Читать книгу Shadows - Novuyo Rosa Tshuma - Страница 6


Sing song sung for many suns

Sung in fluttering hearts,

Dying in glare of sun

Speak up speak up! Yet –

Soft sound cedes to serpent hissss

Sweat – red as blood – seeps through hatred sores

Sows seeds of sorrow


Sway in wind like stalks in


Speak up speak up! Yet –

Several suns later here we are

. . . Once more

Slopping through soapy waters of


Sun shines shanty like silver


Chanting masses fisted hands

(Pamberi! – Have we been here before?)

Punch in gut

Insipid stares


Death dances

In delightful seduction

. . . (Varoyi naked on grave) . . .

Sing song sung for many suns

Sung in fluttering hearts,

Dying in glare of sun

For when new sun rises on the morrow

To stain sky with pale-lit sorrow

We shall – you and I –

Have forgotten

Have forgotten

That man we watched die on the brow

Bludgeoned black by brutes we saw before

Bitter day back in 08 –


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