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What happens to people who “hear”? Who are they? Possessed or mentally ill? there is are there ways other than traditional and not traditional? Fear – How to beat him?


The worst thing was to cope with momentum. You know, “crazy” sometimes sway in size. This is a scribe, especially when a number of people have this impulse from from nowhere and starts walking on whole body. Vestibular apparatus is turned off. AND All the same, not need to climb on wall, beat from despair wall. You can take momentum on front upper teeth. WITH the rest of the places he leaves and voila. Everything turns out.

Darkness it’s not evil. Darkness hides absolutely everything. AND not known in what is the power of God more in light or darkness.The universe has a black color. BUT evil not has colors. But immersing all your thoughts in the dark, you will understand why a lot of famous people like to wear not taking off the black glasses.

If you hit perfume world then know 90% of they are very angry: (. think about flying small light birds and your thoughts will be light.AND It will be easy for you to live :) Meeting with violent people wanting to show contempt and offend, one must always remember the following. These people live in self-made exclusivity and permissibility. Considering their relatives, loved ones and neighbors, these people are discussed daily, stipulated, obsmeyany and finally belittled and humiliated. Even the “coolest” and The “famous” film actor or politician is sling mud every day. what they talk about dressed up soothers.

Many fear the thought of counter as most abnormal people. But still not need to be afraid to read this book. If a would in the book was written about long years of mentally unstable state, or about lost destinies: families, workplaces, financial conditions, this is not could would help you. So same as others defeat this disease. It is very difficult to believe in yourself and my strength Use your abilities to overcome difficulties. But Having read this book, you can easily cope with this ailment. Deal with delusion that you are not such as other people who have mastered their brains. Indeed you have been subject to fears and gone to themselves. But If you started playing poker with a master, it does not mean that over time you will not learn how to play better than him. Learn the rules, you quite able to win against yourself and have any master. See how much beauty surrounds us that you can touch and try. Delicious food, pleasant companions, loved ones, books, music and much more. AT depending on the taste of each. You get if you stress, getting pleasure from food? Will you be nervous or in fear? When you eat your favorite dish, do you think about anything else? Every parent would like to lure his child out of a trap like yours. Therefore, you should also overcome your fears for the sake of your parents. To cope with stress, to defeat oneself for the sake of loved ones. What plays with our thoughts, what is misleading? One way or another, the defining moment is fear. If we focus on fear, we can not cope with ourselves and stop enjoying the pleasure of communicating with relatives and from food. If you have tried many ways to deal with your thoughts in your head and have gone through all the suffering, then you want to fall under the influence of this fear and lower your hands. It seems to you that it will never end and you will not be able to overcome it in yourself. If you think that right now you can not fight, then it is fear that makes you feel that way. At the same time, fear is generated by your thoughts that will not disappear without your participation. When you had this mental disorder, you could not assume that you would be in this state all your life. When will you put yourself in the same condition? On next week? In a month? Until you tune in to victory, you will be in this state all your life. WITH Since writing this book, two years have passed. All this time I have not ceased to correspond with people who have been helped by the methods outlined in this book. Freed from the fear of people could not imagine that you can live so easily and pleasantly. Sometimes the techniques described in this book are similar to witchcraft, but in all there is a logical explanation. Later on they will be written in more detail. Only an increasing sense of anxiety and fear can prevent you from reading this book to the end. But you will not lose anything, no matter what path you choose to go to your future.


I am not a doctor and not a psychiatrist by training, but I myself was sick and behind three years pulled himself out of this state completely. How can you yourself, so easy to fight and win yourself along with the disease? Remembering the terrible suffering, I was convinced that they were not. Everything happened only in my mind. The fact is that in my opinion, anyone who wants to recover will be able to pull himself out. He needs only help in this. On In the first stage, fear prevents a person from starting to save himself. When the patient defeats fear, he begins to ask himself: “Why have I been going to cure myself for so long?” It is important not to be lazy and follow all recommendations strictly and by schedule. Tune in at least for a month categorically, daily move towards the target, which will ensure success. Not understanding or not accepting those techniques that are described in this book, doubt them. But just as much as you can question your views and traditional medicine with tablets. Well not we will forget to question the predictors and magicians with their methods of treatment. AT Anyway, look for those who can answer you. Cured such and such patients with similar signs of the disease.


The most important part of the cure for this terrible disease is the inner mood and sense of joy. It is to force yourself to look at the world with open eyes, without going into yourself and at the same time thinking about yourself (“about your body”). Search for what will delight you in others, not giving anything out of their past habits. If you like to play volleyball, you need to continue playing without succumbing to depression. Treat yourself first of all, pull out, so that brings or brought earlier a sense of joy. This may seem contradictory, but I will certainly further explain that the state of depression and regret clouding your mind does not give you anything good. The most interesting thing is that while we are fixated on ourselves and our state, we look at ourselves and try to understand the reason why we are doing this. Who or what influenced us in this way. But we feel a sense of joy, peace and understand real value when we are deprived of this “mind game”, looping, self-digging. AT At the same time, we have to admit to ourselves that the disease has hooked us seriously and will need plenty of time for deliverance. As soon as you believe that you will never get rid of this, you yourself will knock the stool out from under your feet. Therefore, do not tune in to an easy victory until you read the book until the end. On in fact, the method is simple, but you need to tune in at least a month to follow the instructions. Tune in to win, you just can not hurt. You need to live, become strong in spirit and body, work and live with your family and your relatives. Communicating with people who had signs of insane (mentally ill, possessed), I realized that first of all in this state are their fears. Removing fear in the process of communication, people came to their senses or ceased to be afraid. We felt pretty good. To start your life all over again: you got a job, made new acquaintances and a family.

The treatment consisted in communicating and reviewing their personal lives. What fears tortured patients on a subconscious level and how we cleaned them. Fear to hear someone else’s voice, suspiciousness and persecution mania. Even for severely clinical patients, the answer was extremely simple – what a difference. He advised patients to repeat during attacks and these two words really helped them. AND The fact is that under the influence of external factors acting on patients, such as: noises, conversations of people, failures in something, events taking place, were perceived by people too sharply. AND their own self was lost. When the patient started to relate to what was happening neutrally (relaxed), he helped. I realized that the words “What a difference” repay all unnecessary perception. At the same time restoring the usual picture of the world to which a person is used. The person is distracted from the “tales” and begins to think about his desires, the desires of his body and about to myself. His lack of understanding of his life, family, ways and goals makes the unwilling to be valid. AND on the contrary, understanding makes reality desirable, without any closure from reality. If we take a closer look at fears, we can discuss and decide how to treat each of them and quench the fear forever.

Anger is the opposite of fear, like hatred of love (you can compare these opposites with the sides of a sandwich). If we do not have time to be neutral about what is happening, then we are subject to either fear or anger. We are people and we are given these perceptions of the world. To deepen understanding, let us examine an example of how fears patients are exposed to. On example of normal and affected people. A normal person receives personal insult from another person and responds to him to the best of his upbringing and his perception of what is happening. He can remain silent and ignore, he can be afraid of aggression, and he can respond with aggression (return an insult to the offender or punish him physically).

Patients often complained that someone insulted them from nowhere. Not we will make out who. We will understand and cure the patient. A person hears an insult, but he does not on whom to respond to He can wave his arms over the air or, on the contrary, be frightened and hid in a corner. AT Both behaviors are subject to exposure, which can become mentally ill (sick soul). Accordingly, his relatives, who do not understand such a person, will take him to a psychiatric hospital. We understand how the mind of the ward is loosened. In addition to insults, added around the clock repetition of this insult. After that, any signal of a passing car seems to the patient as a pursuit. The addictive psyche of attributing sounds and actions attached to objects gets a break in the pattern of world perception In addition, some additionally appear images and Pictures. All of the above scares people. In no case should such people be allowed to surrender. First of all, you need to help overcome fears.

Let us examine in more detail: Insults. It is clear that the phrases occurring only in the head and in no way audible to others are shocking the patient. AT at the same time, focusing him on something helps distract him from phrases. Speak, communicate with the person. A person concentrates on something and is distracted from phrases in his head. So the perfect reading, working with documents, writing articles, drawing, listening to music and watching videos quiet (by the way there’s nothing like Soviet cartoons). One feature revealed by me. When a patient watches TV, he is distracted. If he is in the next room, then from remote sounds he gets worse. Games will do. Distracted from thoughts. Since the patients are much better feel if they have to a player if wearing glasses and wearing a cap.

But there is a method much more difficult to understand. It is necessary to invite the patient to try to present himself (“his own image”) to everyone around him, including at voices. It is very appropriate to recall here from the Gospel of Matthew: “In everything that you want people to do with you, do so with you, for this is the law and the prophets” (Matt.7: 12).

At the same time try to take all the fears about yourself, for yourself. The patient only needs to relax at the level of feelings and get fears, but with the purpose of getting adrenaline from experienced fears (“pleasure”). How do we get adrenaline when riding an attraction. On the second and third time on the attraction is not terrible at all, and fears are extinguished by relaxation and calmness.

Inexplicable moments. There are some points that may seem to them. For example, stirring in their field of vision, bizarre images, highlighting something from the surrounding images is particularly bright and sharpen their attention on this. Sometimes it seems to them that someone pinched them. They increase and decrease heart rate and pulse. It becomes hot or cold. It seems to them that there are odors. Not I can explain it myself and have achieved success only with those who managed to convince them that they do not need to look for the cause and thereby drive themselves crazy.

AND The following really helped them:

– breathing exercises;

– physical exercises (especially push-ups and pull-ups);

– prayers and the sacrament of communion in the church;

– cap on the head;

– headphones and player;

– Sunglasses;

– oddly enough: the kind of a burning candle, the sound of a bell ringing (or other sacred music), the smell of incense (other, but already Vedic means);

– holy water, pouring water, taking a shower, swimming in the water.

Separately, I wanted to dwell on breathing exercises: this method of breathing exercises helps. The first inhale and exhale, while mentally thinking about the hand. The second breath in exhale, mentally think about another part of the body (for example, about the other hand). Next, alternately about the legs, torso, head.

A long breath helps: Practice, at any time when you are worried about something, focus on a long breath. If the anxiety did not leave you, then the breath was not long enough and strong. (This exercise is really simple and strong. But it was thoughts about God that led to the knowledge of him.

God is constantly around us. AND we need to understand that he is around. God is like our own dad. When you are not distracted by extraneous thoughts and think that he is the strongest, you do not see and not has a guise. But he is absolutely around us and writes down all our life for the whole period given to us. He established the rules of our life and “this game.” When we think of God all the time (as saints who retired in cells and were alone to understand the truth). That GOD, who treats everyone like children, gives us “candy.”)

Three good words: When exhaling we say good words to ourselves, we interrupt bad thoughts, bad pictures and bad feelings.

On the first breath you utter the first good word to yourself. On second breath you pronounce the second word. For example (love, good and beauty).

Like for example: On one exhale “In the name of the father” on 2 “And son”, on 3 “And the holy spirit”, on four “Amen”.

Communion: It’s not for me to describe the sacrament of communion. As a statistic, two out of three felt much better after communion in the church. (The Gospel of Mark is recalled at once in chapter 5 verse 12 “And all the demons asked Him, saying, Send us into the pigs, that we may enter into them.” Verse 13 “Jesus immediately allowed them. AND unclean spirits, having gone out, entered the pigs; and rushed the herd from the steepness of the sea, and there were about two thousand; and drowned in the sea.”) And the fact that Jesus simply cured a demon-possessed word:”)”

Bad habits. Alcoholates s, cigars Ety, low mobility and passivity, leading to deterioration of patient’s condition. Quit smoking and alcohol received a dramatic improvement in health. Not unimportant is the correct mode of the day. Healthy sleep, exercise, timely nutrition.

Proper nutrition. Patients require eating as much fresh fruit and vegetables as possible to improve brain activity. Meat and dairy products give a lot of power.

Examples: Complaints and their solutions. The voice” Terro riziruyut” patients? Oddly enough, absolutely everyone.

Example 1: Family, threats to the life and health of loved ones. Calm, only calm. Hardly cross out the patient’s mind. Assure that since then, he and his family have done nothing. So, they are afraid of the law and the punishment of God. Reassure the patient that you are near and have removed all the negative with your presence. AND that now these voices in his head will do nothing to him. Just say that he should not look for people who communicate with him. Because these are not the people whom he knew and therefore will never find them. Then the patient begins to relax. Tell the patient that if something really happens to him, you will help him find and punish the guilty. Explain to him that appeals to the authorities must have an evidence base and are justified. An effective example of clarification may be such an example. When we are afraid in an amusement park or cinema, over time we remember it with a smile. Rather, because we paid money for new sensations. Just need to treat and to inexplicable scary moments. If it helps, get a piggy bank for the patient and give him small coins so that when he is uncomfortable, uncomfortable with something, he will throw “suppose 50 kopecks” into the piggy bank. It is very hard to find words and explain that those voices that are audible, they seem to be there, but they are not. They can do nothing, do not represent anyone, This is something, someone is weak, nothing and does not represent anyone not explainable by modern science. They have no relatives dad, mom, grandmother, grandfather. They are nothing and nothing, and as a result are insignificant.

Fear of your own death. Almost always associated with hallucin inations. Example 2: Explain to the patient that he should focus on what he is doing. On objects around him. WITH hallucin inations help to fight a rigid attachment to reality and surrounding objects. It is also useful to be in nature, to observe moving branches of trees and excitement on the surface of the water.

Learning to live now, this moment. Carefully considering what you are doing, there will be no time to fear death. In those who have learned to concentrate the attention of patients, voices disappear.

Interesting tricks.

– “Chewing Cow.” AT India there is a cult of the Sacred Cow. Cows are worshiped and worshiped. They are praying, it is considered a great success to meet during the day and stroke the cow. The presentation of the chewing lips of a cow chewing on the grass is very soothing.

A cow with horns and hooves very much resembles scary creatures that frighten themselves and carry names (devil, demon or devil). What if the cow and is a living creature really exists animal world that is somehow the prototype of the legends that scare and injected into the misleading mentally disturbed people in the centuries. Agree that the man is partly from the animal world. AND the effect of animals on animals is partly proven. As a not quite suitable, but well-known example, cats have a healing effect. Why not accept the obvious, people with their own head interpret the bad influence of the animal world into something more terrible. AT that which only the human head is capable of. AND returning to the cow image of an innocuously chewing grass is very interesting. But the most important thing – My thoughts calmed down and I had a lot of fun when I imagined instead of the words of others, chewing the lips of a cow.

Fantasy Fantas

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