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ОглавлениеAbbott, Edwin A. 1838——. Shakespearean scholar. Author of a Shakespearean Grammar, a Handbook of Elizabethan English, etc. Pub. Mac. Rob.
A'Becket, Gilbert Abbot. 1811–1856. Humorist. Author Comic Hist. of England, Comic Hist. of Rome, Comic Blackstone, etc. Pub. Apl. Lip.
Adams, Mrs. Sarah (Flower). 1805–1848. Known chiefly by her hymn, "Nearer, my God, to Thee."
Adams, Wm. 1814–1848. Religious writer. Author of Sacred Allegories, etc. See Edition of 1869, with Life. Pub. Lip.
Addison, Joseph. 1672–1719. Essayist and poet. His tragedy of Cato is now little read, but his Hymns still continue deservedly popular. As a prose writer A. has exercised an influence upon the manners, morals, and general culture of his time not easily overestimated. His style is graceful, gentle, and persuasive. With Steele he created the Periodical Essay, and was the chief contributor to the Tatler, Spectator, and Guardian. See Thackeray's Eng. Humorists, Aikin's Memorials of Addison. Pub. Har. Lip.
Aguilar [ä-ge-lar´], Grace. 1816–1847. Novelist. Home Influence, Woman's Friendship, and Days of Bruce are her chief works. Pub. Apl. Har.
Aikin [ā´kin], John. 1747–1822. Biographer and miscellaneous writer. One of the authors of Evenings at Home. Pub. Har.
Aikin, Lucy. 1781–1864. Dau. to J. A. Historian and poet. Author Memoirs of the Courts of Elizabeth, James I., Charles I., Memorials of Addison, etc.
Ainsworth, Robert. 1660–1743. Classical lexicographer.
Ainsworth, Wm. Francis. 1807——. Geologist and traveller. Author Travels in Asia Minor, Researches in Assyria, Babylonia, and Chaldea, etc.
Ainsworth, Wm. Harrison. 1805–1882. Cousin to W. F. A. Novelist. His historical novels are numerous, but Jack Sheppard is his most famous work, and has been 8 times dramatized. His popularity has been very great, many of his works having been translated into most European languages, yet their literary merit is not high, and the influence of Jack Sheppard, in particular, is pernicious. Pub. Har. Rou. Pet.
Airy, George Biddell. 1801——. Astronomer. Author Essays on the Invasion of Britain by Julius Cæsar, and numerous scientific papers of value.
Akenside, Mark. 1721–1770. Poet and physician. Author of a philosophical poem in blank verse on The Pleasures of the Imagination. Pub. Hou.
Alcuin [ăl´-kwin]. c. 735–804. Abp. York. Writer of Latin commentaries, dogmatic treatises, and numerous Latin poems.
Aldhelm. 656–709. Anglo-Latin poet. His principal theme is the praise of virginity, on which he has written in both prose and verse.
Alexander, Adam. 1741–1809. Scotch grammarian. Author of Classical Biog. etc.
Alexander, Mrs. Cecil Frances. 18———. Poet. Best known by her famous poem, The Burial of Moses. Pub. Dut. Mac.
Alexander, Mrs. Novelist. See Hector, Mrs. Annie Alexander.
Alexander, Wm. c. 1580–1640. Scotch poet. Author Recreations with the Muses, Doomsday, etc. Style didactic and heavy. See Ward's Eng. Poets, vol. 2.
Alford [awl'ford], Henry. 1810–1871. Dean of Canterbury. Author of Poems, a valuable edition of the Greek Testament, a much criticised Plea for the Queen's English, etc. See Life, Journals, and Letters. See Moon's The Dean's English. Pub. Har. Ran. Rou.
Alfred the Great. 848–901. The Father of English Prose. An untiring scholar whose labors gave form and dignity to the English tongue. His translations from the Latin are numerous and valuable, among them being Bæda's Ecclesiastical History and Boethius's Consolations of Philosophy. See Green's Making of England.
Alfric.—— 1006. Abp. Canterbury. A noted theologian and grammarian. His 80 Homilies his chief work. He translated the books of Moses and wrote many theological works.
Alison, Archibald. 1757–1839. Scotch theological writer. Essays on Taste, etc. Pub. Har.
Alison, Sir Archibald. 1792–1867. Son to preceding. Historian. Author of a Hist. of Europe in 18 vols. and a Life of Marlborough. Pub. Har.
Allein [ăl'lĕn], Joseph. 1633–1668. Theologian. Author of Alarm to the Unconverted.
Allen, Chas. Grant. 1848——. Author of Physiological Æsthetics, Color and Sense, Force and Energy, etc. Pub. Apl.
Allingham, Wm. 1828——. Irish poet. Author Day and Night Songs, Songs, Ballads and Stories, etc. Pub. Mac.
A. L. O. E. See Tucker, Charlotte.
Andrews, Lancelot. 1555–1626. Bp. Winchester. The most eminent preacher of his time, and a High Church theologian of great rigor and learning. He was one of the translators of the Bible and author of 4 vols. of Sermons and a Manual of Private Devotions. Style involved and artificial. Pub. Dut.
Anster, John. 1798–1867. Irish poet. Author of a much admired translation of Faust.
Anstey, Christopher. 1724–1805. Poet. The New Bath Guide (pub. 1766) is his chief work and was the most popular book of its day. It is a lively, versified description of life and manners of Bath. See his Works, pub. 1808, with Life, by his son.
Arbuthnot [är´bŭth-not], John. 1675–1735. Humorist. Author Hist. John Bull, Art of Political Lying, Memoirs of P. P. Clark of this Parish, and supposed author of the greater part of the famous satire upon the abuses of learning, the Memoirs of Martinus Scriblerus.
Armstrong, John. 1709–1779. Scotch poet and physician. Author of the Art of Preserving Health, a poem of much originality of style.
Arnold, Edwin. 1832——. Poet and journalist. His chief work, The Light of Asia, gives him a high rank among modern poets. The subject is the life of Buddha. He has translated much from the Sanskrit, and is the author of Griselda, Lyrical and Dramatic Poems, The Indian Song of Songs, Pearls of the Faith, etc. Style elevated and versification musical. Pub. Rob.
Arnold, Matthew. 1822——. Son to succeeding. Poet and essayist. His poetry is pervaded by a vein of doubt and mistrust, although elevated in character and of great merit. Tristram and Iseult, and Thyrsis, an elegy on the poet Clough, are among his best poems. His prose works are numerous and important. Literature and Dogma, and Essays in Criticism are among the best known. The phrase "sweetness and light" was made familiar by him. See Hutton's Essays, Swinburne's Essays and Studies, Stedman's Victorian Poets, Edinburgh Rev. April, 1869. Pub. Har. Mac. Ho. Ste.
Arnold, Thomas. 1795–1842. Head Master of Rugby. Author Hist. Rome and Lect. on Modern Hist. He exercised a great and beneficial influence upon the minds of the young Englishmen of his time. See Life and Correspondence of Arnold, by A. P. Stanley, and Hughes' School Days at Rugby. Pub. Apl.
Arnold, Thos. Kerchever. 1800–1853. Author of classical text-books. Pub. Apl.
Arnold, Wm. Delafield. 1828–1859. Son to T. A. Writer of historical sketches and lectures.
Arnott, Neil. 1788–1874. Scotch scientist. Author Elements of Physics, etc. Pub. Apl.
Ascham [ăs´kam], Roger. 1515–1568. Tutor of Lady Jane Grey and Q. Elizabeth. Author of Toxophilus, a treatise on the bow, and The Schoolmaster. A. possessed a clear, correct style.
Ashe, Thomas. 1836——. Poet. Author of The Sorrows of Hypsipyle, etc.
Ashmole, Elias. 1617–1692. Antiquary. Author of Laws of the Order of the Garter, etc.
Atterbury, Francis. 1662–1732. Bp. Rochester. Theologian. Author Sermons and numerous controversial writings.
Aubrey, John. 1626–1697. Antiquary. A. published a collection of popular superstitions.
Austen, Jane. 1775–1817. Novelist. Author of Pride and Prejudice, Sense and Sensibility, Northanger Abbey, Mansfield Park, Persuasion, Emma, The Watsons, and Lady Susan. These novels are examples of the finest literary art, and have delighted cultured minds for almost three generations. Her character-drawing is strong and realistic. See Atlantic Monthly, Feb. 1863. See Jane Austen and her Works by Sarah Tytler (pub. 1881). Pub. Har. Por. Lit. Rou.
Austin, Alfred. 1834——. Poet and novelist. Author of An Artist's Proof, Interludes, The Human Tragedy, etc. Pub. Mac.
Austin, Mrs. Sarah. 1793–1867. Author Characteristics of Goethe, and of numerous translations from the German.
Ayton [ā´tun], Sir Robert. 1570–1638. Scotch poet. Remembered for his lyric, "I do confess thou'rt smooth and fair."
Aytoun [a´tun], Wm. Edmondstoune. 1813–1865. Scotch poet. Author Lays of the Scottish Cavaliers, Bothwell, Edinburgh after Flodden, and with T. Martin, of the Bon Gaultier Ballads. See Memoir by Theodore Martin. Pub. Arm. Hou.
Babbage, Chas. 1790–1871. Mathematician and philosopher. Author of The Economy of Manufactures and Machinery, A Ninth Bridgewater Treatise, etc.
Bacon, Francis. Viscount St. Albans and Baron Verulam. 1561–1626. Philosopher. The Founder of Inductive Philosophy. He wrote, in both Eng. and Latin, The advancement of Learning, Novum Organum and Historia Naturalis et Experimentalis from the Instauratio Magna, which embodies his system of philosophy. His Essays are his most important English work. A man of great genius and wonderful intellectual activity whose writings cover a wide range. He awakened the scientific spirit in England and gave it form. The best edition of B. is that by James Spedding. See Life and Letters of Bacon, by James Spedding (1870), also W. H. Dixon's Personal History of Lord Bacon. Pub. Hou.
Bacon, Roger (Friar.) 1214–1292. Philosopher. The great light of the thirteenth century. In his Opus Major he anticipated many inventions of later times, and displayed a familiarity with all branches of study of his day.
Bage, Robert. 1728–1801. Novelist. Author of Man as he Is, The Fair Syrian, etc. See Life, by Walter Scott.
Bagehot [bāj´ut], Walter. 1826–1877. Essayist and journalist. Author of Lombard Street, Physics and Politics, The Eng. Constitution, and Essays on Silver. See Living Age, April 19, 1879. Pub. Apl. Lit. Scr.
Bailey, Philip James. 1816——. Poet. Author of Festus, The Angel World, The Mystic, The Age, etc. Festus, which had a brief popularity, is a work of unequal merit, but contains a few brilliant passages.
Baillie, Joanna. 1764–1851. Scotch dramatist. Has been called "the female Shakespeare." Author of Plays on the Passions, etc. Her tragedy of De Montfort is her finest effort. See complete Works in one vol. with Life (1853). See Ward's Eng. Poets, vol. 4.
Baker, Sir Samuel White. 1821——. Traveller. Author of the Albert Nyanza, The Nile Tributaries of Abyssinia, Ismaïlia, etc. Pub. Har. Lip. Mac.
Balfour, Francis Maitland. 1851–1882. Biologist. Author Elements of Comparative Embryology. Development of the Elasmobranch Fishes, etc. Style acute and original. See Fortnightly Rev. Nov. 1882. Pub. Mac.
Banim [bā´nim], John. 1798–1842. Irish novelist. His novels deal almost exclusively with the tragic side of Irish peasant life. See Life, by P. J. Murray, 1857.
Banks, Sir Joseph. 1743–1820. Naturalist. See Cuvier, Elegy on Sir J. Banks, 1821.
Barbauld [bar´bawld or bar-bō´], Mrs. Anna Lætitia. 1743–1825. Miscellaneous writer. Author of Hymns in Prose, Miscellaneous Poems, etc. Among her best efforts is the exquisite little poem, Life. Some of her religious poetry is deservedly popular. Style easy and graceful. See edition with Memoir, by L. Aikin, 1827.
Barbour, John. 1316–1396. Archdeacon of Aberdeen. Scotch poet. His Bruce, a metrical hist. in 13,000 octosyllabic lines, is a chronicle of the life of King Robert I., and has historical value as well as literary merit. See Craik's Eng. Lit. vol. I.
Barclay, Robert. 1648–1690. Scotch writer. His Apology for the Quakers was first pub. in Latin.
Barham [băr´am], Richard Harris. 1788–1845. Humorous poet. Author of the Ingoldsby Legends, a witty volume of facile rhymes. Pub. Por. Wid.
Baring-Gould, Sabine. 1834——. Author Curious Myths of the Middle Ages, Lives of the Saints, etc. See Lit. World, Jan. 13, 1883. Pub. Apl. Lip. Rob.
Barnard, Lady Anne. 1750–1825. Scotch poet. Author of Auld Robin Gray.
Barnfield, Richard. 1574-c. 1605. Poet. His ode "As it fell upon a day" was once ascribed to Shakespeare. See Warton's Eng. Poetry.
Barrow, Isaac. 1630–1677. Theologian and mathematician. Author of Sermons and Mathematical works of almost equal renown. See Selections from, pub. 1866. Pub. Mac.
Barton, Bernard. 1784–1849. A Friend of Lamb's. "The Quaker Poet." Author of Poetic Vigils, Devotional Verses, etc., the literary merit of which is but slight.
Baxter, Richard. 1615–1691. Theologian. A voluminous writer, but now best known by his Saints' Rest, and Call to the Unconverted. See edition of 1850 in 23 vols. with Life. Pub. Clx.
Bayley, Thos. Haynes. 1797–1839. Song writer. Author of I'd be a Butterfly, She wore a Wreath of Roses, We met, 't was in a Crowd, etc.
Bayne, Peter. 1830——. Essayist and biographer. Author of Christian Life, Essays in Biographical Criticism, Life of Hugh Miller, etc. Pub. Har. Rou.
Beale, Lionel Smith. 1828——. Scientific writer of note. Author of How to Work with the Microscope, Protoplasm, The Mystery of Life, etc.
Beattie [bee´tĭ1; or bā´tĭ], James. 1735–1803. Scotch poet. Author of The Minstrel, a long, prosy poem in Spenserian stanza, and a prose Essay on Truth. See Ward's Eng. Poets, vol. 3. Pub. Hou.
Beaumont, Francis. 1586–1615. Dramatist. Colleague of John Fletcher. Their collected plays amount to 52, of which 14 were in part the work of B., but his separate authorship is not easy to trace. B. and F. in their day were more popular than Shakespeare, but none of their plays now keep the stage. Their blank verse is melodious and their wit and humor sparkling, but their plays reflect the full coarseness of the time. Among plays written by them jointly are Philaster, Thierry and Theodoret, A King and No King, and the comedy of The Knight of the Burning Pestle. See Fletcher, John. See Schlegel's Dramatic Lit., Hazlitt's Dramatic Lit. and Hallam's Lit. of Europe. Pub. Apl.
Beaumont, Sir John. 1582–1628. Bro. to F. B. Author Bosworth Field, a poem in heroic verse.
Beckford, Wm. 1760–1844. Author of Vathek, an Oriental romance. Style luxuriant. See Chambers' Cyc. Eng. Lit.
Beddoes, Thos. Lovell. 1803–1849. Poet. Author The Bride's Tragedy, Death's Jest-Book, etc. See Ward's Eng. Poets, vol. 4.
Bede, Cuthbert. See Bradley, Edward.
Bede, Beda, or Bæda, The Venerable. 673–735. "First among Eng. scholars, first among Eng. theologians, first among Eng. historians." His whole life was passed in the monastery of Yarrow, where he composed more than 40 Latin works, the greatest of which is the Eccl. Hist. of the Eng. Nation. On the day of his death was finished his translation of St. John's Gospel into Eng., being the earliest example of Eng. prose. See edition of Bede by Dr. Giles, 6 vols. 1843–4. See Green's Short Hist. of the Eng. People, also Green's Making of England. Pub. Dut.
Behn [bĕn], Mrs. Aphra. 1642–1689. Novelist and dramatist. Known in her day as Astræa. Author of The Forced Marriage, Oronooko, etc. A lively, immoral writer. See edition of 1871. See Miss Kavanagh's Eng. Women of Letters, and Ward's Eng. Poets, vol. 2.
Bellenden, Wm. fl. c. 1615. Scotch classical writer. Author De Statu.
Bentham, Jeremy. 1748–1832. Philosopher and political economist. Founder of the Utilitarian school of thought, and a valued authority upon jurisprudence. Many reforms in Eng. jurisprudence are traceable to his influence. See edition of 1843 in 11 vols. See Edinburgh Rev. Oct. 1843.
Bentley, Richard. 1662–1742. Classical writer. Author Dissertations on the Epistles of Phalaris, works provoked by his famous controversy with Boyle, and which rank as masterpieces of argument. They display great learning, a rapid, concise style, and a sarcastic wit. See Bentley, by R. C. Jebb, in Eng. Men of Letters.
Berkeley, George. 1684–1753. Bp. Cloyne. Irish metaphysician. An eccentric but pure-minded thinker, in whose Principles of Human Knowledge is denied the existence of matter. Other works of B. are Alciphron or the Minute Philosopher, Theory of Vision, Siris, etc. Also the poem in which occurs the famous line, "Westward the course of empire takes its way." See edition of Berkeley, by Fraser, 4 vols. Oxford, 1871.
Berners, Lord. 1469–1532. Translator of Froissart's Chronicle. The translation is faithful and is a masterpiece of picturesque and spirited English.
Berners, Juliana. c. 1388-c. 1461. Author of the Bokys of Hunting and Hawking. See Warton's Hist. Eng. Poetry.
Besant, Walter. 1838——. Novelist. Colleague of James Rice, and with him author of The Seamy Side, Ready Money Mortiboy, the Chaplain of the Fleet, Shepherds All and Maidens Fair, etc. Sole author of The Revolt of Man, Life of E. H. Palmer, etc. See Rice, James. Pub. Har. Rob. Dut.
Beveridge, Wm. 1638–1708. Bp. St. Asaph. Theologian. Thesaurus Theologicus, Expositions of the Catechism and 39 Articles, and Private Thoughts are some of his chief works.
Bickerstaff, Isaac. 1735-c. 1788. Dramatist. Author of Maid of the Mill, Love in a Village, etc. See Hazlitt's Essays on the Comic Writers.
Bickersteth, Edward. 1786–1850. Religious writer. Author of The Scripture Help, etc. See edition of his Works in 17 vols. 1853. See Memoir of, by T. R. Birks, 1851.
Bickersteth, Edward Henry. 1825——. Son to E. B. Religious Poet. Author of Yesterday, To-Day and Forever, The Two Brothers, etc. Pub. Ca. Dut.
Bickersteth, Rob't. 1816——. Bp. Ripon. Religious writer. Author of Lent Lectures, Bible Landmarks, etc.
Birch, Thomas. 1705–1766. Historian and biographer. Author of a General Dictionary, Historical and Critical.
Black, Wm. 1841——. Novelist. A prolific writer, the best of whose works are A Daughter of Heth, Princess of Thule, Strange Adventures of a Phaeton, and Macleod of Dare. They evince rare powers of description and much constructive skill. See Harper's Mag. Dec. 1882. Pub. Har.
Blackie, John Stuart. 1809——. Scotch poet and scholar. For 30 years Greek Professor at Edinburgh Univ. His numerous works include Greek, Latin, and German translations, several vols. of poems, and a famous work on Self-Culture which has been translated into every European language. Pub. Scr.
Blackmore, Sir Richard. 1650–1729. Poet. Author of the epics The Creation, and Prince Arthur.
Blackmore, Richard Doddridge. 1825——. Novelist. Author Lorna Doone, Maid of Sker, Alice Lorraine, Erema, Mary Anerly, Christowell, etc. A vigorous and original writer. Lorna Doone is his finest work. Pub. Har. Lip.
Blackstone, Sir Wm. 1723–1780. Jurist. Author of Commentaries on the Laws of England, an authoritative work. See Campbell's Lives of the Chief Justices. Pub. Har. Lip.
Blair, Hugh. 1718–1800. Author of the once famous Lectures on Rhetoric. Pub. Por.
Blair, Robert. 1699–1747. Poet. Author of The Grave, a dull, didactic, but once popular poem. See Ward's Eng. Poets, vol. 3.
Blake, Wm. 1757–1827. Artist and poet. Author of Poetical Sketches, Songs of Innocence and Experience, etc. A writer of rare simplicity and beauty. An Elizabethan poet of the 19th cent. See editions of his poems by Shepherd and Rossetti, and Life by Gilchrist, 1863 and 1881, also Swinburne's Study of Blake, 1863. Pub. Rob.
Blamire, Susanna. 1747–1794. Poet. Author of the fine lyrics, The Siller Crown, What Ails this Heart o' Mine, etc.
Blanchard, Edward Laman. 1820——. Dramatist and novelist.
Blanchard, Laman. 1803–1845. Littérateur. See Bulwer's Memoir of, with Blanchard's Essays and Sketches, 1849.
Blessington, Marguerite, Countess of. 1789–1849. Society novelist. See Life and Correspondence edited by D. R. Madden.
Bloomfield, Robert. 1766–1823. Pastoral poet. Author of The Farmer's Boy, Rural Tales, The Horkey, etc. Pub Por. Rou.
Blunt, John Henry. 1823——. Theologian. Author Hist. Reformation in Ch. of England and editor Dict. Sects and Heresies, etc. Pub. Dut.
Blunt, John James. 1794–1855. Ecclesiologist. Author Hist. Christian Ch. in the first three centuries, etc. Pub. Ca.
Bolingbroke, Lord. See St. John, Henry.
Bonar, Horatius. 1808——. Scotch poet. Author Hymns of Faith and Hope, etc. Pub. Ca.
Borrow, George. 1803–1881. Author of Gipsies of Spain, Bible in Spain, Lavengro, The Romany Rye, Romany Word Book, etc. See Autobiography, 1851. Pub. Ca. Har.
Boswell [boz´well], Alexander. 1775–1822. Poet. Son to J. B. His song, Jenny Dang the Weaver, is his best known production.
Boswell, James. 1740–1795. Biographer. His Life of Dr. Samuel Johnson is an incomparable work. Pub. Ho. Lit. Rou.
Boswell, James. 1779–1822. Son to preceding. Shakespearean scholar.
Boucicault [boo-se-ko´], Dion. 1822——. Dramatist. Among his very numerous popular plays, London Assurance, Rip Van Winkle, The Corsican Brothers, Led Astray, and the Shaughran are perhaps the best. See Johnson's Cyc.
Bowles, Wm. Lisle. 1762–1850. Poet. Author Fourteen Sonnets, Village Verse Book, etc. A graceful writer, to whom Wordsworth and Coleridge attributed their own poetic inspiration.
Bowring [bour´ing], Sir John. 1792–1872. Philologist and poet. Best known as a writer of hymns of great beauty, among others, the familiar Watchman, Tell us of the Night. See Autobiographical Recollections, 1877. Pub. Dut.
Boyd, Andrew Kennedy Hutchinson. 1825——. Scotch essayist. Author of Essays by a Country Parson, Graver Thoughts, Autumn Holidays, etc. He signed his essays with his initials A. K. H. B.
Boyle, Chas. 1676–1731. Famous for his controversy with Bentley concerning the Epistles of Phalaris. See Bentley, Richard.
Boyle, Robert. 1626–1691. Philosopher. A voluminous writer upon metaphysics and natural sciences.
Braddon, Miss. See Maxwell, Mrs. Mary E.
Bradley, Edward. "Cuthbert Bede." 1827——. Humorist. Author Adventures of Verdant Green, etc.
Bradley, James. 1692–1762. Astronomical writer.
Brady, Nicholas. 1659–1726. Chiefly known for his share in the version of the Psalms prepared by him with Nahum Tate.
Bray, Mrs. Anna Eliza. 1790–1883. Miscellaneous writer of note. See Lit. World, Feb. 24, 1883.
Brewer, E. Cobham. 1810——. Author Reader's Handbook, Dict. Phrase and Fable, Guide to Science, etc. Well edited and valuable books of reference. Pub. Clx. Lip.
Brewster, Sir David. 1781–1868. Scientist. Author Natural Magic, More Worlds than One, Lives of Newton, Kepler, etc. See Life, by his daughter, 1869. Pub. Har.
Brontë [brŏn´te], Anne. 1820–1849. Novelist. Sister to C. B. Author of Tenant of Wildfell Hall and Agnes Gray. Pub. Har.
Brontë, Charlotte. 1816–1855. Sister to A. B. and E. B. Novelist. Author of The Professor, Jane Eyre, Shirley, and Villette. A writer of great power and originality, whose Jane Eyre marks an era in the history of fiction. See Charlotte Brontë by T. W. Reid, 1877; Life of by Mrs. Gaskell, and H. Martineau's Biographical Sketches. Pub. Har.
Brontë, Emily. 1819–1848. Sister to C. B. Novelist. Her Wuthering Heights shows in places greater power than either of her sisters possessed, but as a whole is strained and unnatural. See Ward's Eng. Poets, vol. 4. Emily Brontë, by A. Mary F. Robinson, and London Athænum, June 16, 1883. Pub. Har.
Brooke, Arthur.—— c. 1563. Poet. Wrote the Tragical Hist. of Romeo and Juliet, a paraphrase of Bandello's novel, the source of Shakespeare's drama.
Brooke, Charlotte.—— 1793. Daughter to H. B. Author of Reliques of Irish Poetry translated into Eng. verse, etc.
Brooke, Mrs. Frances Moore. 1745–1789. Author of several novels, the opera Rosina, and a periodical called The Old Maid.
Brooke, Henry. 1706–1783. Author of plays, poems, and a once famous novel called The Fool of Quality. Pub. Mac.
Brooke, Lord. See Greville Fulk.
Brooke, Stopford. 1832——. Religious writer. Author Life of F. W. Robertson, Freedom in the Ch. of England, Christ in Modern Life, Theology in the Eng. Poets, Primer of Eng. Lit., Sermons, etc. Style clear, thoughtful, and strong. Pub. Apl. Mac.
Brooks, Chas. Shirley. 1815–1874. Dramatist and Novelist. Author Poems of Wit and Humor, The Gordian Knot, etc. Pub. Har.
Broome, Richard.—— 1562. Dramatist. Wrote in conjunction with others.
Brougham [broo´am or broo´m], Henry, Lord. 1779–1868. Statesman and orator. A man of strong intellect, whose speeches are among the ablest of his time. A versatile writer, among whose numerous works are Eloquence of the Ancients and Lives of Men of Letters. See Autobiography pub. 1871; Edinburgh Rev. April, 1858, and Life by Lord Campbell. His works in 10 vols., pub. 1857.
Broughton, Rhoda. 18———. Novelist. Author of Red as a Rose is She, Nancy, Belinda, etc. Style spirited, but wanting in refinement of expression. Pub. Lit.
Brown, John. 1810–1882. Scotch essayist and physician. Best known by his exquisite story of Rab and his Friends. Pub. Hou.
Brown, Thomas. 1778–1820. Scotch philosophical writer.
Brown, Tom. 1663–1704. Humorous and immoral poet and miscellaneous writer.
Browne, Edward Harold. 1811——. Bp. Winchester. Theologian. Author of The Pentateuch and Elohistic Psalms, Sermons on the Atonement, etc. Pub. Dut.
Browne, Isaac Hawkins. 1706–1760. Poet. Author of A Pipe of Tobacco, etc.
Browne, Sir Thos. 1605–1682. Author of a treatise on Christian Morals, Religio Medici, Hydriotaphia or Urn-Burial, etc. A writer of striking genius whose works will always attract thoughtful readers. Style meditative and imaginative, but frequently obscure. See complete edition in Bohn's Antiquarian Library. Pub. Mac. Rob.
Browne, Wm. 1590–1645. Poet. Wrote Britannia's Pastorals, Shepherd's Pipe, etc. His style is easy and harmonious, and some of his lyrics are yet read.
Browning, Mrs. Elizabeth Barrett. 1809–1861. Poet. By many critics given the highest place among poets of her sex, but her verse, in the main, appeals to a limited class of readers. It has a masculine strength, a passionate vehemence of expression, and it is often pathetic and tender, but its frequent obscurity is a grave defect. Aurora Leigh, Casa Guidi Windows, and Sonnets from the Portuguese, are among her chief works. See Letters of, edited by R. H. Hone, 1877, Contemporary Rev. 1873, and Stedman's Victorian Poets. Pub. Mil.
Browning, Robert. 1812——. Poet. Husband to E. B. B. Author of a long series of poems, some of them obscure and enigmatical to the last degree, but all bearing the marks of great genius. Paracelsus, Sordello, Pippa Passes, The King and The Book, Fifine at the Fair, and Jocoseria are some of them. His circle of sincere admirers is small, but shorter poems of his, like Hervé Riel, and the Pied Piper of Hamelin, are widely known and read. See Lit. World, March 11, 1882, Century Mag. December, 1881, and Stedman's Victorian Poets. Pub. Hou.
Brunton, Mrs. Mary Balfour. 1778–1818. Scotch novelist. Author Self Control and Discipline. Pub. Har.
Bryant, Jacob. 1715–1804. Classical and mythological writer.
Bryce, James. 1810——. Historian. Author Native Education in India, and The Holy Roman Empire. Pub. Har. Mac.
Brydges, Sir Sam'l Egerton. 1762–1837. A prolific writer in verse and prose. Style often fantastic and eccentric.
Buchanan, George. 1506–1582. Scotch poet and historian. Wrote a Latin version of the Psalms, and a Latin Hist. of Scotland. See Hallam's Lit. of Europe.
Buchanan, Robert. 1841——. Scotch poet. Author Idyls and Legends, London Poems, Balder the Beautiful, etc. A writer of some power, but one whose verse is marred by frequent affectations. See Stedman's Victorian Poets, and Contemporary Rev. November, 1873. Pub. Har. Hou. Rou.
Buckhurst, Lord. See Sackville, Thos.
Buckingham, Duke of. See Villiers, George.
Buckinghamshire, Duke of. See Sheffield, John.
Buckland, Francis Trevelyan. 1826–1880. Naturalist. Son to W. B. Author Curiosities of Nat. Hist., Familiar Hist. British Fishes, etc.
Buckland, Wm. 1784–1856. Geological writer of note.
Buckle, Henry Thos. 1822–1862. Historian. His great work, The Hist. of Civilization, was left unfinished. His style is easy and flowing, but his inferences and conclusions are frequently controverted. See Atlantic Monthly, Jan. and April, 1863. Pub. Apl.
Budgell, Eustace. 1685–1736. Essayist. Author of all the papers in the Spectator signed X.
Bull, George. 1634–1710. Bp. St. David's. Theologian. An opponent of Calvinism, against which his Latin treatise, Harmonia Apostolica, is aimed.
Bulwer-Lytton, Sir Edward Geo. 1805–1873. Novelist and Poet. Several of his 25 novels, like The Caxtons, My Novel, Harold, and Kenelm Chillingly, are masterpieces of their kind. Others as well known are Pelham, Zanoni, Last Days of Pompeii, Rienzi, etc. Richelieu, Money, and Lady of Lyons are his most popular dramas. King Arthur and The New Timon are two of his longer poems. See Memoir, by Lord Lytton, Quarterly Rev., Jan. 1865, Blackwood's Mag. Mar., 1873, and Tennyson's poem The New Timon. Pub. Har.
Bulwer-Lytton, Edward Robert. "Owen Meredith." 1831——. Poet. Son to preceding. Author of Lucile, Fables in Verse, The Ring of Amasis, etc. His verse has melody and strength, but Lucile, his chief poem, a novel in verse, is asserted to be a plagiarism. See Stedman's Victorian Poets.
Bunyan, John. 1628–1688. Allegorist. Author Pilgrim's Progress, Holy War, etc. The first named is the most famous allegory in the world. The product of a strong, vivid imagination, it holds the attention of cultured and uncultured minds alike. See Biographies of, by Southey, and Macaulay, and Bunyan, by J. A. Froude in Eng. Men of Letters.
Burke, Edmund. 1730–1797. Orator and statesman. As a political writer he has few equals. Among his best efforts are Letters on a Regicide Peace, Letters to a Noble Lord, and Orations on the Impeachment of Warren Hastings. Style polished and cultured. See Morley's Life of, 1867. See select works edited by E. J. Payne, 1874.
Burnand, Francis Cowley. 1837——. Author Happy Thoughts, The New History of Sanford and Merton, etc. Pub. Rob.
Burnet, Gilbert. 1643–1715. Bp. Salisbury. Historian. Author Hist. Reformation, Hist. My Own Times, etc. A vivacious, diffuse narrator. See Macaulay's Hist. of England. Pub. Dut. Mac.
Burnet, James. Lord Monboddo. 1714–1799. An eccentric writer, noted for his theory that mankind once had tails, which the habit of sitting on had worn away.
Burnet, Thos. 1635–1715. Author Telluris Sacra Theoria, a fantastic system of Geology, written in an eloquent and majestic style.
Burney, Charles. 1726–1814. Author Gen. Hist. of Music, Life of Metastasio, etc. See Life, by his daughter, Madame D'Arblay.
Burney, Frances. See D'Arblay, Madame.
Burns, Robert. 1759–1796. Scotch poet. A singer of love songs. His verse shows a gentle, tender spirit, and a sympathy for all created things, new to the poetry of his day. Tam O'Shanter, Twa Dogs, and The Jolly Beggars, show the humorous side of his nature. The Cotter's Saturday Night, Auld Lang Syne, A Man's a Man for a' That, are universally known, and some of his lyrics will last as long as the language. See Carlyle's Misc. Essays; Craik's Eng. Lit. vol. 2; also Burns, by Shairp, in Eng. Men of Letters. Pub. Apl. Har. Hou. Por.
Burton, John Hill. 1809–1881. Scotch historian. Author Life and Correspondence of David Hume, Hist. Reign of Q. Anne, Hist. Scotland, etc.
Burton, Robert. 1576–1640. Author of Anatomy of Melancholy. Style fantastic, original, and diffuse. Pub. Apl. Clx. Dut.
Butler, Alban. 1710–1773. Author Lives of the Fathers, Saints, etc., Letters on the Hist. of the Popes, etc. See edition of the Lives, 1812, with Life of A. Butler by Chas. Butler.
Butler, Charles. 1750–1832. Neph. to A. B. Author Horæ Biblicæ, continuation of the Lives of the Saints, etc. See Alibone's Dict.
Butler, Joseph. 1692–1752. Bp. Bristol. Theologian. His great work, Analogy between Natural and Revealed Religion, is much studied and admired. See edition of his works, 1867. Pub. Har.
Butler, Samuel. 1612–1680. Satirical poet. His Hudibras, written in ridicule of the Puritans, is witty and spirited, but too long for the taste of modern readers. See edition of his works by Gilfillan, 1854. Pub. Apl.
Butler, Wm. Archer. 1814–1848. Author Lect. on Hist. of Ancient Philosophy, etc. See Woodward's Life of. Pub. Ca. Mac.
Byrd, Wm. 1540–1623. Poet. Author of the famous lines beginning, "My mind to me a kingdom is."
Byrom, John. 1691–1763. Pastoral poet.
Byron, Henry James. 1835——. Dramatist. Author Babes in the Wood, Our Boys, Not such a Fool as he Looks, Good News, etc.
Byron, Lord. See Gordon, George.
Cædmon [kād´mo̯n]. ——c. 680. Anglo-Saxon poet. A monk of Whitby, who wrote about 670 a metrical paraphrase of the Scriptures. It is accented and alliterative, like all Anglo-Saxon poetry, and marks the beginning of Eng. poetry. See Thorpe's edition of, London, 1832.
Calamy, Edmund. 1600–1666. Theological writer.
Calamy, Edmund. 1671–1732. Grandson to preceding. Author of the Nonconformists' Memorial, Defence of Moderate Nonconformity, etc. See his history of his Life and Times, edited by Rutt, 1829.
Calverley, Chas. Stuart. 1831——. Poet. Author of Fly-Leaves, translation of Theocritus, etc. Pub. Ho.
Camden, Wm. 1551–1623. Antiquary. Author of Britannia, a Latin description of Britain, etc.
Campbell, George. 1709–1796. Scotch theologian. Author Dissertations on Miracles, Philosophy of Rhetoric, Lect. on Eccl. Hist., etc. Pub. Har.
Campbell, John. 1708–1775. Historical and political writer.
Campbell, John, Lord Chancellor. 1779–1861. Biographer. Author Lives of the Lord Chancellors, and Lives of the Chief Justices. See Edinburgh Rev. Oct. 1857; and see H. Martineau's Biographical Sketches. Pub. Apl. Lit.
Campbell, Thomas. 1774–1844. Scotch poet. Author Pleasures of Hope, Gertrude of Wyoming, etc., poems artificial in cast. His lyrics, like Hohenlinden, Ye Mariners of England, etc., are fine specimens of lyric verse. See Life of by Dr. Beattie, 1849. See W. M. Rossetti's edition of his poems with critical introduction.
Canning, George. 1770–1827. Writer of witty parodies. Needy Knife-Grinder, etc.
Carew, Lady Elizabeth. Fl. c. 1613. Author of the tragedy of Marian.
Carew, Thomas. 1589–1639. Poet. His poems are brief and mainly amatory in character. See complete edition by W. Carew Hazlitt. See Ward's Eng. Poets, vol. 2.
Carey, Henry. 1663–1743. Dramatist and poet. Author Chrononhotonthologos, The Dragon of Wantley, the ballad of Sally in our Alley, and God Save the King.
Carleton, Wm. 1798–1869. Irish novelist. Style vigorous and picturesque. Pub. Rou.
Carlyle, Thomas. 1795–1881. Essayist and historian. Author of Essays, Chartism, Heroes and Hero-Worship, Sartor Resartus, Past and Present, Latter-Day Pamphlets, Life of Sterling, History French Revolution, Life of Frederick the Great, etc. A vigorous, opinionated writer, with a style which is vivid and picturesque, but often wordy and obscure. A man of great but wayward intellectual powers. See Eclectic Mag. 1881. Reminiscences by Carlyle; Letters of Jane Welsh Carlyle, and Emerson and Carlyle. Pub. Hon. Har. Lip.
Carpenter, Lant. 1780–1840. Theological writer.
Carpenter, Wm. Benj. 1813——. Physiologist of note. Son to L. C. Author of Principles of Human Physiology, Zoölogy, and the Instinct of Animals, The Microscope, etc. Pub. Apl.
Carr, J. Comyns. 1849——. Art Critic and Editor. Author of Drawing by the Italian Masters, St. Albans, Essays, etc.
Carte, Thos. 1686–1754. Historian. Author Hist. England to 1654.
Carter, Elizabeth. 1717–1806. Classical writer. Author of a translation of Epictetus and original poems. The most learned woman of her time.
Cartwright, Wm. 1611–1643. Poet. He enjoyed a great reputation in his day.
Carey, Henry Francis. 1772–1844. Poet. Author of a much admired blank verse translation of Dante. See Memoirs of, by his son, 1847.
Caxton, Wm. 1412–1492. The first Eng. printer. Was author and translator of some 60 books.
Cayley, Arthur. 1821——. Mathematical writer.
Cecil [sĕs´il or sis´il], Wm. 1520–1598. Statesman. Author of Precepts addressed to his son.
Centlivre [sent-lĭv´er], Mrs. Susanna. 1680–1723. Dramatist. Her best comedies are The Busybody and The Wonder, the last of which still keeps the stage. See Atlantic Monthly, June, 1882.
Challoner, Bp. Richard. 1691–1781. Author of an Eng. version of the Bible, Grounds of the Catholic Doctrine, etc.
Chalmers [chaw´merz], George. 1742–1825. Scotch historian.
Chalmers, Thomas. 1780–1847. Scotch theologian. The most powerful preacher of his time. Author of Natural Theology, Christian Evidences, etc. See Memoirs of, by Wm. Hanna; do. by F. Wayland; also, Spare Hours, 1st series, by Dr. John Brown. Pub. Har.
Chamberlayne, Wm. 1619–1689. Poet. Author Love's Victory and Pharonidia.
Chambers, Robert. 1802–1871. Scotch publisher. Author of the noted Vestiges of the Nat. Hist. of Creation, etc. See Memoirs of, by W. Chambers.
Chambers, Wm. 1800–1883. Scotch publisher. Bro. to R. C. Author Memoirs of Rob't Chambers, Wintering at Mentone, etc. The brothers were joint editors of many popular works: Information for the People, Encyclopædia, Book of Days, Miscellany, etc. Pub. Lip.
Chapman, George. 1557–1634. Dramatist. Chiefly noted for a fine translation of Homer in 14-syllable verse. See his Homer, 4 vols., London, 1858; Dramatic Works, 1873; George Chapman, by Swinburne.
Chapone [shă-pōn´], Mrs. Hester. 1727–1801. Author of treatises on Morals and Philosophy.
Charles, Mrs. Elizabeth Rundle. 1826——. Author of the noted Schönberg-Cotta Family, and other excellent semi-religious stories. Pub. Do.
Charlesworth, Maria Louisa. 1830–1880. Author of much religious fiction, of which Ministering Children is the best example. Pub. Apl. Ca.
Chatham, Lord. See Pitt, Wm.
Chatterton, Thomas. 1752–1770. Poet. Author of imitations of old Eng. poetry, which for a short time deceived the scholars of that day, and as the work of a boy of 17 were very remarkable. See Chatterton, a Biographical Study, by Daniel Wilson, London, 1870. Pub. Hou.
Chaucer, Geoffrey. 1340–1400. Poet. Author of numerous lesser poems, but The Canterbury Tales is his greatest work. He is rightly called the Father of Eng. Song, since it is with him that Eng. poetry really begins. He gave form to the language, and blended the French and Eng. influences into a harmonious whole. His verse, in the main, is easy and musical, and shows a love of nature. See publications of the Chaucer Society. Chaucer, by A. W. Ward. See Gilman's edition of Chaucer in 3 vols., 1879. Pub. Hou.
Chesterfield, Earl of. See Stanhope, Philip.
Chettle, Henry. Fl. c. 1600. Dramatist. Prolific, but valueless.
Chillingworth, Wm. 1602–1644. Theologian. Author of Religion of Protestants a Safe Way to Salvation, a celebrated work. See Oxford edition, 3 vols., 8vo, 1838.
Chitty, Joseph. 1776–1841. Jurist. Author of Practical Treatise on Criminal Law, Synopsis of Practice, and other invaluable legal text-books. Pub. Lip.
Chorley, Henry Fothergill. 1808–1872. Musical critic. Author Thirty Years' Musical Recollections, Criticisms on Modern German Music, etc., and of numerous songs and opera librettos. See Autobiography, Memoirs and Letters, 2 vols., London, 1873. Pub. Ho.
Christmas, Henry. See Noel-Fearn.
Church, Alfred John. 1829——. Stories from Homer, Stories from Virgil, Poems, etc. Of the poems, Unseen is one of the best. Pub. Har.
Church, Richard Wm. 1815——. Author Life of Anselm, University Sermons, Civilization before and after Christianity, Sacred Poetry of Early Religions, Spenser in Eng. Men of Letters, etc. Pub. Har. Mac.
Churchill, Charles. 1731–1764. Satirical poet. The Rosciad is his chief work. Was at one time an extremely popular poet. See Essay on, by Macaulay.
Cibber [sĭb´ber], Colley. 1671–1757. Dramatist. Author of The Careless Husband, She Would and She Would Not, and some 20 other plays. See his Apology for his Life.
Clare, John. 1793–1864. Pastoral poet. Author Poems of Rural Life and Scenery, etc. Some of his verse has great beauty. See J. L. Cherry's Life of, London, 1873.
Clarendon, Earl of. See Hyde, Edward.
Clarke, Adam. 1760–1832. Irish bibliographer. Author Commentary on the Bible, Bibliographical Dict., Succession of Sacred Lit., etc. An industrious, careful writer. Pub. Phi.
Clarke, Charles Cowden. 1787–1877. Author of Shakespeare Characters, Molière Characters, Riches of Chaucer, etc. Pub. Scr.
Clarke, Mrs. Mary Cowden. 1809——. Wife to C. C. C. Shakespearean scholar. Author of the noted Concordance of Shakespeare, World-Noted Women, and several vols. of verse. With her husband was editor of an annotated edition of Shakespeare, 1869. Pub. Cas. Lit.
Clarke, Samuel. 1675–1729. Metaphysician. Author of numerous metaphysical works written in a simple yet vigorous and eloquent style.
Cleveland, John. 1613–1658. Poet. A famous Cavalier writer. His verse is satirical and amatory in character.
Clifford, Wm. Kingdon. 1845–1879. Scientist. Author Lect. and Essays, Elements of Dynamics, Seeing and Thinking, and Mathematical Papers. See biographical introduction to Lect. and Essays, by F. Pollock. Pub. Mac.
Clive, Mrs. Archer. 1801——. Novelist. Author Paul Ferrol, Why Paul Ferrol Killed his Wife, etc.
Clough [kluf], Arthur Hugh. 1819–1861. Author of The Bothie of Tober-na Vuolich, Amours de Voyage, both hexameter poems, Dipsychus, and minor poems. His verse shows a mastery of metre and a thoughtful, earnest spirit. See Atlantic Monthly, April, 1862; Hutton's Essays; Matthew Arnold's Essays in Criticism; Ward's Eng. Poets, vol. 4. Pub. Ho. Mac.
Cobbe, Frances Power. 1822——. Philosophical writer. Author of Intuitive Morals, Religious Duty, Darwinism in Morals, The Peak in Darien, Duties of Women, etc. A clear, able, and vigorous writer. Pub. El.
Cobbett, Wm. 1762–1835. Political writer. Style idiomatic and rancorous. See Robert Walker's How to Get on in the World, as Demonstrated by the Life and Language of William Cobbett.
Cobden, Richard. 1804–1865. Statesman. See Political Writings of London, 1867; Speeches, etc., in London, 1870; Gilchrist's Life of, 1865; and Recollections of, by Ashworth. Pub. Apl.
Cockburn [kō´burn], Henry Thos., Lord. 1779–1854. Jurist. Author Life and Correspondence of Lord Jeffrey, and Memorials of his Times.
Coke, Sir Edward. c. 1549–1634. Jurist. Best known by his famous Coke upon Littleton, or the First Institute.
Colenso, John Wm. 1814–1883. Bp. Natal. Theologian. Author of The Pentateuch and Joshua Critically Examined, Lect. on the Pentateuch and Moabite Stone, etc. An able and vigorous writer.
Coleridge [kōl´rĭj], Hartley. 1796–1849. Poet. Son to S. T. C. Author of Poems, Essays, Life of Massinger, etc. Style in both prose and verse clear and beautiful. See Ward's Eng. Poets, vol. 4.
Coleridge, Henry Nelson. 1800–1843. Neph. to S. T. C. Essayist. Style able and scholarly.
Coleridge, John Taylor. 1790–1876. Neph. to S. T. C. Author of an annotated Blackstone, Memoir of John Keble, etc.
Coleridge, Samuel Taylor. 1772–1834. Poet and philosopher. Author of The Ancient Mariner, Christabel, Kubla Khan, etc., in verse; Lect. on Shakespeare, Table-Talk, The Friend, Biographia Literaria, etc., in prose. A man of great genius, who accomplished little commensurate with it. His best, however, is unsurpassable. See 9 vol. edition, N. Y., 1853–4. See Gilman's Life of; Personal Recollections of Joseph Cottle.
Coleridge, Sara. 1803–1852. Dau. to S. T. C. and wife to H. N. C. Editor of her father's works, and author of the exquisite romance Phantasmion. A writer of much critical ability. See Memoir of. Pub. Har. 1873.
Collier, Jeremy. 1650–1726. Theologian. His famous pamphlet against the immorality of the stage greatly helped to purify Eng. literature.
Collier, John Payne. 1789–1883. Shakespearean scholar. Best known in connection with the famous Collier MSS. of Notes and Emendations to the text of Shakespeare. See Atlantic Monthly, Oct., 1859, and Sept., 1861. Pub. Scr.
Collins, Mortimer. 1827–1876. Novelist. Author Sweet Anne Page, Marquis and Merchant, etc. Pub. Apl. Har.
Collins, Wm. 1720–1756. Poet. Famous for his musical odes, as The Passions, Evening, and the poem How Sleep the Brave. C. occupies a high place among minor poets. See Johnson's Lives of the Poets.
Collins, Wm. Wilkie. 1824——. Novelist. Excels all other novelists in the construction of plots. The Woman in White is his most famous story. Pub. Har.
Colman, George. 1733–1794. Dramatist. Composed nearly 30 comedies, of which The Jealous Wife is one of the best.
Colman, George. The Younger. 1762–1836. Dramatist. Son to preceding. A writer of spirited comedies, such as The Heir-at-Law, Poor Gentleman, John Bull, The Iron Chest, etc.
Combe [koom], Andrew. 1797–1847. Scotch physiological writer. Pub. Har.
Combe, George. 1788–1858. Scotch phrenologist. Bro. to A. C. Author Constitution of Man, etc. See H. Martineau's Biographical Sketches and Capen's Reminiscences of G. Combe. Pub. Har.