Читать книгу Naval Anti-Aircraft Guns and Gunnery - Norman Friedman - Страница 7



AA = anti-aircraft

ABU = Auto-Barrage Unit

ACNS(W) = Assistant Chief of Naval Staff (Weapons)

ADO = Air Defence Officer

ADP = Air Defence Position

ADR = Aircraft Direction Room

AFCB = Admiralty Fire Control Box

AFCC = Admiralty Fire Control Clock

AFCT = Admiralty Fire Control Table

AGE = Admiralty Gunnery Establishment

AIO = Action Information Organisation

API = advanced primer ignition

APV = average projectile velocity

ARL = Admiralty Research Laboratory

ASV = Air to Surface Vessel (radar)

ATEWA = Automatic Target Evaluator and Weapon Assigner

AUTOCOFAS = Automatic Control Officer’s Forward Area Sight

AW = aircraft warning

BD = between decks (mounting)

BT = Biplane Tail

BuAer = Bureau of Aeronautics (US)

BuOrd = Bureau of Ordnance (US)

BUSTER = Bofors Universal Stabilised Tachymetric Electric Radar

CAFO = Confidential Admiralty Fleet Order

CAP = Combat Air Patrol

CDS = Comprehensive Display System

CEP = Circular Error Probable

CMB = Coastal Motor Boat

CNO = Chief of Naval Operations

CO = commanding officer

COFAS = Control Officer’s Forward Area Sight

ComAirPac = Commander Air Forces Pacific

CR = close-range

CRBF(D) = Close Range Blind Fire (Director)

CRH = calibre radius head

CRS = close-range system

D of A = Director of Artillery (Army)

DA = direct action (fuse/gun)

DAMS = Defensively Armed Merchant Ships

DCB = distance-controlled boat

DCG = Drum Control Gear

DCT = director control tower

DEMS = Defensively Equipped Merchant Ships

DGD = Director of Gunnery and AA Warfare

DNC = Director of Naval Construction

DNO = Director of Naval Ordnance

DRC = Defence Requirements Committee (British)

DTSD = Director, Training and Staff Duties Division

EMV = Elswick-Metro-Vickers

FAM = Fast Aerial Mine

FKC = fuse keeping clock

FPS = Flyplane Predictor System

FTP = Fleet Training Publication

FY = financial year

GDR = Gun Direction Room

GDS = Gun Direction System

GRU = Gyro Rate Unit

GRUB = Gyro Rate Unit Box

GRUDOU = Gyro Rate Unit Deflection Oil Unit

GUNAR = Gun and Radar

HA = high-angle

HACP = High Angle Control Position

HACS = High Angle Control System

HACT = High Angle Calculating Table

HADES = High Angle Director Eyeshooting Sights

HADFAS = High Angle Director Forward Area Sight

HADT = High-Angle Director Tower

HAT = Hinged Air Tail

HC = high-capacity (shell)

HE = high explosive

HETF = high explosive time fused (shell)

IFF = Identify Friend or Foe

LA = low angle

LRS = long-range system

LT = Luft Torpedo

MAT = Monoplane Air Tail

MBTA = Mission ballistique des tirs aeriens

MPI = Mean Point of Impact

MRS = medium-range system

MTB = motor torpedo boat

NAD = Naval Air Division

NDRC = National Defence Research Committee

OpNav = Office of the Chief of Naval Operations

OSRD = Office of Scientific Research and Development

PAC = Parachute and Cable (rocket)

PC = poste à calcul

PPI = plan position indicator (display)

QF = quick-firing (gun)

RAAF = Royal Australian Air Force

RAE = Royal Aircraft Establishment

RAF = Royal Air Force

RDF = radio direction finding (i.e. radar)

RNTF = Royal Navy Torpedo Factory

RP = remote power

RPB = Rounds per Bird

RPC = Remote Power Control

R/T = radio telephone

SEDC = Simple Electric Deflection Calculator

SG = Schnelle Geleitfahrzeuge (fast escort ships)

SGS = Small Ship Gun System

SGU = Single Gun Unit

STAAG = Simple Tachymetric AA Gun

STAE = Second Time Around Echo

STD = Simple Tachymetric Director

STS = Standard Temporary System

TACU = Target Acquisition Control Unit

TBS = Talk Between Ships (voice radio)

TDS = Target Designation Systems

TE = tangent elevation

TEWA = Threat Analysis and Weapon Assignment

TIO = Target Indication Officer

TIR = Target Indication Room

TIU = Target Indication Unit

TOM = Tachymetric One Man (system)

TS = Transmitting Station

UP = Unrotated Projectile (rocket)

VCAS = Vice Chief of the Air Staff

VNCS = Vice Chief of the Naval Staff

WD = weather deck (mounting)

Naval Anti-Aircraft Guns and Gunnery

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