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Understanding the Physical


In the Venusian society we have a concept of spirituality as a balancing of oneselves on all levels.

You must take care that the physical body is healthy and balanced. We must be able to work within our own physical limitations and accept them, also to use them to our advantage.

First to accept each of ourselves as unique and individual is a must. To see ourselves as we are and realize the beauty that is individual we must set our own standards and not accept standards set by others. That does not mean that we are perfect and do not need to work on ourselves. It means we need to find what works for us individually.

Anything you undertake should be something you will enjoy or you will soon lose interest. I love dancing and I attribute it to myself being able to stay in shape. I am short and slim but would quickly lose my shape if I did not love to walk. I take long walks because I enjoy nature. You have to fit your exercise to yourself and your life style. Sex is also a very healthy activity. (It helps to have a partner.)

Eating habits are also important. There are plenty of books about diet. However, it is important to eat a balanced diet, but not to become fanatical about anything. Because then you have upset the balance of your physical self. You once again have to make the choice as to what you are comfortable with. If you eliminate meat from your diet consider that all living things are Souls and will one day evolve into the human state! All plants, minerals and animals are Souls, incarnated in different existences for experiences. When their particular purpose is served in this state they leave the physical and return into a higher state of existence.

So we must choose to eat what benefits us and not worry that we are destroying something. This is why we should appreciate whatever we eat. Souls are incarnating countless times and for different purposes as minerals, plants, animals, etc. for example to serve us as food. That’s why it is very important to bless our food and to be grateful for it. So don’t feel guilty about what you eat, but find the proper understanding and remember that you yourself served the same purpose before you became a human being. Before our human existence, we have existed as all the other life forms mentioned before.

You destroy your own body by overindulgence of any kind. You have to pay attention to how your body feels and responds to different foods, because we all are different.

Being vegetarian is good, but to eliminate meat, cheese, eggs, fish all from the diet is not necessary. Remember balance is important. Do not use the way you eat to feel superior to others. You cannot attain spiritual perfection through diet. However, you can be healthy balanced and above all not judgmental of others in the process of learning.

Find your best suited diet and physical exercise and stick to it. If you cheat once in a while, do not feel guilty, enjoy the break, but do go back to your system.

Remember we are all beautiful Souls inside this physical structure. We must try to reflect this in our appearance to the best of our abilities.

Personal dressing or grooming habits are vital. We must care how we appear. It will make you more self-confident if you feel that you look good. I do not mean you have to look like a movie star. But to be well groomed and neat and clean is important – also for those closest to you!

You must not just say appearance does not matter. Of course it does! If you have went around only wearing black don’t you think you could brighten your image a little? Find clothes that are comfortable and attractive. Try a few different colors, fall into a new image. Break old habits and discover the hidden you. Do not be afraid to try new ideas. You can always change. But it is essential to be clean.

Do you think that cleaning house is nothing but an unpleasant duty? This doesn’t have to be so. Turn on your favorite music and get going! You’ll soon find out how much at ease you and guest feel in a neat and tidy home and how nice it is to always find your stuff. Letting go of unnecessary things is also a must in the physical world. Our body is able to take care of itself but is our responsibility to take care of our home, without being fanatic about it, though. All this is part of our living in this dimension. And when we are able to accept this as a natural part of our physical experience, our lives become more pleasant.

Being creative is another important factor in being physical. It actually helps to stimulate the energy that constantly flows through the body. Unfortunately many people do not consider themselves as creative. Being creative does not mean you have to be a great artist. It means to find a way to express yourself and your feelings.

You are being creative if you see shapes in the clouds, if you find a use for something that someone else discarded, or if you repair something with wire or tape because of necessity. Everything that people have created was out of necessity. They needed something and created it! Because we are attuned to the Creator and are part of that energy that created us we are by nature creators ourselves! We create families, societies, means of travel, and communication. Extend this further and focus on the ways you can become more creative. Remember the more you use your creative energy the more creative energy will flow through you.

The Venusian Trilogy / My Message

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