Читать книгу The Story of Opal: The Journal of an Understanding Heart - Opal Stanley Whiteley - Страница 2

Table of Contents









CHAPTER I How Opal Goes along the Road beyond the Singing Creek, and of all she Sees in her New Home.

CHAPTER II How Lars Porsena of Clusium Got Opal into Trouble, and how Michael Angelo Sanzio Raphael and Sadie McKibben Gave her Great Comfort.

CHAPTER III Of the Queer Feels that Came out of a Bottle of Castoria, and of the Happiness of Larry and Jean.

CHAPTER IV How Peter Paul Rubens Goes to School.

CHAPTER V How Opal Comforted Aphrodite, and how the Fairies Comforted Opal when there Was Much Sadness at School.

CHAPTER VI Opal Gives Wisdom to the Potatoes, Cleanliness to the Family Clothes, and a Delicate Dinner to Thomas Chatterton Jupiter Zeus.

CHAPTER VII The Adventure of the Tramper; and what Happens on Long and on Short Days.

CHAPTER VIII How Opal Takes a Walk in the Forest of Chantilly; she Visits Elsie and her Baby Boy, and Explains Many Things to the Girl that Has no Seeing.

CHAPTER IX Of an Exploring Trip with Brave Horatius; and how Opal Kept Sadness away from her Animal Friends.

CHAPTER X How Brave Horatius is Lost and Found again, but Peter Paul Rubens is Lost Forever.

CHAPTER XI How Opal Took the Miller’s Brand out of the Flour-Sack, and Got Many Sore Feels thereby; and how Sparks Come on Cold Nights; and how William Shakespeare Has Likings for Poems.

CHAPTER XII Of Elsie’s Brand-New Baby, and all the Things that Go with it; and the Goodly Wisdom of the Angels who Bring Folks Babies that Are like them.

CHAPTER XIII How Felix Mendelssohn and Lucian Horace Ovid Virgil Go for a Ride; William Shakespeare Suffers One Whipping and Opal Another.

CHAPTER XIV How Opal Feels Satisfaction Feels, and Takes a Ride on William Shakespeare; and all that Came of it.

CHAPTER XV Of Jenny Strong’s Visit, its Gladness and its Sadness.

CHAPTER XVI Of the Woods on a Lonesome Day, and the Friendliness of the Wood-Folks on December Days when you Put your Ears Close and Listen.

CHAPTER XVII Of Works to be Done; and how it Was that a Glad Light Came into the Eyes of the Man who Wears Gray Neckties and Is Kind to Mice.

CHAPTER XVIII How Opal Pays One Visit to Elsie and Another to Dear Love, and Learns how to Mend her Clothes in a Quick Way.

CHAPTER XIX Of the Camp by the Mill by the Far Woods; of the Spanking that Came from the New Way of Mending Clothes; and of the Long Sleep of William Shakespeare.

CHAPTER XX Of the Little Song-Notes that Dance about Babies; and of the Solemn Christening of Solomon Grundy.

CHAPTER XXI How Opal Names Names of the Lambs of Aidan of Iona, and Seeks for the Soul of Peter Paul Rubens.

CHAPTER XXII How Solomon Grundy Falls Sick and Grows Well again; and Minerva’s Chickens are Christened; and the Pensée Girl, with the Far-Away Look in her Eyes, Finds Thirty-and-Three Bunches of Flowers.

CHAPTER XXIII How Opal and Brave Horatius Go on Explores and Visit the Hospital.—How the Mamma Dyes Clothes and Opal Dyes Clementine.

CHAPTER XXIV How the Mamma’s Wish Came True, and how Opal was Spanked for it; and of the Likes which Aphrodite Had for a Clean Place to Live in.

CHAPTER XXV Of Many Washings and a Walk.

CHAPTER XXVI Why it Was that the Girl who Has no Seeing Was not at Home when Opal Called.

CHAPTER XXVII Of a Cathedral Service in the Pig-Pen.—How the World Looks from a Man’s Shoulder.

CHAPTER XXVIII How Opal Piped with Reeds, and what a Good Time Dear Love Gave Thomas Chatterton Jupiter Zeus.

CHAPTER XXIX How Opal Feels the Heat of the Sun, and Decorates a Goodly Number of the White Poker-Chips of the Chore Boy.

CHAPTER XXX How Opal and the Little Birds from the Great Tree Have a Happy Time at the House of Dear Love.

CHAPTER XXXI How Lola Wears her White Silk Dress at Last.

CHAPTER XXXII Of the Ways that Fairies Write, and the Proper Way to Drink in the Song of the Wood.

CHAPTER XXXIII Of the Death of Lars Porsena of Clusium, and of the Comfort that Sadie McKibben can Give.

CHAPTER XXXIV Of the Fall of the Great Tree, and the Funeral of Aristotle.

CHAPTER XXXV How the Man of the Long Step that Whistles Most of the Time Takes an Interesting Walk.

CHAPTER XXXVI Of Taking-Egg Day, and the Remarkable Things that Befell thereon.

CHAPTER XXXVII Of the Strange Adventure in the Woods on the Going-Away Day of Saint Louis.

CHAPTER XXXVIII How Opal Makes Prepares to Move. How she Collects All the Necessary Things, Bids Good-bye to Dear Love, and Learns that her Prayer has been Answered.


The Story of Opal: The Journal of an Understanding Heart

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