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ОглавлениеFred could not prevent himself from glancing now and then in the direction of Skip Miller and his friends during the forenoon, and on each occasion he found one or more of the party gazing at him as if in wonderment. They failed to understand how he succeeded in leaving the shaft, and this surprise was less than that called forth by the fact of his remaining silent regarding their ill-treatment.
One, two, three hours passed much as usual, and then something happened which caused the oldest worker in the mines unbounded astonishment.
The machinery suddenly stopped, and from all the bosses came the orders that every laborer should return home without delay.
No explanations were given, and when the vast army were on the outside they stood in groups around the works discussing the cause of this very strange state of affairs.
"I never knew anything like this to happen at Farley's before," an old miner said.
"And they don't even tell us why we are cheated out of a day's work."
"The engineer says there is nothing the matter with the machinery."
"Yes, an' he, like us, has been ordered to go home."
These and a dozen other remarks Fred heard as he left the breaker, and while loitering for an instant to learn if any one suspected the true state of affairs he became conscious that Skip and his friends were regarding him with mingled anger and consternation written on their faces.
"You'd better get out of here, or there may be trouble," Chunky whispered.
"'Cause Skip has got plenty of time now to serve you out, an' he looks like somethin' was goin' to be done."
"He'd better not try any more games. I can take care of myself in the daylight."
"What do you mean? Did he do somethin' last night?"
Before Fred could reply the captain of the regulators came up, and Chunky lost no time in moving away from this very important personage.
"Say," Skip began, as he stepped threateningly in front of Fred, "what's the meanin' of all this?"
"Do you mean the shutting down of the machinery?"
"Of course I do."
"Why should I know anything about it?"
"Don't try to play off innocent to me. You've been blowin' about what the regulators did, an' that's why all hands can suck their thumbs to-day."
"Don't you think that is a foolish idea?" Fred asked, with a feeble effort at a smile. "Do you fancy you, the regulators, or I, are so important that the whole force is laid off because of anything which may have happened between us?"
Skip was staggered by this reply, and after thinking the matter over for a moment, he said in a surly tone:
"All I've got to say is that things will be too hot for you in this town, if a word is told about what was done last night."
"You said pretty near the same before throwing me down the shaft."
"Well, I'm sayin' it again, for it stands you in hand to remember it."
"I won't forget."
Skip turned quickly as if the tone offended him, and after glaring fiercely at the breaker boy, walked slowly toward his friends.
"What's in the wind now? Is he making any more threats?"
Looking around quickly Fred saw Sam Thorpe, who had just come up the slope with Bill Thomas.
"Skip is afraid the shutting down has some connection with the doings of the regulators. Isn't it queer to stop the machinery so soon when Mr. Wright was anxious to keep everything a secret?"
"I heard him say that the pumps were out of order. One set got choked this morning, and it wouldn't be safe for the miners to stay in the lower level till they were repaired."
Sam winked meaningly as if he thought the matter had been arranged very skillfully; but Fred was yet at a loss to understand how anything could be gained by this move.
"Why were all hands thrown out?"
"There are some general repairs to be made, and it was better to do the whole at the same time."
"Then there's no reason why Brace should hide any longer."
"He mustn't so much as show his nose. Come over by the slope and watch Billings and his crowd. They are in a peck of trouble, expecting that Brace will be found, and since no one is allowed to enter the mine matters begin to look tough for them."
Fred followed his friend and saw those who had intended to cause a terrible disaster clustered around the mouth of the slope in a feverish state of excitement.
"This is a nice way to treat honest men," Billings was saying as the two approached. "We work for starvation wages, an' then get laid off whenever the bosses like, without so much as a notice. It's time we did something to show we're men."
"I'm told the pumps are choked," an old miner said, "an' if that's the case Mr. Wright oughter shut down. Farley's never has had a very good name; but one or two stoppages like this'll show it's worked on the square."
"What a fool you are!" Billings cried angrily. "Haven't you got sense enough to see that this thing has been done so's we'll run deeper in debt at the store, an' have to submit to a cut down when Wright gets ready to put the screws on?"
Several of the bystanders loudly expressed their belief in the correctness of Billings' theory, and instantly the greatest excitement prevailed. The group increased in numbers each moment, and Billings took upon himself the office of spokesman.
One proposed they march in a body to the superintendent's house and demand that the machinery be started again. Another insisted on forcing their way into the mine to ascertain the true cause of the stoppage, and in this last speaker Fred recognized one of the men who had helped make Joe Brace a prisoner.
"They want to find him before Mr. Wright orders an examination," he whispered to Sam, and the latter replied:
"In less than an hour they'll have force enough to do as they please. It's time we were out of this; you go home to tell Joe, and I'll see Mr. Wright if possible."
Fred was all the more willing to follow this advice because Skip and his party were in the immediate vicinity, and the lawlessness of the men might render them bold enough to administer the promised flogging then and there.
The streets of the little town were crowded with knots of miners, some of whom seemed to think the superintendent had acted for their good, while others were indulging in the most extravagant threats.
Mrs. Byram was standing in the doorway when her son arrived, and it could readily be seen by her face how relieved she was to have him with her once more.
"You mustn't leave the house again to-day," she said in a tremulous voice. "Go up stairs and tell Mr. Brace what has happened."
The miner was impatient to learn the cause of the excitement, for he could hear the hum of voices on the street; but did not care to look out of the window for fear of being seen.
Fred's story was not a long one, and he had to repeat it several times before Brace was satisfied.
"I s'pose Wright knows his own business best; but it looks mighty dangerous to shut down so sudden."
"Perhaps it was the only course to pursue," Fred suggested. "Billings' crowd may have been so near carrying their plot into operation that there was no time for anything different."
"That might be; but take my word for it, there's going to be trouble at Farley's before this fuss is settled."
"Do you think Billings would dare to force his way into the mine?"
"He'd dare do anything with men enough at his back."
"Suppose they got in and didn't find you?"
"I ain't thinkin' of myself, for it would be easy to get out of town."
"If they have an idea you've escaped from the drift all hands will be on the watch, knowing you could expose their plot."
"Everything is correct so long as they don't find out where I am, an' when it's time to move I'll agree to give 'em the slip. Go down stairs so you can see if the trouble is about to begin."
Before Fred could obey, Sam Thorpe burst into the room.
"There's a regular mob on the way to Mr. Wright's house. They threaten to burn it if the works are not opened in an hour."
"Where is the superintendent?" Brace asked.
"In the mine I think; he's not at home, for I just came from there."
"Is Billings leadin' them?"
"How many of the company's men are on guard at the slope?"
"About a dozen."
"Who are they?"
Sam repeated the names, and Brace said musingly:
"There are one or two that I'm doubtful of. They've been too thick lately with Billings."
"It can't be helped now, for Mr. Wright wouldn't dare show himself long enough to make any change."
At this moment a loud cry from the street caused the boys to run quickly down the stairs, and Brace ventured to look out from between the folds of the curtain.
The mob, in a spirit of bravado and to gain recruits, were parading the streets before making their demands, and had halted in front of the company's store that Billings might harangue those near by. He was dilating upon the wrongs inflicted on honest workingmen, and calling for everyone to join in the struggle for their rights, when, to the astonishment of all, Mr. Wright appeared, coming from the direction of the slope.
The superintendent would have passed the mob and entered the store, but that the men barred his way, forcing him to halt directly in front of Mrs. Byram's home.
"We was lookin' for you," Billings said insolently, as he stepped close to Mr. Wright.
"Well, now that you have found me speak quickly, for there is very much that I must do before night."
"Open the works!" a voice shouted.
"Give us a chance at the bosses!"
"Tell us what's the matter. Why are we thrown out of a job?"
"Hold on!" Billings cried, "I'll do the talking."
It was several moments before the tumult ceased sufficiently for the leader to make himself understood, and meanwhile the superintendent stepped on the threshold as Mrs. Byram opened the door.
"In the first place," Billings began, "we want to know why the works have been shut down?"
"Because the pumps in the lower level are choked, and there is every danger that portion will be flooded."
"But why are us miners barred out?"
"It is evident someone has been trying to work mischief, and I do not care to run the risk of allowing the same party free access to the place until all the damage is repaired."
"Do you mean to accuse us of tryin to drown each other?" one of the throng asked.
"I shall make no accusations until everything can be proven; but meanwhile all must remain out of the works that the guilty parties may not be able to do worse mischief."
"That is only a trick to keep us idle so the store bills put us more completely in your power," Billings cried insolently.
"You know the company must lose a great deal of money by taking the men out."
It was impossible for Mr. Wright to make himself heard further. The miners began to speak, each one for himself, and little could be distinguished save the threats to burn the houses belonging to the officers of the works, if the machinery was not started immediately.
After this threat had been made the men grew more bold, and before those in the cottage had time to screen themselves a shower of stones were flung at the superintendent, who barely succeeded in protecting himself by jumping behind the door.
Fred and Sam, the latter of whom had an ugly cut on the cheek, closed the door quickly, bolting and barricading it with the furniture nearest at hand, and the riot had begun.
The angry men pelted the house with such missiles as could be most easily procured, and during two or three minutes it seemed as if the building must be wrecked.
Mr. Wright would have run into the street as the only way by which the widow's property could be saved; but Fred and Sam prevented him by force, and Brace, who came down stairs at the first alarm, said decidedly:
"You mustn't think of such a thing. Your life would be taken."
"It is cowardly to remain here."
"It is foolhardy to face, single handed, two or three hundred brutes like those who are yelling."
"But the widow's property?"
"The building belongs to the company, and you can easily pay her for what may be destroyed."
During this brief conversation the front windows had been shattered, and the mob appeared to be on the point of carrying the place by storm when a voice cried:
"I ain't here to fight agin women who are in the same box with ourselves. What's to prevent our smashin' the windows of his own house?"
"That's the way to talk," another replied. "Come on; we'll attend to his case later."
As if by magic the mob vanished; but the hoots and yells told of the direction in which they had gone.
"Something must be done at once, or there is no knowing where this thing will end. Fred, you and Sam get some boards up at these windows, and I'll learn how many of the men can be trusted to stand by us. Keep out of sight a while longer Brace."
Mr. Wright left the building by the rear entrance, the boys watching until he disappeared within the company's store, and then Sam proceeded to obey the orders.
Nearly every pane of glass in the front of the house had been broken, and there was not lumber enough to close more than one.
"We shall have to go to the yard for boards; do you dare to try it, Fred?"
"Why not? Skip's crowd are most likely with the men."
Mrs. Byram was afraid to have her son leave the house at such a time; but Joe Brace made light of her fears, and she gave a reluctant consent.
"We sha'nt be away more than half an hour, and the mob will pay no attention to us while they have so much mischief on hand," Fred said as he followed Sam.