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ОглавлениеOver the years I discussed the ideas and arguments developed in this book with many people. I am grateful to all of them, but I am especially indebted to Rogers Brubaker and Dan Kotliar, who closely read earlier drafts of the manuscript. This book has been enormously improved by their smart comments and generous suggestions, as well as by the helpful feedback and suggestions of the anonymous readers for Polity, whom I also thank wholeheartedly. Some ideas presented in this book are completely new, others build on and develop insights from my earlier work on the sociology of digital society, but all of them have benefited greatly from countless conversations over the years with colleagues, including Eran Fisher, Eva Illouz and Guy Shani (with whom I co-authored an article discussed in chapter 2), and students, especially Inbar Michelzon-Drori and Sagit Festman. I could not ask for more supportive colleagues than those I have at Bar-Ilan University’s Department of Sociology and Anthropology. I also wish to thank everyone at Polity Press for their dedicated and professional support, advice and encouragement – it has been a pleasure to work with you all – and particularly to Jonathan Skerrett, who believed in this project from the very first moment, even before I did; and Fiona Sewell, for her careful copyediting. Last but not least, my love and gratitude go to Hila Keren, with whom I share my life, of which this book has happened to constitute a significant part for quite a while; her support and feedback were invaluable.