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The Chase 1: A Hot Marriage Is Within Your Reach
ОглавлениеHow does the word marriage strike you?
Like sour milk?
Or a wet blanket?
Or a cold shoulder?
If you are among the growing number of guys who think marriage is a tired and overrated institution that will kill whatever fun you were having as a couple, then this book is for you!
The stock value of marriage is way down. Celebrities are publicly ridiculing it. People are divorcing by the dozens. Each generation is postponing it later and later. Many are avoiding it altogether.
But despite all appearances to the contrary, marriage is the HOTTEST way to live…if it has the key ingredient that most married people fail to add to the mix. And that ingredient is within reach for every couple. So what is that spice that makes it sizzle instead of fizzle? And how can you keep it sizzling for a more than just a few months?
Read on.
So what is a HOT marriage?
A HOT marriage is the kind you find yourself wanting to come home to every night, because you yearn to be with her. You watch the clock all day at work because you look forward to being with her again, and you eagerly await connecting with her at every level – from casual conversation to passionate sex. You think about her through the day and love to hear her voice on the phone or see her name on an email or text. You think of new ways to have fun with her and look forward to every opportunity to show off for her in some way. You are in pursuit of her attention and affections like a hunter going after his favorite game. Studying her ways. Trying to figure out where she is. Having the right “ammunition” and being in the right place at the right time. Watching patiently for her to come around to your location. Getting as close to her as possible. And not being satisfied with one successful hunt, because at the end of it you may get the trophy you want the most, but the excitement of that one hunt only whets your appetite for another one. Her response and her passion for you keep you coming back for more—this is a life infused with the thrill of the chase.
If you’re already shaking your head in disbelief, that’s understandable. You might be saying, “Yeah, right. Like that’s what my buddies’ marriages are like.”
You are probably trying to think of even ONE marriage you’ve seen like I’ve described above. I’ll grant you that they aren’t common, unfortunately. But that doesn’t mean you can’t get one. Because I believe pursuit like that is within the reach of every married guy who will dare to go after the best game he could ever “bag” – a HOT marriage.
An Endangered Species…
Did you ever walk through the zoo and find a beautiful antelope or a huge, indomitable tiger whose display signs included in big letters “Endangered Species”? You might read on the sign that some competing species or the progress of man has been very unkind to these magnificent animals. Likewise, the good marriage has become an endangered species. Changes in our culture seem to have driven it to the edge of extinction. You could go your whole life without seeing one. But I have seen good marriages, and I am here to tell you that they are still out there, and can be had by ordinary mortals like you and me if we will only step up to the plate by carefully following the instructions—instructions that have been around and are still available for those who won’t settle for less.
They are rare because our culture has chosen to propagate, protect, and promote an inferior species. Casual sex is the “game” of choice for many guys. Our culture has bought into the notion that the key to getting plenty of sex is to make it commitment-free. We’ve been told that old ideas about sex have kept us from really enjoying it. We’ve been told that marriage actually interferes with our primal sex drives, so it needs to be replaced with a “go for it as long as it’s between consenting adults” formula for sexual fulfillment. The current divorce rate and the growing number of people who have been hurt and disappointed by bad marriages seem to confirm the notion.
For many married guys, the heat of passion stopped soon after the marriage began. Before tying the knot there was an excitement about her and the relationship. But something about the vows and the wedding and the responsibilities and the surprising expectations of the wife just put the kibosh on all that. It would seem to the casual observer that the best way to kill a good relationship is to get married.
The Hot Marriage hasn’t been over-hunted. It has become rare because the mongrel species, Free Sex, has gobbled up the food and habitat that marriage used to get. Our culture gone wild has made rules that push you toward the easily available knockoff brand of real love. They tell you to feed the mongrel because the better species isn’t really better. But the satisfaction factor with Free Sex is so low that its hunters are locked into a series of empty but frantic hunts for more of what has never satisfied them in the first place. It may feel great for a moment, but then it quickly leaves you with a restless dissatisfaction. Its hunters engage in a lifelong hunt for the small game of casual sex with whoever is available, never knowing the long-term exhilaration they could have enjoyed at being the ultimate lover for one woman. It is high cost and low satisfaction. Like going on an African safari and only bringing home a few squirrels. But most think it is the only game available.
Since divorce has become the default solution for marriage problems, the well-known pain and complexity of that process scares many away from what seems to be a probable end for many marriages. Few believe they can avoid that unpleasant outcome and feel forced to settle for less than marriage.
“Living together” masquerades as a modern version of traditional marriage. Cohabitation seems to offer the benefits of marriage without the obligations. Because it is easier to exit, it appears less scary. But it ultimately leaves its users with only a fraction of what they could have enjoyed had they been willing to pursue the real thing.
Marriages that could have been hot have often been chilled or killed by viral pornography, infectious infidelity, and fractured relationships. But rather than fighting these diseases our culture has dismissed marriage as an expendable species, a worthless dinosaur whose time has passed. It would be great if the true believers in marriage could change these givens and the culture, but we can’t wait for that to happen. We need to know how we can have a Hot Marriage NOW and in spite of all of the cultural pressures against it.
The great news is that the Hot Marriage is not hidden in some remote tropical forest, or limited in number to only a privileged few lucky enough to have a license. It is within your reach…If you are willing to make some basic changes in how you think and act, you can have a satisfying, fun, and lifelong relationship with one woman.