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Williston, North Dakota
1913 "Bad dinners go hand in hand with total depravity, while
a properly fed man is already half saved."



A Sweet Disposition.

Three grains of common sense, one large heart, one good liver, plenty of fresh air and sunlight, one bushel contentment, one good husband. Do not bring to a boil.

GERMAN SOUP.—Good, fresh beef and some cracked bone are all important for soup making. The stock when nutritious, and properly prepared, forms the basis of meat soups. To make the stock great care must be taken in boiling the meat. Put your meat on in cold water, enough to cover the meat, set on the stove to boil, for four hours, slowly but steadily; never boil very fast. When meat becomes tender, add salt, skim carefully, repeat until no more skum arises. Now if more water is needed, always add boiling water from tea kettle. In adding vegetables, prepare such as one prefers, pick over and wash them, chop them, take out the meat, strain the stock through either a fine strainer or a cloth, return to kettle, drop in the vegetables, boil until tender. Add also the meat after the bone is taken out; cut it up in medium sized pieces. The vegetables give the meat a nice flavor. I use cabbage, carrots, onions, tomatoes, peas, parsley, celery and potatoes. Now for other soups the stock is prepared the same way. Noodle soup may be made and rice soup; the rice to be parboiled; then there are the egg dumplings, or barley, vermicelli, and many other kinds of ways to have a change. Celery or parsley should always be used as it flavors the stock very fine for any kind of soup.

POTATO SOUP.—Now this soup is made of left over meat and the bones of roasts, put them on in cold water and boil slowly; you may also add a little fresh meat; then dice some potatoes, strain the stock and return to the stove, put in the potatoes and some rice, boil until tender, then heat a little grease and fry onions until glazed, add a little flour, brown with onions in grease, then pour the soup into this hot mixture, and let it come to a boil. That is fine.—Mrs. George Bruegger. (Demonstration of German Cookery No. 2.)

CREAM OF CELERY SOUP.—Take two celery roots, cut up fine and slowly cook one hour in a pint of water; flavor with a little piece of onion; strain through fine sieve. Mix one tablespoon of butter and two of flour, add one quart of milk and boil twenty minutes. Add a little salt and pepper. Serve with one cup of whipped cream added the last minute.—Mrs. R. J. Walker.

GREEN PEA SOUP.—One pint or one can green peas, one quart boiling water, one pint milk, two tablespoons butter, one teaspoon salt, one-eighth teaspoon pepper, one half teaspoon sugar, two tablespoons flour. Cook peas in water, scald milk. When peas are soft mash through a strainer, add milk and reheat. Rub flour and butter together, stir into them a little of the soup and turn this mixture into the rest of the soup. Stir till smooth, season. Serve with croutons. To make croutons, cut buttered slices of bread one-half inch thick into one-half inch squares, heat these on a pan in the oven, stirring occasionally. They may be kept and reheated.—Dorothy Whitehead. Demonstrated in 7th grade Domestic Science lesson.

ONION AND POTATO SOUP.—One and one-half quarts milk (steamed), two large potatoes and two onions chopped real fine, season with butter, pepper and salt. Cook in a stew pan until done. When ready to serve pour together.—Mrs. John Heffernan.

CREAM TOMATO SOUP.—One can of tomatoes put through a sieve, season with butter, pepper and salt; thicken with two tablespoons flour, bringing to a boil. Steam one and a half quarts milk in double cooker, just before serving, pour together, stirring with a spoon.—Mrs. John Heffernan.

SOUP STOCK.—Two soup bones, one of mutton and one of beef, (cracked to get the good of them), one onion chopped fine together with two tablespoons sugar, brown in kettle, stirring to keep from burning. Add meat bones, turning them over a few times. Pour in four quarts cold water, add one carrot, chopped fine, and bay leaves. Boil slowly three hours, strain and season to taste. Any vegetable may be added to this.—Mrs. John Heffernan.

MOCK OYSTER SOUP.—To one can tomatoes add two quarts milk, tablespoon butter, salt and pepper. (Steam milk in double cooker.) Stew tomatoes in sauce pan, season, and when ready to serve pour together.—Mrs. John Heffernan.

CHICKEN GUMBO SOUP.—Fry a chicken, remove bones and chop chicken fine. Put in a kettle with two quarts boiling water, three large ears of corn cut from cob, six tomatoes sliced, twenty-four pods of okra cut up. Fry the corn, tomatoes and okra brown in the chicken drippings first, then add to the water and chicken with two tablespoons rice, pepper and teaspoon salt. Simmer one hour.—Mrs. Whitehead. Southern Cookery demonstration.

MULLAGATAWNAY SOUP.—Cut four onions, one carrot, two turnips and one head of celery into three quarts of liquor in which one or two fowls have been boiled; keep it over a brisk fire till it boils, then place it on a corner of the fire and let it simmer twenty minutes. Add one tablespoon of currie powder and one tablespoonful of flour; mix the whole well together and let it boil three minutes; pass it through a colander. Serve with pieces of roast chicken in it. Add boiled rice in a separate dish. It must be of good yellow color and not too thick. Half veal and half chicken will answer.—Mrs. Whitehead.

BOUQUET OF SWEET HERBS.—Two sprigs of parsley, two bay leaves, two sprigs of thyme, two of summer savory and two of sage. Tie the dried herbs with the parsley. Nice for seasoning soups and stews.—Contributed.

BOILED POTATO DUMPLINGS.—Grate several potatoes, add salt to taste, a little nutmeg, one egg and some bread crumbs browned in butter, a little flour and milk, add enough flour and milk so as to handle and make in balls. Drop into boiling salt water. When done brown some bread crumbs in butter and put over dumplings when on platter.—Mrs. Paul Leonhardy.

DUMPLINGS.—Two cups of flour, two teaspoons baking powder, one-half teaspoon salt, one cup sweet milk. Stir and drop from a spoon into chicken broth or boiling meat. Let boil fifteen minutes with cover off and put cover on and boil five minutes.—Mrs. A. McKay.

NOODLES.—Four eggs well beaten, one tablespoon water, 2 cups flour, one-half teaspoon salt. Work and knead together and roll out in very thin sheets; let them dry; roll up like jelly roll and cut into very fine strips; then drop into boiling salted water and boil ten minutes; or they may be boiled in soup and served with it. If wanted as a separate dish drain them in a colander and turn them into a dish. Fry bread crumbs in butter a light brown and turn them over the noodles and serve. These noodles can be fried in grease instead by cutting the sheets into strips two inches wide and four inches long, and dropping them into hot grease. Lift out and dredge with sugar. Both very nice.—Mrs. Paul Leonhardy.

OYSTER SOUP.—Heat one quart of milk with two large tablespoonfuls of butter. Heat a solid pint of oysters in enough water to cover them. Add one large teaspoonful of salt and a good deal of pepper. As soon as the oysters get plump and the gills "ruffle" add them to the hot milk. Stir in a cupful of crushed cracker crumbs and serve in soup plates or bowls, with oyster crackers.—Mrs. B. G. Whitehead.

RAISED DUMPLINGS.—Soak a cake of compressed yeast in a cup of lukewarm milk, together with a tablespoonful of sugar and a teaspoonful of salt. Sift a pint of flour into a bowl and stir into it a cupful of milk, an egg and the soaked yeast and work all thoroughly, adding gradually flour for a soft dough. Do not get it stiff. Cover the bowl and let the dough rise until it has doubled the original bulk. Flour the kneading-board and mold the dough into small biscuits. Let these rise for half an hour. Butter a large, round pan and set your dumplings within it, brushing each with melted butter on top. Pour in enough milk to reach halfway to the top of the dumplings. Set upon a brick in the oven and bake to a light brown. Eat with vanilla sauce or prunes.

NO. TWO.—Proceed as with No. 1, but instead of baking in the oven, put the dumplings into a steamer, not too close together. Allow for swelling. Cover with a close lid to keep in the steam. These may also be served with vanilla or with prune sauce.

NO. THREE.—Have ready a large kettle of boiling water, slightly salted, and after shaping the dumplings drop them carefully into this. Leave plenty of room to swell and puff. Or they may be steamed in clear soup. If you like you may try all of these recipes and still have enough dough left for a pan of biscuits.

Fish, Oysters and Shell Fish

"He was a brave man who first ate an oyster."—Dean Swift.

FISH.—With the possible exception of salmon, fish is a less nutritious article of diet than flesh meat, and yet it fitly supplements the latter. The oily and coarser grained species is more nutritious than the white, or finer grained but not so easily digested. A fish is in good condition when its gills are bright clear red, its eyes full and the body firm and stiff. Before cooking they should be well washed in cold water and kept in salt water for a short time, but they should not be allowed to stand in water for any length of time and should be kept upon ice until wanted. Small fish are usually fried or boiled, all large fish to be boiled should be wrapped in a cloth and tied closely with twine, steaming is preferable to boiling. Salmon, bluefish, halibut and shad are very palatable baked in cream. Mackerel is best broiled and should be broiled upon the skin side first; other fish first on the inside. In boiling fish, let simmer gently as hard boiling breaks them; time, eight minutes to a pound, sometimes longer.

BAKED FISH.—Clean and wipe dry a white fish or any good sized fish, stuffing made like that for poultry, but drier. Sew it up and put in a hot pan with drippings and a lump of butter; dredge with flour and lay over the fish a few thin slices of salt pork or bits of butter. Bake half hour, basting occasionally.

BOILED FISH.—All fresh fish, except salmon should be placed in salted cold water for boiling. If placed in boiling water the outside would cook much sooner than the inside. A little vinegar added to the water in which fish is boiled improves the flavor. Put the fish in the kettle with the back bone down, to three or four pounds of fish put a small handful of salt. Boil the fish gently until you can draw out one of the fins easily. Most varieties of fish will be well done in twenty or thirty minutes, some in less time. Serve with drawn butter, with hard boiled eggs sliced, or if preferred, milk sauce.

BAKED WHITE FISH WITH TOMATOES.—Take a white fish or trout that will weigh about three pounds, clean, rub with salt and pepper inside and out. Lay a piece of salt pork, not too fat, in the flesh, put in a covered baking dish and turn over it one pint of stewed seasoned tomatoes, cold tomatoes left over are nice. Bake about forty minutes.

SCALLOPED SALMON.—Place in a baking dish a layer of cracker crumbs, then a layer of salmon, then another layer of cracker and salmon, ending with a layer of cracker. On this pour two cups of milk, one egg whipped. Add salt, pepper and butter size of an egg. Bake.

SALMON CUTLETS.—One cup of hot mashed potatoes and one cup of salmon, mash together and form into cakes, put in a beaten egg, roll in bread crumbs or crackers and fry in hot lard.

FRIED FISH.—Wash the fish thoroughly, wipe dry, sprinkle lightly with salt, dip in beaten egg then roll in cornmeal, fry in hot fat. Note—Above fish recipes were demonstrated in American Cookery series by Mrs. A. McKay.

FISH CROQUETTES.—Two small or one large white fish; boil, bone and chop; add a little salt, red pepper and onions; make gravy of the water the fish is boiled in; add milk, butter and flour; stir in fish, shape into croquette, roll in egg, cracker crumbs and fry in hot lard. Garnish with parsley.

TARTARE DRESSING FOR FISH CROQUETTES.—Take yolk of one raw egg; beat; add a little salt, red pepper, mustard and mix well. Beat in salad oil until thick; let stand on ice until needed. Then add juice of two lemons or half cup of vinegar, one tablespoon of capers, six small cucumber pickles chopped fine and very little onion. Serve cold with hot croquettes.—Mrs. Whitehead.

OYSTER COCKTAIL.—Half pint of catsup, twenty-five drops tabasco sauce, one tablespoonful horseradish, one teaspoonful dry mustard, one teaspoonful lemon juice, oysters, pepper and salt to taste. Put four or five oysters in glass and pour one tablespoon of this sauce over them. Fill glass with finely chipped ice, serve at once.—Mrs. Davidson.

OYSTER COCKTAIL.—A small oyster is used, five or six being alloted each person. For six persons mix together three teaspoons each of vinegar, grated horseradish and tomato sauce; six teaspoons of lemon juice and one of Worcestershire sauce. Have the oysters very cold. Put an equal amount of the prepared sauce over the oysters in each glass. The glass should be placed upon a plate. Serve with an oyster fork and small spoon. This is the prevailing way of serving oysters as a first course.—Mrs. R. J. Walker.

OYSTERS a la BECHEMEL.—Melt three tablespoonfuls of butter and blend it with two tablespoonfuls of flour, add one large cupful of thin cream or milk and cook thick. Plump a scant pint of oysters in their own liquor. Season with one teaspoonful of salt, a dash of cayenne, juice of half a lemon and one-half teaspoon of onion juice squeezed from an onion. Add oysters to the cream sauce and cook two minutes. Serve in pattie shells or on toast.—Mrs. Whitehead.

SALMON LOAF.—One pound can salmon, four well beaten eggs, one cup fine cracker crumbs, one tablespoon melted butter, half teaspoon salt. Remove bones from salmon and mince finely. Mix all together with hands, form into loaf and steam one hour. Serve with following sauce: Take liquid from salmon and add two tablespoons sweet milk, little salt, one tablespoon corn starch, boil all together and pour over loaf.—Mrs. Schollander.

SCALLOPED SALMON.—Place in a baking dish a layer of bread crumbs then a layer of salmon, another crumbs and salmon, ending with crumbs. On this pour two cups of milk, one egg (whipped), salt, pepper and butter the size of an egg.—Mrs. Paul Leonhardy.

OYSTER FRITTERS.—Beat yolks of two eggs light, add one half cup milk and one cup of flour sifted with one fourth teaspoon of salt. Beat well and add one half teaspoon of melted butter. Set aside for an hour or so in a cool place. When ready to use beat the whites of eggs stiff and add them. Take a large oyster in a big spoon, dip it into the batter and filling the spoon and drop into smoking hot grease or fry like doughnuts. Serve with tomato catsup or any preferred sauce.

OYSTER SAUTE.—Drain select oysters, heat pan hot and brown butter in it. Just cover the bottom of the pan with large oysters as soon as the butter sizzles and is piping hot. When brown on under side turn and brown well. Season with salt and pepper. Add butter as needed and turn the oysters and butter sauce on to prepared toast points. Heat the dry pan again, add butter and when hot brown more oysters in it. The butter must be hot and only a few oysters should be browned at a time.

OYSTERS AND BACON BAKED.—Butter a roast pan and lay large plump oysters in a layer on the bottom of it. Season to suit taste with salt, pepper and lemon juice and lay three thin slices of bacon over the top. Roast brown in a quick oven. Serve on toast with tomato sauce, if liked, or with cream sauce. A piquant bake is made by mixing finely chopped green apples with the oysters before baking.

PIGS IN BLANKETS.—Wrap each large oyster in a thin strip of bacon and fasten with a tooth pick, bake in a quick oven until bacon is crisp and oysters plump. Sometimes they are broiled over clear coals.

CREOLE OYSTERS.—Bake in ramekins or individual dishes. Put a teaspoon of butter in the bottom of each dish, then six or seven oysters; add one tablespoon of chili sauce and place a strip of bacon on top of each. Place dishes in a baking pan and bake until bacon is crisp.

SAUCE FOR OYSTER COCKTAILS.—Mix three tablespoons of tomato catsup, three tablespoons of vinegar, one tablespoon of Worcestershire sauce, three tablespoons of grated horseradish, juice of one lemon and salt and pepper to season well. Place on ice. Chill the oysters well, wash and drain them, lay six in each serving glass and cover with the prepared sauce. Serve very cold, with salted wafers.—Contributed.

OYSTERS IN CELERY SAUCE.—Clean and cut celery into small pieces and cook until tender in boiling salted water. Rub enough of the soft celery through a colander to make a cupful. In a saucepan melt a tablespoonful of butter and mix smoothly into it a heaping tablespoonful of flour. Add a cupful of hot milk and cook until creamy; add the soft celery and half a pint of oysters, add more salt if needed, one-eighth teaspoon of pepper and a few drops of lemon juice; cook until the oysters curl, when the filling is ready for the ramekins. Serve hot.

DEVILED OYSTERS.—Butter scallop shells and put into each five oysters with their own liquor and sprinkle with a drop of Tobasco, a little tomato catsup and a quarter-salt-spoonful of salt and cover with fine cracker or bread crumbs. Scatter a few bits of butter here and there on the oysters and set the shells in a hot oven. Serve on doily covered plates.

KIPPERED HERRING.—Rinse herring in warm water, dry and put on tin or agate plate in hot oven 15 minutes; then pour over a little melted butter, cover and leave in 5 minutes more. This should be served on small pieces of toast.

FINNAN HADDIE.—Put a piece of butter the size of a walnut in pan and when hot add two cupfuls of finnan haddie picked fine. Add one cupful of cream or milk into which one tablespoonful of flour has been rubbed smooth. Let come to a boil and when cooled a little add a dash of pepper and the well beaten yolk of an egg. Serve on toast.

SCALLOPED OYSTERS.—Roll one pound and a half of crisp crackers fine. Butter a deep baking dish and spread a layer of crackers an inch deep. Spread over them a dozen oysters in their liquor, sprinkle a generous half teaspoon salt and a dash of pepper over them, dot with bits of butter, (about two tablespoons) and pour in half a cupful of milk, then add another layer cracker crumbs, oysters, etc., and proceed until one quart of oysters and one and one half pounds of crackers are used. Cover the top with cracker crumbs, dot generously with butter and pour on the remaining milk and oyster liquor. Use altogether about one and one half pints of milk to this quantity of oysters and crackers. Bake about one hour or until crumbs are well browned and oysters plump.—Mrs. Whitehead.

SAUCE FOR OYSTER PATTIES.—One cupful of solid oysters. Melt two large tablespoons of butter in a stew pan, blend in two heaping tablespoons of flour and rub smooth; add one scant pint of cream or rich milk; stir until smooth and thick. Drain the oysters and add them with one level teaspoon of salt and a good dash of pepper. When the oysters are plump remove to back of range and stir in the beaten yolks of two eggs mixed with a little cream. For canned oysters add one large teaspoon of curry powder before serving. Serve in pattie shells of baked pastry or in timbal cases or on buttered toast.—Mrs. Whitehead.

OYSTER PIE.—Line a baking dish with rich pastry, either pie crust or biscuit crust. Put one quart of oysters in a double boiler with one cup of milk, and two thirds cup of butter and steam until oysters are plump. Slice six hard boiled eggs, mix with one half cupful of cracker crumbs and a cupful of sweet cream; add one full teaspoon of salt and a generous sprinkling of pepper. Mix with the prepared oysters and fill the lined baking dish. Cover with the top crust and bake about twenty minutes in a hot oven or the pastry shell may be baked separately if preferred and filled with the cream. The thickened, creamed oyster patty filling makes a good filling for oyster pie, also it may be served with steamed dumplings or small baking powder biscuits.—Contributed.

FRIED OYSTERS.—Select large, fresh oysters. Drain them and season with salt and pepper. Roll bread crumbs that have been crisped in the oven very fine and then sift them. Dip each oyster in the prepared crumbs and then into beaten egg and again into the crumbs. Heap the crumbs in thick little piles and roll the oysters in them until a nice thick crust is formed over each oyster. Have an iron kettle or skillet filled two inches deep with smoking hot lard, lay the oysters in a nice frying basket, if you have one, and plunge it into the hot grease. Cook until nicely browned. Drain and serve hot with lemon points, tomato catsup or any preferred sauce.—Mrs. Whitehead.

SALMON TIMBALES.—One can salmon, flaked, add the beaten yolks of three eggs, two tablespoons of thick cream, one teaspoon of lemon juice, salt and pepper and lastly cut in the stiffly beaten whites of the eggs. Pour into greased individual molds, set in a pan of hot water and bake about twenty minutes.

BAKED FISH SCALLOPS.—Two cups cold cooked fish. Remove the bones and break fish into small flakes. Mix with a thick cream sauce, well seasoned. Butter baking shells or individual dishes, fill with the creamed fish, cover with fine bread or cracker crumbs, dot with butter and bake until brown. Serve with lemon points.

CODFISH BALLS.—One cup of flaked cod fish soaked in clear water, then drained. Boil three large potatoes until tender, then drain and mash with the cod fish. Season with salt, pepper and butter and add one beaten egg. Drop by the spoonful into smoking hot grease and fry like doughnuts. Serve immediately.

SCALLOPED FISH.—Add flaked cold cooked white fish, halibut or salmon to a thick cream sauce seasoned with minced onions, thyme or parsley and butter, alternate with layers of cracker crumbs and bake brown.

CREAMED FISH CANAPES.—Beat an egg with half a cup of milk and add a dash of salt. Dip circles of bread, cut half an inch thick, in this and fry brown in butter, turning once. Spread with creamed fish or chicken and place a poached egg on top. Dot with butter and sprinkle with salt and pepper and serve for breakfast or lunch.


"Variety is the spice of life."—Cooper.

WILD DUCK ROASTED.—Prepare as for roasting the same as any fowl, parboil for fifteen minutes with an onion in the water to remove the strong flavor. A carrot will answer the same purpose. Stuff with bread crumbs, a minced onion, season with pepper and salt, a little sage and a good supply of butter, roast until tender. Use butter plentifully in basting. One half hour will suffice for young ducks. If bread crumb dressing is not liked, sliced apple stuffed in the duck is very nice.—Mrs. A. McKay.

TO PREPARE VENISON.—Wash clean, dry well with clean dry cloth, salt, pepper and dredge with flour, cut long gashes into roast, place in gashes strips of salt pork or bacon; lay strips on top; place in a bake pan with a very little water, cover roast until nearly done, take off cover, baste and brown slightly.—Mrs. A. McKay.

BROILED PRAIRIE CHICKEN.—After dressing lay on ice for a few hours, then divide in halves, again divide the thick sections of the breast, sprinkle with salt and pepper and lay the pieces on a gridiron the inside down. Broil slowly at first. Serve with cream gravy and currant jelly.

PRAIRIE CHICKEN (STEAMED AND BAKED).—Stuff them with a dressing of bread crumbs and seasoning of pepper and salt, mixed with melted butter, sage, onion or summer savory may be added if liked. Secure the fowl firmly with a needle and twine. Steam until tender, then remove to dripping pan; dredge with flour, pepper and salt, and brown delicately in oven. Baste with melted butter. Garnish with parsley and currant jelly. Above game recipes given in American Cookery demonstration by Mrs. A. McKay.

BROILED VENISON STEAK.—Venison steaks should be broiled over a clear fire, turning often. It requires more cooking than beef. When sufficiently done season with salt and pepper, pour over two tablespoonfuls of currant jelly, melted with a piece of butter. Serve hot on hot plates. Delicious steaks, corresponding to the shape of mutton chops are cut from the loin.—Mrs. C. C. Mackenroth.

ROAST VENISON.—Rub the saddle or haunch of venison with a damp cloth and then rub in butter. Make a thick paste of flour and water and spread it an inch thick on the roast. Lay a buttered coarse wrapping paper or one of the new cooking paper bags over the roast and put the meat in the roasting pan with one cupful of hot water. Lift the paper and baste every fifteen minutes with melted butter and hot water. Roast in a hot oven until the meat is tender, then remove the paper and the coat of paste. Dredge the meat with flour, one teaspoonful of salt and pepper and baste with pan drippings and butter until meat is nicely browned. Add a pint of hot water to the drippings and thicken with flour for a gravy. Add a pinch of cloves, nutmeg and mace and stir in a glass of currant jelly until it is dissolved. Strain and serve with the meat. Venison cooked this way will be moist instead of dry and hard.—Mrs. Whitehead.

ROAST PRAIRIE CHICKEN.—Have chicken skinned and put in cold water at least three hours, then wipe dry and stuff with bread crumb dressing. Put in roaster and dot with bits of butter and two or three slices of bacon, one onion pricked with three cloves, add several pepper and all spice kernels and a teaspoonful of salt and one cupful of water. Roast about one and one half hours and baste occasionally.—Mrs. J. Bruegger.

ROAST WILD DUCK.—It is best to keep wild ducks a few days after they are killed if the weather is cold. As most wild duck have the flavor of fish, therefore it is advisable to parboil them, with a carrot in each duck, before roasting, as this absorbs all the unpleasant taste. An onion has the same effect, but when onion is used in dressing the carrot is preferable. Roast the same as tame duck and use dressing for stuffing fowl with a little onion added; bake about one half hour in very hot oven, carefully turning them, baste them and add a little water if necessary. A few slices of bacon roasted with it adds to the flavor of wild game. Serve hot with the gravy it yields. The canvas back duck requires no spices or flavors to make it perfect, as the meat partakes of the flavor of the food the birds feed upon, which is wild celery, and this delicious flavor is best preserved when roasted quickly with a hot fire.—Mrs. George Bruegger.

PRAIRIE CHICKEN OR SQUAB PIE.—After the chickens are picked and drawn as a large fowl is for roasting, wash them and put them in a saucepan with a close cover; they should be covered with boiling water and boiled slowly till tender, when a little salt and an onion and cloves should be added; then take them out, drain and dry, and put in each squab a teaspoonful of butter, a little pepper, salt, minced parsley and thyme; then put into the cavity of each chicken a hard boiled egg; lay them in a large baking dish three or four inches deep; strain over them the liquor in which they were simmered, add teaspoonful of butter, one teacup of milk or cream; sift in two tablespoonfuls of cracker crumbs, put in a few slips of parsley, cover with a rich crust and bake.—Contributed.


"Take the goods the Gods provide thee."—Dryden.

ROAST TURKEY.—Select if possible a young turkey, carefully remove all feathers and singe it over a burning paper on the stove, then see that it is carefully drawn and no internals broken; remove the crop carefully; after the head is cut off, tie the neck close to the body, by drawing the skin over it, now wash the inside of the turkey in several clean waters, into the next to the last add a teaspoonful of baking soda, this is to destroy that sour taste which fowls often have, if not freshly killed. After a thorough rinsing and washing of the bird wipe dry both in and outside with a clean cloth, rub the inside with salt, then stuff the body and breast with dressing for stuffing fowls, then sew up with strong thread, rub it over with a little soft butter, sprinkle over some salt and pepper, dredge with a little flour, place in a roaster with a little water and cook from two to two and a half hours, turn it around occasionally so that every part will be browned alike, when it appears done, pierce with a fork and when the liquid runs clear, the bird is done. Serve with cranberry sauce. Garnish with parsley, or fried oysters.—Mrs. George Bruegger.

DRESSING FOR STUFFING FOWL.—For an eight or ten pound turkey use about three pints of stale bread crumbs, put into a dish and pour tepid water over it, (not hot for that makes it heavy) let stand for a few minutes, then take up a handful and squeeze dry with both hands, put into another dish and when all is pressed dry toss it up lightly through your fingers, this process makes it very light. Parboil the liver, heart, and gizzard, in a little stew pan. When tender mince very fine and add to the bread, now one teaspoon of salt, a little pepper, half cup of melted butter; peel and chop one cooking apple, two tablespoons of green or dry fine minced parsley; mix well, add one beaten egg, mix again and it is ready for either turkey or chicken. For goose or duck add a few slices of onion chopped fine. The water in which the heart, gizzard and liver were stewed may be used with the gravy of the roast turkey, goose, duck or chicken.—Mrs. George Bruegger.

ROAST GOOSE.—The goose should not be more than eight months old, and the fatter the more tender and juicy the meat. After the goose has been well washed, cleaned and wiped, rub a little salt inside, stuff with the dressing for stuffing fowls with a little onion added to the dressing. Do not stuff too full and stitch the openings firmly to keep the flavor in and the fat out. Place in roaster with a little water and bake about two and a half hours, carefully turning it frequently and baste with water and salt. When done with all parts evenly brown, take up, pour off the fat and to the brown gravy left, add a little water, and some flour to thicken, bring to a boil and serve in a gravy boat. Garnish goose with parsley.—Mrs. George Bruegger.

VIRGINIA FRIED CHICKEN.—Dress and cut up chickens, rub each piece with salt and pepper, then dip it into beaten egg, then into flour and fry brown in deep hot fat or butter and lard mixed, or bacon drippings. Cover the skillet and let chicken cook slowly after it is browned well to be sure it is done. Remove chicken to platter and turn out part of the drippings. Add cooking spoon of flour to remaining drippings and cook a minute, then add milk or cream to make gravy. Season with salt and pepper and just before serving add beaten yolk of one egg mixed with a little milk. Serve with chicken. Garnish chicken platter with slices of cold boiled ham or crisp bacon, and corn dodgers and you will have a typical "Old Dominion" dish. I got above recipe from a Virginia woman.—Mrs. Whitehead.

SMOTHERED CHICKEN.—Split a young chicken down back, season with salt and pepper and put in roaster with one cup hot water. Roast (covered) until tender. As it begins to brown make a paste of two tablespoons each of butter and flour, blended, and spread it over chicken, basting often with pan dipper. Add cupful cream to drippings in pan for gravy. If the chicken is large cut into pieces as for frying before roasting this way.—Mrs. Whitehead.

CREOLE STEWED CHICKEN.—Boil a pint of rice in two quarts of water until half done, then add a cut up fowl with one minced onion, blade of mace, four large mushrooms or half a can, half a chili pepper, teaspoon salt and three or four small tomatoes cut up and one tablespoon butter. Stew gently until chicken is tender, stirring often and adding hot water as needed. Serve in baked pastry shell or on toast. Mrs. Whitehead. Above chicken recipes were demonstrated in Mrs. Whitehead's paper on Southern Cookery.

SWEDISH DUCK FILLING.—One quart of bread crumbs, four good-sized apples, one half cup of browned butter, cinnamon, raisins, and currants to taste. Stuff fowl.—Contributed.

DAIRY LUNCH CHICKEN SANDWICH.—Make a thin batter of one and one half pints of water, one pint of milk, one egg, scant half teaspoon of soda, one tablespoon of salt, dash of pepper and flour enough to mix like pan cake batter. Cut a young chicken into quarters, dip it in the batter and fry brown in deep fat. Serve between slices of bread. Garnish with dill pickles.—Mrs. T. A. McKay.

CHICKEN CROQUETTES.—One cup of the white meat of boiled fowl packed in solid, then chopped fine and mashed till like fine powder. Add one half level teaspoon salt, one half saltspoon paprika, or white pepper. Make one pint thick cream sauce, with two level tablespoons butter and two heaped tablespoons of cornstarch cooked together, diluted with one pint of hot cream, and stirred till very smooth and thick. Season with one half teaspoon salt and one half saltspoon pepper. Stir as much of the hot sauce into the chicken as it will take up and enable you to handle the mixture in shaping, remembering that the sauce will be much thicker when cold, and so the mixture may be quite soft. The meat varies greatly in its power to absorb the sauce, therefore it is impossible to give an exact amount but if the sauce is thick a large portion may be used and the croquettes will be all the more creamy for it. When cold, shape a tablespoon of the mixture into a ball, then into a cylinder, roll in fine dry bread crumbs, beaten egg diluted with water, then crumbs again, and fry one minute in deep, smoking hot fat. More of the delicious flavor of the meat will be retained with this simple seasoning of salt and pepper than with a variety of condiments.—Contributed.

CREAMED STEWED CHICKEN.—Cut up fowl as for fricassee, put over the fire in enough cold water to cover it well. Bring gradually to a boil. When it begins to bubble, add a stalk of celery, some chopped parsley, and a bay leaf. Simmer until tender before seasoning. Make a white sauce in a frying pan of two tablespoons butter cooked with the same quantity of flour. As soon as well mixed stir into this a large cupful of strained and skimmed gravy from the pot, have ready one half cup cream, heated with a pinch of soda, add this to the thickened gravy, very slowly so as not to curdle. Do not boil after cream is in. Cook dumplings in the gravy left, after the reserved cupful and chicken are taken out.

DUMPLINGS FOR CHICKEN STEW.—In a pint of flour, sift a heaping teaspoon baking powder, one fourth teaspoon salt, sift flour twice, now rub in a tablespoonful of shortening, and wet with enough milk to make a dough that can be rolled out. Cut into rounds and drop into the boiling gravy. Should be done in ten minutes.—Mrs. Paul Leonhardy.

CREAMED CHICKEN.—Three pounds of chicken boiled tender in salted water and freed of bones, skin and gristle. Cut the meat into small pieces. Boil two sweet breads tender in salted water with the juice of half a lemon. When tender, drain and throw them into cold water to blanch; then free from skin and gristle and cut into small pieces; drain a can of French mushrooms and cut them into quarters. Make a cream sauce of two tablespoons of butter, melted and blended with two tablespoons of flour, add one pint of hot thin cream, one teaspoon of salt, juice of one lemon, and juice pressed from half a small onion, and a dash of pepper, cook thick but remove from fire and add one beaten egg yolk mixed with one cup of whipped cream. Add to the heated chicken, mushrooms and sweet breads. Mix well and serve in patty shells, or timbales. (The whipped cream may be omitted.) For escalloped chicken turn the above mixture into a buttered baking dish, cover with fine rolled bread crumbs, dot with butter and bake until well browned. Reserve the chicken broth for soup or make a gravy of it and serve with baking powder biscuit or dumplings.—Contributed.

CROQUETTES.—Cook one large tablespoon of butter with two tablespoons of flour, add one cup milk or cream, one teaspoon onion juice, one teaspoon salt, dash of pepper and nutmeg and one beaten egg. Mix with one cup of minced meat or chicken, form into croquettes after the mixture has stood an hour. Fry brown in deep fat after rolling in egg and bread crumbs.—Contributed.

HOT TAMALES.—Cook a three pound chicken tender in salted water to cover. Chop chicken meat fine and return bones to the kettle. Cut open six large chilli peppers or chillies, wash, cut out seeds and cut into halves. Cover with boiling water and cook until soft and press through a fine sieve. Brown a golden color two medium sized chopped onions in hot butter, add the chilli pulps with half a cup of chicken broth, cover pan and cook slowly fifteen minutes. Put one quart of corn meal into a bowl and pour over it enough hot chicken broth to make a dry paste; work with the hands into a soft but not wet paste. Have broad six inch long corn husks soaked until pliable in warm water. Open these and down the center of each put a wide strip of corn meal paste; mix the chopped chicken with the chilli mixture and spread it on the corn meal paste down the center; roll up the husks, fold in the ends and tie with narrow strips of husks. The corn meal must surround the chicken mixture. Lay the prepared tamales carefully on top of the bones keeping them above the broth. Sprinkle with a teaspoon of salt and cover the kettle and cook steadily one hour, being careful that the broth doesn't boil over the tamales. For the novice, it is easier to steam the tamales over the broth in a flat covered steamer. Serve very hot in the husks. Minced beef may be used instead of chicken and often one cup of chopped tomatoes are added to the chillies before cooking.—Contributed.

CHILE-CON-CARNE.—Cook chillies as in tamale recipe, add to the sieved chillies one pint of thick strained tomato pulp, one minced large onion, one fourth teaspoon salt and cover and simmer fifteen minutes. Cut dark meat from a boiled or roasted chicken, into small pieces or use small pieces of cooked veal, cover with the chilli sauce and stew slowly one hour or stand over hot water and steam about an hour or until chicken has practically absorbed the sauce.—Contributed.

CHILLI MINO PAN CAKES.—Make a light fritter or pan cake batter and fry cakes in hot olive oil or butter shaking them until they are set. Spread these cakes with chicken and chilli mixture (as prepared for tamales) roll up the pan cakes, pour over more of the sauce, sprinkle with grated cheese and serve immediately.—Contributed.

RICE AND CHICKEN CON-CARNE.—One pint of stewed chicken cut up in chicken broth and seasoned with three cooked chillies (sieved) half a cup of washed rice, half a pint of finely minced cooked tongue, one teaspoon of salt. Stir often and cook until rice has absorbed most of the broth but do not let it scorch. Serve with half a pint of strained tomato cooked with one tablespoon of butter and a little salt.—Contributed.


"Room! Make way! Hunger commands. My valour must obey."—Beaumont and Fletcher.

TO JUDGE GOOD BEEF.—Good beef, if young, will be of a bright red color, fine grained and firm to the touch. The fat of a clear straw color with a little of it through the muscles, giving the meat a marbled appearance. The suet should be dry and crumbly and of a darker shade than the fat. In old beef both flesh and fat will be darker, much coarser in fiber and decidedly dry compared with young beef. If the beef is of a pale, dull color, and flabby, it is not well matured; if very dark and colored and coarse grained with deep yellow fat it will be found tough and tasteless and if it bears greenish tints and feels slippery on the surface it is already stale and unfit for use. When meat is tough add a little vinegar or a piece of lemon to the water in which it is boiled. This will result in a shortening of time and a saving of fuel, while the meat will be rendered more easy of digestion; also any slight taint that may be about the meat will be entirely removed by this process. A pinch of baking soda can be used instead of lemon or vinegar.

POT ROAST.—Take a nice piece of the round beef weighing about four pounds, season well with salt and pepper and dust over thoroughly with flour. In a flat bottomed kettle melt a piece of butter the size of an egg, when hot put in the meat, turning until well browned on every side. When roast is brown add a little onion, six cloves, six allspice and enough boiling water to come up half way to the top of the meat. Cook slowly for three hours. When done take out meat, add one tablespoon of flour to a little cold water to thicken gravy.

MEAT BALLS.—Two pounds round steak, put through sausage grinder three times, season with salt and pepper, nutmeg and a little cream. Beat two eggs and mix all together; shape into balls and roll in cracker crumbs and fry in butter to a light brown.

BAKED VEAL CUTLETS.—One and one half pounds of veal cutlets laid in well buttered roasting pan with one cup of water; over this spread dressing made of two cups bread crumbs; two onions chopped fine, two well beaten eggs; butter size of an egg, salt and pepper. Mix well, add water to moisten. Lay tin cover on top of pan to prevent scorching. Bake from half to three quarters of an hour. Remove cover to brown.

ROAST SPARE RIBS.—Trim off ends neatly, crack ribs across the middle, rub with salt, sprinkle with pepper, fold over, stuff with turkey dressing, sew up tightly, place in dripping pan with one pint water, baste often. Turn over once so as to bake both sides equally.

ROAST VEAL LOAF.—Four pounds of veal, one pound of pork, one or two eggs, one cup of crackers rolled fine, one tablespoon of salt, one teaspoon of pepper, one teaspoon of sage, mix and make into roll. Bake three hours.

STEAMED VEAL LOAF.—To two pounds of veal, put through a grinder or chopped very fine, add two teaspoons of salt, one fourth teaspoon pepper, butter size of an egg, one cup freshly grated bread crumbs, two eggs, two tablespoons milk. Knead until well mixed. Butter baking powder cans, coat with bread crumbs and fill compactly with the meat and put on cover. Stand in a kettle of water almost to the top of mold. Boil steadily one and one half hours. When cool take out at once.

STUFFED BEEF STEAK.—Prepare a dressing as for chicken, of one cup of bread crumbs moisten with one tablespoonful of melted butter, one tablespoonful of chopped parsley, salt and pepper to taste. Trim off the fat from a sirloin steak, spread on the dressing; roll up; tie to keep in shape, and bake one hour. Baste often with stock and drippings. When done remove the string that it may not unroll and serve with brown sauce. Mushrooms may be added to the dressing if desired. (Roll may be steamed instead of roasted if desired.)

SAUCE.—Melt and brown one large tablespoonful butter, add to it two tablespoonfuls of flour, stir until it is smooth and brown, then add one pint of the liquid strained from the pan. Stir until it thickens, take from the fire and add one tablespoonful of Worcestershire sauce; season with salt and pepper.

DIRECTIONS FOR BOILING HAM.—Put the ham in cold water over night and boil in the same water in the morning. When done skin it and roll it in crackers mixed with pepper, and put into oven to brown.

VEAL LOAF.—Two pounds of veal chopped, one half pound salt pork, chopped or put through meat grinder twice. Add one egg, twelve crackers, rolled fine, salt and pepper to taste. Bake one and one half hours. (The above meat recipes were demonstrated in American Cookery series by Mrs. A. McKay.)

VEAL STEW, WITH LEMON AND EGG SAUCE.—Four pounds veal, salt and pepper, stew the veal until tender, drain off the broth, leaving barely enough to cover the meat. Beat six eggs and add slowly to them, beating all the time, the juice of three lemons. Pour this over the veal and heat but do not boil.—Mrs. Aaron J. Bessie.

NORWEGIAN MEAT PUDDING.—Take five pounds of round steak, quarter pound beef suet, grind ten or twelve times, add salt, nutmeg, one cup sweet cream, one pint milk, mix well. Bake in pudding tin with funnel in center. Set tin in pan of boiling water. Bake one hour.

PUDDING SAUCE.—Drain liquid from pudding when done. To this add sweet cream, thicken with flour and milk. Season with salt, nutmeg and capers. This will serve ten or twelve people.—Mrs. R. Meidell.

German Cookery

BOILED MEAT BALLS.—One pound of round steak, one egg, one slice of bread, two tablespoons melted butter, one teaspoon salt, a dash of pepper. Trim off all the fat, skin and bones, wash them and put on stove in cold water with one onion, piece of celery, a little parsley and salt to taste. Let boil one hour. Chop or grind the meat, soak the bread in water and press, then mix with all ingredients and form into balls the size of an egg, and boil in the above broth ten minutes. For the gravy brown one tablespoon butter, one of flour, add the broth and stir smooth. Put meat balls into a deep dish and pour gravy over them.—Mrs. J. Bruegger.

MARYLAND BAKED HAM.—Soak a ham over night in cold water and boil it tender in sweet cider or water, putting it on in enough liquid to cover. It must be tender but not broken. Remove the rind, outline the fat on top into diamonds, placing a clove in each. Rub half a cup of maple syrup into ham, sprinkle with pepper, place in oven and brown, sprinkling with sifted bread crumbs if liked. Serve hot or if sliced cold, lay plate and heavy weight on ham over night to make nice firm slices.—Mrs. Whitehead. Southern Cookery demonstration.

LULA'S CORNED BEEF.—Five pounds rump beef or sirloin, five tablespoons salt, three tablespoons brown sugar. Saltpetre size of a hickory nut. Dissolve the ingredients in enough water to cover the beef, and let the meat stand in the brine twenty four hours. Boil meat in the same brine three and a half hours. Quick, simple and good as it gives the purchaser a chance to select the cut of meat she prefers for corning.—Contributed.

SPICED BEEF LOAF.—Two and one half pounds of round steak put through a food chopper, with one fourth pound of salt pork; one teaspoonful of dried and rolled bread crumbs; two scant cupfuls of milk, one beaten egg, one teaspoon of butter; one teaspoonful of salt; one half teaspoon each of cinnamon, cloves, mace and allspice, a dash of cayenne pepper. Mix into one large loaf and lay in a buttered roasting pan. (I use two individual bread tins using one loaf hot for dinner and reserving the other to slice cold.) Add a cupful of hot water to each baking pan; sprinkle sifted bread crumbs over the meat and dot with butter. Bake covered until brown and tender basting often but do not cook until hard and dry. Serve with the gravy or hot tomato sauce, horseradish or mayonaise.—Mrs. Whitehead.

FAAR I KAAL. NORWEGIAN.—Get twenty cents worth of leg of mutton, cut in small pieces. Put in the kettle one layer of mutton, one medium sized head of cabbage cut into six pieces, four potatoes, cut in halves, two medium sized carrots, quartered. Between each layer of meat and vegetables add salt, whole peppers and a little flour. Set the kettle on the stove and add about one quart of water. Let boil slowly for at least three hours. When done remove from fire and serve. This will serve three people.—Mrs. R. Meidell.

ROUND STEAK STEW.—Take one and one half quarter pounds of round steak and pound it well, roll in flour and fry (same as any other steak) over this pour one pint of boiling water, season with salt, pepper and a little onion. Let stew one hour or until tender.—Mrs. R. Meidell.

STEAMED VEAL LOAF.—Take two pounds raw veal, grind, two teaspoons salt, one fourth teaspoon pepper, butter size of an egg, one cup freshly grated bread crumbs, two eggs, two tablespoons milk, knead until well mixed. Butter baking powder cans, coat with bread crumbs, fill compactly with the meat, put on cover, stand in kettle of water almost to the top of the mold. Boil steadily one and one half hours. When cool remove from molds at once. Can be eaten hot.—Mrs. Paul Leonhardy.

JELLIED VEAL OR CHICKEN.—Three pounds of stewing veal shank or chicken, one tablespoon of chopped onion, one tablespoon chopped celery; one level teaspoon of salt, dash of pepper. Cover with water and boil steadily until the meat is very tender and liquor reduced. Remove the meat from the liquor, free it from gristle and bones and chop fine. Strain the liquor, stir it through the meat and pack in a square mold, laying a heavy weight on top. Serve it cold, cut in thin slices and garnished with sliced hard boiled eggs, sliced lemon or pickled beets.—Mrs. Whitehead.

SCRAMBLED CALF'S BRAINS.—Soak two pounds of calf's brains in strong salt water one hour. Then carefully remove all membrane and blood clots. Dip the brains in flour and fry brown in hot drippings, bacon preferred. Hash the brains with a knife and scramble four fresh eggs with them, season with salt and pepper, tossing well together with a knife until nicely browned. Serve with toast or hot buttered rolls or baking powder biscuit.—Contributed.

CROWN OF LAMB WITH CURRIED RICE BALLS.—Have the marketman prepare the rack of lamb for a "crown" roast by scraping the flesh from the ribs half way down, joining the rack together and fastening it firmly. Sprinkle with pepper and salt, wrap the ribs in oiled paper and roast in a brisk oven. Baste often and allow fifteen minutes to each pound. Garnish with rice balls made as follows: Steam one cupful of rice until tender. Make two cupfuls of sauce by melting two tablespoonfuls of butter, adding one teaspoonful currie powder, one saltspoonful of onion juice, and two tablespoonfuls flour, and stock, or water and milk, and one half teaspoonful of salt. Cook until smooth, then add sufficient sauce to the rice to form into balls; reheat them in a steamer, dip them in the sauce which has been kept warm and fill the crown.

MINT JELLY.—Is a toothsome accompaniment to roast lamb, and is a novel variation to the customary mint sauce. Soak one cupful of chopped mint in one pint of water for one hour. Strain, heat to the boiling point and pour over one half box of gelatin which has been softened in half a teacup of cold water. Add three tablespoonfuls of sugar, four tablespoonfuls lemon juice and a saltspoonful of salt. Pour into molds and set in a cold place to harden. Turn out on chilled saucers just before serving.—Contributed.

TONGUE IN PORT WINE.—Boil a beef's tongue until it is tender enough to stick a fork through; put it in cold water and remove the skin; set it away until cold; save the water in which it was boiled and put it on the stove with four small onions and two small carrots, boil until the vegetables are tender, then remove the carrots and mash the onions into pieces; brown two tablespoonfuls of brown sugar, add it to the liquor, with a level teaspoonful each of allspice, cloves and mace, and pepper and salt to taste. Blend two tablespoonfuls each of butter and flour, thicken the liquor with this and add three quarters of a cup of port wine. Split the tongue lengthwise, put it in the liquor and heat thoroughly, and serve with the sauce.—Mrs. Whitehead.

SYRIAN STEW.—To be eaten with boiled rice. Neck of mutton will do nicely for this. Separate the fat from the lean meat. Mince the fat and melt it in frying pan. Cut the lean meat into chunks about a cubic inch, more or less, in size, and fry in a hot fat. Have at hand an earthen cooking vessel; remove the meat from frying pan when done and drop into the earthen vessel. Have ready the vegetables, also cut into chunks (not slices), and brown in the fat, removing them as they brown and putting them with the meat. Next, slice two large or four small Spanish onions (slicing not into rings, but first into halves, lengthwise; next slicing each half lengthwise), and fry until well done (sprinkling them with salt hastens the process). Add these to the meat and vegetables, then add a cupful of canned or fresh tomato and a small quantity of water, seasoned with salt and that brown pepper which is more spicy than hot; let it come to a boil and simmer gently. It should be begun two hours before mealtime. Any vegetable will do. Vegetable marrow is excellent, but this should be allowed to steam for awhile with the meat and onions before the tomatoes are added and cooked without water. For potatoes, add a few cloves or a small piece of cinnamon bark to flavor. Celery stew is excellent and cabbage also is good; but for either of these omit the tomatoes and add some lemon juice shortly before removing from fire. Such vegetables as celery, cabbage and haricot beans should not be browned in the fat, but stirred about for awhile in the cooking vessel with the meat and onions, and thus fried slightly before adding the water. There is an infinite variety of these stews, all on the same principle.

BOILED RICE.—To accompany Syrian stew.—A double boiler is not necessary. Wash the rice until the water is clear, removing any foreign grains or dirt. Have ready in a saucepan double the quantity of boiling water that you have of rice, in which has been melted a lump of butter. When the water boils hard drop in the rice, add a rounded teaspoonful of salt to every cup of rice and boil gently, uncovered. Do not stir. For very hard rice allow two and one half cups of water to a cup of rice. You will soon learn just the quantity required. By the time the water dries out the rice should be done and each grain firm and separate. Allow a generous teaspoonful of butter to each cup of rice. One cup is sufficient for two persons. When the water gets low, taste the rice, and if you find it is still hard add a little more boiling water, or cover and remove to the back of the stove to finish slowly.—Contributed.

HOME MADE SAUSAGE.—Grind six pounds of raw lean fresh pork and three pounds of raw fat pork to a pulp. Put it in a large graniteware pan and add twelve teaspoons of powdered sage, six teaspoons of ground black pepper, six teaspoons of dry salt and one teaspoon each of ground cloves, allspice and nutmeg. Mix the seasoning well into the meat and pack it into stone jars, as closely as possible. Pour melted lard or paraffine wax over the top, which will be all the protection it will require. All winter as wanted make it into small cakes and fry brown.—Contributed.

HEAD CHEESE.—This is made of the head, ears and tongue of a pig. Boil them after cleaning them, in salted water until tender. Strip the meat from the bones and chop (not grind) very fine. Season with salt, pepper, sage and powdered cloves, to taste; then add one cup of good vinegar. Mix all together thoroughly and pack hard into molds or bowls, interspersing bits of the tongue cut into oblongs and triangles an inch in length. Wet a plate and press down on the top of each mold and place a weight on top of that. In two days it will be ready to eat. If you desire to keep it several weeks you can turn it out of the molds and immerse in cold vinegar in stone jars. This will preserve it admirably and you have only to pare away the outside if too acid for your taste.—Contributed.

PHILADELPHIA SCRAPPLE.—Take a cleaned pig's head and boil until the flesh slips easily from the bones. Remove all the bones and chop fine. Set the liquor in which the meat was boiled aside until cold, take the cake of fat from the surface and return the liquor to the fire. When it boils, put in the chopped meat and season well with pepper and salt. Let it boil again and thicken with corn meal as you would in making ordinary corn meal mush, by letting it slip slowly through the fingers to prevent lumps. Cook an hour, stirring constantly at first, afterwards putting back on the range in a position to boil gently. When done, pour into a long, square pan, not too deep, and mould. In cold weather this can be kept several weeks. Slice and saute in butter or dripping.—Contributed.

MUTTON ROAST.—Just cover the breast of mutton with water, adding a little salt. Set over the fire, and when it comes to a boil place over a more moderate heat and simmer for three hours. Then take it up on a platter, draw out the bones, make a stuffing of bread crumbs, parsley, thyme, salt, pepper and a little melted suet or butter; lay this on the meat, roll it up and fasten with skewers. Cover thickly with egg and bread crumbs and bake in a good oven fifteen minutes to each pound of meat. When it begins to brown baste frequently with the pan drippings. Serve on a bed of cress.—Contributed.

FRIED HAM WITH CREAM SAUCE.—Trim off the edges; put into a hot pan with one teaspoonful of drippings, put over hot fire and keep turning the ham. Never put into pan and fry on one side before turning. You must keep turning constantly. When nice and brown on both sides remove to a hot platter. Put one tablespoonful of flour into pan, mix well and add one cup of cold milk slowly, stir and boil three minutes. Pour over ham.—Contributed.

HAM JELLY.—Mix two cupfuls of boiled ham, chopped and pounded very fine, with one teaspoonful of French mustard, a good dash of cayenne, one teaspoonful of granulated gelatin dissolved in one half cupful of hot water (with a teaspoonful of beef extract if at hand), and finally with one half cupful of cream which has been whipped. When thoroughly blended press into a wet square mold and place on ice for two or three hours. It will keep for a day or two. When ready to serve cut in thin slices and put on each a teaspoonful of mayonnaise dressing in which a little freshly grated horseradish and whipped cream have been stirred. Two tablespoonfuls of mayonnaise, four tablespoonfuls of whipped cream and one tablespoonful of horseradish will be the right proportions.—Contributed.

GOULASH.—Use two pounds of lean beef cut into neat pieces; chop an onion, half a carrot and one eighth of a green pepper; place all in a kettle with two cups of stock, or water will do, cover and stew gently for two hours; add five small sour pickles in the kettle with the meat, a teaspoonful of salt; continue to stew for half an hour longer. Remove the meat on a hot platter, place the pickles around the meat, thicken the gravy with a little flour and water and pour the gravy around the meat.

JELLIED VEAL.—One or two knuckles of veal boiled until very tender in water to cover. Strain the juice and cut the meat into small pieces or chop fine, season with salt, pepper and a little powdered sage; put back into strained broth and boil until nearly dry. Add juice of one lemon and turn into a mold, press well and let it stand until cold and firm. Slice in thin slices. For pressed beef use minced parsley instead of sage and omit the lemon juice. For pressed chicken omit the parsley and sage, add the lemon juice to the chicken broth and mould with a layer of sliced hard boiled eggs placed in the center of the loaf.—Contributed.

PORK PATTIES.—One cup chopped pork, two cups bread crumbs, two beaten eggs and one half cup milk, season with butter, salt and pepper, (and sage if liked). Fill buttered gem tins and bake until nicely brown.—Mrs. A. McKay.

CREAMED DRIED BEEF.—Pick half a pound of chipped dried beef into small pieces and bring it to a boil in water to cover. Drain, add one tablespoon of butter and dredge with one large tablespoon of flour, add two cupfuls of milk or cream and cook thick. Season with pepper. Nice for breakfast or lunch. Make creamed codfish the same way.—Contributed.

HAMBURG HASH.—One pound hamburg steak, two tablespoonfuls butter, eight or ten potatoes, one small onion, one small bunch parsley, one teaspoonful celery salt, half teaspoonful common salt, paprika for seasoning, half cupful hot water. Having all these things chopped and ready, melt the butter in a frying pan and toss the onion about in the pan until it becomes colored. Add the chopped beef and stir it until it has become nicely browned. Add the hot water, stirring thoroughly; then add the potatoes, parsley, paprika and salt. Stir about until well cooked. Turn out on a hot dish and serve promptly, garnished with parsley.

CORN BEEF HASH.—Make like above hamburg hash but use cold, chopped cooked corn beef and omit the onion and celery salt.

Sauces for Meat, Fish, Fowl and Game

"It is not what we intend, but what we do that makes us useful."—H. W. Beecher.

TOMATO SAUCE.—Take a quart can of tomatoes, put it over the fire in a stew pan, put in one slice of onion, add two cloves, a little pepper and salt, boil about twenty minutes; then remove from the fire and strain it through a sieve. Now melt in another pan an ounce of butter, and as it melts sprinkle in a tablespoonful of flour, stir it until it browns and froths a little. Mix the tomato pulp with it, and it is ready for the table. Excellent for mutton chops and roast beef.

TOMATO SAUCE.—Melt one tablespoon of butter, rub in one tablespoon of flour, half teaspoon salt, a little pepper, add one pint hot milk, cook until well done, stirring all the time to keep it smooth. Pass a few stewed tomatoes through the sieve to remove seeds, enough to give thirteen teaspoons for the sauce. Stir in just before serving. Serve with fish by pouring a few spoonfuls over each piece.

CREAM SAUCE.—Put two tablespoons butter in a pan, add two tablespoons flour, mix well together, pour on gradually one cup scalded milk, stirring all the time, one quarter teaspoon salt and a little white pepper. Cook thick.

CREAM SAUCE.—One tablespoon flour, half pint of cream or milk, one tablespoonful of butter, half teaspoonful of salt, dash of pepper. Melt the butter being careful not to brown it, add the flour, mix until smooth then add the cream or milk, stir continually until it boils; add salt and pepper, and use at once. If you are not quite ready to use it stand over boiling water to keep warm, stirring often to prevent a crust forming on top.

Civic League Cook Book

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