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3.5.2 Omnipresence


The Omnipresence of God means that God is everywhere at once with His whole being. God is One and His being is not divided nor diffused into parts throughout space (Ps. 139:7-12). Scripture points to the dwelling place and throne of God in heaven (Matt. 6:9, Is. 66:1). Three additional terms are associated with omnipresence. These are immensity, transcendence, and immanence. The immanence of God means that God is within the world. He is acting within and through his creation (Zech. 1:10-11). He is transcendent in that God is above and beyond creation but is at the same time present and working in the world (Ps. 19:1-14, 139:10, Is. 55:8-9, Rom. 1:20). The immensity of God explains the vastness of God’s being. He is free from all limitations (Chafer 1971:1:219-220). God’s presence becomes a source of blessing knowing His continual encouragement, comfort, and protecting hand. This is an incentive to live a holy life. The child of God is comforted by the presence of the Lord. The omnipresence of the Lord means the direction of God in the believer’s life (Ex. 13:21, 33:14, Phil. 2:13). Chafer adds that the Bible points out that each member of the Godhead is said to be present at a particular point. The Father is said to be in heaven (Matt. 6:9), the Son is at the right hand of the Father (Heb. 1:3), and the Holy Spirit is designated by His relationship to the church (Eph. 2:22)(ibid:219). The doctrine of creation proves that God is separate from creation and the things in it (Gen. 1:1-2). This is very important because pantheism teaches that God is in all of creation (Ryrie 1974:24). A. A. Hodge (1972:141) clarifies the difference between the immensity and the omnipresence of God. Immensity is the relationship of God to space. His omnipresence is God’s relationship to man and his world. Anselm (Williams 2001:15) defined omnipresence as God being unbounded and eternal. God is supernaturally present and directs the affairs of men (Dan. 4:35). His Sovereign will cannot be thwarted by man. Jesus Christ is omnipresent and the Sovereign Lord of the universe (Matt. 28:18-20, Phil. 2:9-11).

Mathers Systematic Theology

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