Читать книгу Plays on the 5,6,7,8,9,10 people. Collection №4 - Николай Лакутин - Страница 2
Play for 10,9,8 or 7 people "Hear or see"
ОглавлениеFiction. Drama. Comedy. Duration is two hours.
A play in two acts.
PHILIP Georgievich – Director of the company, "happy owner" of the gift;
VACHAGAN – the question of who he is remains open to the viewer (the actor's voice is required mysterious, voluminous);
YANA – Philip's wife;
JULIA – the mistress of Philip;
YULECHKA's LOVER – a cameo role without words.
ANTON is an employee of the company, Logist;
YURI – employee of the company, the Manager;
NATALIA Viktorovna – company employee, accountant;
GENNADIEVICH – an employee of the company, a driver (preferably a tall actor with a tummy);
MARK – a homeless man, a tax collector, a cameo role.
The play provides a record (the true thoughts of the characters) of almost all the characters. The sound engineer has a very serious job ahead of him, but it's worth it.
Combining roles:
Vachagan, Gennadievich and Yulechka's lover or Vachagan and the lover can be played by one actor, at the discretion of the Director.
Mark and Yuri or mark and Anton are also interchangeable roles.
Three office desks, three office chairs, three laptops, an office phone, an office sofa, a cooler with a water bottle, a pile of documents. Scenography of the working office environment at the discretion of the Director.
The play also involves two different living spaces (no frills). Wardrobe, bed, chair, table, the rest is at the discretion of the Director.
To simulate a forest, you will need several Christmas trees (you can use artificial Christmas trees)
Small safe water explosive packages attached to the actor's body (preferably) or computer graphics simulating flying water splashes.
Safe fireworks that spray fireworks in a diameter of no more than 2 sq. m. (highly desirable)
You will need two large trained sheepdogs for the production!!! (highly desirable), otherwise dummies or children dressed in authentic dog costumes will do, but the effect will not be the same.
From special effects, it is highly desirable to create snowfall, rain, thunder, as well as wind that reaches the audience (it is extremely and extremely desirable to implement all this)
The season of events is autumn (September – October)
Due to the complexity of this statement, the contract will provide for possible minor changes.
A small office sofa for visitors, on which, snoring, huddles heavy driver Gennadievich. Desktops, laptops at which Manager Yuri and logistician Anton sit impressively, they are passionate about a computer game of tanks, play with each other over the network. The noise of gunfire and the roar of engines comes from their computers. Accountant Natalia pedicure with my bare feet on his Desk, carefully removes the cover on nails while talking on a cell phone with a friend, holding the phone shoulder to ear. With all this, the handset of the work phone breaks, but there is no one to take it, everyone is "very busy".
Finally, Natalia can't stand it, glancing at the work phone several times and looking around, picks up the phone.
NATALIA: (politely to your mobile) Snezhinochka, could you wait a second. The phone is ringing under my ear, I can't hear you at all.
He puts down his mobile phone and puts the work phone to his ear.
NATALIA: (sternly, defiantly, boorishly) Yes! What did you want?
He listens to the phone, looks in the direction of the guys who are engaged in the game, turns to the phone.
NATALIA: (sternly, defiantly, boorishly) Yuri can't come to the phone right now, he has… negotiations!
He listens to the phone, looks in the direction of the guys who are engaged in the game, turns to the phone.
NATALIA: (sternly, defiantly, boorish) Anton is also busy right now. Do you think we sit around here all day, waiting for your call? Avral, that you as a small! Call back in… two hours.
Natalia looks doubtfully at the guys who only start hitting the keyboard harder with their fingers, their enthusiasm only increases.
NATALIA: (already moderately, without irritation) Although you know, call back better later in the evening, or even better tomorrow morning. I'll tell them you called, and if the guys are free, they'll call you back early. Have a nice day."
Natalia hangs up, shakes her head in disapproval, and shouts at the guys.
The driver shudders on the couch from the scream, marking his experience of this gadfly with a particularly loud snore.
One of the guys reluctantly turns to Natalia.
NATALIA: (angrily) Yura, my God, I'm an accountant, not a Manager, why do your clients call me all the time, distract me from work!
There is an explosive, furious, victorious laugh from Anton, who jumps up from his chair and gestures humiliatingly (preferably decently) at Yuri.
ANTON: (as emotional as possible) That's it, baby, Yes!!! Ukontrapupil Gavrik. How to drink give otchekryzhil on one-two! On!!!
Yuri panicked looks at his monitor, realizes that he lost, jumps out of the chair in horror, starts yelling at Natalia.
YURI: (furiously, gesturing) Natasha, mother peremat, to vymat to perejimati!!! Why are you distracting me at a time like this? I almost made it! And that you! (Savagely, puffing out the veins in his neck from exertion) Myyyyyyyyyyyyy!
NATALIA: (Yelling at Yuri) You deal with your customers first, then you will stuff Anton's hangar with your ammunition! For some reason, you don't get any calls about accounting issues, and I'm already sick of your clients! Petropavlovsk called again, they still haven't received the cargo!
(turns to Anton, shouting) You, by the way, Antoshenka also concerns!
Anton stops making faces and dancing, which he has been doing up to this point.
ANTON: I mean, Petropavlovsk. We shipped them everything two weeks ago.
NATALIA: (angrily, to Anton) Two weeks ago, this issue was removed long ago. They sent a new request, the invoice was issued and paid ten days ago. What have you forgotten?
Natalia looks in the direction of the sleeping driver.
NATALIA: (to the driver) Gennadievich, did you take the goods to the transport company in Petropavlovsk?
The driver doesn't respond, he's asleep.
Natalya waves her hand in his direction.
YURI: (to Natalia) What's the bill? By what amount, on what date?
Yuri reaches into his laptop.
NATALIA: (to Yuri) There are two hundred and something thousand, I don't remember exactly. Look at the last bill from them.
Anton also goes to his laptop, looking for something there.
Natalia picks up her mobile phone, squeezes it back between her shoulder and ear and continues her pedicure session.
NATALIA: (into the phone, gently) yeah, Snezan. So what's this dog of yours?
then he listens to the phone, nods his head, paints his toenails.
Plays loud rhythmic music of a panicked nature (recommended Intro to "Hymn of the jester»)
All office workers are scared.
The driver jumps up like a scalded man from the sofa, rushes, runs towards the cooler. His face is sleepy and swollen (you may need makeup).
Yuri and Anton jump up from their chairs, grab their heads, frantically start pounding on the computer keyboard, disconnect some cables, hide game disks, some records and magazines under the table, jump on their chairs, "stick their noses" in laptops, create the appearance of work.
Natalia with fright falls from her chair upside down, somewhere at the table, while only her painted leg remains in sight (to provide a soft safe fall).
Philip enters the office, looking stern in a suit and holding a mobile phone. In the other hand is a work bag. Presses the phone button, the rumbling music stops abruptly (the panic music is the soundtrack set as Philip's mobile phone ring).
Philip puts the phone to his ear.
PHILIPP: (into the phone, sternly, loudly) Hello? Yes! Ya With me can agree on. What volumes are you interested in? (he listens, expresses rejection on his face) Why are you calling me with your hundred kilos, we are a wholesale company, working from a ton. Well, we can deliver five hundred kilograms in exceptional cases, but no one will bother with a hundred here. You are welcome. Just…
Hangs up. Discontentedly looks at the situation in the office.
The driver Gennadievich is drinking water from a single glass, squinting in the direction of Philip, trying to remain unnoticed.
Accountant Natalia rummages under the table, trying to quickly put on shoes and quickly remove all unnecessary attributes of cosmetics.
Yuri and Anton, as if by chance, distracted from the pile of work, pay attention to the fact that the Director is in the office.
ANTON: (To Philip, as if surprised) Oh, Philip Georgievich! What brings you here? You're supposed to be on a business trip…
YURI: (to Philip) Good afternoon, comrade Director, what a pleasant surprise. And here we are already missing you. The office is boring, no one knows how to joke like you, everyone is sitting rotten stunted, but the work is really in full swing, here… from Petropavlovsk, the order was knocked out for two hundred s …something like thousands. Snatched it can be said from the hands of competitors.
PHILIPP: (To Yuri, sternly) What kind of order is this? Which they paid for ten days ago?
YURI: (to Philip) Well… (improbably, wagging) they paid, then wanted to refuse, someone offered them better terms, but in the end, thanks to my assertiveness and eloquence, we did not lose the client. All for the good of the company, Philip Georgievich, we try and work!
Philip looks at Anton.
ANTON: (To Philip, nodding) yeah. All right. We work like hell.
PHILIPP: (To Yuri and Anton) Well, I look, my eyes are so red. As if the day did not depart from the monitor. You at least have a rest sometimes, you can't do that either. There are, after all, regulations. No more than two hours in a row, then a fifteen – minute break. Have a Cup of tea, I brought it with me just in time for tea. I was released early, the negotiations were easy.
Philip goes to the accountant's Desk, puts out sweets and cookies, and notices that Natalia is rummaging under the table.
Philip leans across the table and looks down at the accountant.
PHILIPP: (Natalya) Good afternoon, Natalia Viktorovna!
Natalia looks out from under the table, confused.
NATALIA: (playfully) Hello, Philip Georgievich. Well, what are you so immediately official, Natalia Viktorovna…
PHILIP: (smiling) Yes, this is me, which can not be said in a joke conversation.
All the employees in the office start laughing hard in an instant. The Director draws attention to the driver, who inadvertently gave himself away with a laugh.
PHILIPP: (serious) I didn't understand. Gennadievich. What are you doing here? Are you a driver or what? You have a delivery schedule for two weeks in advance, everything is tight on time, and you are here to cool off…
GENNADIEVICH: (stammering) Yes… Yes I literally stabilizability to drink went. All in deliveries, working hard, and no honor! Why are you so quick, Philip Georgievich?
PHILIPP: (Gennadievich) Water means something to drink? And why is the muzzle all swollen out and dented? Not from a dream?
Gennadievich makes a humble face, lowers his hands, lowers his head in agony.
GENNADIEVICH: (plaintively) I'm starving, Philip Georgievich, I didn't want to tell you, but since you asked. My salary isn't that high, you know, and utilities are getting more expensive. I'm malnourished… result on the face. And dented – so it was in the transport company in the queue brawl was. I have a lot of cargo, so one of the guys in the queue got nervous. They dented me a little. I suffer, I don't regret my stomach, Philip Georgievich, but you treat me like this… like I'm… ashamed to say it…
Colleagues shut their mouths, trying to cover themselves in every possible way and not give out their laughter from the driver's skillful twisting out of the situation. And yet,laughter sometimes slips from colleagues.
PHILIPP: (to everyone, sorry) Okay, what's so funny? The man over there didn't get hurt for anything. Here's a bonus for you, Gennadievich, (takes a wad of money out of his pocket, counts it out, gives the driver a nice pile of cash) you're doing a good job, I'm sorry if I said something wrong.
Gennadievich, as if reluctantly, hesitantly, accepts the money.
GENNADIEVICH: (plaintively, to the Director) I'll go, I think, there really is still a lot to do.
PHILIPP: (driver) Can we have a Cup of tea with you? You won't get enough of water. And so you see… plump… GENNADIEVICH
: Thank you, Philip Georgievich, I'll have something to eat on the road, there's money now (shows everyone the bonus money, colleagues look at the driver with indignation). I'll go, I won't waste any time. We are all considered one family, we work in the same pot, if someone gives a slack, then we will all feel a drawdown.
Philip is moved, wipes a tear from his eye, hugs the driver, pats him on the shoulder.
PHILIPP: (driver) Come on, Gennadievich, take care of yourself. We need you and your family… Don't worry too much about it, either.
Gennadievich nods to the Director in a friendly and respectful manner, and leaves the office with the grimace of a modest hero.
PHILIPP: (to all the rest, cheerfully, positively) Well… a Cup of tea?
Loud positive music is playing (recommended by Passion Fruit "The Ring Ding Dong Song").
Colleagues on the rise begin to approach the table, cheerfully and joyfully dancing, carry their mugs, Philip unpacks Goodies, a pleasant organizational moment is coming.
The apartment has an intimate atmosphere. Prepared a bed, a table with refreshments. Twilight.
Yulechka in a short dressing gown defiles in a great mood, dancing. From the bathroom comes the sound of running water (shower).
Yulechka longs for upcoming events, all this is reflected on her face. The girl straightens the bedclothes, gently and tenderly straightens the sheet.
The sound of running water stops.
The girl enthusiastically looks in the direction of the upcoming appearance of the desired man.
A man in a large sombrero comes out in a long, beautiful dressing gown, his chest puffed out, and an important feigned gait. The man's face is not visible, as well as everything else, except for bare feet and hands, but it is clear that this is a man. And his intentions are not ambiguous.
Yulechka gets out of bed, begins to passionately untie her dressing gown, when suddenly the doorbell rings.
The characters freeze in their movements.
Philip's voice is heard from the other side of the door.
PHILIPP: (playing voice) My love! I'm here! Meet your baby bird soon!!! loud
rhythmic music of a panicked nature is playing (the introduction to the "jester's Hymn" is recommended)
Yulechka runs around the apartment in a panic, does not know what to grab. The man grabs his things from the chair, gestures and asks the girl where to go. After a short thought and panic throwing, Yulechka helps the man hide under the bed, he hardly fits under it. The girl covers the visible space with a blanket to the floor, gets better, goes to open the door.
Philip enters the apartment beaming with joy with a bouquet of flowers, takes out the phone, throws off the call. The music stops abruptly.
PHILIPP: (working tone) It's not working time, I'm still out.
He puts the phone in his pocket, looks at the girl, and smiles.
PHILIPP: (gently) Hello, my Bunny, how I missed you.
Yulechka closes the door runs up to Philip and jumps on top of him with a squeal, wrapping her arms and legs around him. Philip can barely hold his ground.
JULIA: (passionately kissing the neck, cheeks and nose) My love, you came, I did not prepare for nothing!
Philip puts his arm around the girl, holds her by the waist, and Yulia goes down to the floor.
PHILIPP: (gently) Really waiting for?
JULIA: (very honestly, reverently) Very! PHILIP
: (gently) But I'm supposed to be on a business trip right now, right? I decided things quickly and first of all to you, I wanted to make a surprise.
JULIA: (gently, pressing his cheek to the man's shoulder) Filechka, my love, I'm waiting for you all the time. It doesn't matter where you are! In my heart you are always, you are always here (puts Philip's hand to his left breast). Feel that, honey? Do you feel how much love is placed in this fragile chest?
PHILIPP: (embarrassed, bursting with compliments) It is not so you have too fragile…
JULIA: It's an allegory, silly. I'm speaking figuratively. In General, the fewer words, look at this!
The girl turns Philip to the center of the room and the man is presented with a romantic view, a ready, untouched table, two wine glasses, a bed spread out.
Philip opens his mouth in surprise, wiping his lips with his fingers in anticipation and delight.
JULIA: Everything for you, my love, everything for you!
from UNDER the BED: (short, indignant): Ahem-ahem…
Philip turns around, not UNDERSTANDING what it was just now.
Yulia immediately begins to clear her throat, trying to make her voice as rough as possible.
JULIA: I've been waiting for you so much, hoping so much, I couldn't say a word because of the experience of our separation, my voice sank completely. But this is nothing, the most important thing is that my (loudly, addressing under the bed) WOMEN'S FUNCTIONS ARE NOT OTRAFIROVALIS IN RELATION TO ONE MAN FROM THESE AWKWARD CIRCUMSTANCES!
Philip hugs Julia gently, carefully stroking her on the back.
PHILIPP: (gently, carefully) My girl, I had no idea that our separation was so painful for you. Do you really love me that much?
YULECHKA: (recoiling, looking into her eyes) Are you still in doubt? Yes, I'm already pounding all over with emotions and separation! With you, I generally have every time as the first time. I didn't even know it happened.
PHILIPP: (guiltily) I'm sorry, my girl, I blurted out without thinking. You're really shaking all over. Here, take the flowers, the ones you love.
Philip gives the girl flowers, she shows that she was offended, but accepts the flowers, goes with them to the kitchen, dubbing Philip a biased look.
Philip shakes his head guiltily, showing his disappointment in himself, and covers his mouth with his hand.
Takes off his jacket and sits down at the table.
PHILIPP: (loudly, sucking up) Yule? Really, how long have we been Dating?
From somewhere behind the door jamb, Yulia's frightened face looks out.
PHILIPP: (loudly, fawning) My love, we're probably already celebrating our anniversary! For…
JULIA: (interrupts, doesn't let me finish) Five minutes you're already tearing my heart out! For five minutes, Pilecka, well, what does it matter now? Hold me quickly, can't you see how much I'm yearning? Enough words, run to the shower and get down to business, otherwise I'm just going to tear apart from the tension!
Philip jumps up happily, grabs something from the table, shoves it into his mouth as he goes, and tries to unbutton his shirt in the process.
JULIA: (moans, dripping sexy down the closet) Rather cute, rather!!!
Philip excitedly grunts, gestures something to himself, runs off to the bathroom.
The girl sees that he is gone, whispers in the direction of the bed, corresponding to the situation by changing the intonation.
YULECHKA: (in a whisper, to her lover) You've got three minutes to get ready, come on, get laid!
A man starts to get out from under the bed, a door slams from the bathroom, and Philip quickly returns to the room without his shirt. He smiles affectionately and flirts.
The man fussily crawls back under the bed. Philip doesn't notice him.
PHILIPP: Sorry, another bite, I'm so hungry, I just had a Cup of tea at work, and everything here is so delicious.
He grabs something from the table and puts it in his mouth.
Yulechka runs up to Philip, passionately stroking his back, scratching his stomach with her claws, moaning.
JULIA: (very sexy) Yleaaaa, I can not, rather, in the shower, rather. Let's go there together, and we'll eat later…
Yulechka drags Philip into the bathroom, and a man hastily, cautiously crawls out from under the bed, grabs his things, and leaves the apartment.
Yana is sitting in a chair, knitting something, listening to music in large headphones. She looks quite presentable, this is not a typical housewife. Makeup, manicure, hairstyle, high – heeled shoes, dress is not at home. She closes her eyes from time to time, listening to the musical motifs and getting great pleasure from them, dances, bringing out the rhythm with the movements of her head.
The door opens and a grim-faced Philip enters. His wife doesn't see him, and he doesn't look at his wife. He takes off his jacket, hangs it on a hanger at the entrance, takes out his mobile phone, scrolls through something, puts the phone away with a dejected expression, and, taking a step towards the room, suddenly freezes in confusion, looking at his wife.
His wife does not see him, she is interested in knitting and music.
PHILIPP: (in doubt) Dear?
The wife does not hear, only dances to herself and knits.
PHILIPP: (loud) Yana?
The wife starts in surprise, takes off her headphones, but continues knitting.
YANA: (calmly, without emotion) what are you making noise about?.. What happened?
PHILIPP: (thoughtfully) No, it's just… Are you waiting for someone? the
Wife looks at her husband strangely, the husband looks at his wife strangely.
YANA: (angrily) What's going on?
: (jealously) Yes, nothing starts. It's just that the husband suddenly returns from a business trip, and the wife, you know, is sitting all dressed up, in heels, listening to music, knitting, getting high. How should I react to all this? (Shouts) What's going on in my house?
YANA: (calmly) Hmm… so if the wife is sitting at home not as a chuvyrla, but as a woman, if she gets high, then she is already in fact to blame for something?
PHILIP: (jealous, shouting) Yes!
YANA: (angrily) Hmm.
PHILIP: (jealous, shouting) There are no happy wives! If the wife is happy, it means that there is some parasite that makes her happy behind her husband's back. (Shouts) Where is he?
Philip begins to rush around the apartment, looking for a lover. The wife sits quietly in a chair knitting, puts on an earpiece, continues to have fun.
Philip checks everything that is possible, approaches his wife, looking for a trick. My wife listens to music, doesn't respond to it.
Philip removes the headphones from his wife's head, bends down, and looks intently into her eyes.
YANA: (calmly) I'm listening to you carefully, Philip Georgievich!
PHILIPP: (shouts) Stop it! Stop clowning around!
Yana looks at her husband quite calmly, making eyes at him.
PHILIPP: (shouts) You.... this… You know what? You don't give me that here… Because this isn't it!
JAN: (sarcastic tone) Here you are! PHILIP
: (shouts) Stop it! Stop clowning around! Yana! Yana stop! I demand satisfaction!
Yana nervously throws aside the ball, gets up from the chair.
YANA: (seriously, shouting) Who insulted you, caught you, or humiliated you? The soup is on the stove, not yet cold, as I knew, I started cooking late. In the freezer ice cream is your favorite, yesterday I took it, I thought you would come – you will be happy. True, I waited not today, but as promised, but what does this change? Everything is ready. The house is tidy, the wife is in place. Why are you bothering me? Set up an interrogation here. Shoes, dress? Well, I bought it today. I tried it on, but I haven't taken it off yet. Make-up, hairstyle for this case navayala, I wanted a little pokayfovat. Have fun, damn it! All the mood is ruined!
Yana sits back in the chair, arms folded and pouting.
PHILIPP: (calmly) Vooot. Now I believe you. Shouting, nervous, sulking… it's all right, I'm home.
Philip goes into the kitchen, rubbing his hands together contentedly.
PHILIPP: (speaking softly to the audience, as if to himself) The best defense is a good offense.
Philip winks at the audience and disappears behind the wall.
YANA: (with resentment) What a man…
shakes his head, takes off his fancy shoes, picks up the discarded ball, puts it on the chair, takes away the headphones and shoes.
They return to the room together.
Philip is already at home, nods contentedly, wipes his mouth with a napkin, takes the newspaper and sits down on a chair. Yana stands up, leaning against the wall, looking at her husband from under her brows.
YANA: (with resentment) HOW's the soup?
: (calmly, without looking up from the newspaper) Normally.
YANA: (sadly) Normally…
Yana shakes her head in resignation and is about to go to the kitchen, but her husband stops her.
PHILIPP: Wait a minute. Come here to me.
approaches her husband, Philip grabs her, puts her on his lap, Yana involuntarily smiles through her sadness.
YANA: Well, stop it… the
Wife is not particularly, but still, as if trying to escape.
PHILIPP: (serious)
YANA: (looking away, calmly) Love.
Philip puts his hands on his wife's head. Kiss.
Lightning flashes, thunder is heard, the sound of rain. The light flashes. Semi-darkness is set. From the edge of the trees in a raincoat, Philip makes his way to the stage, cringing, with a basket in his hand.
He puts down his basket, looks indignantly at the sky, and winces. He takes an armful of mushrooms out of the basket and looks at them with regret.
PHILIPP: (loudly, plaintively) And the devil took me this weekend to get out into nature. I didn't really want these mushrooms that much. I would be sitting in a comfortable chair, warm, watching TV, inhaling the aroma of burnt cutlets on the stove. This is romance, this is recreation, a worthy pastime. What's this? (Loudly, as irritated as possible) Ugh!!!
There is a flash, deafening thunder, and the lights go out.
PHILIPP: (in a trembling, fearful voice) Oops… Oppulence… What was that just now? Where is the light? The Eclipse seems to be for the next couple of hundred years was not promised… Ggggggreat something like that somewhere… (shouts in the dark) People!
Turns on the light, dimness. On the stage with two large dogs (for safety reasons on leashes, if the dogs are real) is a tall man in a raincoat and hood facing Philip. Philip is startled. It is advisable to shout so that even the viewer shudders, given the unexpected situation. If the dogs are trained to bark at the cry of Philip – this will be aerobatics, if not, you can use an audio recording of the bark.
PHILIPP: (with a panicked, strangled cry) Aaaaaah!
Philip's legs give way from fear, and he falls into an awkward Crouch, trying to say something inarticulate in a trembling voice.
VACHAGAN: So you say… damn you… well,well. Take it higher, Philip Georgievich… Let's get acquainted – Vachagan!
There is a flash and thunder. The gloom is restored, and the sound of rain fades, but it doesn't stop.
VACHAGAN: (important, heartfelt, deep) these Mushrooms are for you in so far as, my friend. But our meeting was supposed to take place… I should have! PHILIP
: (in a strangled, panicked voice) I didn't make an appointment with anyone here, you've got me confused with someone else. I'm not…
VACHAGAN: (interrupts in a grave voice) I know all about you. Even what you don't know! Haven't you ever wondered about the sincerity of your friends?.. close… colleagues? At the time of choosing the necessary parameters for life, you preferred the standard set. Therefore, you are always guided by what you see, like most people… But today I'll give you the gift you've been dreaming about for so long. From now on, you will not only see, but also hear your opponent.
PHILIP: what? What does it mean? Who are you? How do you know…
VACHAGAN: (interrupts in a grave voice) Now you will hear the true thoughts of a person. This gift will be given to you for as long as you wish. Yes, be careful, try not to go crazy after you see the "true faces" of people…
PHILIP: Vachagan? What a strange name… Who are you?
VACHAGAN: (with a grin) Hah… also my desire… Well, hold on… Good luck!
Flash, thunder, lights go out.
There is a startled cry from Philip.
Plays loud rhythmic mysterious music (recommended introduction to "the sorcerer's Doll")
The music stops.
Philip is asleep in his bed, and his wife is not there.
The alarm goes off, Philip groans, wakes up, turns off the alarm, sits on the bed, holds his head in his hands.
Yana enters the room in her home clothes, Slippers, no manicure on her hands, no trace of her hair left.
Yana carries a plate of porridge for her husband, a piece of bread, a spoon.
YANA: are You awake? Here you go, eat the rice you like sweetened.
Yana gives the plate to her husband, he looks at his wife in a dazed way, accepts the plate, thinks something to himself, and begins to eat.
YANA: Well, tell me. What happened to you yesterday?
Philip looks up from his meal and looks at his wife strangely.
PHILIPP: What happened to me yesterday?
YANA: I don'T know… You came in late, all wet and drunk… It looks like you ate some raw mushrooms that you picked, and who knows what you picked there, because in the basket that you brought, there were only a few bitten White legs, one red leg, a couple of spat Buttercups that didn't seem to be to your taste, and a hat of Aspen.
YANA's voice in THE recording: But you didn't get poisoned, you bastard, you just gave me hope for nothing…
Philip shudders. He looks around with wide eyes, then looks at his wife. He scratches his ear and shakes his head.
YANA's VOICE in the recording: Aha, it looks like a couple of toadstools did shoot. It's kind of slow… there's something wrong with the rumors. Maybe there's still a chance…
Philip shudders again. He looks directly at his wife. The porridge from the plate in his hand begins to fall to the floor, Philip doesn't notice, his mouth opens in surprise, and he begins to understand what is happening.
Yana looks at him as if nothing has happened, with the humble, decent look of a wife.
YANA'S VOICE IN THE RECORDING: (Joyous) So… So… well,well,well,well… It looks like my prayers were answered after all. Well, come on, honey, well davaaaaay....
YANA: I say, I was worried about you, no matter how poisoned. I don't know where I went, what I did. He came home looking strange and thoughtful. I was even afraid to approach you. I looked around the corner as you struggled to undress and fell asleep. So I ask… What happened, my dear? How are you? The porridge is falling on the floor, be careful… Everything okay?
PHILIPP: (sighs) Phew… I don't understand it myself. Some kind of haze. So I got drunk last night? Probably because of this. I was in such a downpour yesterday. All the world was cursed. It would be better to sit with his beloved wife at home, watch a movie. Why didn't you stop me?
YANA's VOICE in the RECORDING: (Annoyance) Why the hell would you give me up here, sit with you and watch a movie? I think it's a false alarm. Held by a cucumber. Know neomails.
YANA: (trembling) I… didn't think of it. I respect your choice. A man must have his own space, well… I thought you would relax, gain strength, come home happy, rested…
Philip looks doubtfully at his wife, strokes his chin with the palm of his hand, puts the porridge aside.
YANA's voice in the recording: (indignantly) What are you looking at, goat?
YANA: Something wrong, my love?
PHILIP: (holding back feelings) Hmm… uh-huh… all clear… favorite means…
YANA: (Gently) Yes, my love…
YANA'S voice in the recording: (indignantly) Favorite – favorite… was once… my mother's, I guess… Who else would love you, a poor one… However… there was one fool… How did I fall for it? I don't know.
Philip shakes his head, trying not to show his angry, angry look.
IAN: (thoughtfully) Will you be late for work, dear?
YANA'S VOICE in the recording: (indignantly) Get out of here…
PHILIP: (holding back his feelings) NDA… I think it's really best for me to go to work now… (With insight) Oh… by the way… work… we'll clear it up there now… Well, guys… keep.
Philip is furious, and hastily puts on his work clothes, grabs his bag, and slams the door, leaving the house.
The wife looks at all this with interest and incomprehension.
YANA's voice in the recording: What's wrong with him? No, something is happening…
Yana sits down, puts the porridge that has fallen on the floor back into the plate on her knees, and stands up.
YANA'S voice in the recording: Okay, we'll figure it out. Gone and, thank God. So I belong to myself until tonight. (Intricately) And maybe not just for yourself…
Yana goes into the kitchen, dancing in a great mood.
The picture is already traditional. A small office sofa for visitors, on which, snoring, huddles heavy driver Gennadievich. Desktops, laptops at which the Manager Yuri and logistician Anton sit impressively, they are again passionate about the computer game of tanks, playing with each other over the network. The noise of gunfire and the roar of engines comes from their computers. Accountant Natalia is engaged in this time manicure, sipping tea, does not ignore a large box of chocolates standing on her Desk, open and partially eaten, while talking on a mobile phone with a friend, holding the phone shoulder to ear.
The work office phone is broken, but there is no one to pick up the phone, everyone is again "very busy".
Anton defiantly presses a button on his laptop, leans back in his chair, stretches, yawns.
ANTON: (To Yuri) eh… let's take a break. Let's get some tea or something. (Natalia, loudly) Natasha do you have any more candy in there?
NATALIA: (distracting from the conversation, "through the teeth») Yes, but not about your honor.
The accountant continues to go about his business, conversation, candy, manicure.
Anton and Yuri get up, smiling sweetly. They take their mugs, throw in a tea bag, go to the cooler, take water, stirring with spoons, clink mugs, going to Natalia's table. They look at me almost hypnotically. Very intently, but with a touch of irony. Begin to mix the tea more diligently, the ringing of spoons in mugs increases.
Natalia winces and writhes, but doesn't give up.
The phone continues to ring on the accountant's Desk with small interruptions to re-dial the number.
Yuri picks up the phone and answers it himself.
YURI: Hello, am I listening? That's right. Who is needed? (He looks at Natalya with his lip stuck out) On what issue? (Outstretched) Oh, from naloooooogovoy…
Natalia throws the phone of her personal phone to the side, gestures to indicate that she is not there, so that the Manager does not give her the phone.
Yuri understands everything, shows his colleague the " Ok " gesture.
YURI: (into the phone) You know, she literally just left with the reports, I think, to redirect you. (Listening to the phone) Oh, that's what you're talking about? Well, that means everything is in order, soon all the documents will be in place. (He listens to the phone) Yes, Yes, of course I understand. We just have so much work to do, Natalia Viktorovna comes before everyone else and leaves later than everyone else, all in reports, in documents. Still on it, does not have time, but she tries very hard, believe me.
Yuri hangs up the phone with a dissatisfied face.
YURI: (to Natalia) She didn't seem to believe me… and hung up. In General, the report is required quarterly…
NATALIA: Yes, I understand already. Pancake… Okay, I'll do it… in a week.
The guys continue to tap their spoons inside their mugs, and look at the accountant pleadingly.
NATALIA: All right, all right, take it. (Hands a box of chocolates to the boys) I'm already full anyway.
Natalia picks up her mobile phone.
NATALIA: (into the phone) Hello, Snezan? Are you still here?" Yes distracted again, the tax brakes. No,no, it's all right, tell me. (Loudly, violently) Here's a dog…
At this cry, a sleepy Gennadievich turns around, looking questioningly at Natalia. He looks at the guys eating candy, and the driver's face changes to a disapproving expression.
GENNADIEVICH: uh,uh, guys, what are you doing?.. are you eating candy?
He rises from the sofa, grunting.
GENNADIEVICH: It's not Christian. What about corporate ethics, male solidarity. Have you seen my mug?
Natalia pulls out a driver's Cup from somewhere and raises it above her head, not looking up from the conversation.
GENNADIEVICH: OH, thank you.
The driver takes water from the cooler, staggers sleepily to the guys, takes a candy from the box, puts it in his mouth.
Plays loud rhythmic music of a panicked nature (recommended Intro to "Hymn of the jester»)
All employees of the office get scared, drop all their business, rush in all directions.
Natalia throws the phone away, quickly removes all the manicure accessories from the table, and runs somewhere to get the documents.
The driver, choking on a candy, coughs, chokes, Yuri slaps him on the back, Anton runs to his and Yuri's computers. Something there tries to do faster, close, quickly creates a working environment.
Philip enters the office looking pleased, in a formal suit, mobile phone in hand. In the other hand is a work bag. He presses the phone button, and the music stops abruptly.
Philip puts the phone to his ear.
PHILIPP: (into the phone, fervently, cheerfully) I'm listening? Yes I. Transferred? Great. All right, I'll move it.
Puts down the phone, looks at the employees "choosing a victim".
The driver finally clears his throat, and Yuri stops slapping him on the back.
Natalia, with documents in her hands, approaching her Desk, casually notices the Manager.
NATALIA: (sycophant) Oh, Philip Georgievich, Hello. You are so happy today, you look so good, you look so much younger and refreshed. How do you do it?
NATALIA'S voice in the recording: (offended) You came here, you brute, after all. Never lets you talk to your friend properly. I hope he didn't show up for long.
PHILIPP: (with a twofold smile) Thank you, Natasha, you are so kind. I had a good rest in nature yesterday, gained strength, shook my brain so to speak, well, that's the result on the face. (With a trick) How are you doing? You can be calm about the accounting direction?
NATALIA'S VOICE IN THE RECORDING: (mockingly) Of course you can… true, maybe someone will be put in jail for fraud and double accounting, I messed up a little in the documents there, well, like a little… for six years so strict.
NATALIA: (fawning) Philip Georgievich, what a conversation, you know me! I stand day and night at the post of our financial well-being. I can say that I protect the interests of the company with my chest (protrudes my chest forward). (As if by accident) If only someone would give me a bonus for such efforts… for my zeal for my self-denial… Ah… I would put it bluntly… absolutely not upset… PHILIP
: (viciously, softly, turning away from the audience) I'll give you a bonus, I'll give you a bonus for six years of strict Protocol.
He turns to the accountant and tries to be polite.
PHILIPP: (with a twofold smile) Let's discuss it, Natalia Viktorovna.
Natalia sits down at the table, with a satisfied smile anticipating a solid bonus, lays out the documents.
NATALIA'S VOICE IN THE RECORDING: (mockingly) I'll roll this Murlo out for more money. I have enough for Paris and Italy. I was a little modest last month when I debited funds past the cash register. But never mind, I'll catch up this month. I'll have half a year's work under me, and then I'll have enough to live on, and the ends will be in the water.
Philip hears all this, his face confirms it, his eyes fill with rage, his fists clench, his veins swell.
The driver, catching his breath, leans on Yuri's Desk, tries to sneak away under the noise, Yuri takes his workplace, simulates complete immersion in the labor process.
DRIVER'S VOICE IN THE RECORDING: (unruly) So, valim – valim, on the quiet…
PHILIP: (loudly, violently, to the driver) Stop!
The driver freezes in place.
PHILIP: Gennadievich…, my dear. How is your health? How are you feeling?
The driver turns and tries to make a pained face.
GENNADIEVICH: (pitifully) Yes…
the DRIVER's voice in THE recording: (unruly) Like you on....to globocice I do not.
GENNADIEVICH: (compassionate) Nothing, Philip Georgievich, nothing. Creaking slowly. Your prayer.
PHILIPP: Why is your face swollen again? I gave you a bonus, didn't I? Are you still starving?
DRIVER'S VOICE IN THE RECORDING: (unruly) I'll tell you what's on your tongue, right now… from hunger. It will always come when you didn't expect it. At least once I got a good night's sleep. And I would buy a normal sofa, zhmotyara, on this while you sleep, you will bend to the death, then you will not straighten up. What goes here, still does nothing at work, except to create importance. These Directors in General, in all conscience, decent shit in essence, and ours is no exception. No one thinks about employees… nobody!
GENNADIEVICH: (compassionate) I'm Sorry, Philip Georgievich. Indeed, I still save on food. I have a lot of debts accumulated, I gave out a bonus, I didn't leave anything for myself. But I'm not complaining, everything is fine, I'll manage, don't worry.
DRIVER'S VOICE IN THE RECORDING: (unruly) Oh, I didn't say a damn thing, I liked it myself. No, I'm still talented. I'm doing the wrong thing, I feel like I need to steal big, and here I am… then a ten, then a twenty of gasoline with salt… all these little things… fifty liters a week, well, do not respect yourself. It's all wrong… scale is needed, scale! I'm just wasting my talent. Oh… what an actor is dying in me… And this.... this is it… the Director can't even buy a normal sofa.
PHILIPP: (With contempt) How can I not worry, my dear man, when such a person dies in you?.. such an honest, pure in thought and deed, sincere, sensitive person. A good man, the pride of our company!
The driver is embarrassed, stands up in a timid pose, shyly, modestly runs the toe of one foot on the floor, as if embarrassed, showing extreme timidity.
PHILIPP: (to the audience, as if to himself) And the actor is really talented. Notable plays, parasite. That means fifty liters a week… and a comfortable couch to sleep on… well,well…
GENNADIEVICH: (very located, welcoming) I will go, Philip Georgievich, there are a lot of deliveries for today, I need to do everything in time, I don't want to inadvertently disgrace the company's image.
PHILIP: Okay, go with God… the
Driver leaves, the Director looks reproachfully at his back, thinks about how to live with this further and what to do in General.
Suddenly, the Director's face changes, he hears the next lines in his head.
ANTON's voice in the recording: Sooooo, it's going to get to us.
Philip turns his gaze to Anton.
ANTON'S VOICE in the recording: Watching. Now it's getting to something anyway. So, we pretend to work. Work… Work.
The VOICE of YURI IN writing: Anton, damn, you should at least I was knocked out. I've just turned everything off in a hurry, and you're still online, so we'll sleep for a day or two… Yeah, man, I really fucked you today. And all because you have no strategy. Tactics are weak, and in General, you are a so-so opponent, what is there, more than a fee. All the same, logistics is not really engaged, even if I trained at work once again than with women with their own on Dating sites to hang out.
Philip, understanding the true situation, nods his head sadly, biting off his lower lip. He goes to Yuri, who is sitting with his back to him, and puts his hand on his shoulder.
Yuri jumps a little in surprise on the spot.
PHILIPP: (trying to hide his indignation) How's our sales Department doing, Yura?
YURI: Philip Georgievich, I'm sorry, I was working quite hard, and I didn't notice how you approached… Sales are going… going, everything is good. (Unconvincingly) I'm just developing a new region. We swim very shallow, Philip Georgievich, don't you think? Yes, the city, below us, the nearest regions, this is all fine, but there are still a lot of undeveloped territories. It's all about the customers, money, development…
PHILIP: (to the viewer, as if to himself) NDA…
PHILIP's voice is smooth.: (To Yuri) Well,well… so, how's your progress in developing new territories?
YURI: (important) Well, Philip Georgievich, we are working! Immediately… you know, the process is not fast. While you're fishing, while they're discussing everything, while they're making faces. At the prices of the swing again, no one shies away from today. In General, I fight for the common cause, I hammer the regions, I push…
PHILIP: (playfully, loudly, to the audience) Pretty boy! What a man! This is a fighter. Shark of business!!! You're the king of the world, boy! As if…
Philip swings his fist until no one can see, aims at Yuri's head, but manages to control himself, and when Yuri turns his gaze to the Director, he hugs him with his arm raised above his head.
PHILIPP: (thoughtfully, sarcastically) Yes… This is a team, this is what I understand, strength! Power!
Philip is coming to Anton. Anton looks at the Director with the most honest and loyal eyes ever.
ANTON: (indulging) Philip Georgievich, everything is fine with logistics. There are no complaints, we deliver everything on time, and sometimes even exceed expectations. Within the organization, the supply issue is also resolved efficiently and on time. We work only with proven transport companies, local carriers and attract only legal entities during the seasonal period, so that there is someone to ask in case of anything, however, there have been no incidents about this yet, and I hope they will not happen in the future. The entire logistics system operates under my strict guidance. We are working hard, Philip Georgievich!
PHILIPP: (to the viewer, as if to himself) Prepared… Okay… live for now… therefore, not all so tragic as it seems at first glance…
Philip Anton nods, moving away from his Desk, stops, hearing the thoughts of Anton in the back.
Anton leans back in his chair with a satisfied grin looking at the back of the departing Director.
ANTON'S VOICE IN THE RECORDING: What a fool. He doesn't know who works for whom in this organization. I love these suckers. (Philosophically) Ah… Life would be boring without fools! Thank you, God, for sending such an idiot on my beautiful path. Go, go, (mockingly) Filippok, live in your happy ignorance.
Philip turns abruptly to Anton, his arms outstretched in a belligerent attitude, lightning flashing on his face.
Anton suddenly leans back in his chair, his face showing genuine fear.
The Director pulls himself together and, coming out of the position and pose, snaps his fingers and points his index fingers at Anton.
PHILIPP: (Anton) Pretty boy!
Philip drops his hands and looks at his working colleagues in resignation, realizing that they are really slackers, deceivers, and hypocrites. He leaves with a wave of his hand.
NATALIA: (to the guys) It's not like that today… strange…
Anton drains back in his chair, recovering from the shock.
ANTON: Yeah… does the head have weakened our leader…
YURI: Man, he scares me with his behavior. No matter what happens…
Plays a growing mysterious cheerful music (recommended Linkin Park "Faint" – Intro)
(It is desirable to "shake" the viewer with a loud pulsating rhythm, by this time he is already tired).
Employees of the company sigh with relief, Natalia waves the report in front of her face, blowing herself, Anton shakes his head, leaning back in the chair with his feet on the table. Yuri scratches the back of his head and taps his fingers on the tabletop in thought.
Music plays as loud as possible.
The light gradually begins to fade.
The end of the scene ends with a rapid fading of the music volume.
Yulechka lies in her crib, moaning and basking, gets to the edge of the bed, tries to get up. But her legs are shaking feverishly, and there are obvious problems with her balance.
YULECHKA: (staggering) Oooh, no-no-no… not now, but later.
Lies back down, enjoys the state. She holds out her pen, picks up the phone next to her, and calls her friend.
JULIA: (enough, stretching like a cat) Hello, girlfriend. How is it? (Listening to the phone) Yes? What's just like that? (Listens) Hmm… And I'm just fine… (Listens) Well, Yes, I was… (smiles tenderly, nostalgically, on a languid exhalation) I just left. (He listens, changes face, indignantly) Yes, what Philip, no, I'm not telling you about him. I had Vasily, Vasily. What did you forget? No, not this one. I've only met him a couple of times, and that was it… I remembered, too… it must have been three days, maybe four. (He listens to the phone) Oh, no, not that one. The one you're thinking of, he can barely fit under the bed. In General, an inconvenient lover, not practical, I would say! I won't meet him again… (hesitantly) probably. But this one isn't, this one is smaller, but it's more solid and hardy. How would you like to do that?.. In a word, I went to the root, you know…
Yulechka smiles intricately.
YULECHKA: (into the phone, proudly) This, girlfriend, musiiiiic! Yes… I'd go to hell for that… Why didn't you go? So because he earns little. What are we going to do with his salary in this fire and water? (He listens to the phone) No, it's like that, but it's like that, you know… not exactly like that. Something like that. Did you explain it clearly?
Yulechka stretches her lips in a smile, makes a face in the style of "CE La vie»
YULECHKA: (into the phone) What about Philip? Everything is fine with Philip. I milk it like a pretty unmarried girl should. While the feeder is working, we will meet. (Listens to the phone, indignantly) Come on, noooo. I don't give a shit about him. Not my passenger at all. (Listens to the phone, indignantly) Listen! Don't spoil my mood, huh? It was so good… Philippa's got something on her mind. (Gently, in anticipation) Let me tell you about Vasily!
The doorbell rings.
Plays loud rhythmic music of a panicked nature (recommended Intro to "Hymn of the jester»)
JULIA: (anxiously) Another time I'll tell you, sorry, business!
The girl slams down the phone, jumps out of bed, as if limping, bent over, with hardly stretching muscles, expressing a difficult female fate, rushes to open the door.
Philip steps into the apartment dressed warmly, he is wearing a raincoat, Yulechka is transformed in an instant! She is fresh, light, gentle and inspired again!
Philip drops the call on his mobile phone, and the music stops abruptly.
The girl jumps on Philip in the usual way, wrapping her arms and legs around him.
JULIA: (gently) My love, I missed you so much, you finally came!
Philip looks suspiciously at his mistress, listens to her thoughts, but they are silent. After listening for a while, he happily hugs the girl, stroking her back.
PHILIPP: I'm so glad I have you, Julia. You have no idea how happy I am to know that I have you. You're so good… so good.
The girl sinks to the floor and gives Philip another trembling hug.
JULIA: (gently) Thank you, Filechka, it is very important for me to know that you are still interested in me.
Philip listens.
YULIA's VOICE in the recording: It's really important for me to know this. So – loves, it's very good.
Philip smiles, takes off his outer clothing, and settles down.
Yulechka goes to the kitchen, brings out a plate of fruit, and puts it on the table in front of Philip.
JULIA: (gently) I'm sorry, I didn't have time to cook anything serious, eat some fruit while, I'll quickly figure something out.
YULIA'S VOICE IN THE RECORDING: I don't have time to do anything with my schedule, and I'm already very hungry myself. So… scrambled eggs, scrambled eggs or porridge for five minutes to cook? I'll put the horns on, it's only eight minutes after boiling, and I'll open the canned food now, it'll make a nice dinner.
Philip rubs his hands together contentedly, even happily, takes an Apple from the plate, takes a bite, and looks longingly at his mistress, who leaves the room.
A little "warming up with fruit" Philip calls Yulechka.
PHILIP: Little one, can I have you?
Yulia runs into the room.
PHILIPP: I wanted to… (thinks) I wanted to discuss a very serious matter with you.
JULIA: Philip shakes his
head regretfully.
JULIA: (anxiously) God, you're scaring me. Tell me quickly, WHAT happened?
: Understand… I suddenly found out that you're the only one I can trust. That everyone around me is a traitor, a hypocrite, and … No matter. I may be out of a job and out of a place to live for a while. Can I stay with you during this period?
Yulechka is silent, and her thoughts are silent. The girl's face lights up with a dazed expression.
PHILIPP: Don't worry, it won't be long. Maybe two months, maybe three. A maximum of six months, while I solve all the organizational issues in the company and at home. And there with the wife we exchange… well, we'll see, maybe… I'll stay here forever.
Yulechka raises her eyebrows in surprise, but is silent, the state of shock does not leave her, but only increases.
PHILIPP: The money will be needed for start-up capital in a new business. I will have to do something else, because in this area for me, as it turned out, already smells fried. Both in the company and in the family. So that… we can finally not hide from anyone. We'll live together, maybe organize a common cause. It will not be easy and at first it will not be very profitable, but we will work hard and in three or four years we will probably have more or less serious results.
Yulechka stretches her lips in confusion, looks away.
PHILIPP: (enthusiastically) honey, are you happy? We can finally be together! We will build a family and family business not on lies and deception, but on feelings! On the truth! On sincerity! We'll get up from our knees together, and then we'll think about having a baby or two… Isn't it great?
Yulechka shows her hand in confusion in the direction of the kitchen, trying to get there somehow without an answer, taking advantage of the situation.
JULIA: (anxiously) Sorry, the noodles are probably overcooked on the stove. I'll sort it out and we'll talk.
Yulia runs to the kitchen in a panic.
Philip picks up his half-eaten Apple and dreamily imagines a possible not-too-distant future as he leans back on the bed. And all of a sudden he is changing in the face; he hears the thoughts of Julia.
YULIA'S VOICE IN THE RECORDING: Hell, it looks like the store's closed. I'm the one who's going to have to find some other fool with money. I don't want to work myself, really… Ah… I feel so sorry for him, like a woman, because the man himself is not bad, he loves me, trusts me. He's making some plans for the future. These men are as naive as children… "candy" beckons, and then it's all yours. .. all right, I'll tell him something about an urgent County. I'll change my phone number and rent an apartment, and then I'll start looking for a new daddy…
A growing lyrical composition is played (recommended by Linkin Park "Runaway" – Intro 30 seconds).
Philip gets out of bed, heartbroken. Puts the half-eaten Apple on the table, takes his clothes, and leaves the apartment.
Yana is standing in front of the mirror, setting up a marathon. Chooses the perfume that would create your current fragrance. Determined with a choice.
Yana is fresh, in a great mood, dancing. Dressed quite nice and attractive. Not at home.
Philip enters the house, his face reflecting not the most beautiful feelings. He looks at his wife reproachfully.
The wife turns her gaze to her husband and continues to preen.
YANA's voice in the recording: (with a sneer) The beloved…
PHILIP has arrived: (with background) how far are you going, my love?
YANA: we agreed TO meet with our FRIENDS. Let's sit and chat…
YANA'S voice in THE recording: (with self-congratulation) Don't say anything, but you need to be able to lie. I'm telling my husband the truth. I was actually going to see a friend… a little later, but first… hmm… well, that's all right.
YANA: (without looking up from the mirror) I've prepared everything for you there. If you want something sweet, I've got some cakes on the microwave. By the way – delicious.
PHILIPP: (incredulously) yeah…
Yana looks at her husband with a smile. She approaches him with genuine curiosity.
YANA: (genuinely surprised and happy at the same time) Come on.? Can't be? Are you jealous? No, really, it was just jealousy, wasn't it?
PHILIPP: (incredibly) Not at all, I just… I just didn't hear you. You said it with your friends, didn't you? "
Philip scratches his ear defiantly.
PHILIPP: (incredibly) Perhaps the tube in the middle ear, something not so good was to hear it.
YANA: (enough) Well,well…
Philip looks seriously at the back of his wife, who is walking away to the mirror and is beginning to put her earrings on her ears.
PHILIPP: (seriously, softly) I wanted to ask you…
Yana catches an earring, tilts her head questioningly in the direction of her husband.
PHILIPP: Tell me honestly, do you still love me a little?
The wife looks at her husband thoughtfully.
The husband looks at his wife questioningly.
The pause drags on.
YANA: (seriously) SINCE when are you interested
in this? : (sincerely, extremely interested)
Yana carefully twitches her shoulders, returns to the mirror, and grabs the second earring.
YANA'S VOICE IN THE RECORDING: (thoughtfully) Do I still love you?.. I haven't asked myself that question in a long time, and you want me to answer it. Love in General is a very strange thing. Sometimes it is not enough to understand it for a century. (Dreamily) It's easier to be in love. As soon as I introduce Kostya, my school friend… my so-called "first love"…
Lyrical music starts playing (recommended by Gaitana "The best" – the last chorus from the time of 2min. 10 sec. and to the end)
Yana dances, approaches her husband, asks for help with gestures to fasten the zipper on the dress, stays there with her thoughts… with this very Kostya, the husband dutifully zips it, but he hears everything, he understands what is happening.
He reluctantly undresses, and Yana happily gathers herself on the rise.
The husband goes into the room, the wife goes to the exit, automatically kisses him on the cheek, completely senseless, "robotically" and goes to the door, with a great mood and lust puts on graceful boots, a fashionable jacket… Yana soars… her
Husband goes into the room, sits down in a chair, puts his head in his hands, realizing the drama of the situation as a whole.
Yana leaves the apartment.
The music ends.
A beggar crouches against the wall.
He looks as if at the sky, but the cap has moved so that you can't see the face. In front of the beggar is a box containing several bills.
Philip walks slowly, hands in his pockets, head down, himself hunched, broken.
He is equal to a beggar. Stops.
PHILIPP: (beggar) How are you, buddy? the
beggar gestures "OK" while continuing to sit in his pose.
Philip takes a crumpled pile of bills from his pocket and tosses them to the beggar without counting them.
PHILIPP: How about now?
The beggar bends down, opens the space for the eye on the cap with his hand, sees the amount, returns to the starting position. She holds out her hand to Philip and introduces herself.
MARK: mark!
Philip shakes his hand in return.
Philip: Philip!
MARK: shall We sit down?
Philip, without thinking twice, sits down next to him in the same position, looking somewhere in the sky.
PHILIPP: I'm in no hurry, so why not sit down. What are you doing here?
": The fate of the villain. No health, no documents, no connections… nothing. But apparently, today and even tomorrow I will live, thanks to one generous person.
Mark offers his hand, and Philip shakes the beggar's hand in return.
MARK: Thank you.
Mark frees his hand and sits with his mouth closed. Philip can hear his thoughts.
MARK's voice in the recording: interesting… when I had everything, I hardly met any good people. I was surrounded by thieves and hypocrites. And when I found myself on the porch, I began to meet beautiful people almost every day. It may not be so straight beautiful, but they open up to me in the best qualities. And the most interesting thing… I'm still alive, even though I've been fighting for survival every single day for a long time. Amusing… It makes sense to know.
Philip gets up, looks at the beggar with respect and interest, and takes a few steps back.
PHILIPP: (to the viewer, as if to himself) That's really interesting.
Philip leaves with his head down again and his hands in his pockets.
Twilight, rain.
Philip goes on stage in a windbreaker, with a rope, looking for a place to put it, ties it to something at the top, is going to hang himself. The rope gets tangled, he can't untangle it, he throws it. Takes out a large blade, looks at it as the last thing he sees in his life.
PHILIPP: (heartfelt) Somehow everything is not right in my life… Somehow everything… senselessly. Deceive me…, deceive me…, what is the meaning of this cycle of lies? And I can't stop it, and I don't see any other way out of this cycle.
A lyrical philosophical composition begins to play (recommended by Felix ilinykh "White snow as white captivity").
Philip swings with a sharp movement, raises the blade above him with both hands, ready to plunge it into his own chest. And then the snow begins to fall.
Philip freezes, his paradigm shifts.
He is distracted by this phenomenon as a child, completely carefree looking at the snowfall, as if he sees it for the first time in his life. He automatically lowers the blade, forgetting about it and about his former intention.
The composition fades for Philip's words.
Philip: (doomed) Here is the first snow… the
Music is gaining strength again.
Philip changes his mind about committing a tragedy. Music is playing. Philip plays a scene of silent experiences of the last events of life.
Lightning flashes, thunder rolls, all this goes in parallel with the loud playing composition. The light flickers like lightning. Vachagan walks slowly across the stage in the same attire with the dogs on a leash.
Philip does not see him, he just grabs his head, falls to his knees, shows maximum emotional experiences.
The song sounds. Vachagan stops for a moment near Philip, looks at him, shakes his head, passes on, slowly leaves, taking the dogs with him.
The lights are still flickering, and the thunder and lightning are fading into the background. The composition remains on the main background. Clear weather is gradually beginning to set in on the stage.
The song ends.
Philip stands up. His hair is wet, and so are his clothes. He is exhausted, exhausted, but he smiles, sanctifying the audience with his Holy eyes.
It's raining. Twilight.
Plays a soft sad lyric composition (recommended by Terry "don't Talk about love" up to 1min 29 sec)
A few seconds after the start of the loss, Philip slowly enters the stage. He's all wet, exhausted, and drops of water are dripping off him on the floor.
The wife comes on the stage from the other side the same, all wet, exhausted, having experienced all the same things that her husband experienced. They approach each other slowly with the last of their strength, looking into each other's eyes with a plea and forgiveness. They lean on each other to keep from falling.
The allotted time passes for the lyrical component in the composition, the music subsides.
PHILIPP: (extremely tired of everything) Yana… do you think there's anything else we can do? Do we have any more "we"?
YANA: (extremely tired of everything) I knew you cheated on me… a woman always knows, feels, notices when she shares her husband with someone… At first I endured, hoped for something, and then… I became no different from you in the matter of loyalty, and off we go. But happiness is not everything as you can see has brought neither you nor me… And one day I met a man with two dogs… with a very strange name…
Philip is wary.
YANA: after that, I learned to hear the thoughts of my entire environment… And the masks fell! I saw the true faces and was horrified.
Philip looks at his wife with a guilty, surprised, and at the same time exhausted look.
YANA: (extremely tired of everything) And it was with you that I once learned what a woman's happiness is…
PHILIP: (extremely tired of everything) And I've never been as happy with anyone as I've been with you… Then something happened… something went wrong… me… I broke down.
Philip lowers his head guiltily.
Yana gently, with a tired hand, strokes her husband's head, and in this movement you can read real unconditional love.
YANA: I don'T hear anything else…
PHILIP: And I again became ordinary…
YANA: (extremely tired of everything) Then… let's just start with a clean slate. Let's fix what's broken and try to remind each other of what happiness is… Looks like… what besides you and me for you and me… no one can do this!
Philip looks up, looking hopefully at his wife.
PHILIPP: (extremely tired of everything) Think… can we still fix it?
YANA: (extremely tired of everything, but with hope) I think so… We will restore the Foundation, and everything else will be added…
PHILIPP: (with hope and a rapidly forming plan in his eyes) Then… we'll go up ourselves, and then… I know a beggar who will also need help! Let's do it, Yana!
Philip and Yana look at each other, guiltily lower their heads to the floor, and then defiantly with the last of their strength, with the remnants of rage and all the remnants of feelings, they throw themselves into each other's strong arms, so that the spray flew from them in all directions. (Perhaps, for greater effect, it makes sense to provide some bursting containers with water – explosive packages that are safe for actors or use laser graphics).
Fireworks begin to sparkle along the edges of the stage (it is highly desirable to implement this).
A growing lyrical composition is played (recommended by Vengaboys "Boom Boom Boom»
Bright lights on the stage.
The music is playing in full force, and the actors begin to bow on the stage.
In the play "Hear or see?» the following compositions were recommended for musical accompaniment: the
King and the jester "the jester's Hymn" Intro – as Philip's call
Passion Fruit «The Ring Ding Dong Song»
The king and the jester "the sorcerer's Doll"
Linkin Park "Faint" – Intro (30 seconds)
Felix ilinykh "White snow as white captivity»
Terry "don't Talk about love" up to 1min 29 sec
Vengaboys «Boom Boom Boom»