Читать книгу Engineering Physics of High-Temperature Materials - Nirmal K. Sinha - Страница 16

1.1.1 Defining High Temperature Based on Cracking Characteristics


For any load‐bearing engineering component, the propagation of inherent flaws or cracks at the surfaces or in the bulk and/or freshly nucleated microcracks and their multiplication under load is the most challenging factor to design for. At high temperatures, materials also exhibit time‐dependent deformation or creep. Such rheological properties, including the kinetics of nucleation, growth, and propagation of microcracks, and their size and shapes with respect to the crystalline structure, are essentially the limiting factors that control the usage of these materials. Of course, the design of most engineering components is also limited by the amount of creep deformation. The question is – How can we define high temperature in a rational manner?

Engineering Physics of High-Temperature Materials

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