired with all these who would you damn?

The Brown bear or your Uncle Sam?

What would you stay for or probably leave

Would you like to find nowhere to be?

Tired with all these what would you want

The sweetest poison or the stool and a rope

You have to pick up, And the choice is tough

The love of your life or life of your love

Стихи и лирика 2.0

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