Читать книгу Russian Jews Between the Reds and the Whites, 1917-1920 - Oleg Budnitskii - Страница 7



BARBakhmeteff Archive of Russian and East European History and Culture, Columbia University
CCCentral Committee
ChekaExtraordinary Commission for Combating Counterrevolution and Sabotage
CominternCommunist International
d.delo, a file within a fond (archival term)
EKOPOJewish Committee for Assistance to War Victims
ESDRPJewish Social Democratic Workers' Party
EvkomJewish Commissariat of the People's Comissariat of Nationalities
EvvoensekJewish Section of the Department of International Propaganda of the Political Administration of the People's War Commissariat of the Ukrainian SSR
f.fond, document collection (archival term)
GARFState Archive of the Russian Federation
GAROState Archive of the Rostov oblast
GorkomCity Committee
GubkomGubernia Committee
HIAHoover Institution Archives, Stanford University
JointAmerican Jewish Joint Distribution Committee
l.page (archival term)
LRALeeds Russian Archive
NarkomPeople's Commissar
OESRPUnited Jewish Socialist Workers' Party
OGPUState Political Directorate, successor to the Cheka
op.inventory (archival term)
PolrevkomPolish Revolutionary Committee
RevkomRevolutionary Committee
RGASPIRussian State Archive of Social-Political History
RKPRussian Communist Party
SERPJewish Socialist Workers' Party
SovdepSoviet of Workers', Soldiers', and Peasants' Deputies
SovnarkomSoviet of People's Commissars
TsevaadCentral Bureau of Jewish Communities
VChKAll-Russian Extraordinary Commission for Combating Counterrevolution and Sabotage
VoenrevkomMilitary Revolutionary Committee
VTsIKAll-Russian Central Executive Committee
YIVOYIVO Institute for Jewish Research
Russian Jews Between the Reds and the Whites, 1917-1920

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