Читать книгу The Ontario Readers: The High School Reader, 1886 - Ontario. Department of Education - Страница 4



Table of Contents

Addison, Joseph88, 92
Aldrich, Thomas Bailey419, 420
Arnold, Matthew401
Arnold, Thomas227
Aytoun, Wm. Edmondstoune315
Bacon, Lord (Francis)53, 54
Barbauld, Anna Lætitia178
Beaconsfield, Lord (Benjamin Disraeli)321
Berkeley, Bishop (George)87
Bible, The Holy33, 39
Boswell, James133
Browning, Elizabeth Barrett270, 271
Browning, Robert378
Bryant, William Cullen272
Burke, Edmund147
Burns, Robert170, 171
Byron, Lord (George Gordon Noel)211
Carlyle, Thomas274
Chatham, Lord (Wm. Pitt)116
Clarendon, Lord76
Clough, Arthur Hugh346, 347, 369, 382
Coleridge, Samuel Taylor205, 208
Cowper, William154, 155, 158
Craik, Dinah Maria Mulock416
Darwin, Charles342
De Quincey, Thomas223
Dickens, Charles327
Dobson, Austin424, 426
Dryden, John81, 82, 83
Eliot, George (Marian Evans Cross)356
Emerson, Ralph Waldo245, 282
Froude, James Anthony389
Gibbon, Edward142
Gladstone, William Ewart367
Goldsmith, Oliver127
Gosse, Edmund William437
Gray, Thomas111
Haliburton, Thomas Chandler239
Hawthorne, Nathaniel262
Heavysege, Charles349
Herrick, Robert55
Holmes, Oliver Wendell364
Hood, Thomas234, 237
Houghton, Lord (Richard Monckton Milnes)320
Hume, David102
Hunt, Leigh217
Huxley, Thomas Henry412
Jones, Amanda T.412
Jowett, Benjamin384
Keats, John222
Keble, John233
Kingsley, Charles354
Lever, Charles James284
Locker, Frederick400
Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth336
Lovelace, Richard55, 61
Lover, Samuel246
Lowell, James Russell397, 411
Lytton, Lord (Edward Bulwer)294
Macaulay, Lord (Thomas Babington)247
Mair, Charles426
Milton, John67
Moore, Thomas214, 215, 216
Nairn, Baroness (Carolina Oliphant)177
Newman, Cardinal (John Henry)299
Poe, Edgar Allan258
Pope, Alexander96
Praed, Winthrop Mackworth246
Reade, John420, 421
Roberts, Charles George Douglas440
Robinson, A. Mary F.438, 439
Rossetti, Christina Georgina417
Rossetti, Dante Gabriel293, 359
Ruskin, John390
Sangster, Charles408
Scott, Sir Walter179
Shakespeare, William40
Shelley, Percy Bysshe218, 219
Sheridan, Richard Brinsley159
Smith, Goldwin409
Southey, Robert209
Stanley, Dean (Arthur Penrhyn)350
Stedman, Edmund Clarence418
Steele, Sir Richard83
Swift, Jonathan93
Swinburne, Algernon Charles422
Taylor, Bishop (Jeremy)56
Tennyson, Lord (Alfred)366, 370, 373, 377, 407
Thackeray, William Makepeace306, 308
Thomson, James101
Walton, Izaak62
Whittier, John Greenleaf361, 372
Wilson, President (Daniel)383
Wordsworth, William202


Table of Contents

The Ontario Readers: The High School Reader, 1886

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