Читать книгу 7I. The brief course. 7 roles of the team. 7 faces of the soul. 7 types of character (english edition) - Николай Татаров - Страница 6
ОглавлениеNow let us talk about where the roles come from. By the way, everywhere in this book the word “role” is understood not as a role of theatre or cinema, but a psychic role.
People communicate with each other not only in the language of words, but also in the language of feelings (emotions, moods). And the language of feelings is a language of relations. It is not a coincidence that question: “What is your attitude to it?” – is always a question: “What feeling do you have about this?” Therefore, in reply, they tell of some feeling. They say: “I treat this with admiration (contempt, joy, pride, distrust, envy, hatred, ecstasy, horror, satisfaction, etc.)”.
Relations and, consequently, feelings, have a role nature. They, explicitly or implicitly, always connected with “places”, “positions”, roles. With the tone of speech, gestures, facial expressions, posture, by which people express their feelings and attitudes, it is possible “to indicate to a person his place”, and it is possible to “put a person in place.” Another thing is that in response you can hear: “What do you take me for? In what tone are you talking to me?!” Such a response means that a person does not like the role (that “place”) that he was given, does not like the “place” to which he is “put”.
Each feeling, except for strength (depth), has also a role direction. Each feeling is an attitude that is directed from one role to another. Experiencing some feeling, the person is in the role with which this feeling is connected. At the same time, referring to another person with this feeling, he suggests (points) him to take that role to which this feeling is addressed.
The sense of superiority is the attitude, reversed from the role of the Head-Idol to the role of the Victim. When you look down at another one, with superiority, then at this moment you are on the role of the Head-Idol, and you with tone of excellence “point the place” (you instruct to take the role of a humiliated Victim) to that person to whom you address with superiority. In response, you can hear: “In what tone are you talking to me?” What do you take me for?! What are you here pretending to be in front of me?” – This means that he does not like the “indicated place” (the role of the Victim), and he does not recognize your claim to the role of an Idol.
3 feelings are connected with each role (emotions, moods, state of mind). In the end, 7 roles are related to each other with 21 feelings, which constitute the basic set of feelings. From this set, all the vicissitudes of relationships and experiences are composed, just as words and sentences from the letters. There is a scheme of the relations between roles and role record of feelings which are actively used in the role theory of feelings and relations.
Any relationships are always the role relationships. Psychic roles are within each of us. 7 roles are the 7 beginnings of each person, those are his 7 primordial forces, those are the 7 “poles” of his soul, those are 7 “back streets”, 7 “snugs” of the soul. The 7 roles of the team are only the manifestation of the seven I, living within each person.