Читать книгу The Earl's Snow-Kissed Proposal - Nina Milne - Страница 3


‘I’ve tried dating and...it doesn’t work out.’

‘And I’ve told you you’re dating the wrong men.’ Gabriel surveyed her. ‘I bet you’re going for nice, average men with nice respectable jobs and...’

‘What’s wrong with that?’ Color climbed Etta’s cheekbones and she narrowed her eyes.

‘Physical attraction is important too.’

‘So what do you suggest?’

‘That you date someone you feel attracted to in a physical way—where there’s a spark.’

‘I don’t seem to meet guys like that. Maybe that gene is missing, too.’

‘I don’t believe that.’

The last berry slipped on to the ring and he stood up and held the mistletoe circle, then attached it to the waiting ring.

‘Look up.’

A hesitation, and then she did as he asked, her face tipped up toward him, her delicate angled features bathed in the flicker of light.

‘Kiss me and I’ll show you,’ he said. ‘The ball’s in your court. Literally.’

His throat was constricted, his breath held in his lungs, and then slowly she rose to her feet and stepped forward until she was flush against him. Hesitantly her hands came up and looped around his neck; her fingers touched his nape and desire shuddered through his body. She stood on tiptoe and touched her lips against his in sweet sensation.

The Earl's Snow-Kissed Proposal

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