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Chapter one


The name given by parents at birth – BORIS – the man didn’t like. People fill the names of some unknown emotional content, often mystical. Sounding names creates an Association with a strange taste. Hear the name, and in addition will feel certain smells, sensations. Sometimes looking at the person, hear his name, and that creates attitude. Then very surprised to hear its true name, it is not certain, is neutral. Interesting system used Italo Calvino in “Cosmicomics stories” – just the Latin character set, approximately VSIMRF; z [. Some phantasmagoria, the liberation from conventions and full freedom for your imagination.

In Ilf and Petrov in “12 chairs,” he saw: – " … Director Nick. ‘s actually my sister’s.” It was pleasant to him, he began to call himself so, and let them think what they want. The man himself has to give the names of himself and his surroundings. Naming an object, phenomenon or a living thing, a person shows their attitude and perception, i.e. it gives a description of himself, and looking wider, determines their place in the world.

Goddess of the Rainbow

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