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I owe a tremendous debt of gratitude to several very successful entrepreneurs who have caught my vision and aligned to support my work. Terry Stent, Lisa and Vic Johnson, Becky and Joe Moyer, Steve Harrison of Bradley Communications, Joan DuBois of US Chess, among others, have generously given of their time, expertise, resources and friendship to keep my work moving forward. These friends never cease to amaze me with their generosity and the depth of their knowledge.

I want to acknowledge the authors, speakers, and publishers, and the folks who work for them, who have given me encouragement and support in my journey: Tom Antion, Dr. Ellie Drake, Jack Canfield, Mary McKay, and Brian Tracy .

I am thankful for the support and encouragement of my family. I thank my seven beautiful children for the lessons they teach me each day: Orrin Jr., Keith, Jordan, Clairerencia, April, Amber and Jonathan.

I am grateful to my mother Margaret Hudson for having 13 children and being there for me.

My high school teacher James Edge mentored me for four years and bought me my first chess book—the only chess book I ever had for many years. Without him I couldn’t have ever written this.

I also thank Chris Psaros and Mahesh Grossman of The Authors Team for their help in organizing this book and getting it published.

During the last four years I have made tremendous strides in bringing the principles of my non-profit organization, Be Someone to the foreground. It took the help, support and generosity of many people. In particular, Chula Schlesinger has been a wonderful person I could always depend on.

Lastly, I thank God for my life and for placing me in the path of such stellar mentors and caring friends. God has clearly guided my steps to find my dream and has given me the courage and strength to pursue it against all odds, one move at a time.

With love and gratitude,

Orrin C. Hudson

Atlanta, Georgia

One Move at a Time

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