Читать книгу VARICOSE VEINS AND VEIN DISEASES - Nikos Aledzhanov - Страница 2



The book is intended for a wide range of readers and is devoted to diseases of the venous system. Varicosity and other venous diseases are common pathologies of the lower extremities. Currently, there is no more pervasive vascular disease than varicose veins, which occurs nearly a quarter of the adult population of the world. And this is not surprising, because the legs take on the weight of the body and they are in motion every day. The main reason for the development of varicosity is heritable disease of the venous wall. And if the relatives had varicose veins, then one way or another it will most likely show itself. You can get rid of varicose veins quickly enough, especially if the disease is not started and precautionary measures are taken on time. The book presents modern views not only on varicose veins of the lower extremities, but also diseases such as thrombosis of superficial and deep veins, trophic ulcers, chronic venous insufficiency. Quite effective and modern methods for the treatment of cosmetic defects, such as spider veins and asterisks, have been proposed. Some chapters are devoted to compression garment and sport, as not all of its types are a contraindication to training with varicose veins and it can help to improve the general condition.


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