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Chapter Two


They all left the movie theater, laughing and talking comfortably. The romantic comedy had put them all at ease, and it was a wonderful start to their double date.

“All right y’all, I’m hungry,” Tamara offered first, interrupting the group’s laughter about a funny scene in the movie.

“Food sounds good to me,” Caress chimed in, hoping no one could hear her stomach growling.

Kendrick used his muscular arm to pull his wife to his side. “How ’bout Mahogany’s?”

Julius, who towered over the petite beauty by nearly a foot, looked down at her. “That’s cool with me. You?” he asked.

Caress nodded, feeling heated by the look in Julius’s eyes and she felt her cheeks and nape warm. Damn, this man makes me breathless , she thought in amazement.

As they all walked to the parking lot of the movie theater, Caress liked being by Julius’s side as she inhaled the faint scent of his cologne and enjoyed the warmth of their arms casually brushing. Even with the slightly cool winds of the fall evening she immediately felt heat infuse her body. Her nipples hardened into tight aching buds and Caress crossed her arms over her chest to hide that fact.

“Cold?” Julius asked, his voice deep and warm like a hot toddy. “I have a jacket in my car that you can use.”

Cold? Hell, I’m hot! she thought. “No, I’m fine, but thanks.”

“I still don’t understand the need for different cars,” Kendrick said to Tamara, as he used his remote to deactivate the alarm on their silver Honda Accord.

Tamara shot her husband an exasperated look. “Just get in the car, Kendrick.”

Julius laughed low in his throat as he also deactivated his vehicle alarm. He moved with ease to open the passenger door of his green Range Rover for Caress.

Caress smiled her thanks to him as he waited until she was comfortably seated to close the door behind her. As he jogged back around to the driver’s door, she followed him with her eyes—absorbing him.

“Buckle up,” Julius said, smiling over at her as the car started with a purr. Soon he followed Kendrick and Tamara’s Honda out onto the street.

“So you’re a photographer?” Caress asked, as she crossed the three-point harness belt over her chest and lap.

He nodded. “Ever since I was a kid. I’ve always been fascinated by what moments in time you can capture—and keep forever—with a photo. Especially a well-taken one.”

“Tamara says you’ve photographed some really beautiful women, some even in the nude. Must be a lot of…fun.”

“I’d like to photograph you actually,” he said, pulling behind Kendrick at the red light.

“Not in the nude,” Caress quickly balked, even as she pictured herself so easily stripping down to nothing in front of him.

Julius turned his head to give her a leisurely once over. “Pity.”

Caress flushed and the bud between her legs jumped to attention. Her heart raced.

“Please, if you’ve seen one set of T & A, you’ve seen them all,” she teased, squirming a little in her seat under his direct and piercing gaze.

“I doubt that.”

As the foursome walked into the restaurant’s renovated brick building, Julius placed his hand at the small of Caress’s back wanting to touch her. “Have you eaten here before?” he asked, as the hostess led them to the bar to await a table in the dining area.

Caress shook her head side to side to indicate she hadn’t as she took in the interior of the two-level structure for the first time.

The contemporary décor was in hues of deep mahogany with rich blue-and-gold accents that were perfectly accentuated by the bright African sculptures and artwork adorning the brick walls.

“I’ve heard about it, of course, but I’ve never been,” she told him, as she swayed on the barstool to the soft, sultry music filling the air from the live band playing on the stage at the front of the restaurant.

“Welcome everyone. Julius.”

The foursome all turned to find a stunningly beautiful woman standing behind them with a beguiling and warm smile.

Julius didn’t miss Caress’s eyes darting between him and the woman. “Hello, Mahogany. What’s special on the menu tonight?” he asked, before taking a sip of his Crown Royal and Coke.

“Roast lamb, grilled salmon, and of course, the jambalaya.”

Tamara cleared her throat.

“Oh, I’m sorry. Caress, Tamara, and Kendrick this is Mahogany Woods, the owner of this fine establishment. Mahogany, this is Caress, my date, Kendrick, one of my best friends, and Tamara, my headache.”

That earned him a pinch from Tam-Tam.

Mahogany smiled. “It’s wonderful to meet you all. Julius, a pleasure as always. Enjoy your meal.”

With that she was gone.

“She’s gorgeous!” Tamara exclaimed, turning in her seat to face the bar.

“You got that right. Damn, she’s—” Kendrick began.

Tamara’s right eyebrow shot up and the rest of her husband’s words evaporated like steam.

“So I guess you’re a regular here, huh?” Caress asked, as she picked up her glass of white wine from the napkin embossed with the word Mahogany.

Julius looked over at her and felt a desire to push aside her long and fine hair to suckle the long line of her elegant neck. “I’ve never slept with Mahogany, Caress,” he told her, surprised by his candor since he owed her no explanations on his life—past or present.

Caress took a deep sip of the liquid. “I never asked if you did.”

He just laughed low into his drink, not believing for a second that the thought hadn’t crossed her mind.

Their hostess appeared with menus in her hand. “Your table’s ready. Right this way.”

Caress and Julius picked up their drinks and followed the hostess across the hardwood dance floor to the wrought iron staircase leading to the stylish and hip dining area upstairs.

Julius smiled devilishly at the delectable sight of Caress’s curvaceous bottom as he climbed the stairs behind her. Although he too thought she favored J. Lo, Ms. Lopez had nothing on Caress. I really need to thank Tamara .

Julius slid into the booth next to Caress. “I’m starving,” he said, letting his thigh brush intimately against hers. He picked up the leather-bound menu in front of him.

Caress leaned in close to point at his menu. “I’ll have the Caesar salad with grilled chicken and pine nuts. Right…here.”

Her sweet scent wafted up to him, clouding his senses, as the touch of her breasts against his arm aroused him with an intensity. Clearing his throat, Julius signaled for their waitress. “I feel like steak myself.”

When the waitress promptly appeared at the table, Julius ordered Caress’s meal the way she requested and then ordered a T-bone well-done with mushrooms and shallots. He also requested a Heineken with his meal.

“I’ll have a margarita,” Caress said.

“Me too,” Tamara added.

Kendrick smiled cockily at his wife. “You know what alcohol does to you.”

Tamara rubbed her hand up his strong thigh to lightly stroke his member. “Problem?”

Julius winked at Kendrick, before turning to Caress with a questioning look in his eyes.

“Don’t even go there,” she said, blushing.

They all just laughed.

Caress was feeling the effects of the tequila in her drink by the end of her delicious meal. “I want to dance,” she said suddenly, following yet another impulse.

Julius was in the restroom. Tamara and Kendrick were so deep into each other that neither noticed when Caress left the table. Her feet guided her down the stairs and onto the crowded dance floor as the band began a jazz rendition of Mary J. Blige’s classic rendition of “I’m Going Down.” She found her own little space on the dance floor, closed her eyes, and let the rhythm of the music instinctively move her hips and feet.

Julius wanted Caress. She was beautiful, sexy, vibrant, and funny. Her touch gave him goose bumps. Her smile made his heart skip a beat.

At that moment, as he stood on a mini-balcony and looked down at her move with such abandon on the dance floor, he knew he wanted to bury himself inside her moist warmth. He wanted her grinding with him in the same fashion as she danced until their bodies were drenched with sweat and then spent.

Not once taking his eyes off of her, Julius descended the stairs slowly and crossed the dance floor to stand behind her. He grasped her wide hips with eager hands and began to rock his body with hers, enjoying the feel of her bottom cushioned against him.

Caress knew it was Julius as soon as his hands touched her. She already recognized his heat and his scent. With a soft smile she turned to face him, reaching up to wrap her arms around his neck and press her body close enough to feel the heat of his loins.

“Damn, I want you,” he whispered in her ear as he nuzzled her neck with his lips.

Caress laughed softly and grinded close to his lengthening erection. “I want you too,” she whispered back with honesty.

“Oh, you do?” he moaned deep in his throat.

Tilting her head back, she looked up into his eyes with want and wild abandon. “Kiss me, Julius,” she demanded softly.

He lowered his head to honor her request right there in the middle of the dance floor.

Caress sucked deeply on Julius’s tongue with a lazy, satisfied moan, before ending the kiss with another touch of her lips to his. “You got me so hot.”

“Do you feel how hard I am?” Julius countered, pressing the full length of his erection into her stomach with a wicked grin.


They both turned their heads to see Tamara and Kendrick standing beside them. They had been so caught up in their heat that they hadn’t even noticed them walk up.

“I hate to interrupt when y’all are having such a…ahem, good time, but it’s getting late,” Tamara told them with a knowing and satisfied smile.

Both Julius and Caress waved them good-bye in an animated fashion.

Tamara pretended to look offended.

Kendrick stepped forward, obviously taking control. “Good night, Caress. Julius, you take care on your trip man.”

Trip? Caress thought, as Julius released her to shake hands with Kendrick.

“Caress—” Tamara began.

Kendrick grabbed his wife’s hand and pulled her behind him. “Say good night, Tam-Tam,” he called over his shoulder even as he continued to pull her toward the door.

“Safe trip, Jules. Call me, girl,” Tamara shouted over the music, before she disappeared into the crowd.

Julius pulled Caress’s petite frame back into his arms. “Where were we?” he asked, tasting her lips.

Caress forgot everything but his heated kisses.

Julius pulled the Range Rover to a stop in front of the brick duplex Caress pointed out. His fingers were en-twined with hers in her lap, and he liked how it felt. “You’re home, safe and sound.”

“Yeah,” she said softly, her body relaxed against the leather seat.

They both sat, not moving. He wondered if she was as reluctant as he was for the night to end. The seconds ticked into minutes as time sped by too quickly.

“Guess I better go in,” Caress said in a reluctant voice barely above a whisper.

Julius raised her hand to kiss the back before he climbed out of the vehicle and came around to open the passenger door. Holding out his hand, he smiled down at her beauty. “I’ll walk you to your door.”

Accepting his hand, she looked up into his handsome bearded face and gave him a smile that was meant to beguile. “Thanks.”

Together they walked up the brick path. She led him down the stairs to her basement studio apartment. “This is me,” she told him softly, as she dug in her purse for her keys.

Julius took them from her and unlocked the door. “Here you go,” he said, placing them back in her hand.


“It was nice to finally meet you, Caress.”

She smiled, licking suddenly dry lips, as he stepped closer to her and lowered his head. “And it was nice finally meeting you,” she whispered, just before his lips pressed sweetly but firmly against hers.

They both moaned at the pure pleasure of it.

She caressed his low beard, wanting more…much more as she looked into those beautiful eyes of his. But she said, “Bye.”

“Good-bye, Caress,” Julius murmured against her lips. He turned with reluctance and climbed the steps with a final wave back at her.

“Julius!” she called out suddenly, following an impulse she couldn’t fight off for the life of her.

He turned back, moving down one step to look at her. “Yes?”

Taking a deep breath, she said, “Don’t go.”

Their trail of clothing led a path straight to the sofa. Caress straddled Julius’s narrow hips in nothing but her matching peach lace bra and panties. His hands massaged her full bottom, pressing her heated flesh closer to his erection bulging through his silk boxers.

They couldn’t keep their hands off of one another.

His coal black eyes feasted on her breasts as her hardened nipples strained against the flimsy lace. His mouth watered. Nearly growling, Julius lowered his head to suck deeply on the tempting bud through the material.

Sparks of electricity shot through every inch of her body. “Suck harder,” Caress demanded hotly, her back arching for more, as she flung her head back.

“Like this?” he asked huskily, nearly sucking all of her plum-sized breast into his eager mouth.

Caress gasped.

Not wanting the lacy barrier, Julius’s hands rose, caressing her soft skin as he easily unlatched her bra and flung it away. “God, they’re beautiful,” he whispered hoarsely with truth, drinking in the sight of her small round breasts peeking through the soft strands of her hair.

Caress leaned forward to outline his lips with her tongue, the short hairs of his beard tickling her mouth as she did. He groaned in sweet pleasure. “You like?” she teased saucily, before slowly rising from his lap.

Smiling wickedly, Caress lowered her panties over her hips and shapely legs as Julius freed his long and hard member from its silk confines to massage it deeply with long strokes.

Naked and unashamed, she lay back on her large wooden coffee table, her head bent back toward the floor as she propped her feet on the edge and opened her legs to offer him a welcoming sight of her shaved womanhood and moist core.

Heated by her boldness, Julius rose from the couch to kneel between her quivering thighs with his member still hard and throbbing in his hand. The sweet scent of perfume mingled with her womanly scent, driving him nearly insane for a moment. He had to shake his head for clarity.

Caress reached blindly with her fingers into the silken folds of her own moist intimate treasure. Finding it slick and wet to her touch, she moaned wantonly.

Enjoying the show, Julius watched closely as she teased her own swollen bud until the desire to make her come filled him. With a swift lick of his lips he lowered his head to dip his tongue deep inside her core. His shaft hardened in his hands from the feel and taste of her as Caress bucked up from the table. He felt her body shiver as he suckled her bud like he was thirsty. It pulsed against his tongue matching the steady beat of his heart.

“Oh, Julius,” she cried hoarsely, her chest light with emotions as white hot spasms pushed her to be lost to time or place. Blindly she reached for his head and pressed his swift-moving tongue closer.

“Give it to me,” Caress demanded hotly, unable to think of anything but having his sizeable tool deep inside of her.

“What?” he asked thickly, rising to position himself so that the thick dark tip of his erection slid inside of her.

He clenched his jaw as his body jolted. “This?”

Caress bucked her hips up off the table again, driven with want for him. “Yes,” she begged unashamedly.

Julius tensed for control, flinging his head back as her walls created a spasmodic rhythm against his tip. Feeling her climax finally ease, he gave her another thick inch. “Say please,” he ordered, his own voice strained as he shifted his head to look down at her.

Caress pulled her upper body up, bracing her arms on the table’s edge to look him hotly in the eyes. “Now,” she demanded softly as she quivered for him.

Moving his hand up her shapely thighs to her flat stomach, he continued upward to massage her breasts with skillful fingers just as he plunged his shaft deeply inside her core with one powerful thrust.

They gasped hotly. Quick, hard, and fast they worked their hips with grunts and moans, giving in to their primal lust. Both sought to please and be pleased in a hurried but pleasurable fashion that was completely electrifying.

Caress met him stroke for stroke, using her tight walls to pull him deeper inside of her. She released all of her inhibitions and gave in to pure and raw sexual pleasure.

Julius grasped her shapely hips with trembling hands and thrust hard and deep inside of her like a piston, his pumps fast and furious as her moans pushed him to the edge.

Both of their movements became intense as the first wave of their climaxes warmed them from their toes to their loins. It was the first of many to come.

Caress’s body definitely felt like it had been made love to all night. Her thighs ached, her breasts were tender, and her core was decidedly sore. She grimaced as she remembered all of the things they did and said last night.

But it had all been good. Damn good.

Rolling over in bed, Caress was surprised to feel the coolness of the sheets and a piece of paper instead of the warmth of Julius’s body. Confused, she sat up in bed and picked up the note to read.


I had an early flight to catch so I didn’t want to awaken you. I’ll give you a call when I’m back in town in three months.


At that moment the weight of her actions hit home. What happened between them, good as it had been, was not the start of a wonderful relationship like she hoped…but a one-night stand!

“Oh…no,” she cried out dramatically, filled with embarrassment at what she did last night on the table…and in the shower…and on the floor.

“Oh, God…no,” she moaned again, falling back in the bed to cover her mortified face with the sheet.

Julius handed the airline attendant his boarding pass. “Here you go.”

“Have a good flight Mister, uhm…Jones,” the beauty said with a flirtatious smile.

Julius ignored the obvious invite and accepted his I.D. back. “Thanks.”

As he settled in his first class window seat, Julius felt absolutely drained of energy. Caress wore him out last night until he felt like he could be knocked over by a toddler. It took all the strength he could muster to get out of her bed so he could go home to shower and grab his suitcases and make it to the airport on time.

He didn’t want to meet any new women.

He didn’t want to talk with anyone.

He didn’t want to do a damn thing but sleep off last night.

Julius cushioned his head with the pillow he requested from the flight attendant. Just before he drifted off to sleep, he thought of one of the moves Caress put on him in the shower as she straddled him with her feet braced against the wall. A shiver raced from his toes straight to his head.

“Damn it, girl,” he muttered to himself.

Make You Mine

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