Читать книгу Signals from the moon. Poems and stories - Ольга Макарова - Страница 5

Short signals #1


Love is the absolute thing.

It doesn't need reasons, proofs, satisfaction.

The feeling of its presence

is a necessary and sufficient condition.

* * *

I didn't bring flowers to your house.

I've been leaving them on the trails you walk.

I was so happy spelling your name in petals.

* * *

I would like to know what you think about

When you fall asleep

To follow the threads of your thoughts

Like a star map.

* * *

When you close your eyes, but keep seeing,

When you stop your body, but can’t stop your mind,

Who hugs you?

* * *

Instead of the singing of those

Who love you,

I wish you to hear the whisper of the one

You love.

* * *

The sun is so cruel,

Kissing my face after yours,

Making me feel

The smell of your skin in its rays.

* * *

If you go into a storm,

Even with a lantern,

Be ready to get lost.

* * *

Don't cut the flowers.

With their beauty,

They thank the earth, the sun and the rain.

Let them finish their speech.

* * *

I lost all of You,

Never having

Even a small part,

But I found

The rest of the world

Without ever searching.

* * *

Don't be sad!

Let this world

Make us fly off the handle,

Still we can fly

Holding hands.

* * *

Someone says they love me,

But my heart went deaf,

Screaming about love for you.

* * *

I miss you like the wave misses the rocks.

Each time rolling back,

It only prepares

To crash on them with new vigour.

* * *

I met you like a beautiful dawn

And I hit the road to unknown.

No matter how long it will be,

I know your sun will shine on me

Until sunset.

* * *

I have to silence my heart

In order to let my mind speak.

For wherever my heart aspires,

Only my mind can show it the way.

* * *

A yellowed leaf,

Torn off in the morning

By a cold autumn wind,

By the evening

Will no longer remember

Which tree it fell from.

* * *

I do not want to text you.

I want to see your smile

When the wind lifts my skirt.

* * *

I want to fall asleep

And not wake up

Until I stop dreaming

Of you.

* * *

If only I could see my future

Or make some plans at least,

If only I could know for sure

What happens next in my adventure,

I would be happy and at peace.

* * *

I imagine you sitting thoughtfully

In an armchair,

Reading a book.

I would cheekily sit on your lap,

Take off your glasses

And kiss your eyes.

* * *

I'm looking for a world

that no one was looking for,

cities that are not on any map,

people that no one has met.

I have to remember them,

but I see only shadows,

fragments of dreams.

Like I'm lost and can't find my way home.

* * *

Sometimes I want something very badly,

And I suffer knowing that I'll never get it.

But it hurts much more to understand

That even having received what I want,

I am too weak to keep it.

* * *

The words 'I love you' are never just a confession.

They are always a question.

But if you already know the answer,

It's better to stay quiet.

* * *

I look at you.

My eyes pave the way of bliss

That my lips are never meant to pass.

* * *

It is generally believed that to love

means to really need someone.

But I believe that only having fallen in love,

for the first time you become necessary to yourself.

* * *

What I crave more than everything else

is not your love for me.

It's a powerful imagination

that is able to build something wonderful

you could fall in love with.

* * *

If I could find at least one road

That leads to you,

Then I would take it even barefoot

On broken glass.

* * *

Life is so priceless that even another life

can't be a worthy payment.

Only a new life can.

This is what nature does.

* * *

You will never know me.

All you can see is just one of my sides

that reflects the light from the screen of my phone.

* * *

Even if I lose

my eyes,

my ears

and my voice,


I will see you,

I will hear you

and I will talk to you,

Because I will never lose my heart.

* * *

When our lips touch,

when our souls merge,

when our stars burn,

then I will know,

there is no music

more delightful

than your moan.

Signals from the moon. Poems and stories

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